Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Indoor Air Quality a Growing Concern, IAQ Technologies Gain Traction

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

New report predicts that the market for IAQ-related technologies will exceed $7 billion by 2024

With recent research demonstrating the benefits of high indoor air quality (IAQ) – and the perils of not attaining it — it is not surprising that the market for IAQ-related technologies is booming. As reported on January 5 by Environmental Leader, an environmental and energy management news site, a new report expects the market to grow from $4.2 billion in 2015 to $7.1 billion by 2024.

The report – released by the firm Navigant Research – looked at a wide range of IAQ-technologies, including those that measure indoor conditions and indicate whether desired IAQ has been attained or if remedial actions are necessary.

The expected growth of the IAQ technologies market follows recent findings that IAQ makes a big difference in both the health and productivity of those who live or work within indoor structures. Poor IAQ has been linked with severe health conditions ranging from respiratory diseases like asthma to heart disease and even cancer. Findings have also shown that poor IAQ can negatively impact one’s concentration and cognitive functions.

The report also found that the IAQ technologies market will be driven by new standards and building code regulations that are designed to increase indoor air quality – and lessen the risks to individuals.

The good news is that boosting IAQ can be achieved both painlessly and cost effectively. Switching to energy efficient air filters, for example, can raise IAQ without making a big dent in the wallet. Indeed, the high efficiency filters from Camfil – the world’s leading provider of clean air solutions – can actually decrease overall costs. Since Camfil’s next-generation filters maintain their peak efficiency longer than more traditionally designed filters, they require less energy and less frequent change-outs. That means reduced energy, replacement, and disposal costs.

Via its industry-leading network of a half dozen global research centers, Camfil has been leading the charge in getting sustainable, high efficiency air filters out to customers. But it has also been a leader in getting the word out on the advantages of improved air filtration. The company’s mobile demonstration lab, for instance, has toured both the United States and Canada, educating customers and users on the benefits of cleaner air – and on the ease with which it can be attained.

High IAQ may be a growing priority, but it is one that is within the reach – and the budgets – of building managers, developers, and owners. Cutting-edge innovations, in both IAQ measurement and management, are guiding the way.

The world leader in air filtration systems, Camfil provides clean air solutions for hospitals, hotels, office buildings, educational institutions, and pharmaceutical and biotech companies. We provide the tools to achieve sustainability, maintain high air quality, and reduce airborne infections — all while lowering total cost of ownership. Camfil customers go green without ever sacrificing performance. For more information, visit us online at www.camfil.us or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.

Media Contact

Lynne Laake
Director of Marketing
Camfil USA, Inc

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

New Gadget Highlights Growing Concern About Indoor Air Pollution

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

In China and other pollution-prone regions, measuring – and improving – indoor air quality is becoming increasingly important

As the health risks of indoor air pollution become more widely known – and feared – concerned citizens are taking matters into their own hands, proactively measuring air quality and working to improve it. New technology is helping them take these important steps.

As reported in the December 14 edition of the Los Angeles Times, the Laser Egg – a $79 product about the size of a large orange – has proven particularly popular in pollution-prone Beijing, where it is now regularly used to measure indoor air quality, or IAQ. Low IAQ is a potentially perilous condition, as it can put individuals at risk for respiratory diseases such as asthma, and even heart disease and cancer. In Beijing, the Laser Egg has become, the newspaper reports, “the stocking stuffer of the season.”

Devices that measure IAQ are not new, but the Laser Egg makes them readily accessible to practically anyone who wants to tackle indoor air pollution. Developed by a 27-year-old Swiss expatriate in China, it directs air samples – which enter the device through a small vent – through a laser beam that refracts when particulates are encountered. By measuring the refractions, the Laser Egg can display a digital score corresponding to the current indoor air quality. Data can be tracked over time, with users even receiving an alert on their phone when air quality starts to degrade.

In Beijing, where severe smog forced the closure of schools for several days in November, individuals – from business owners to property managers to homeowners – are taking IAQ seriously these days, looking for signs that can signal harmful conditions. According to the device’s creator, Liam Bates, parents have started bringing the Laser Egg to their children’s schools to check IAQ – and they are not always happy with what they discover.

Yet just as technology is enabling users to measure IAQ, it is also helping them to improve it. Case in point: the high efficiency air filters created by Camfil – the world’s leading provider of clean air solutions. Leveraging its state-of-the-art research centers, Camfil has developed a new generation of air filters that maintain their peak efficiency longer than more traditionally designed models. And because they not only remove more particles from the air, but require less energy to do so, the Camfil filters make possible a compelling double win: cleaner indoor air that is achievable at a lower total cost over the lifespan of the filter. Indeed, Camfil’s next-generation filters often mean 20 to 40 percent savings compared with traditional filters – all while boosting IAQ.

Indoor air pollution is a growing problem, but the solutions are ramping up, too. Affordable, sophisticated devices to measure IAQ let users target potential danger. High-efficiency air filters let them do something about it. That’s a potent – and vital – combination.

