Monday, June 27, 2016

Air Filters a Hospital IAQ Concern

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Before you decide to use a hospital for a procedure, you can go online at various sites to compare local hospitals in terms of patient experiences, readmission rates and deaths, compilations and other items that can be part of the hospital experience. Now you can also review your local facilities through Consumers Reports, including their most recent article ‘How Your Hospital Can Make You Sick’. In my area I was surprised that two out of the three major hospitals were rated worse, or worse than average, at avoiding infections and not much better in terms of patients having to be readmitted for recurrence of a problem or from an HIA (hospital acquired infection).

A key factor in these low ratings could be the types of air filtration used in these facilities. Because of their low scores, some key questions that facilities managers and their infectious control staffs should be reviewing include:

Are air filters being used of the efficiency levels as required by cognizant authorities, namely two stages of filtration, MERV 7 and MERV 14 for most areas?

Are the filters being used also rated MERV-A, an additional testing step by the filter manufacturer to prove that the filters will maintain their published efficiency over time? More than 50% of the filters sold today actually drop in efficiency over time, an unacceptable situation for facilities housing patients wherein their patient’s well-being depends upon clean air.

Are HEPA filters being used in critical care, operating suites and other areas where patient health may be at risk because they are in a health-compromising situation? Although not specifically required in all areas, common sense and a concern for patients’ health dictate their use should always be considered through joint consultation between infectious control officers, heads of departments and the engineering staff.

Lastly, is the HVAC system supplying the number of air changes through the air filters and to the conditioned space to keep infection transfer to the lowest levels possible? Contaminant removal is always a factor of filter efficiency and air changes and there are prescribed recommendations developed by industry experts that should be adhered to.

Camfil, the world’s largest air filter manufacturer and an air filtration technology leader publishes a Healthcare Brochure Healthcare Brochureavailable that looks at filtration in hospitals in terms of energy use, disposal, and application. It also includes synopsized critical air quality control data from Standards as published by cognizant authorities.

Camfil provides various types of air filters for hospitals, hotels, office buildings, educational institutions, and pharmaceutical and biotech companies. We provide the tools to achieve sustainability, maintain high air quality, and reduce airborne infections — all while lowering total cost of ownership. For more information, visit us online at or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.

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Suicide: Another IAQ Concern

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

A study published by the University of Utah suggests that increased pollution not only poses a health risk to those that breathe in the pollutants but also increases the suicide rate during periods of dirty air. Key statements from the report include “University of Utah researchers examined the records of more than 1,500 people who committed suicide in Salt Lake County, Utah, between Jan. 1, 2000, and Dec. 31, 2010, and found that the odds of committing suicide were 20 percent higher for individuals exposed to increased levels of nitrogen dioxide in the three days before they ended their lives. Similarly, individuals exposed to high concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the three days before a suicide experienced 5 percent higher odds of suicide.” Additional studies from Korea and Taiwan have also found a correlation.  Dr. Amanda Bakian, the study’s author, emphasized this doesn’t mean air pollution causes suicide; rather, exposure to some pollutants does increase the risk. Clock2

This study, along with other studies that show increased health problems associated with areas of contaminated atmospheric air, only bolster the concept of using air filters to clean the air inside buildings before it is introduced to building occupants. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes data that should be referred to by design engineers and building owners before they decide to use a ventilation rate procedure to dilute internal contaminants or use an indoor air quality procedure which employs air filtration to remove the contaminants. The EPA has set National Ambient Air Quality Standards for six principal pollutants, which are called criteria pollutants. If any of these pollutants exceed the published levels than engineering guidelines require these pollutants to be addressed before ventilation air may be considered. The American Lung Association (ALA), in their 2015 State of the Air report, notes “More than 46.2 million people live in an area burdened year-round by unhealthful levels of deadly particle pollution.”

Engineers and building owners, during the design process, should consult the website and Where You Live page on the US EPA website to review the local contaminant concentration concerns where the building is being constructed or retrofitted. Additionally a location survey is specified under the design Standards as published by cognizant authorities. Building positioning adjacent to highways or other pollution sources can have an effect beyond the general criterion published for States or regions and factors such as these must be considered.

