Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Researchers Call for More Emphasis on Indoor Pollution Monitoring

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Scientists are calling for more emphasis on indoor pollution monitoring after study shows surprising findings about indoor air quality.

Indoor pollution is killing people at rates significantly higher than outdoor pollution, and the general public has for years been none the wiser new research reveals. According to a recent publication by leading global air filtration specialist Camfil, many people are unaware of the massive number of indoor pollution related deaths that occur annually. According to the World Health Organization, in 2012 poor air quality indoors was a contributor to 4.3 million deaths, whereas outside pollution was linked to 3.7 million for the same year.

In the article, “Indoor Air Pollution More Deadly than Pollution Outdoors?” Camfil discusses the call by researchers for more emphasis to be placed on indoor air pollution monitoring stating that “According to a study published in the Science of the Total Environment journal in spite of mounting evidence showing that pollutants like smoke, paint chemicals, cleaners, and fungal spores pose significant risks to human health, indoor air quality remains less understood than outdoor pollution.”

The widespread problem of indoor air pollution has sparked discussions on a growing phenomenon called “sick building syndrome,” which references illnesses linked to poor indoor air quality, and what steps are needed to overcome related challenges.

Source: Is your home harming you? New research highlights deadly effects of indoor pollution

“New research published in the journal Science of the Total Environment has highlighted the dangerous effects of indoor pollution on human health, and has called for policies to ensure closer monitoring of air quality.”

To read more visit http://bit.ly/245CdNp.

Dr. Prashant Kumar of the University of Surrey who was a part of the research team, has said of the issue “It is essential that we are able to effectively monitor indoor air pollution so that we can better understand when and where levels are worst, and in turn offer solutions to make our air healthier. Our work looks at the use of small, low-energy monitoring sensors that would be able to gather real-time data and tell families or workers when levels of pollutants are too high.”

Solutions for Combating Heavy Pollution Indoors

According to Camfil, although monitoring indoor pollution is an important first step to understanding the scope of the problem, addressing problems with indoor air quality is also a critical need for many building owners and operators. “Sick building syndrome” has been linked to a number of health complications including chronic fatigue, headaches, skin dryness, heart palpitations, nose bleeds, miscarriages, and even cancer.

Camfil clean air solutions help address the needs of those concerned about the air quality within their buildings. The company offers quality air filtration products for residential, commercial, and industrial facilities that have proven to have higher benefits of use than other green air filter products on the market. Camfil’s product line also includes stand-alone HEPA filter products like the CamCleaner,camfilusa which can remove heavy contaminants missed by typical HVAC systems that circulate poor quality air.

To learn more about Camfil’s air filtration products and services and related case studies click here or read the blog “Indoor Air Pollution More Deadly than Pollution Outdoors?”

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Clean Air Expert Cites Top Reason for Indoor Air Quality Decline

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Leading air filtration expert Camfil outlines factors that have contributed to the “sick building syndrome” epidemic that has impacted many.

U.S. – Indoor air quality has been a major media focus following the release of surprising statistics about the number of deaths linked to contaminated indoor air. According to the World Health Organization, records show that in 2012, the number of people who died as a result of indoor air pollution related illnesses was 4.3 million, which was substantially higher than the number of fatalities linked to outdoor pollution. The data has compelled an expansion of research on the health risks linked to indoor air pollution, as well as factors that contribute to the problem and desired solutions.

“Sick Building Syndrome”: A Frightening Epidemic

“Sick building syndrome” is a term used to reference health complications that can be correlated with spending time inside of a specific building. Chiming in on the widespread debate about the best resolutions to overcome related challenges, leading clean air solutions provider Camfil recently released two publications discussing the issue.

According to the company the major factor that has contributed to the “sick building syndrome” epidemic is the construction of buildings in such a way that leads to contaminant buildup.

Camfil has said of the changing dynamics over time “During the 1970s, the global use of energy became an important political and economic topic due to the energy crises that took place in that decade. Subsequently, the cost of heating and cooling of air in buildings increased and changes in construction techniques took place. Many buildings were retrofitted with insulation, vapor barriers and new, tighter windows and doors.”

“New building construction techniques were developed to decrease the amount of heat transfer through walls and windows and reduce the volume of air infiltration or exchange through walls, windows and doors. As a result, the buildup of contaminants and moisture inside buildings that had previously provided a healthy environment became an issue.”

