Friday, August 25, 2017

Are Rainforests Natural Air Filters?

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

20 percent of the world’s oxygen is created by the Amazon Rainforest. Rainforests are natural air filters but they’re being destroyed. Here’s why that matters.

The world’s rainforests are an ecosystem that supports thousands of animal species, but they also have a lesser-known function that is equally important: acting as natural air filters. What does that mean?

Rainforests create 20 percent of the world’s supply of oxygen, which means that the more trees we lose due to deforestation, the less supply of clean air in the world. (1)

The plight of the rainforests around the world may seem as if it doesn’t affect you, but you would be wrong. Not only do rainforests play a critical role in the formation of clean air, they are also important in the fight against air pollution. Let’s take a look at the characteristics that make rainforests so important, the efforts to preserve these areas, and how you can naturally purify the air at your home and workplace.

Why Rainforests Are Important in the Fight Against Pollution

There are many reasons why rainforests are important in the fight against pollution, and we’ve touched briefly on several of them, but it’s worth taking a deeper look.

Rainforests have a dense collection of trees, and studies have found that trees have a unique and powerful ability to interact and dilute some of the worst airborne pollutants through the world.

But according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), forests can help lower air pollution by absorbing these contaminants without suffering any harm.

Trees may absorb some pollutants in the natural life processes common to all plants. In an exchange of gases, plants take in carbon dioxide, convert it to food, and release oxygen. During normal opening of these pores, other elements may also enter. These include pollutants such as chlorine, sulfur dioxide, and fluorides.” (2)

Plants use some of these pollutants as nutrients, helping to purify the air.

Another reason trees act as natural air filters are that their leaves have spines and hair that can trap pollutants. Even more fascinating, the number of pores on a leaf generates an electrical charge, which can attract airborne particulates.

Furthermore, studies have found that the rough fissures in the bark of a tree can trap and absorb pollutants.

“Rainforests are critically important in the fight against airborne pollutants,” stated Armando Brunetti, Camfil Americas Executive Vice President. “The ability of this ecosystem to absorb carbon dioxide and form a shelter against harmful contaminants is invaluable. That’s why we have partnered with World Wide Fund for Nature to preserve a part of the Borneo rainforest. We are committed to doing our part to support nature’s own air filters.”

Rainforest Conservation Efforts

Unfortunately, deforestation is proceeding at such a rapid rate that rainforest conservation efforts have become a race against time.

According to Conserve Energy Future, at the current rate of deforestation, there will be no rainforests in 100 years. That’s because 1.5 acres of forest are destroyed every second, which is equivalent to 20 football fields being destroyed every minute. (3)

Not only will deforestation affect the world’s clean air supply, it will also cause nearly 30,000 animal species to become extinct in the next 25 years.

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) reported that with the forests gone, [carbon dioxide] is no longer converted through photosynthesis, and the crops that replace forests only absorb a fraction of [carbon dioxide] compared to rainforests. Along with industrial pollution, rampant deforestation in South America and elsewhere has significantly increased the amount of [carbon dioxide] in the atmosphere. (4)

Given this grim reality, conservation is critical to saving these forests, and some common rainforest conservation methods include:

  • Reforestation – planting new trees to take the place of trees that have been cut down
  • Urging a consumer boycott of palm oil products – palm oil production is one of the major reasons rainforest trees are cut down, to make room for the planting of oil palm trees
  • Prosecuting illegal loggers who cut down trees – illegal loggers are a major source of deforestation as they chop down trees for third parties

But saving rainforests is difficult to achieve without a political solution that convinces government officials to change their mindset about the importance of preserving these special areas in the world.

Purifying Your Air Naturally

Rainforests are natural air filters, but purifying your air naturally, does not require you to live in that environment. Some natural ways to improve indoor air quality is to buy more plants, which can create more oxygen and absorb more carbon dioxide, and increase the flow of outdoor air by opening more windows.

Camfil Filter- Indoor Environment

Camfil air products can be used to filter and clean the air in any indoor environment. Our products represent the very best in air filtration technology and innovation. From replacement filters, capable of removing sub-micron sized particles and gases, to complete air circulation and filtration systems, every product is backed with more than 50 years of experience.

By Camfil a Leader in Air Filters

Other Resources for you

  1. Learn about  Air Filters Keeps Office Building Air Clean in our Previous blog post
  2. Read our blog post: Pharma Co. Discovers the Efficiency and Clean Air of An Innovative Air Filter

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

What are the Effects of Corrosion?

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Some of the effects of corrosion include a significant deterioration of natural and historic monuments. Air pollution causes corrosion, and it’s becoming worse worldwide.

One of the consequences of air pollution that is seldom talked about is the effect of corrosion on man-made materials throughout the world. As air pollution levels have risen in industrialized countries, so too has there been a corresponding increase in corrosion levels. But this doesn’t just affect man-made monuments; it also affects things closer to homes such as vehicles, barbecue grills, outdoor furniture and household tools.

Corrosion also degrades important infrastructure such as steel-reinforced- highways, electrical towers, parking structures and bridges. In short, corrosion is a subject that bears further investigation, so that you can understand how this hidden degradation impacts your life.