When particle pollution levels exceed accepted parameters air filters with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value of 13 will bring that polluted atmospheric air well into acceptable range. Additionally, contaminants generated by people and processes within the building are removed further enhancing the indoor environment. Generally, the particulate contaminant levels within a building are double those of the outside, a factor that should generate additional concerns when outside levels are already high. With air filtration contaminants are removed from both outside air and the recirculated inside air.

The other pollutants of concern include lead, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and sulfur dioxide. Except for ozone, high levels of these contaminants are not usually a concern as their levels to not approach the values as published in the EPA Standard. If the levels are high than design engineers and building owners should consult with air filtration specialists as to the types of air filtration that should be applied. Ozone, is a significant problem as the ALA found that “More than 4 in 10 people in the United States (44.8%) live in areas with unhealthful levels of ozone.”

Ozone can be easily controlled by using activated carbon filters for removal. In fact, carbon filters incorporate a catalytic reaction which changes ozone (O3) to oxygen (O2). An additional benefit of this type of air filtration is that it will also remove other gaseous contaminants further cleaning the air for the benefit of building occupants. There are numerous configurations of carbon filtration each with benefits consistent with its design. Carbon is also used in airports to protect people in airline terminals from the noxious odors associated with that industry, in museums to protect valuable artifacts from being damaged by common airborne gaseous pollutants and in industrial processes to ensure the performance integrity of what is being produced in the facility. Carbon operates using a principle known as adsorption (basically sponges’ contaminants from the air) and lasts 2-4 years in most applications. Truly a black magic, it can be sent back to the manufacturer for regeneration and reused making it a renewable filtration resource consistent with today’s green product demands.

High health risks, or even higher suicide rates, related to dirty outside air can be controlled or reduced by removing contaminants before they reach building occupants using today’s air filtration technology.  And there is a side benefit; the cost of heating or cooling ventilation air can be significantly reduced saving energy expenditures for buildings in North America in terms of billions of dollars.

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Facts about Air Filtration and What to Be Aware Of

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

“Heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems (HVAC) account for more than 40% of the total energy used in North America and 30% worldwide.” Source. Unfortunately, the prices for energy are predicted to only go up from here and with no sign of leveling out. Standard HVAC systems have filters that cause 60% of the energy cost, just to move the air through the system. This is because the air filters create a barrier to the airflow and cause the fans to have to work harder to push the air through the filter. The dirtier the filter because, the more resistance is increased, the more energy is increased. The more stages of filtration needed in a system, the more energy costs soar. Places that use multiple stages of filtration are in search of specific needs, such as semiconductors or pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities. Facilities like these or like hospitals require the use of HEPA filters which use up to three or four times the power to move the air through the filtration systems.

Along with the energy usage, buildings have to maintain these air filtration systems. However, when buildings are modified, the HVAC systems are usually overlooked. Most people don’t realize the importance of examining the air filtration systems.

There are many different kinds of filters that can be used in different building and facility settings depending on industry and company needs. The chart below can be used to help you decide what type of air filtration is necessary for your business or situation.

Application MERV
Light duty residential for coil or heat exchanger protection, light commercial for the protection of HVAC and industrial equipment. 1 to 4
Superior residential for removal of allergens, light duty commercial, split systems, and roof tops. 5 to 8
Superior residential for removal of allergens, commercial office buildings, and institutional. 9 to 11
Superior commercial office buildings, superior institutional, removal of respirable particles 12 to 13
General hospital areas, low-level surgical suites, smoke removal, superior commercial buildings. 14 to 15
High-risk surgical suites, hazardous material capture, cleanrooms, HEPA level protection. 16 to HEPA


Filter Efficiencies & Corresponding Values of Current Filter Testing Standards

MERV ASHRAE 52.2 Dust Spot Efficiency ASHRAE 52.1 (defunct standard) Arrestance ASHRAE 52.2 Selected Eurovent EN779 Values
1 < 20 > 65 G1
2 < 20 ≥ 65 G2
3 < 20 ≥ 70 G2
4 < 20 ≥ 75 G2
5 20 80 G3
8 30-35 92 M5
9 40-45 94 M5
11 60-65 97 M6
13 80-85 99 F7
14 90-95 100 F8
16 99 100 F9

“MERV is Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value per ASHRAE 52.2, Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size. Dust Spot Efficiency and Arrestance are values from ASHRAE 52.1, Gravimetric & Dust Spot Procedures for Testing Air Cleaning Devices Used in General Ventilation for Removing Particulate Matter EN779 is the European Filter Testing Standard, Particulate Air Filters for General Ventilation.”

