Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Are You Creating More Indoor Air Pollution With Harmful Air Fresheners?

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Camfil air filtration experts outline key reasons the use of air purifiers are healthier than products intended to mask indoor odors.

Source: Wakefield Express Report “Could using air fresheners and cleaning products in your home damage your health?”

“Experts have helped compile a report which says items used frequently around homes such as air fresheners, candles and cleaning products are heightening people’s risk of developing a number of health problems.”

To read more visit http://bit.ly/1RLw4iX.

The authors wrote of the health risks linked to air freshener products, “The lemon and pine scents that we use to make our homes smell fresh can react chemically to generate air pollutants, and ozone-based air fresheners can also cause indoor air pollution.”

The report offered the conclusion that the combination of outside and inside air pollution exposure can be contributing to thousands more deaths than previously estimated annually. The authors also note that in the efforts of some to reduce energy costs with tighter ventilation, the matter could be worsened.

Why More Natural Solutions for Purifying the Air Work Best

According to clean air solutions provider Camfil, natural solutions for removing bad odors that stem from air pollutants are not only more effective for alleviating the problem, but also reduce the health risks related to using common products like air freshener sprays that only mask indoor odors. Camfil offers air cleaners that effectively combat problems related to poor indoor air quality.

How Camfil Clean Air Solutions Can Naturally Improve Indoor Air Quality

In the recent blog, “Air Pollution Related Health Damage Can Last Decades, Study Reveals” the company discusses the benefits that its CamCleaners provide stating, “Camfil air purifiers help dramatically reduce indoor air pollution that can have damaging effects on human health…CamCleaner is a range of patented air cleaners with the most efficient HEPA filters on the market. They are designed to work as a supplement to an existing ventilation system and deliver reduced energy costs, more efficient production and a healthier work environment with less dust and fewer harmful particles.”

Those who need help with removing air contaminants in their commercial or residential buildings can contact Camfil for an assessment on how the company’s products and services can support their needs. Camfil’s clean air solutions address a range of indoor air quality problems, and can also help dramatically reduce costs related to poor quality filtration.

To read more about the Camfil air purifying systems, follow our blog on “Air Pollution Related Health Damage Can Last Decades, Study Reveals.”

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Monday, March 14, 2016

New Generation Air Cleaner Dramatically Reduces Indoor Air Pollution in Office Buildings

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

A case study shows that leading air filtration specialist Camfil helped reduce complaints of indoor odor and pollution for Vinci Facilities with its CamCleaner City solution.

U.S. – Amid growing, widespread concerns about health risks linked to poor indoor air quality, leading air filtration expert Camfil is announcing the results of a study showing that the use of its CamCleaner technology can significantly reduce air pollution in office buildings. A number of commercial building developers and operators have begun seeking ways to cost-effectively improve indoor air quality following the release of media reports indicating that over five million people die prematurely worldwide as a result of both outdoor and indoor air pollution. Camfil, a global leader in clean air solutions, is now seeking to help raise awareness about the options available to those facing challenges caused by poor HVAC system tools. By discussing the air cleaner case study, the company has expressed hopes that more building operators will recognize the importance of taking steps to reduce pollution inside of their facilities.

Why One Office Building Operator Now Relies on Camfil’s CamCleaner

With the use of its CamCleaner technology, (Download Brochure) Camfil helped French EADS office operator Vinci Facilities reduce the issue of dirty water smells and pollutants inside of its commercial space, a case study shows. The operator opted to take action after receiving complaints from employees regarding their comfort level in their office environment.

Vinci Facilities maintenance manager said of the results, “Thanks to this solution, there is no need to re-prime the siphons every week anymore. This operation used to take 15 minutes CamCleaner City also removed efficiently glue smells due to renovation works on the ground floor. Before the CamCleaner City installation, we were smelling the glue from the fourth floor and it bothered the employees.”

The new generation air cleaner has demonstrated a number of advantages that others on the market have failed to show including:

  • Stopping all indoor air pollutants: VOCs and particles
  • Not generating any secondary compounds that are harmful to human health like other technologies
  • Being adaptable for installation in virtually any indoor space

Camfil has said of the use of its CamCleaner technologies, “Many buildings have only natural ventilation with openable windows. In these cases, standalone air filters can be an effective way to reduce particles and gases.”

The CamCleaner solution, the company further states, “can be used as standalone air filters or as a supplement to existing ventilation systems…they can give reduced energy costs, more efficient production and a healthier work environment with less dust and fewer harmful particles.”