What Is Corrosion?
According to EonCoat, corrosion is the process of decay on a material caused by a chemical reaction with its environment. Corrosion of metal occurs when an exposed surface comes in contact with a gas or liquid, and the process is accelerated by exposure to warm temperature, acids, and salts.” (1)

Although the word ‘corrosion’ is used to describe the decay of metals, all natural and man-made materials are subject to decay, and the level of pollutants in the air can speed up this process.

The reason is that airborne contaminant such as particulate matter (PM) are created because of the chemical reactions between liquids and solids. These same liquids and solids, including salt and black carbon, can interact with the molecules within metals and accelerate decay.

In fact, Corrosion Doctors have identified sulfur dioxide that is generated by power plant emissions and vehicle emissions as one of the biggest contributors to corrosion. (2)

High levels of sulfur dioxide can damage trees and plants by destroying foliage and inhibiting future growth.

But sulfur dioxide doesn’t just help degrade metal and other materials; it also has some harmful health effects. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found that short-term exposure to sulfur dioxide can worsen asthma symptoms and make breathing difficult. (3)

Atmospheric Corrosion Study Sheds More Light

A recent atmospheric corrosion study has helped to shed more light about how airborne pollutants directly affect metals in an industrial city environment.

Researchers began with the thesis that atmospheric corrosion of metals and their alloys is very common in the industrial city environment due to the high concentration of corrosive pollutants in the air. (4)

In other words, researchers theorized that air pollution in a major city would accelerate the corrosion process and help degrade metals faster than if the pollution was at a lower level.


To test this theory, researchers exposed various metal samples to an industrial city environment for 12 months to determine the effect of airborne particulates on the rate of corrosion. They chose an area within the test city that had a high level of pollutants.

The study found that metals corroded at a much faster rate during the winter when pollution levels were at their highest. This increase in pollution was caused by higher emissions generated by nearby power plants and heating plants, as well as from vehicle emissions and heating furnaces that were in wide use due to the cold weather.

The most common pollutants that accelerated corrosion were sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, dust and humidity.

The Effects of Corrosion

So what are the effects of corrosion that could actually affect your daily life?

  • Vortex Energy Saver identifies some of the direct effects of corrosion, which include: (5)
  • Damage to commercial airplanes that could result in possible in-flight problems
  • Damage to oil pipelines that could cause a costly and dangerous rupture that creates significant environmental damage.
  • Damage to bridge supports that could cause a bridge failure
  • Release of harmful pollutants from iron corrosion that contaminates the air
  • Costs of repairing or replacing household equipment that fails

“We know that many commercial industries such as oil and gas, construction and electronics are vulnerable to the effects of corrosion,” stated Trent Thiel, Camfil USA Molecular Filtration

Segment Manager. “Without control methods, there is likely to be equipment and structural failure that can have catastrophic consequences. That’s why molecular filtration is so vital to removing corrosive agents from the air and ensuring structural integrity.”

Prevent Corrosion at Home

There are several ways you can prevent corrosion at home. First, you can use surface treatments on all metals to protect them from airborne pollutants. Second, you can galvanize all metal products, which makes them highly resistant to corrosion. And third, you can invest in high-efficiency air filters to improve your indoor air quality and eliminate harmful pollutants that contribute to the corrosion process.

 High Efficiency air Filter


For more than 50 years, Camfil has been providing the most technologically-advanced air filtration systems. Camfil offers the most efficient industrial filtration solutions to clients throughout the world, and has built its reputation on providing quality on a budget. Camfil operates under the guiding principle that clean air is the right of all humans no matter where they live. The company offers clean air solutions that will improve your indoor air quality and eliminate harmful pollutants that help facilitate the corrosion process.

Other Resources for you

  1. Learn aboutHow Molecular Air Filtration Thwarts Corrosion in our Previous blog post
  2. Read our blog post: Data Center Air Filtration

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Living Near an Airport Could Be a Matter Of Life And Death

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Studies have found that people living near an airport can experience a higher rate of respiratory problems due to elevated airplane emissions that contain hazardous contaminants.

Recent studies have found that living near an airport could be hazardous to your health.

One air quality study found that neighborhoods as far as 10 miles away from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) are contaminated with high levels of ultrafine particles that can easily be swallowed or inhaled. These particles are hazardous to human health because they can penetrate in to the lungs and into breathing passages and worsen asthma symptoms, as well as lead to decreased lung function and impair cognitive ability in children.

Researchers have known for years that the exhaust from aircraft contains ultrafine particles that are harmful to human health. But a growing body of studies is finding that far from just being contained within a small area, airport pollution can spread much further out than previously thought, and cause real health problems in residential areas where people are unaware of the risk. This is an issue that affects everyone concerned about the quality of air where they live.

Airport Pollution Facts

To fully understand this issue, it’s important to detail some airport pollution facts.

According to the Los Angeles Times, aircraft exhaust is the main source of airport pollution at major urban areas in the U.S. The reason is that scorching exhaust vapor from airplanes creates ultrafine particles, which can worsen lung and heart conditions, aggravate bronchitis and emphysema, and even lead to blocked arteries. (1)

These ultrafine particles are, “less than one-thousandth the width of a human hair [and] they can go deep in the lungs, make their way into the bloodstream and spread to the brain, heart and other critical organs. While emissions of slightly larger exhaust particles are regulated, ultrafine particles are not.”