There are many factors for selecting the correct filter and there are many types of filters: flat panel pad, fiberglass throwaway, pleated panel prefilter, bag filters, etc. This is something to discuss with your filter manufacturer since they will have the best understanding and knowledge to help you with each individual situation you are dealing with.

“Another determining factor for longer life and lower energy usage relates to configuration losses. Each filter has construction components that restrict airflow. A properly manufactured filter does not have air pockets that can cause turbulent airflow and increase resistance. Additionally, media spacing must be dynamically optimized so air flows through the filter freely even as the filter loads with the contaminant. It is also important to maintain media exposure while loading with contaminant through the use of

  • tapered pockets on bag filters
  • tapered deep pleats on box filters
  • and, radially configured pleats as opposed to v-style pleats on medium efficiency    prefilters

Filters are only one component of an HVAC system, albeit one of the most important.” Source.

Energy Calculation

To calculate the energy cost to move air through any component in your system, the following equation applies:

  1. Volumetric Flow Rate “Q,” stated in cubic feet per minute
  2. Total Pressure in inches of water (resistance due to the friction of ducts, coils, filters, etc.) and △P of the component under consideration.
  3. Density factor of the gas being collected “df” (dimensionless).
  4. Efficiency of the fan, (dimensionless).

These are combined into the air power equation:

Power (horsepower) = air power equation

(Small reductions in the numerator can have a significant cost impact.)

The actual equation for complete efficiency is:

Facts about Air Filtration and What to Be Aware Of

Total Pressure is in inches of water
Airflow is in cubic feet per minute (cfm)
Bhp is brake horsepower

Another factor in choosing an air filter is the Energy Cost Index (ECI). This tells you whether the filter will provide the efficiency level published throughout the entirety of the life of the filter. “Some filters use an electret charge to enhance efficiency, but the charge dissipates over time, and the filter’s efficiency drops.” Source. The best rating is five stars and indicates that the filter given that rating will be one of the most energy-efficient and longest-lasting filters available.

Camfil is known for their superior quality of air filters and their top of the line air filtration systems that provide the best and cleanest air possible, with the most green option on the market. “Camfil is the world’s largest and leading manufacturer of filters and clean air solutions… We can be found everywhere from offices to clean rooms for sensitive electronics production, pharmaceuticals, mines, factories, hospitals and nuclear power stations.” Source.

Camfil has a strong belief in providing clean air for people around the world. They are a global company with 29 subsidiaries, as well as 23 production plants throughout the world. Despite being so international, they make sure they have local agents available for their customers in every place possible.

“For you as a customer, this means that you stand to benefit from our global knowledge bank and the resources that a world-leading company constantly invests in research and development. At the same time, you stand to benefit from personal contact with your local Camfil office, which will be only too pleased to provide you with the right filter solution for your particular needs.” Source.


Some Camfil Trademarks

Farr 30/30 Absolute
Aeropac Aeropleat
Cam-Flo Camsorb
Campure Durafil
Dynavane Filtra 2000
Gigacheck Gigalam
Gigapleat Glide/Pack
Hi-Flo HP
Micretain Opti-Pac
PharmaSeal Riga-Flo
Riga-RP Riga-Sorb
Sidelock Turbopac

Thank you for your interest in improving indoor air quality and for your support of Camfil.


Media Contact:

Lynne Laake


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The ASHRAE 52.2-2007 Standard in Air Filtration

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

ASHRAE is the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers that was founded in 1894 that works to advance the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating. They are an international organization of 50,000 people. They have developed a standard for the world to know what filters are best.

“They publish standards that fit under one of the following three headings:

  1. Method of Measurement of Test
  2. Standard Design
  3. Standard Practice

ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2007 – Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size has been universally accepted and used to evaluate product alternatives. It is a consensus standard accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) developed and published to define minimum values or acceptable performance. The standard is also one that is under a program of continuous maintenance.” Source.