Overcoming the Challenges of Indoor Air Pollution

In the blogs “Indoor Air Pollution More Deadly than Pollution Outdoors?” and “Research Calls for More Emphasis on Indoor Pollution Monitoring,” Camfil suggests that in order to overcome challenges related to indoor air pollution, building owners or operators must take steps to maintain the efficacy of the HVAC systems within their structures. The company notes that choosing the right air filtration tools is of the upmost importance. Camfil states in one of the writings “Studies have shown that air quality can be significantly impacted by the type of air filtration tools that support HVAC systems in spite of the concentration of harmful pollutants. Even in tough scenarios where a high level of contaminants leave employees, residents, and others within polluted structures vulnerable to health risks, use of the right air filter technology can make dramatic environmental improvements.”

About Camfil

Camfil has made great strides in progressing air filtration industry standards for maintaining superior air quality in commercial, industrial, and residential facilities and other entities. The company’s green air filters have also proven to be highly effective in reducing labor, waste, and energy costs for customers.

To learn more about Camfil’s air filtration products and services and related case studies click here, or read the publications “Indoor Air Pollution More Deadly Than Pollution Outdoors?” and “Research Calls for More Emphasis on Indoor Pollution Monitoring.”

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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Young Girl Experiences Asthma Relief

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

The right air purifier has been shown to improve breathing for children who develop asthma. Air quality plays a significant role in asthma cases, and finding the right solution is crucial to overall health.

Each year, more and more children are developing asthma, and research shows that several factors come into play regarding this type of diagnosis. One of those factors is air pollution, and studies indicate that when children live near a busy road, they are more likely to develop this harmful breathing condition. For some of them, it can last their entire lives, and many of them struggle with their day to day activities as a result. Many families have started to utilize air purifiers for asthma relief, and they’ve experienced what a difference this can make in their children.

At Camfil, we enjoy hearing stories about how our products have helped our customers, and one story in particular comes to mind. We’d like to share that story with you today.

“As a parent of a child who has developed asthma, I can tell you that we were at the end of our rope. Our daughter had started to have difficulty breathing at night. She would have continuous attacks throughout the night, and she required inhalers and breathing treatments all night long. As you can imagine, her sleep was constantly disrupted, and it was having a major negative effect on her performance in school. In fact, there were a lot of days when we had to keep her home from school. We had no choice because she was just too tired to go. On the days she did go, she was falling asleep in class, and her productivity was going downhill very quickly.

“It seemed as though we had exhausted all of our options. The medications didn’t seem to work well at all, and we were desperate for something that would make a difference for our daughter. We contacted Camfil to inquire about their air purifiers. Because the problem seemed to be worse at night, we decided to opt for the Camfil CamCleaner300, and our daughter started using it at night while she slept.

“In just a few weeks’ time, she drastically improved. Suddenly she wasn’t missing as many days of school, and she had a lot more energy throughout the day. Who would have known that she would experience improved health with an air purifier? I’m now a firm believer in air purifiers for asthma relief, and I’m quick to tell anyone who has a child who struggles with asthma about Camfil and how much their product has helped my child. She’s more productive in school, she’s sleeping so much better at night, and her overall health as improved significantly. Air quality really does make a difference!”

This is such a great testimony, and here at Camfil, we want you to know that if you have a child who is suffering with asthma due to poor air quality or pollution near your home, he or she doesn’t have to continue. Relief for asthma with a quality air filter can make such a difference, and this testimony is proof that it works.

Source: Camfil.us

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The Surprising Impact of Air Pollution on Exercise

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Camfil air filtration specialists highlight key points in a study that suggests air pollution adversely affects exercise.

According to a past review published by the University of Queensland, there is strong evidence to support the assertion that air pollution has negative effects on cardiovascular health during exercise. The impact is particularly strong for those who work out outdoors in urban regions where the concentration of air contaminants is relatively high. Individuals who exercise in this type of environment are likely at a higher risk of developing health complications linked to the excessive intake of toxic pollutants. This is because exercise amplifies respiratory intake, and in turn facilitates the increased inhalation of airborne toxins.

Source: Huffington Post Blog “Exercise and Air Pollution”

“According to a 2004 Australian review of pollution studies worldwide, during exercise, even very minimal concentration of air pollutants can damage the lungs. Said harming effect to the lungs is as severe when exposed to high concentrations of soot and air pollutants when not working out. The researchers therefore concluded that individuals who work out outdoors, especially in highly polluted areas, should be worried about their health.”

To read more visit http://huff.to/1UBmKnv.

According to the air filtration specialists of Camfil, there are steps that can be taken by athletes and others to reduce their risks of inhaling a dangerous level of toxic particles while exercising. These include:

  • Exercising during time periods when the air quality of the environment is less compromised – For example, during high temperatures, the exposure to pollutants can be higher because the combination of high heat, sunlight, and chemical compounds that are present in the atmosphere combine with nitrogen oxide and create chemical fumes and other pollutants.
  • Wear a filtration mask if possible – Air filtration masks have been shown to reduce the intake of outdoor air pollutants in athletes who wear them compared to those who don’t.
  • Avoiding busy roads when exercising outdoors – Less trafficked areas typically have a lower concentration of airborne pollutants than others.