Therefore, the majority of airborne pollutants generated by aircraft exhaust are not regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is of great concern, because of the number of major airports throughout the U.S.

Another source of concern is the LAX study, which found that neighborhoods as far as 10 miles away from the airport had elevated particle levels due to airport emissions.

And the level of pollution at LAX was equivalent to the emissions generated by nearly 500 vehicles stalled in freeway traffic every day.

What’s worse is that researchers have also detected other harmful pollutants in and around airports, such as nitrogen oxide – which creates smog – and black carbon, “a major component of soot found in engine exhaust.”

And it’s not just major airports that are a risk because the American Chemical Society reported that emissions from regional airports were “significantly elevated when compared to background pollution levels.” (2)

Controlling Airport Related Pollution

Given these facts, controlling airport related pollution is vital to preventing the health problems caused by the dispersion of ultrafine particles into the atmosphere.

Some airports have acted on their own and implemented new policies in an effort to reduce emission levels.

According to Enviro Aero, some airports provide electric power and air supplies at terminal gates, which allows pilots to turn off auxiliary power in aircrafts, “reducing fuel burn and pollutants.” (3)

Other airports have tried to shrink the amount of time that airplanes taxi on the runway waiting for a gate to open.

In addition, some airports have begun tackling the problem of emissions generated by vehicles used on the tarmac. They are exploring the effectiveness of alternative fuels, including liquid petroleum gas and compressed natural gas that have less harmful emissions than diesel and gasoline.

“Lowering the rate of pollution at airports is a difficult task,” stated Kevin Wood, Camfil USA Vice President Sales & Marketing. “It will require a change of mindset by airport officials in terms of how they manage aircraft on the runway. For example, an airport in Minnesota now requires airplanes to remain at cruising altitude for a longer period of time before they approach the airport. As a result, planes burn less fuel and emit less carbon dioxide.”

And as mentioned earlier, this isn’t just an issue for airports but is vital for people living near an airport who are being harmed by the level of pollution generated by planes that take off and land each day.

Airport Pollution Prevention

If you live near an airport, you can take steps to help improve the quality of the air you breathe. First, recognize that you spend most of your time indoors; so indoor air quality is vital to your health. Second, invest in an air purifier that is rated to remove gas and particle pollution from the air. Third, make sure that you install air filters in your HVAC system that can trap the common pollutants generated by airport emissions.

Camfil is also one of the most global air filtration specialists in the world with 26 production units and R&D centers in four countries in the Americas, Europe, South East Asia and the Asia-Pacific region. Backed by over 50 years of experience and innovation, every Camfil product is designed to provide high-efficiency air filtration, low energy consumption, and a healthier environment. Camfil has a solution that is right for you.


Camfil air Purifier

Other Resources for you

  1. Learn about how an airport in Minnesota is trying to tackle air quality in our Previous blog post
  2. Read our blog post:  The quality of the air you may be breathing on your next flight.

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Deep dive into air purifiers such as the CamCleaner

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Throughout the world, pollution is getting worse, and indoor air is nearly as bad as what you find outdoors. Are air purifiers the solution?

As outdoor pollution worsens throughout the world, especially in large countries such as China and India, it has a direct effect on indoor air quality. That’s because polluted air that is drawn indoors can pose a direct threat to your health if you don’t take steps to lessen its adverse effects. One of the ways that you can reduce indoor air pollution is through the use of air purifiers, devices that clean the air you breathe.

Air purifiers come in a wide range of styles, sizes and with various technological innovations, but their main purpose is to eliminate common pollutants such as dust, smoke, pet dander and pollen from the air. And beyond just making the air you breathe cleaner and healthier; air purifiers can also prevent long-term respiratory ailments such as lung disease.

Importance of Clean Air for Health

According to Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating News (ACHR), fine particles in the air that are often too small to be seen by the naked eye can penetrate your lungs and breathing passages and cause serious illnesses such as a heart attack or a stroke, which highlights the importance of clean air for health. (1)

These airborne particles – often referred to as particulate matter (PM) – will continue to compromise your health unless you eliminate them using air purifiers that incorporate high-efficiency air filters.

Multiple studies have found that the lower your exposure to these pollutants, the less the risk of respiratory problems that can shorten your lifespan. In fact, throughout the world, outdoor and indoor air pollution has been tied to premature deaths, which are defined as deaths caused by external factors that killed people long before their natural life expectancy.

That need has spurred the growth of air purifier companies that offer you several options when it comes to improving indoor air quality.

Are Air Purifiers Worth It?

But before you make this investment in your health, you are probably asking this question: Are air purifiers worth it?

The answer is that any device that can actually eliminate harmful pollutants from the air is probably worth your time, but every household and workplace has different needs, which is why it’s so important to know what products are out there.

The most common types of air purifiers are:

HEPA Filter Purifier – they feature High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters that are rated to trap at least 99.97 percent of all harmful particulates in the air that are 0.3 microns or larger. Particulates in this size range include bacteria and mold. One thing to remember is that HEPA filters do not eliminate odors, or remove chemicals and gases.

Activated Carbon Purifier – they feature filters with sub-micron pores that are highly absorbent. They are great if you want to eliminate gases, chemicals, tobacco smoke and bad odors.

UV Technology Purifier– they feature ultraviolet (UV) lamps that eliminate pollutants by neutralizing them with UV rays. They can be effective for eliminating bacteria and viruses.