January 2008, the committee at ASHRAE decided to review and improve the ASHRAE 52.2-2007 test standard for air filters and cleaners. They made two changes.

The first change required the mandatory calculation of dust holding capacity and arrestance to be changed to the 52.2 standard. Before, it was a 52.1-1992 standard that included a value called dust spot efficiency. Instead of using dust holding capacity and arrestance to determine the MERV value, now only the arrestance will be used in this determination for any filters less than 20% (which is MERV 1 through 4).

The second change was that instead of using 30 grams loading of ASHRAE dust as the conditioning step, the filter being challenged will use a KCl (potassium chloride) conditioning method that closely mimics the aerosol size particle distribution that most filters experience in “real-life” conditions. This idea is to implement a more accurate reading of the filter’s abilities for the people to understand. They did not think the previous standard was  nearly accurate enough. “In fact, the 1999 version stated, ‘Some fibrous media air filters have electrostatic charges that may either be natural or imposed upon the media during manufacturing. Such filter may demonstrate high efficiency when clean and drop in efficiency during their actual use cycle. The initial conditioning step of the dust-loading procedure described in this standard may affect the efficiency of the filter but not as much as would be observed in actual service. Therefore, the minimum efficiency during test may be higher than that achieved during actual use.’” Source.

The new standard was approved and formally published in fall of 2008, leading to the implementation of the standard.

There was a research project under ASHRAE called 1189 that showed that the use of the KCl conditioning step was very accurate in replicating re-life filter performance. Therefore, the newer testing is more important and more relevant to purchasing air filtration products.

Recent tests have shown that the finest airborne particles are the most detrimental to humanity’s health. This means the changes made to the ASHRAE standards are very important when choosing an air filter.

“The ASHRAE 52.2-2008 tests can be submitted and performed at several independent testing laboratories and select advanced air filter manufacturing company test facilities.” Source.

“MERV 1-4 filters are used primarily to protect equipment… MERV 6-16 rated air filters are used to protect people from harmful airborne contaminants that may affect health, productivity, and lifespan. When considering proper air filter selection it is important to keep in mind that two trends are dramatically changing filter selection from just a few years ago.” Source.

Some facts to consider:

  • 26% of the US population live within areas that have levels of pollution that have been proven to increase the risk of death from heart attack, strokes, and asthma.
  • “Nosocomial, or hospital infections that patients contract after entering a health care facility for other treatment, are the fourth largest killer in the United States, causing as many deaths as AIDS, breast cancer and auto accidents combined.” Source.
  • A study done of 59,000 women found that women living in the most polluted areas had a 150% increased risk of death from heart attack and stroke.
  • A study of 500,000 people in the US discovered that lung cancer deaths went up by 8% for every 10 micrograms of fine particles per cubic meter of air, heart disease deaths went up by 6%, and all deaths increased by 4%

When you are evaluating air filters, realize that there is a significant difference between MERV and MERV-A ratings. The “A” rating is very important because it means that the product does not decrease in efficiency over its lifetime. Meaning that if the filter you are looking at does not have the “A” rating than that filter will decrease in efficiency as time goes by, even with its supposed life cycle.

Also, be aware that coarse fiber air filters that use an electrostatic charge decrease in their efficiency over time because the charge decreases. Fine fiber air filters have much better efficiency.

Ask your filter manufacturer for actual filter pressure drop performance over time, instead of the initial pressure drop. This will give you an idea of the performance of the product and not just the beginning of its use. Superior performing filters have a longer loading curve which means that they have improved airflow and energy saving throughout the life of the air filter.

The overall cost of ownership should be evaluated, not the initial cost of the filter.

Camfil is known for their superior quality of air filters and their top of the line air filtration systems that provide the best and cleanest air possible, with the greenest option on the market. “Camfil is the world’s largest and leading manufacturer of filters and clean air solutions… We can be found everywhere from offices to clean rooms for sensitive electronics production, pharmaceuticals, mines, factories, hospitals and nuclear power stations.” Source.

