Monday, June 22, 2015

Changing Residential Air Filters

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.
It sits in your furnace or air conditioning unit all year, working hard, yet as with many things if neglected it can cause extensive problems — your air filter.
Air filters for residential use can typically take three forms, in order of popularity, fiberglass panels, high efficiency pleated panels and flat polyester pads. Fiberglass panels typically arrive with the furnace or air conditioner with the purpose of protecting the equipment from contaminant buildup and subsequent performance problems. 3030GlassPolySome manufacturers supply upgraded pleated panels or consumers purchase pleats as replacements for the original fiberglass panels because of the pleated filters’ increased particle capture efficiency. A pleated panel can be over 300% more efficient and can remove particles associated with common allergies as well as lasting longer in the system because of its increased media area.
Because they are hidden from view, homeowners often forget or postpone changing these filters. Failure to change filters on a regular basis can reduce airflow through the system, use more energy to move air through the filter, or even cause filter failure through filter structural collapse.
A good habit for homeowners to get into is changing the filter at least twice a year, once before cooling season and once before heating season. The most critical change is the one immediately previous to the summer season when air conditioning is used. Cold air is heavier than warm air so the air conditioner’s fan has to work harder to move the air. A clean air filter has less resistance so airflow will not be restricted so equipment performance will not be compromised and subsequent building comfort will not be negatively affected.
Homes with additional contaminant generation such as animal dander, located in an urban environment, or with allergy compromised individuals should consider more frequent changes. These homeowners should also consider quarterly changes starting with the month that typically requires the highest number of hours of air conditioning in their local season.
It is also critically important that the proper size filter, one that fits tightly in the filter holding mechanism, be used. A ¼” gap around a 24-inch by 24-inch filter can equal almost 20% air bypass, air that is not being treated thus contaminating surfaces downstream of the filter and allowing particles to remain airborne compromising the buildings’ clean air level.
A human will breathe over 55 pounds of air in a day. Most of the air we breathe may be contaminated, taxing our bodies normal protection system — our lungs. For less than a penny a day your air filter protects you from these contaminants — as long as it serviced properly.
For more information on Camfil and HVAC replacement filters for homes (as well as anywhere else where optimal indoor air quality is imperative).
The world leader in air filtration systems, Camfil provides tools to achieve sustainability, maintain high air quality, and reduce airborne infections — all while lowering total cost of ownership. For more information, visit us online at, or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.

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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Air Filters Leader Camfil Explains Protecting Hospital Visitors

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.
Protecting Hospital Visitors and Patients from Infection: A Chat With Camfil US
Hospital Visitors and Patients Should Be Alert to Possible Infections and Take Precautions to Protect Themselves
The world’s population is growing larger and because travel from even the most distant parts of the world is becoming easier and faster, it seems the world is getting smaller. Diseases and infections that were a world away yesterday could be in your hometown hospital today. Hospitals take precautions to prevent the spread of these diseases, but they can only do so much.
In a new Google Hangout from Camfil, the world’s leading provider of hospital air filters, air filtration expert Charlie Seyffer talks about the steps that both hospitals and visitors can take to keep people safe and how air filters are used to prevent the spread of airborne disease. It can be viewed online at
“The world is becoming smaller and smaller. People don’t think about the spread of infections because everyone lives in their own world. The world’s population is becoming more dense and last year about 200,000,000 people traveled internationally through the United States,” says Seyffer, “The density of the population can affect transmission of infectious diseases and so can travel.”
If someone becomes ill while traveling, they can be admitted to a hospital and expose the local population to whatever disease or infection they’re suffering. Seyffer says there are two immediate issues of concern.
“Tuberculosis (or TB) is making a resurgence and we’re having a problem with drug resistant TB. We also have more common issues like rhinovirus, (the common cold), and the flu.”
When we visit family and friends in the hospital, we don’t think about those also admitted for more serious and exotic disease and infections. “We’re susceptible to picking up some of these problems,” Seyffer warns.
Though we should be concerned, it’s not something that should cause panic. “The hospitals have done an excellent job,” Seyffer says, “Part of that is dictated by standards and codes but for the most part they want to take care of their patients.”
Hospitals have very intricate central air handling and control systems that maintain air quality. This includes MERV14 filters in areas where the general population is and camfil MERV 8 filters where patients stay.
“The MERV 8 filters, when combined with the proper number of air changes, do an excellent job of removing these contaminants from the air.” Seyffer says, “If you’re going into a hospital environment, you’re well protected from airborne contaminants.”
He warns that drug resistant TB is an extreme concern, but if you’re visiting a hospital generally you don’t have to worry. Seyffer suggests paying attention to local media to learn about any infections that may be spreading in your area. Seyffer says we all need to take responsibility for our health and the health of others.
“Proper hygiene is key. A lot of these contaminants can only be transferred by touch. Germs are left on a surface and you touch that surface,” Seyffer says, “When you’re walking through a hospital, you see that there’s always someone cleaning, someone mopping the floor. That’s for your protection.”
Seyffer suggests it’s a good idea to wash your hands, or using antiseptic wipes, before and after visiting someone in the hospital. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That certainly holds true here.”
For more information on Camfil and HVAC replacement filters for hospitals (as well as anywhere else where optimal indoor air quality is imperative).
The world leader in air filtration systems, Camfil provides best air filters for hospitals, hotels, office buildings, educational institutions, and pharmaceutical and biotech companies. They provide the tools to achieve sustainability, maintain high air quality, and reduce airborne infections — all while lowering total cost of ownership. Camfil customers go green without ever sacrificing performance. For more information, visit us online at, or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.