The world leader in air filtration systems, Camfil provides clean air solutions for hospitals, hotels, office buildings, educational institutions, and pharmaceutical and biotech companies. We provide the tools to achieve sustainability, maintain high air quality, and reduce airborne infections — all while lowering total cost of ownership. Camfil customers go green without ever sacrificing performance. For more information, visit us online at www.camfil.us or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.

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Monday, January 4, 2016

Survey Finds Ease & Benefits of Attaining Cleaner Indoor Air Are Misunderstood

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

The cost and effort required to improve indoor air quality are far less than many building professionals think

As the perils of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) become better understood, improving IAQ has become increasingly vital. Yet a recent survey by researchers at Drexel University has found that even among building professionals – the owners, managers, and designers of facilities – there is much confusion about the ease and costs of achieving cleaner indoor air.

The study, which was originally published in the journal Indoor Air, surveyed 112 building stakeholders, from architects to facility managers to tenants. It asked them about well-known steps for improving IAQ, including the use of air filters. Surprisingly, participants believed, on average, that such a step cost 10 times more than it actually would.

In fact, upgrading the air filter system is a minimally invasive process that rarely requires changes to a building’s existing mechanical systems. Yet not only did survey participants overestimate the costs involved, but they were also misinformed about the payoff. While research has shown that improving IAQ can help boost productivity and reduce employee sick days, the majority of survey participants were unsure whether suggested changes – specifically, better use of air filters and ventilation – would have much of an effect on health, productivity, or absenteeism.

Little wonder, then, that spreading the word of the benefits – and ease of obtaining – high IAQ is a priority for Camfil, the world’s leading provider of clean air solutions. Leveraging its half dozen global research centers, Camfil has been leading the charge in developing a new generation of high efficiency air filters – filters that do a better job than traditional models in removing harmful particles from the air, while lasting longer and requiring less energy. Meanwhile, through efforts like its mobile demonstration lab, which recently toured the United States and Canada, Camfil has been at the forefront of educating users on the advantages of cleaner air – and how IAQ can be improved quickly and affordably.

Indeed, as the Drexel survey demonstrates, clean indoor air – and its health and productivity payoffs – can be obtained far more easily than even those ‘in the business’ might expect.

The world leader in air filtration systems, Camfil provides clean air solutions for hospitals, hotels, office buildings, educational institutions, and pharmaceutical and biotech companies. We provide the tools to achieve sustainability, maintain high air quality, and reduce airborne infections — all while lowering total cost of ownership. Camfil customers go green without ever sacrificing performance. For more information, visit us online at www.camfil.us or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.

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Camfil Helps Texas Hospital Reduce Air Filter Energy Use by 60 Percent

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

By moving to high-efficiency filters, sprawling medical center achieves twin goals of higher air quality and lower costs

For one hospital within the famed Texas Medical Center – the largest life sciences destination in the world – purchasing air filters based on ‘first cost’ was a practice that didn’t quite turn out as expected. Instead of lowering air filtration expenses – no trivial expense considering the hospital’s 13 million square feet of indoor space – the first-cost strategy led to surprisingly high outlays. Not so surprisingly, it also led to the search for a better approach. This the hospital found by working with Camfil, the world’s leading provider of high efficiency clean air solutions.

The problem was that the low-cost filters quickly degraded, requiring increasing amount of energy to maintain the airflow and remove potentially harmful particles from the indoor environment. That meant higher energy costs, but it also meant a reduced lifespan for the filters, which needed to be replaced frequently, sparking added labor and disposal costs, not to mention the costs of all the new filters. What seemed like a bargain ‘up front’ actually resulted in inflated costs over time.

While Camfil filters – designed to maintain their efficiency far longer than more traditionally designed air filters – may cost more initially, their ability to maintain peak efficiency means they require less energy. That lowers energy costs over the filter’s lifespan. And because Camfil filters last longer than more conventional products, replacement, disposal, and labor costs are all reduced, as well.

Working with Camfil, and leveraging the company’s unique Life Cycle Cost analysis, the Texas hospital was able to see that it could achieve significant cost savings – in fact, a 42 percent lower cost of ownership for its clean air solution. Much of this came from reduced energy requirements: indeed, by switching to Camfil filters, the hospital could reduce the energy use of its air filtration system by 60 percent.

Better yet, it could achieve these savings while actually boosting indoor air quality. Camfil’s unique CamField mobile filtration testing laboratory — placed on site to test various Camfil products against the hospital’s existing air solutions – showed conclusively that the Camfil filters performed better in both particle and energy efficiency. The result was a clear win-win: cleaner air and lower costs.

That’s an equation that resonates with any business – but particularly a hospital, which needs to keep the air free of potentially harmful particles while also keeping an eye on the bottom line. Little wonder, then, that the Texas hospital switched to Camfil’s clean air solutions – with both the medical center, and those who rely on it, reaping the benefits. The complete case study can be downloaded here.

The world leader in air filtration systems, Camfil provides clean air solutions for hospitals, hotels, office buildings, educational institutions, and pharmaceutical and biotech companies. We provide the tools to achieve sustainability, maintain high air quality, and reduce airborne infections — all while lowering total cost of ownership. Camfil customers go green without ever sacrificing performance. For more information, visit us online at www.camfil.us or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.

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