About Camfil

Camfil is a global leader in air filtration solutions that helps those seeking ways to improve the quality of the air inside of their industrial, commercial and residential facilities. The company focuses primarily on the four industry segments: comfort air, safety protection, clean air processes, and power systems with the products and services it provides.

More information about Camfil and the range of HVAC system sustainability solutions offered by the company for those seeking to combat air pollution in office buildings can be found by visiting http://bit.ly/1KRUUjP.

To learn more about issues related to indoor air pollution read, “More Than 5 Million Deaths Linked to Outdoor and Indoor Air Pollution Each Year” and “Five Common Types of Indoor Air Pollution Many Don’t Know They’ve Been Exposed To.”

Media Contact

Lynne Laake


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Air Pollution Related Health Damage Can Last Decades, Study Reveals

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

New research shows that the damaging impact air pollution has on human health can last for decades. The study is included in a limited body of research that evaluates the very long-term impact of individuals who have sustained health complications as a result of breathing polluted air, which is a stark change from the wealth of research that provides evidence of short-term damaging effects.

Source: Medical Research Report “Harmful Effects of Air Pollution Can Last Decades”

“Since the 1950s a lot of evidence has accumulated that high levels of air pollution cause harmful effects on health.  However there is limited evidence on the very long term (>25 years) effects of air pollution.  Our study is one of the longest running to date looking at air pollution and mortality, following 368,000 people in England and Wales for 38 years.”

To read more visit http://bit.ly/1ppPkMm.

A report on the research was released by the Royal College of Physicians in February 2016. Dr. Rebecca Ghosh, a Research Associate with the Small Area Health Statistics Unit (SAHSU)

MRC-PHE Centre for Environment and Health Imperial College in London has stated of the results, “We think our study adds another reason to try to reduce air pollution as much as we can as our results indicate this could result in short and very long term health consequences.”

How Air Purifiers Can Help Reduce Indoor Pollution Related Health Risks

Poor air quality outdoors can impact indoor air quality, particularly if one has a poorly maintained HVAC system. Ineffective systems leave individuals exposed to airborne pollutants that can lead to a wide range of health problems. Bacteria, viruses, and even droppings from dust mites are examples of the types of contaminants that can be funneled through systems that fail to meet expected quality standards.

Camfil air purifiers help dramatically reduce indoor air pollution that can have damaging effects on human health. The company says of the range of CamCleaners available to help building owners and operators purify the air in their facilities, “CamCleaner is a range of patented air cleaners with the most efficient HEPA filters on the market. They are designed to work as a supplement to an existing ventilation system and deliver reduced energy costs, more efficient production and a healthier work environment with less dust and fewer harmful particles.”

Camfil’s clean air solutions also help reduce costs associated with overstressed HVAC systems and air filters such as those for waste removal, higher energy costs, and frequent air filter changes.

For Those Seeking Help With Improving Indoor Air Quality

For business owners and operators who need help with reducing indoor air pollution and improving the overall indoor air quality of their building structures, Camfil can provide a courtesy evaluation of their current HVAC system and make a recommendation for the best solution for their needs. The company offers proven effective solutions that can be customized to address the unique issues many experience as a result of relying on costly, poor grade air filtration tools and processes.

To learn more about the benefits of using air purifiers offered by Camfil read the company’s case studies, or contact Camfil directly today.

Camfil USA
1 North Corporate Dr.
Riverdale, NJ 07457
Phone: 1-888-599-6620

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Thursday, March 10, 2016

More Than 5 Million Deaths Linked to Outdoor and Indoor Air Pollution Each Year

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

According to recent reports an estimated 5.5 million people die prematurely because of polluted air. Camfil offers solutions for improving indoor air quality.

Outdoor and indoor air pollution causes more than 5 million premature deaths annually, new reports say. Researchers have found that disease from polluted air is the number two cause of death across the globe.

Source: NDTV Report “Over 5 Million People Will Die From A Frightening Cause: Breathing”

“About 5.5 million people around the world die prematurely every year from breathing polluted air, and the majority of those deaths are occurring in China and India, where factories and coal-fired power plants are fueling economic growth, according to a report released Friday.”

To read more visit http://bit.ly/1R95lw8.

Michael Brauer, who is a co-author of the study and a professor at the University of British Columbia’s School of Population and Public Health in Vancouver, has said of air pollution it is “by far the leading environmental risk factor for disease… Reducing air pollution is an incredibly efficient way to improve the health of a population.”