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Friday, June 12, 2015

Visitor Risks in Hospitals

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.
The world is getting smaller. The world population is over 7 billion with North America quickly approaching 400 million. As the population becomes more dense the probabilities of being infected by airborne transfer increases. We are also a mobile society with close to 200 million passengers traveling internationally through United States airports. The probability of American being remote from disease from foreign lands or undeveloped countries is becoming smaller each year. One person on an airplane can infect multiple fellow passengers and they in turn can infect others. Hospitals are our bastion for curing people that may have been infected.

At the same time there are infectious items that can be local which can cause for concern; rhinovirus or common cold, many different strains of flu and tuberculosis as well as others. Visiting a friend or relative in the hospital? What are your risks of contracting something that will negatively affect your health while visiting?
Although many germs require direct contact for person-to-person transfer there are also many that can be transferred through the air through sneezing, coughing, talking or even common respiration.
Hospitals limit infectious transfer by incorporating high levels of building hygiene and using air filtration systems highly capable of limiting our airborne exposure.
Common areas of hospitals, such as corridors, waiting rooms and emergency areas incorporate filters with a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV 14). MERV provides a filters efficiency at a specific particle size and MERV 14 has the capabilities to remove dangerous health related particles down to the sub-micron size range; as an example these filters can remove over 95% of airborne tuberculosis as the air from the facility is recirculated through the filters.
Some patient rooms using central HVAC systems may also incorporate this level of filtration but most use individually controlled HVAC units with MERV 8 air filters. Although not as efficient as filters used in common areas, when combined with a proper number of room air changes they are also relatively effective for protecting patients, visitors and employees.
Infectious transfer probability is a game of numbers. When visiting a hospital environment additional personal hygiene care should always be the norm; hand cleaning, courteous cough or sneeze control, etc. Hospitals are doing their part by significantly reducing your risk through highly sophisticated airborne particulate control.
For more information on hospital air filtration go to: or contact your local Camfil office.
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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Camfil’s Mobile Advanced Containment Experience Visits Edmonton, Calary, and Lethbridge

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Hosted by Aqua Air Systems, the innovative MACE trailer will demonstrate the latest in air filtration and containment technologies

Camfil – the world’s leading provider of clean air solutions – is pleased to announce the next stops of its Mobile Advanced Containment Experience (MACE) tour of Canada. The innovative hands-on exhibit will be visiting Edmonton on June 8 and 9, Calgary on June 11, and Lethbridge and Calgary on June 12. The events will be hosted by Camfil Canada and its regional distribution partner, Aqua Air Systems Ltd.

MACE – which toured the United States in 2014 – is a unique 38-foot mobile trailer showcasing the latest in air filtration and containment technologies. Visitors will see a live HEPA filter scan performed using Camfil’s unique SafeScan automated filter scanning unit and CamControl test equipment, and interact with hands-on demonstration units – being able to look inside a containment housing and even change filters. Products like Camfil’s CamContain and Pharmaseal will highlight the company’s innovative work in the biocontainment and life sciences industries.