Camfil has a strong belief in providing clean air for people around the world. They are a global company with 29 subsidiaries, as well as 23 production plants throughout the world. Despite being so international, they make sure they have local agents available for their customers in every place possible.

“For you as a customer, this means that you stand to benefit from our global knowledge bank and the resources that a world-leading company constantly invests in research and development. At the same time, you stand to benefit from personal contact with your local Camfil office, which will be only too pleased to provide you with the right filter solution for your particular needs.” Source.


Media Contact:

Lynne Laake


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Lead a Danger in More Ways Then One

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

When guns are in the news it seems to create an increased interest by the general public in purchasing firearms. There is also a corresponding increase in interest in the use of indoor shooting ranges. There are thousands of shooting ranges in the United States with many new ones being added each year. In terms of facility-use, defined practices dictate ‘safety first’ as would be expected when using firearms but what about the air quality in these enclosed facilities? Lead can damage the brain, blood, nerves, kidneys and reproductive organs. This damage can cause serious disability: memory loss, extreme tiredness, emotional problems, even kidney failure, coma or death. How do these indoor shooting ranges protect the health of their employees and customers? Similarly range owners want to protect themselves from the wrath of U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Fines can be in the thousands of dollars, and in one Florida case, the fine was over 2 million dollars for a multi-location range owner.

Camfil, the world’s largest producer of air quality products publishes a brochure — Shooting Ranges, Design, Ventilation & Air Filtration, that addresses the requirements for maintaining proper indoor air quality to protect employees and the shooters using the indoor range.

Available from

Available from

It details range design, outside air introduction, ventilating the range, recirculation of air and contaminant removal. It also details filtration choices from filter housings to prefilters, to the recommended final stage of SafeRange HEPA filters for hazardous contaminant capture and removal.

Exposure to lead dust and fumes at an indoor firing range can present a potential health risk to shooters, instructors and range employees. Protecting the health of range employees and shooters, while minimizing environmental contamination from lead exposures, are paramount goals for range owners and local authorities. Not only can people be exposed to lead by breathing in lead dust or fumes while inside a shooting range, they can also ingest lead by eating, drinking or smoking after coming in contact with lead particulate or contaminated objects. Using the proper filtration to remove lead at its source can significantly reduce risks.

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Metal Filters Remove Water from HVAC

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Metal air filters were a forerunner to today’s convenient throw-away pleats, panels and pads. They were recyclable filters in that they could be removed from the HVAC system and spray cleaned to return them to their original clean condition for reuse. The process was labor intensive and the costs soon outweighed the advantages so facilities turned to the less costly alternatives we are familiar with today. Metal filters are also unable to match the higher efficiencies of media based throwaway filters. Are there still applications for these workhorse products?

Moisture Contaminantion on Fan

HVAC system contamination like this can result in health problems for building occupants.

One application is moisture removal. Water is the enemy of a healthy HVAC system and excess amounts of moisture can cause severe problems for building occupants. Metal filters, or moisture separators as they would be referred to in this instance, can be over 95% efficient on removing water droplets from the airstream. In water laden applications metal filters can increase the life of HVAC equipment and prevent the hazards of water supported biological growth downstream. In many hospital HVAC systems, because of hospital-specific HVAC design requirements, high levels of water vapor can be generated, wherein metal filters offer an excellent solution.

There are also facilities that have problems related oil mists from manufacturing processes wherein recirculation of this air could cause health problems or otherwise compromise the HVAC system operation. In oil mist applications the captured oil may even be reclaimed and reused in the original process contributing to the sustainable concept of recycling.

Another common application for metal filters is grease removal from kitchen hoods. Normally manufactured of an aluminum mesh or stainless steel these filters. The use of these filters prevents grease build-up in hood plenums, duct work, fan assemblies, rooftops and adjacent surfaces. They may also reduce emissions that may offend adjacent properties to the kitchen exhaust.

Camfil, the world’s leading manufacturer of air quality related air filtration products, does not recommend metal filters for standard HVAC applications because their particle removal efficiency is not up to speed when considering disposable alternatives. When large contaminants, 10 microns in size or larger are of concern, then metal filters may be the proper choice.  Camfil ECO Moisture Separator address the problems in moisture-laden applications with a removal efficiency of over 98% at 20 microns. Camfil also offers their Type 44 for a variety of applications and their Type F/S Filters for dry applications involving lint or other bulky airborne contaminants.