According to clean indoor air solutions provider Camfil, this statistic highlights a major issue that many aren’t aware could be dramatically changed through efforts on the part of building developers and owners to maintain healthier indoor air quality. Camfil offers solutions for improving air filtration problems linked to poor air filter quality, and stressed HVAC systems that push polluted air throughout buildings. One example is its CamCleaner standalone filter module, which according to a case study helps reduce the presence of air compounds that can harm human health. The company says, “Many buildings have only natural ventilation with openable windows. In these cases, standalone air filters can be an effective way to reduce particles and gases.”

How Camfil’s CamCleaner City Can Reduce Indoor Air Pollutants Dramatically

Past testing revealed that Camfil’s CamCleaner contributes to a significant reduction in particle number concentration when mechanical ventilation is not available. Recent research found, “Results showed an average 94.2 % reduction in particle number concentration for particles with a diameter greater than 0.3 microns. Nearly seven months later the same filters removed an average 96.8% of particles with a diameter greater than 0.3 microns. Unlike electrostatic or ultraviolet light filters, CamCleaners may increase in efficiency up to 12 to 15 months due to a slight build-up of particles in the filter.”

In another air filtration case study, the CamCleaner City was shown to improve air quality for an office building following employee complaints about dirty water smells and pollutants. The building operator, Vinci Facilities, was so impressed by the benefits exhibited from use of the CamCleaner City that the company made subsequent plans to install the resource in additional facilities.

For commercial building operators and others dealing with hazardous indoor air pollution, Camfil can provide an assessment on whether the CamCleaner or other air filtration product offered by the company can help with overcoming related challenges. For more information or to request assistance contact Camfil today.

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Five Common Types of Indoor Air Pollution Many Don’t Know They’ve Been Exposed To

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Camfil air filtration specialists discuss the most common forms of indoor air pollutants that many people are exposed to daily, but most are unaware of.

Indoor air pollution can be as problematic as outdoor air pollution. Like poor air quality outdoors, individuals who are exposed to pollutants in the air in commercial or residential buildings can develop a number of health complications, some which can even become fatal. A recent study on the matter shows that across the globe an estimated 5.5 million people die annually due to both indoor and outdoor pollution induced health problems each year.

Source: The Irish Times Report “Air pollution kills more than 5.5m people a year”

“Air pollution kills more than 5.5 million people each year, new research has shown. Most of the deaths occur in China and India, two of the world’s fastest-growing economies, say scientists. International researchers conducted estimates of indoor and outdoor air pollution levels in the two countries and calculated their impact on health.”

To read more visit http://bit.ly/1YAHefD.

Data also shows that higher rates of indoor air pollution have led to an increase in the number of people who have developed indoor allergens.

Source: KFOXTV Report “Indoor air pollution and allergies on the rise”

“EL PASO, Texas- — We usually think of air pollution as being outdoors, but the air in your home or your office could be just as polluted. Dr. Adrian Casillas is an allergist at Breathe America in El Paso. He said modern construction of homes and offices can increase our exposure to allergens in the home. “The construction of houses now does not allow for that much exchange between the outdoor air and the indoor air, so we tend to recycle a lot of the allergens that we have indoors,” said Casillas. With more people staying indoors, the number of people with allergies is rising.

To read more visit http://bit.ly/1Le7Tgd.

Common Indoor Air Pollutants That Harm Human Health

According to clean air solutions expert Camfil, there are five common indoor air pollutants that individuals are commonly exposed to when in building environments with poor air quality. These are:

  • fine combustion particles from traffic and power stations
  • volcanic dust
  • bio-aerosols and pathogens like pollen, bacteria, viruses and fungal spores
  • environmental tobacco smoke
  • asbestos and silica dust

Camfil says because some air treatment systems may require varied levels of filtration due to the number of contaminants in the air, it is important that building operators ensure that the air filters they use are of high quality and regularly maintained for optimum effectiveness.

Camfil Clean Air Solutions Help Those Seeking Help With Indoor Air Quality Improvements

Those who need help with improving the indoor air quality of their commercial or residential building can contact Camfil for an evaluation of their current HVAC system. The company offers a range of solutions that can be customized to address the unique issues many experience as a result of costly, poor quality air filters.

To read more about the dangers of indoor air pollution, follow our blog on “More Than 5 Million Deaths Linked to Outdoor and Indoor Air Pollution Each Year.”

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