Negative Ion Purifier – they feature negative ions that magnetically attract particles such as dust and pollen, and make them too heavy to remain airborne. The pollutants then stick to surfaces such as walls, requiring you to clean those surfaces to get rid of the particulates.

Ozone Purifier – they produce ozone that reacts with airborne chemicals. These are controversial devices because exposure to ozone can worsen asthma symptoms and cause lung problems. Also, ozone purifiers don’t eliminate dust or pollen.

“Air cleaners can help improve indoor air quality,” stated Steve Smith, Camfil USA CamCleaner Segment Manager. “But it is important for people to test the air quality first, so that they can buy purifiers that are designed to eliminate the specific pollutants at their home or workplace.”

CamCleaner Commercial Air Purifier

In addition to residential air purifiers, there are also options for commercial facilities that often combine removal of airborne particles as well as harmful gases.

The CamCleaner is an example of this type of purifier and is ideal for commercial facilities with high concentrations of particulates, such as warehouses, food processing plants and welding factories.

The Cam Cleaner features a full-size air intake that draws contaminants out of the room, and re-circulates clean air into the facility by using air filtration. The purifier also offers HEPA filters to trap smaller, difficult to trap contaminants. (2)

The CamCleaner was designed as a primary or secondary method to improve the indoor air quality of a commercial facility, in conjunction with the use of high-efficiency filters in the existing HVAC system.

Other Ways to Keep Your Air Clean

In addition to investing in air purifiers, there are other ways to keep your air clean. You can avoid using wood-burning fireplaces, reduce your use of chemical disinfectants or cleaners, control pet dander by washing your pets frequently, and prevent dust mites by washing your linens in hot water.  

The benefits of taking steps to improve the quality of indoor air are both numerous and well documented. You can improve your day-to-day life and the well-being of everyone around you, from family to friends. Camfil produces a full line of air filtration products, from self-contained air purifiers to clean a single room all the way up to highly-advanced filters and complete systems designed to remove dangerous microscopic contaminants from the most polluted industrial environments as well.
Camfil Produce

Other Resources for you

  1. To learn about Freestanding CamCleaner Air Filtration System in our  Previous blog post
  2. Read our blog post:  The High Price of Air Travel

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Air Filtration, Energy Savings and Good Health

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found that indoor air quality may be two to 200 times worse than outdoor air quality. Do you have an indoor air filtration strategy?

While statistics may sometimes overwhelm you with numbers, it is important to cite some figures when discussing outdoor air pollution, indoor air quality and the need for an effective air filtration strategy to combat airborne contaminants.

According to the EPA, indoor air quality (IAQ) is defined as the quality of air within a commercial building or residence as measured by the number of airborne particulates that can worsen asthma and allergies and cause serious health problems such as reduced lung function and lung cancer. (1)

And the EPA has found that a growing body of scientific evidence has indicated that the air within homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities.”

Why is that something you should worry about? Because most of us spend 90 percent of our time inside an office, home or other types of workplace, and that means we are continuously exposed to pollutants than can affect our long-term health.

That’s why air filtration is such a vital part of protecting your health, especially at commercial facilities where workers toil eight hours or more per day. This article provides some important takeaways from Camfil’s recent presentation at the 2017 Premier Breakthrough Conference in June, that can help you understand some of the challenges and solutions in improving air quality throughout the world.

Camfil’s 50-Year Commitment to Commercial Air Filtration

One of the key takeaways from the Premier Breakthrough Conference was the years of commitment that Camfil has made to the commercial air filtration industry.

Camfil is one of the leading commercial air filter companies in the world. It was established in 1963 and has been manufacturing high-efficiency air filters and air purifying products that are designed to provide improved indoor air quality, save energy costs and provide years of service.

Camfil is a global, privately held company that is 100 percent dedicated to the air filtration market. In 2017, the company anticipates $750 million in sales and is well positioned throughout the world with 26 manufacturing plants, six research and development centers, and more than 4,000 employees.

Camfil operates under the principle that ‘Clean Air Is a Human Right,’ which refers to the fact that the World Health Organization (WHO) recently reported that, 98% of cities in low-and-middle income countries with more than 100,000 inhabitants do not meet WHO air quality guidelines. However, in high-income countries, that percentage decreases to 56%”, (2) still a significant if not surprising number.

Clearly, developing countries are not playing on a level field, and in fact, some of these larger nations such as India and China are only now beginning to develop clean air solutions such as a shift to clean energy to reduce their level of toxic emissions.

Given these challenges, Camfil has a three-fold mission:

Comfort Air – the goal with ‘Comfort Air’ is to protect people by improving IAQ within the indoor facilities they most frequent, such as malls, shopping centers, retail shops, restaurants, and hospitals.

Clean Process – the goal with ‘Clean Process’ is to improve industrial and medical processes where airborne contaminants can jeopardize the desired output, either a quality product or a healthy individual.

Safety & Protection – the goal with ‘Safety & Protection’ is to protect the environment by eliminating harmful airborne pollutants and gases that may cause serious immediate damage to the environment or people.

Reducing the Total Cost of Air Filtration

Another takeaway from the conference was Camfil’s goal of reducing the total cost of air filtration for commercial facilities.