A pioneer in energy-efficient, high performance clean air solutions, Camfil has established an industry-leading network of a half dozen global research centers. There, Camfil designers and engineers have created a new generation of air filtration and containment products. Indeed, the company’s air filters are designed to last longer, use less energy, and have a lower cost of ownership than more traditionally designed solutions. This enables Camfil customers – including pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, hospitals and health care facilities, educational institutions, and manufacturing companies – to realize both better savings and better performance.

With branches in Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver, Aqua Air Systems Ltd is a major supplier of HVAC solutions to the commercial, industrial, and institutional sectors in Western Canada. Its customers include laboratories, hospitals, pharmaceutical manufacturers, airports, educational institutions, and theaters. Aqua Air Systems’ trained experts and state-of-the-art technology enable customers to maintain optimal indoor air quality while realizing optimal cost effectiveness.

For more information on the innovative MACE trailer and its Canadian tour – as well as Camfil’s industry leading clean air solutions — please visit Camfil’s website, at

The world leader in air filtration systems, Camfil provides clean air solutions for hospitals, hotels, office buildings, educational institutions, and pharmaceutical and biotech companies. We provide the tools to achieve sustainability, maintain high air quality, and reduce airborne infections — all while lowering total cost of ownership. Camfil customers go green without ever sacrificing performance. For more information, visit us online at or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.

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Camfil’s MACE Tour Continues in Canada With Stops in Regina, Saskatoon

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Hosted by Cypress Sales Partnership on June 4 and 5, Camfil’s innovative mobile trailer will give visitors a hands-on look at the future of clean air solutions

Continuing its 2015 tour across Canada, Camfil’s Mobile Advanced Containment Experience (MACE) will be making stops in Regina on June 4 and Saskatoon on June 5. Both events will be hosted by Camfil Canada and its local distribution partner, Cypress Sales Partnership. The visits follow a highly successful 2014 tour in which Camfil – the world’s leading provider of clean air solutions – brought MACE to cities throughout the United States.

Centered around a unique 38-foot mobile trailer, MACE showcases the latest in Camfil’s sustainable, high efficiency air filters and filtration products. It features
hands-on demonstration units that let visitors experience the future of clean air solutions – and even look inside a containment housing and change filters. Products like Camfil’s CamContain and Pharmaseal will highlight the company’s innovative work in the biocontainment and life sciences industries. Visitors to the MACE trailer will also see a live HEPA filter scan performed using Camfil’s unique SafeScan automated filter scanning unit and CamControl test equipment.

Drawing on its half dozen global research centers, Camfil has been a pioneer – and industry leader – in the development of energy-efficient, high-performance clean air solutions. Its air filter products are designed to last longer, use less energy, and have a lower cost of ownership than more traditionally designed solutions. This lets Camfil customers – including pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, hospitals and health care facilities, educational institutions, and manufacturing companies — achieve the win-win of better savings and better performance.

With offices in Regina and Saskatoon, Cypress Sales Partnership is a leading distributor of HVAC equipment in the Province of Saskatchewan. Its expert technical staff provides guidance on the selection and installation of clean air solutions, for all types of users, including commercial construction, industrial and manufacturing, institutional, and residential.

Upcoming stops on the MACE tour of Canada will include Edmonton, Calgary, and Lethbridge. For more information on the tour and Camfil’s industry leading clean air solution, please visit Camfil’s website, at

The world leader in air filtration systems, Camfil provides clean air solutions for hospitals, hotels, office buildings, educational institutions, and pharmaceutical and biotech companies. We provide the tools to achieve sustainability, maintain high air quality, and reduce airborne infections — all while lowering total cost of ownership. Camfil customers go green without ever sacrificing performance. For more information, visit us online at or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.