The experts say that it is important to take steps to stay healthy during exercise because the volume of air that a person takes in is dramatically higher than the amount consumed while at rest. According to Camfil “When you exercise, you breathe in a bigger volume of air – which also means that you inhale a larger number of unhealthy particles in outdoor or indoor air. When you rest, you normally take 12-15 breaths per minute. One breath consists of around half a liter of air. During exercise, your intake of air rises from 6-7 liters per minute to up to 100-120 liters per minute.”

Improving Indoor Air Quality in Building Structures Impacted by Highly Polluted Outdoor Environments

In urban areas and environments where there is a strong presence of outdoor air contamination, it is also important to take steps to ensure that the indoor air quality of buildings, whether for business or residential use remains at a healthy level. According to Camfil, “High-quality filters in a building’s ventilation system can filter and eliminate a significant proportion of the airborne particles originating from outdoors. And an air purifier can be used to remove pollutants from indoor sources. If these measures are taken, the indoor air quality (IAQ) can be improved considerably, even in places where the outdoor air is heavily polluted.”

Camfil offers solutions for those seeking strong air filter support their commercial, industrial, and residential facilities located in urban areas and other environments where outdoor pollution may be comprising the air quality in these structures. For more information about available products and services from Camfil, click here.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Case Study Shows Camfil Clean Air Tools Combat Indoor Pollution from Vehicles

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Fraught with air pollution challenges and recognized as one of the cities in the world with the dirtiest air, Mexico City recently unveiled a plan to reduce air pollution linked to vehicle emissions throughout the city. The announcement came days after pollution levels in the area were determined to be almost double the accepted national standard.

In a recent publication about the announcement “Mexico City Announces Plans to Fight Air Pollution: What Health Concerns Remain?” Camfil discusses the link between outdoor air pollution and poor indoor air quality commenting that “Improving indoor air quality should also be a component of the plan for reducing the health risks likely faced by many in Mexico City as a result of the high level of air pollution described in recent news reports.”

Pollution from automobiles was touted as a major concern, prompting the call for implemented changes among drivers for a designated time period.

Solutions for Reducing Indoor Air Pollution from Outside Sources

As a global air filtration expert, Camfil has released numerous case studies that illustrate the correlation between the use of clean air improvement tools like energy efficient air filters and a significant reduction in indoor air pollution accumulated by outside sources like vehicle exhaust. One case study provides a clear picture of the impact major pollution in areas like Mexico City can have on those living and working in a range of building structure types.

The report shows how the use of Camfil high efficiency and carbon filters helped to dramatically improve the air quality of an extended care hospital. According to Camfil “the hospital’s HVAC systems were upgraded several times over the years as hospital expansion projects took place. The extended care unit and several areas of the hospital were experiencing vehicle exhaust fumes and odors from the outside air supply via the HVAC


The issues culminated in the unionized staff of the hospital, which is located in Richmond, British Columbia, filing a workers’ compensation claim against it. After consulting with a local representative from the company, the decision was made to install “both built-up and Model 6P GlidePack® air filter systems in four different air handling units (AHUs) which incorporated four-stage filtration at different CFM levels.”

Positive results were seen within a week. According to Camfil “By converting to Camfil filtration products, the hospital eliminated odors, emissions and pollutants from outdoors.” The workers’ compensation claim was also subsequently dismissed.

Better Air Filtration Tools, Better Results

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has said that in many instances, poor ventilation and other issues can result in indoor air quality being significantly worse the outdoor air in highly polluted environments.

Source: EPA/CPSC Safety Guide “The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality”

“In the last several years, a growing body of scientific evidence has indicated that the air within homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities.

To read more visit http://1.usa.gov/1rVmN2B.

Camfil specializes in producing air filtration products of the highest caliber that help those seeking to remove a high concentration of air contaminants from their indoor buildings raise their indoor quality air standards significantly.

More information about Camfil case studies can be found here.

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OSHA Report Addresses Key Factors That Affect Indoor Air Quality

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Poor ventilation is cited by the Occupational Health & Safety Administration as a major factor that impacts indoor air quality.

A report released by the United States Department of Labor Occupational Health & Safety Administration cites poor ventilation as a major cause of indoor air quality issues, and says that, “the right ventilation and building care can prevent and fix IAQ problems.” In the publication, the agency provides information to assist workers and employers with improving their understanding of how to prevent IAQ problems, which can impact the health of individuals in offices and other workplaces.

According to OSHA, “The quality of indoor air inside offices, schools, and other workplaces is important not only for workers’ comfort but also for their health. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) has been tied to symptoms like headaches, fatigue, trouble concentrating, and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and lungs.”