One of the main ways to lower the costs of air filters is to build filters that do not require frequent replacement. The average commercial air filter is made to last only several months before it has to be replaced.

In the commercial air filtration industry, these are known as ‘sacrificial’ air filters, because their purpose is to provide short-term use at low-cost prices.

The problem with sacrificial air filters, however, is that you will need to replace them three or four times a year, and in a commercial facility, the cost of multiple installations can start to add up.

Camfil’s solution is to make filters with a lifespan of as many as two years, which drastically lowers costs by limiting installation expenses and lowering energy costs by providing filters that remain efficient for a far longer period of time.

In fact, Camfil offers Life Cycle Cost (LCC) software that analyzes future costs of owning its air filters compared to owning standard air filters.

The latest version is known as LLC Green, which allows you to compare air filters based on filter efficiency, filter life, filter change labor, filter cost, and disposal costs. Once all these factors are input, the software produces a life cycle cost for the selected filter, which gives you real-world expenses based on the type of filter you select.

Air Filters and Energy Savings

Camfil’s presentation also pointed out the direct correlation between air filters and energy savings at a commercial facility.

As previously discussed, using standard air filters typically results in multiple changes, which increase the cost of filter ownership. But there is another aspect of cost savings related to the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system at a commercial facility.

The typical breakdown of energy costs at a commercial facility is:

25.9% of costs are due to fans

24.2% of costs are due to steam for heating

18% of costs are due to miscellaneous equipment

15.6% of costs are due to lighting

11.5% of costs are due to cooling

2.6% of costs are due to HVAC pumps

The fans, cooling, pumps, and steam for heating are all part of HVAC system, which means 65% of energy costs at the average commercial facility are directly related to HVAC.

Camfil filters are able to maintain proper airflow and are made so that the HVAC system doesn’t have to work as hard to draw air through the ducts and vents. This means less energy is expended, resulting in monthly savings.

Mobile Air Quality Testing

Another important highlight of the presentation was Camfil’s ongoing commitment to using mobile laboratories to test the efficiency of theirs and even competitors’ air filters, and to test the ambient air quality specific to that location.

The Camfil mobile labs are equipped with testing rigs that analyze filter performance under real-life environmental conditions. Furthermore, the mobile labs can also analyze air quality around a commercial facility such as a hospital, determine whether the facility’s existing filtration is sufficient to eliminate airborne contaminants and design an air filtration strategy based on the unique needs of that facility.

Camfil also offers a mobile media tester, which analyzes the media used in your existing filters to determine if they are properly trapping the pollutants to improve IAQ. Air filters use media material such as synthetics, coarse media fibers, microfine media fibers, and polyesters.

The Mobile Media Tester can analyze any media based on existing samples and let you know whether the filters in use at the facility are efficient.

Clean Air Matters for Good Health…and a Lot More

If there is one overriding principle that was evident at the presentation is that clean air matters for good health and for an improved quality of life. People throughout the world should have the right to breathe clean air, regardless of economic status.

But too often, children and the elderly in disadvantaged countries are paying the price of outdoor air pollution at a disproportionate rate to other groups. That’s because the undeveloped immune systems of children, and the weakened immune systems of the elderly makes both groups more vulnerable to contaminated air.

“Clean air is a human right,” stated Kevin Wood, Camfil USA Vice President Sales & Marketing. “Breathing air is the most basic and instinctive thing that we do from the time that we are born. But polluted air poses health risks to millions of people throughout the world, and the numbers are proving it. The WHO has sounded the alarm about fatalities linked to diseases that are caused by air pollution, and countries such as China and India are now heavily investing in clean sources of energy to lower their polluted air. This is not simply an environmental issue; it is a life or death issue, a question of what kind of world we are leaving to the next generation.”

While it’s true that clean air matters for good health, this is just the beginning of the story. Clean air also affects workplace productivity because of employee absences due to pollution-related ailments.

Clean air also affects the rate of classroom attendance, because children with asthma and other respiratory conditions tend to miss more school when air pollution levels are higher. And finally, clean air matters because it is not a privilege, it is an inalienable right.

50 Years of Air Filtration Solutions

For more than 50 years, Camfil has been waging a battle against outdoor pollution. Our commercial air filtration products are designed to help eliminate harmful particulates and to help keep you healthy. Please visit our website for more information about our products.

Clean Air is a Human Right

Other Resources for you

  1. To learn about  Saving Energy  and Money Previous blog post
  2. Read our blog post: Camfil Helps Texas Hospital Reduce Air Filter Energy Use by 60 Percent

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

How a High-Efficiency Air Filter Could Save Your Life

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Studies have shown that high-efficiency air filters can improve air quality, and help prevent lung cancer and heart disease. But how exactly are these filters rated for efficiency?

When you hear the term ‘high-efficiency air filter’ what do you think? Like most people, you probably think of hard-working filters that can improve the air you breathe, and that’s true. But do you understand how a filter achieves high-efficiency? Or what that phrase even means?

This is important is because without understanding the basic standards of air filter efficiency, you won’t understand how to shop for the best filters, or what the terminology companies often use really means. With that in mind, let’s look at how high-efficiency filters are measured, and why they are so important in the fight to improve indoor air quality.

Explaining the MERV Standard

Explaining the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) standard is a good place to start, because this is the standard established by the American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), which oversees the air filtration industry.