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Camfil’s Innovative MACE Tour Comes to Canada in June

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

First stop for the hands-on showcase for the latest in clean air solutions will be Winnepeg on June 1 and 2, in partnership with Midwest Engineering

Following on the heels of a successful 2014 tour in the United States, Camfil – the world’s leading provider of clean air solutions – is pleased to announce that its Mobile Advanced Containment Experience (MACE) will now be heading north to Canada. The unique MACE trailer – which enables visitors to see firsthand the latest advances in air filtration and containment technology — will visit seven Canadian cities in June. The first stop – June 1 and 2 in Winnepeg — will be hosted by Camfil Canada Inc. and Midwest Engineering Ltd, a key distribution partner in the region.

MACE is a 38-foot trailer designed to showcase the cutting edge in sustainable, efficient clean air solutions. Featuring hands-on demonstration units from Camfil, MACE visitors will be able to look inside containment housing and even change filters. They will see a live HEPA filter scan performed using Camfil’s unique SafeScan automated filter scanning unit and CamControl test equipment. Products like Camfil’s CamContain and Pharmaseal will highlight the company’s innovative work in the biocontainment and life sciences industries.

With its tradition for energy-efficient, high-performance solutions – and a half dozen global research centers to develop them – Camfil has been at the forefront of creating air filter products that last longer, use less energy, and have a lower cost of ownership than more traditionally designed solutions. Its innovative products enable pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, hospitals and health care facilities, educational institutions, manufacturing companies, and other air filter users to achieve the win-win of better savings and better performance.

With locations in Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta, Midwest Engineering specializes in providing advanced solutions and best-of-breed customer service for the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning industry. A Camfil representative, it has provided industry leading, economical, and environmentally friendly solutions for new and existing applications – along with design assistance, warranty service, and aftermarket sales and replacement parts. For more information on Midwest Engineering, visit

Other cities on MACE’s tour of Canada will include Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Calgary, and Lethbridge. For more information on the tour and Camfil’s industry leading clean air solution, please visit Camfil’s website, at

The world leader in air filtration systems, Camfil provides clean air solutions for hospitals, hotels, office buildings, educational institutions, and pharmaceutical and biotech companies. We provide the tools to achieve sustainability, maintain high air quality, and reduce airborne infections — all while lowering total cost of ownership. Camfil customers go green without ever sacrificing performance. For more information, visit us online at or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.

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Monday, June 1, 2015

HEPA Filters in Hospital Operating Suites

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.
Watch Google Hangout Related to HEPA Filters in Hospital Operating Suites 
You have had an incident, or one of those life-changing events that require you to be the person on the operating table in one of your local hospital’s operating suites. As you look around the room before the anesthesiologist does their job you notice all of the medical equipment used to ensure you have a safe and successful procedure.  As you look towards the ceiling you note almost the entire ceiling is made of clinical-looking perforated grilles. What could be up there?
Above those grilles are HEPA filters, high efficiency particulate air filters, the most efficient filters available. Tested and confirmed for performance during manufacture, these filters have a minimum efficiency of 99.97% on particles as small as 0.3-micron, equivalent to 1/300th of the diameter of a human hair. This ultra-high efficiency, along with a high number of air changes to the space, ensures that airborne contaminants, including bacteria and pathogens, don’t contaminate your body when you are in a compromised position of internal organ exposure. The operating suite environment is also a very busy place that includes many personnel performing critical tasks. This ultra-clean environment also offers these employees protection from infectious transfer.
One of the principles of operating suite design is reducing the concentration of particles per unit volume, or the total numbers of particles per cubic foot to the lowest possible level. Particle volume per cubic foot is subsequently reduced for the entire room as particles, like gases and odors, tend to equalize throughout the space in a process known as diffusion — reduce the particles in one area, reduce the particles in contiguous areas. The increased air changes designed into these spaces is a huge factor as every time the room air is recirculated through the HEPA filters more particles are removed to make the concentration per unit volume lower assuring improved protection of the patient and room occupants.
According to the centers for Disease Control (CDC) 1 in 25 hospital patients suffer an infection caused while in medical care and 1 in 9 will die. Hospitals are under pressure to reduce hospital acquired infections (HAI) and can even suffer financial repercussions if their performance falls below industry benchmarks. Consumer trends also indicate that facilities are being chosen based upon published HAI data, a government requirement. Proper design and operation of these critical care areas is just one facet of ensuring that you are not on the negative side of this statistic.
Camfil publishes a brochure detailing some of the authoritative Standards, requirements and recommendations for air quality and filtration for healthcare facilities.

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