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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Camfil USA Air Filtration Introduces New CITY M Product

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Being at the height of their industry, Camfil is now providing an air filter unit for smaller spaces, such as waiting rooms and hospitals, to bring clean air to everyone possible.

The particles in the air cannot be seen easily or often at all by the human eye, so it usually goes unnoticed for the danger that it truly is. Air quality affects overall health and wellness, especially targeting those with asthma and allergies. Camfil is known as the highest standard for industrial and commercial HVAC air filters. Now, Camfil has created the ideal product for everyone else.

The City M product has been available in Europe and other places, but is just now being released in the United States. This important opportunity needs to be taken seriously. Despite not being able to “see” the air quality or the visual difference, the studies and results speak for themselves. Using Camfil air filtration systems reduces sickness, which in turn reduces absenteeism at offices and schools. The filters lower the deterioration of buildings and improve energy efficiency. This product is a shield; it protects people.

When tested in a busy square in London with a lot of traffic, the City M unit provided much cleaner air. Outside there were 80-90 million particles per cubic meter; inside the office there were 12.5 million particles. But after the use of the City M air filtration unit, the room reduced to almost half of that number, resulting in about 7 million particles per cubic meter, even with people present in the office. It even runs quietly in the background in order to be auditorily unobtrusive to workers.

Camfil has proven their company to be one of quality and assurance, reaching beyond the standard equipment and outperforming their competitors. Being able to provide clean, safe work environments for people was not enough though. They have come along with the City M product to allow people in hospitals and anywhere else necessary to breathe easy.

Based in Sweden, Camfil has shown their worth as a company and product in numerous countries. They pass every test of quality and efficiency, making sure that their work makes a real difference.


Media Contact:

Lynne Laake


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Air Filters Address Polluted City Air

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Clean air, an entitlement? Most people think so. Unfortunately industrial economics, other countries with their lack of air quality controls and our own proclivity for being a mobile society continue to raise pollution levels and contaminate the air that we breathe every day. In many parts of the country, more than half of us are exposed to dangerous levels of pollutants that can impair people with existing health problems. Polluted air can also introduce otherwise healthy individuals to breathing related disorders such as asthma, chronic bronchitis and even contribute to higher incidences of cancer.

In many commercial buildings, schools, medical facilities and other common daily environments we are protected by high efficiency air filtration. Most engineers design MERV 13 (minimum efficiency reporting value) filtration into a building’s heating and air conditioning system. Some even take the extra step specifying that the MERV-A be equivalent to the MERV assuring that the filter will maintain its published efficiency throughout its life in the system. Some filters actually lose efficiency over time, not a feature when human health and comfort depend upon clean air. MERV 13 filters remove airborne particles to the point where concerns for health when outdoor pollution levels are high are not a concern.

Camfil CityCarb

The Camfil CityCarb removes ozone associated with health problems and valuable artifact degradation.

These filters do not address gaseous pollutants such as ozone which is a problem in many communities throughout the country. Ozone is a naturally occurring gas that will break down other components. It is nature’s cleaning tool, but unfortunately it can be a detriment to human health when it reaches high levels.

Oxone can be removed by carbon filters through a catalytic reaction removal process where ozone (O3) is reduced to O2. Some cities with a history of high ozone, Los Angeles as an example, have applied carbon filters in many of their buildings for years. Carbon filters are also used in libraries and museums where ozone removal is critical as ozone as it is the main pollutant that will destroy these valuables over time. Many engineers are designing carbon filters into HVAC systems to apply the same level of protection for building occupants. An additional caveat of using carbon filters is that the introduction of outside air can be reduced, thus saving the energy expense that would have been required to temper the incoming air during temperature extremes. Imagine the energy savings in Atlanta in the summer or Boston in the winter.

Camfil, the world’s largest air filter manufacturer, offers additional reference material regarding pollutants and filtration on their web site at or They offer a variety of products that can address virtually any concern relating to particulate or gaseous contaminant removal.

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