According to the National Air Filtration Association (NAFA), MERV is based on a scale from 1 to 16, and measures an air filter’s capacity to trap particles from the air based on three different size ranges.

Within each of these three size ranges, there are four sub-ranges, so air filters are really measured against a total of 12 different size ranges. The 16-point scale works in ascending order, so the higher the MERV rating, and the greater the efficiency of the air filter. (1)

The problem with the MERV standard is that the measurements don’t follow strict logic. For example, you would assume that an air filter rated a MERV 8 would capture 50 percent of all airborne particles, but a MERV-8 filter is only rated to trap about five percent of harmful particles.

That’s because the 16-point scale doesn’t work in exact accordance with logical percentages, so it’s difficult for consumers to know just how efficient their air filters are based on the MERV point system.

The New ISO 16890 Standard Changes the Game

This confusion regarding MERV is not the only reason air filter efficiency ratings are difficult to understand. Another reason is that the U.S. is on a different standard than countries in Europe, which means consumers cannot make valid comparisons about air filter efficiency.

That’s why the new ISO 16890 Standard changes the game for consumers and manufacturers of air filters.

It levels the playing field, so that consumers can now judge every air filter manufacturer based on the same set of standards throughout the world.

According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 16890 is the first high-efficiency air filter standard based on a filter’s ability to trap particulate matter (PM) consistent with values published by air quality authorities, pollutants identified as the most harmful to human health. (2)

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), PM is created from a variety of sources such as vehicle exhaust emissions, power plant emissions, coal-burning and wood stoves. (3) Long-term exposure to PM has been linked to eye irritation, difficulty breathing, and lung cancer, and heart disease.

The new standard measures how well air filters trap PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 levels, so unlike previous standards, there are only three size ranges and three pollutants being measured.

The 10, 2.5 and 1 designations refer to the diameter of particulate matter in micrometers, and these three sizes are the most harmful because their microscopic size makes them easy to swallow or inhale.

“The new ISO 16890 standard is a game-changer for the air filtration industry,” stated Kevin Wood, Camfil USA Vice President Sales & Marketing. “Until this point, there had never been a global standard for high-efficiency air filters. Therefore, air filter consumers could not decide which filter was superior, because different countries were operating under different standards. With ISO 16890, consumers can make valid comparisons between air filters, especially since PM remains the biggest health threat to indoor air quality.”

Particulate Matter Prevention Methods

The fact that high-efficiency air filters are now being measured based on PM is important because these pollutants pose the biggest risk to human health. Some of the PM prevention methods you can take, include:

Check the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Quality Index – this is a daily listing that tells you the air quality in your area, and how harmful it could be, especially to people with respiratory problems such as asthma.

Limit outdoor activities on days when PM levels are elevated.

Limit the time you spend on busy streets to lower your exposure to vehicle emissions

Invest in high-efficiency air filters using the ISO Standard to ensure you are removing the most harmful particles of concern.

For more than 50 years, Camfil has been the industry leader in commercial air filtration, and with that leadership comes a desire to ensure that efficiency standards continue to evolve. Camfil’s driving principle is providing quality at an affordable price, and the company’s guiding principle is that clean air should be every human’s right.

Camfil provides Affordable price

Other Resources for you

  1. To learn about  HEPA Filters Previous blog post
  2. Read our blog post: How to Prevent Lackluster Air Quality

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Monday, August 7, 2017

Why Clean Air Ducts Could Make You Breathe Easier

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Dead skin, hair and pet dander, dust and bacteria are all lurking in your HVAC system. Clean air ducts can prevent respiratory problems and help you breathe easier.

The heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system in a home or workplace not only delivers the air that helps regulate the temperature and humidity, but it can also determine the quality of the air that you are breathing. That’s because the outdoor air that is drawn through the HVAC system, and recirculated are filled with dust, dirt and other particles that compromise the quality of your environment.

That’s why clean air ducts are so vital to keeping your HVAC system operating at peak efficiency, but unfortunately, a lot of people just don’t understand how dirty ducts can affect their long-term health, or even how to go about having their ducts inspected.

Is Your AC Making You Sick?

If you or someone in your family has persistent allergies or respiratory problems that don’t seem to have an identifiable trigger, you may want to ask this question: Is your air-conditioning system making you sick?

To understand how this could be possible, it’s worth understanding the basics of how ducts work in an HVAC system.

According to HVAC for Beginners, a duct system provides a controlled path for airflow throughout the home. The system can be made out of sheet, metal, fiberglass ductboard, insulated plastic, or cloth.” (1)

Ducts are simply an air distribution system to circulate cool and warm air through a home or commercial facility.

A duct system has a supply side that distributes conditioned air through the vents in each room, and a return side that sucks air back into the air handler of the HVAC system so that it can be conditioned again and circulated back through the supply side. Ducts are typically rectangular or circular.

The problem is that all that circulating air draws in pollutants such as dust, pet hair, bacteria, dust mites, and pollen, which can become trapped in the ductwork, including the vents, motors and coils.

Once trapped in the ducts, these pollutants are expelled through the vents, filling a home or workplace with harmful pollutants. And the bigger problem is that dirty ducts can go unnoticed for years, which just increases the level of airborne contaminants.