The agency has further stated, “Also, some specific diseases have been linked to specific air contaminants or indoor environments, like asthma with damp indoor environments. In addition, some exposures, such as asbestos and radon, do not cause immediate symptoms but can lead to cancer after many years.”

Many are unaware of the dangers that may be present in the workspaces they spend extended periods of time in every day. In fact, past research has cited indoor air pollution as the worst environmental problem, attributing 4 million deaths each year worldwide to poor IAQ.

Source: Vox Report “The deadliest environmental problem today is indoor air pollution — killing 4 million a year”

“All told, indoor air pollution kills between 3.5 million and 4.3 million people each year. To put that in perspective, that’s more deaths than are caused by HIV/AIDS (around 1.6 million per year) and malaria (around 627,000) — combined.”

To read more visit http://bit.ly/1rnw0Qo.

The Best Air Filtration Products for a Healthier Indoor Environment

Camfil, a global leader in air filtration products has conducted numerous studies on the best practices for building owners and operators charged with the task of improving indoor air quality. One study involved the Camfil France headquarters, which had more than 100 employees working in an office space located in close proximity to one of the most polluted areas of Paris. For the protection of the workers, Camfil undertook various actions to reduce the number of particles and contaminants coming in from outside. Among the actions were the installation of 5 CamCleaner City air purifiers. The results of the effort showed a significant reduction in fine particles and VOCs being circulated through the air, making the environment safe and healthier for employees.

Camfil air filtration products are ranked among the most effective for maintaining air quality at healthy levels for hospitals, commercial buildings, retail buildings, industrial buildings, and other structures. The selection of high quality, energy efficient air filters offered by the company have contributed to significant cost reductions in addition to air quality improvements for building owners and operators. This includes 20 percent lower costs in HVAC energy spending.

Camfil provides air quality and HVAC air filter assessments for those who need better IAQ support.

More information about the viability of Camfil’s air filtration products and services and related case studies can be found here.

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Mexico City Announces Plans to Fight Air Pollution: What Health Concerns Remain?

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

The city’s new plans for addressing widespread air pollution issues have been met with skepticism.

Recently, plans were announced to implement a car driving ban in Mexico City to combat alarmingly high levels of pollution in the city. Reports say that from April 5 to June 30, all privately owned cars will be required to remain off of the streets for a designated amount of time.

Source: The Christian Science Monitor Report “How Mexico City plans to fight air pollution”

“Under the city’s new program announced Wednesday, all privately owned cars must remain off streets one day per week as well as one additional Saturday per month. The initiative comes after the city issued a four-day air quality alert on March 14, after the city experienced air pollution at double the national acceptance level. The city’s “Hoy No Circula,” or “no circulation,” program ramps up the country’s previous efforts to tackle air pollution.”

To read more visit http://yhoo.it/1Y7XlRr.

Federal Environment Secretary Rafael Pacchiano tweeted of the ‘Hoy No Circula’ initiative “The definitive ‘no circulation’ program will align with the new rule for vehicular verification that will be presented soon… In addition to the car ban, the commission is also working on medium-term solutions like improving public transport.”

Some have already begun criticizing the effort announced several days after a four-day air quality alert was issued following the city experiencing air pollution at double the level for meeting national acceptance standards. The Center of Atmospheric Studies of Mexico’s national university (UNAM) said in a statement of the issue “What’s really behind the problem is the messy urban expansion that affects air quality, ecological reserves, crops, and water resources… In summary, the sustainability and viability of the Mexican megalopolis.”

The Impact of Outdoor Pollution on Indoor Air Quality and Public Health

More than 20 million people reside in greater Mexico City, making it the third largest city in the world. Mexico City has in the past been named by the United Nations as having the most polluted air in any city across the globe. According to the clean air experts of Camfil, uncontrolled outdoor air pollution like that present in Mexico City can have a dramatic impact on public health largely due to the unrealized problem of HVAC systems funneling, and shifting around polluted outdoor air inside.

The company has stated of the issue in a past publication “Although it is difficult for us to limit our exposure to outdoor pollution, we can do a lot to improve indoor air. Since we spend most of our time inside buildings, indoor air quality is crucial to our health. Pollution found inside a building is a cocktail of outdoor air pollutants and indoor pollutants such as, tobacco smoke, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and biological pollutants.”

Camfil has led the charge in developing clean air technologies that serve the needs of various entities facing challenges with significant indoor pollution problems. Says Camfil “Improving indoor air quality should also be a component of the plan for reducing the health risks likely faced by many in Mexico City as a result of the high level of air pollution described in recent news reports.”

For more information about the viability of Camfil’s air filtration products and services read the available industry case studies found here.

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