And these contaminants can worsen asthma symptoms, and make allergies worse if they are not eliminated. That’s why clean air ducts are so important.

Signs Your Air Ducts Need Cleaning

But since ducts are out of sight and hard for a non-professional to inspect, what are some of the signs your air ducts need cleaning?

According to Angie’s List, one sure sign that your ducts are dirty is the visible buildup of dust, pet hair and dust on the outside of your air vents. (2)

Another sign your ducts need cleaning as if dust blows through the vents when the air conditioning comes on. That means the debris from the ducts is forcing its way through the vents, which is not a good thing, because all of those pollutants are now circulating in your home.

You can also check the condition of your air filters to see if they are extremely dirty, which could mean that they are working much harder to trap dirt from the duct system. Furthermore, you can also check to see if there is reduced airflow from your vents, which is a sign that not enough air is blowing through the ducts because of dirt blocking the air filters or otherwise restricting airflow.

Choosing an Air Duct Cleaner

When choosing an air duct cleaner, one of the most important considerations is to select a company that is a member of the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA).

This association requires all members to have a certified Air System Cleaning Specialist on staff that has passed the NADCA certification exam. (3)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also suggests that you don’t hire any company that claims to be endorsed by the EPA, as the agency does not certify air duct cleaners. In addition, the EPA strongly recommends that you check the references of all prospective air duct-cleaning companies and that you obtain a written agreement that details the total cost and exact process of the cleaning before signing the contract. (4)

Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning

Clean air ducts can provide your home with multiple benefits. First, it ensures that any residual moisture in the ducts is removed, preventing the formation of mold, which is not only a health hazard, but is very expensive to remove once it grows in the HVAC system. Second, it improves the efficiency of your HVAC system, which can save money on your power bills. Third, it helps improve indoor air quality by removing harmful pollutants. One other thing you can do is install high-efficiency air filters to ensure that a majority of the airborne contaminants in your home are eliminated.


Camfil air products can be used to filter and clean the air in any indoor environment. Our products represent the very best in air filtration technology and innovation. From replacement filters, capable of removing sub-micron sized particles and gases, to complete air circulation and filtration systems, every product is backed with more than 50 years of experience.

Other Resources for you

  1. To learn about Indoor Air Quality and Volatile Organic Compounds in our Previous blog post
  2. Read our blog post: Good Air Filter For Customers and Employees

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Friday, August 4, 2017

What Is Sick Building Syndrome and Why Should You Care?

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Sick Building Syndrome is causing respiratory illnesses in millions of Americans, and very few people understand that where they work could make their life hell.

Understanding Sick Building Syndrome

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) as, “situations in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building, but no specific illness or cause can be identified.” (1)

SBS does not always originate from an entire building and can be localized to a particular area or even one room. The reason understanding SBS is so important is that a majority of adults spend a minimum of eight hours a day inside an office or work building, and most people in the U.S. are indoor for about 90 percent of the time that they are awake.

Sick Building Causes and Symptoms

Although SBS does not have one specific cause, researchers have found that a combination of factors may be responsible for this syndrome. These factors include:

Lack of proper ventilation – if a building is not adequately ventilated an insufficient amount of outdoor air is flowing through the building and contaminant levels remain high because they are not diluted.

Chemical pollutants –emissions from office equipment and other products such as cleaning materials can create a noxious environment, which the World Health Organization (WHO) has identified as significant contributors to adverse health.

Biological pollutants – this includes airborne bacteria, viruses, pollen, mite feces and pet dander. Standing water in buildings or wet surfaces can also create mold and mildew that compromises indoor air quality.

“The latest studies on Sick Building Syndrome has found that mold that growth in buildings can become airborne and produce mycotoxins that are easily inhalable or swallowed,” stated Kevin Wood, Camfil USA Vice President Sales & Marketing. “These mycotoxins can burrow deep into the lungs and respiratory tracts and cause serious ailments.”

Mycotoxins are poisonous compounds that are produced by the fungus. When ingested, they can weaken the immune system and irritate the nasal passages, worsening breathing ailments such as asthma.

People who have SBS will commonly report symptoms such as:



Eye, nose and throat irritation

Hacking cough

Skin irritation

Loss of concentration



And according to the Environmental Illness Resource, it’s important to remember that these symptoms are only identified as SBS if they disappear shortly after a person leaves the building.(2)

Understanding the causes and symptoms of SBS, can not only help workers and building managers take steps to resolve the problem, but also drive home the importance of good indoor air quality in commercial buildings.

What Is Indoor Air Quality?

Most people are aware of outdoor air pollution, but fewer can answer the question: What is indoor air quality level at my home or work? The reason is that it’s much easier to see, smell and understand outdoor air quality, but more difficult to assess indoor air quality.

According to the EPA, indoor air quality, “refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants.” (3)

Pollutants within a building can cause employees to miss work due to respiratory illnesses, which affects productivity and costs companies millions of dollars in lost manpower.

Sick Building Syndrome Treatments

If enough people working in a commercial building begin to show symptoms of SBS, building supervisors can implement several SBS treatments to alleviate the problem. First, they should inspect the building to ensure that there is no mold. Second, they should inspect the HVAC system to ensure that the ducts are clean. If the ducts are not clean, building supervisors should hire a professional to clean the ducts. Third, any chemicals housed in the building should be sealed and stored in well-ventilated areas.

One final SBS treatment is to ensure that dirty, old air filters are replaced with filters that have a published efficiency consistent with a high level of removal of dust, mold, pollen and bacteria in an indoor facility. This is an essential step in controlling SBS and reducing the onset of adverse symptoms.

BY Camfil Air Filters Leaders in AIr Filtration

For more than 50 years, Camfil has been providing the most technologically advanced industrial air filtration systems. Camfil offers the most efficient industrial filtration systems to clients throughout the world, and has built its reputation on providing quality on a budget. Camfil operates under the guiding principle that clean air is the right of all humans no matter where they live. The company is well equipped to offer clean-air solutions to any facility that seeks to improve its indoor air quality and the overall health of its employees.

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Other Resources for you

  1. To learn about Clean Air Expert Cites Previous blog post
  2. Read our blog post: Sources and Symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620,

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Thursday, August 3, 2017

Why Rising Air Pollution Will Kill You

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Rising air pollution levels is causing lung cancer, heart disease, and worsening asthma. It is also cutting short life expectancy. What’s to be done about this worldwide crisis?

Rising air pollution levels throughout the world are not just an environmental concern. Scientists have known for decades about the link between worsening air pollution and an increase in the risks for heart disease, lung cancer, and reduced lung function. But it’s only recently that the link between air pollution levels and life expectancy has become more obvious. And that link is stronger in poorer countries, because of lower air pollution control standards, and the lack of sufficient health care to battle the illnesses caused by poor air quality. This is an issue that affects everyone because pollution is a problem in nearly every country in the world. Therefore, it is important to understand how pollution directly shortens lifespan, and how to improve outdoor air quality.

Also Read our blog on :  The Surprising Impact of Air Pollution on Exercise

Why Air Pollution Cuts Life Expectancy

The reason why air pollution cuts life expectancy is that the particles that are released into the air are very toxic.

According to News–Medical.Net, a new study by researchers in Denmark has found that, on average, an increase in pollution particles in the air of 10 micrograms per cubic meter cuts victims’ life expectancy by 9-11 years – more than previously thought.” (1)

The Denmark study used a sample of 100,000 people and their estimated mortality rates by age. Researchers then simulated the effects of long-term exposure to increased air pollution (of 10 micrograms of small particles per cubic meter) on mortality.

The study found that the average age of an air pollution victim is 78.9 years and their average loss of life expectancy is 9-11 years – much longer than a frequently cited estimate of 1-2 years.

The particles that were used to simulate the effects of long-term exposure to air pollution are commonly known as particulate matter (PM), and they are formed from emissions generated by vehicle exhaust, coal-burning factories, smokestacks, fires and construction activities.

Some forms of PM such as dirt, dust, and soot are visible to the naked eye, but others are very small and cannot be detected except under a microscope.

And it is these invisible pollutants, categorized as PM10 (particles 10 micrometers or smaller), PM2.5  (particles 2.5 micrometers or smaller) and PM1 (particles 1 micrometer or smaller) that pose the greatest health risks because they are easily inhaled and swallowed and can lodge in your lungs.

PM has also been linked to heart and lung disease, irregular heartbeat, decreased lung function, worsening of asthma symptoms, and difficulty breathing.

Given these realities, countries throughout the world are struggling to find ways to lower rising air pollution levels.

Reducing Emissions of Air Pollutants

Reducing emissions of air pollutants is a long and difficult process, but countries such as India have started taking steps to improve outdoor air quality.

According to a World Health Organization (WHO) report, India’s largest sources of rising air pollution are indoor cooking stoves, traffic congestion, and industrial factories and plants that burn fossil fuels. Another more intractable source of pollution is the common practice of burning waste in the open. (2)

To reduce emissions, the Indian government has initiated a clean air campaign that includes proposals to shift residents to clean energy sources (such as solar power) for indoor cooking stoves, public transport, and industrial processes.

Furthermore, the government is trying to lower vehicle emissions by increasing fuel taxes and parking fees and establishing no-car zones to encourage walking and bicycling.

“India is the perfect example of a country that is taking big steps to reduce its harmful emissions,” stated Kevin Wood, Camfil USA Vice President Sales & Marketing. “You have to go to the source of the air pollution problem and find ways to lower a number of contaminants that are generated. Improving air quality is a challenge, but it is not without real solutions.”

Read How Ventilation Affects Air Quality At Food Processing Plants

Protecting Yourself from Air Pollution

With rising air pollution becoming a problem across the globe, protecting yourself from air pollution is vital to your future health and perhaps even to your life expectancy.

To reduce your exposure to bad air, make a habit of checking the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Air Quality Index, which gives you a daily measurement of harmful pollutants. That can help you limit your exposure to outdoor pollution, especially if you have asthma. You can also invest in air purifiers for your home or workplace to eliminate particles that are bad for your health. And finally, you can ensure that your HVAC system has high-efficiency air filters that can also trap many common pollutants before they can be inhaled or swallowed.

Camfil air products can be used to filter and clean the air in any indoor environment. Our products represent the very best in air filtration technology and innovation

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Other Resources for you

  1. To learn about High Bacterial Counts Affect Lab Air Quality
    Previous blog post
  2. Read our blog post: Researchers More Emphasis on Indoor Pollution 

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620,

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