Friday, September 28, 2018

How High Efficiency Air Filters Can Lower Your Expenses

According to Value Penguin, the average American household spends more than $7,000 on utilities and other household operational costs each year, representing roughly 11% of total household budget. When you run a business, operational costs can run significantly higher. A high efficiency air filter can lower your expenses by improving air-flow and reducing utility bills. (1)

“Your building is filled with dirt, dust, and other particles,” said Camfil’s Charlie Seyffer, Manager of Marketing & Technical Materials for commercial air filters and 37-year ASHRAE member and active committee participant. “Even though these particles are so small they cannot be seen, they impact your health and economic well-being – not to mention the health of your customers and employees. An efficient air filter can change everything.”

High Efficiency Commercial Grade Air Filters: Definition and Benefits

Many homes and businesses have an HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system. This system is responsible for keeping your space comfortable throughout the changing seasons. While the equipment may seem overwhelming, the efficiency of your entire system hinges on a single item – an air filter. High quality filters will maintain steady airflow and remove contaminants from the air you breathe. (2)

Why High Efficiency Air Filters Are So Important

If you refuse to use or change your air filter, there are repercussions. High efficiency commercial grade filters are essential because, without them…

  • Hot or cold air can’t leave your furnace, heat pump, or air conditioner smoothly, raising utility bills and making your space uncomfortable. Your system could freeze or overheat.
  • Moisture can gather on used air filters, encouraging the growth of bacteria and mold. This can disturb air circulation and introduce pollutants to your system.
  • A building without an air filter is a building without purification. Your employees and customers will be exposed to illness and discomfort. Walking into your business should represent a breath of fresh air – not a potential hazard.

“Indoor air pollution is one of the top five environmental health risks facing our community,” said Seyffer. “This is an issue we need to take seriously.”

How High Efficiency Air Filters Can Lead to Savings and Improved Health

The quality of an air filter is usually based on its MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value). This rating indicates the percentage of dust, dirt, and other particles the filter can remove from air passing through it. When it comes to health and economics, high efficiency commercial filters – those with a MERV of 11 or higher – deliver impressive value.

The official MERV range is 1 to 16. Here are some rating examples:

  • Air filters with a MERV of 6 capture an estimated 50% of particles in the air.
  • Air filters with a MERV of 8 capture an estimated 70% of particles in the air.
  • Air filters with a MERV between 14 and 16 capture up to 85% of particles in the air.

Cheap air filters are usually thick and disposable, made from fiberglass and coarse fiber strands. They have an average MERV range between 1 and 5. This means the most affordable air filters are removing less than half of all particles from the air in your home. (3)

Like most products, you get what you pay for when it comes to commercial grade air filters. High efficiency filters with a MERV of 11 or higher will improve your space, ensuring you breathe cleaner air and experience longer intervals between filter changes.

Earn More Energy Savings by Changing Air Filters Regularly

If you don’t have experience changing high efficiency filters, don’t sweat it. The process is less complex than it seems.

  • First, determine what filter size you need. Turn off the furnace, remove the filter, and note the size. If your filter has a plastic frame, you have a reusable model. Clean it regularly with a vacuum and water, then dry before insertion.
  • Next, consider what model you’d like to purchase. Comparing air filters can take time and research. If you have trouble following MERV ratings, note that filters with deeper depths tend to provide superior air cleaning and have a longer lifespan.
  • Finally, install the new filter. Write down the date of replacement so you’ll know when your next replacement is due. For pleated panels a good rule of thumb is to change the filter at the beginning of the most significant seasons; air conditioning and heating.

High efficiency filters can last three months, six months or more, depending on the quality level and MERV. While some filters are more expensive than others, replacement is relatively inexpensive compared to the associated health benefits.

What You Need to Know about Purchasing from Air Filter Manufacturers

There are several high efficiency filter brands on the market – but few are worth buying. When choosing a manufacturer, you’ll want to consider material, MERV, and efficiency.

Some filter types include:

  • Fiberglass Panel Air Filters – Thin and inexpensive. These filters are designed to protect your equipment rather than improve air quality. Expect them to remove less than 10% of the air pollutants in your building.
  • Pleated Air Filters – More effective and an added cost. The number of pleats per foot will determine the overall life expectancy. Expect pleated filters to remove up to 45% of the air pollutants in your building.
  • High Efficiency Air Filters – Primarily applied in commercial buildings, although they can be installed in residences to address health problems of occupants,  expect these filters to remove up to 85% of pollutants in your building.
  • HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) Filters – The best source of filtration, removing up to 99% of all air pollutants in your building.

It’s important to avoid cheap, bargain filters. Focus on CAMFIL high efficiency air filters that deliver regular value and health to your home. The right brand will have a mission; a goal to improve the safety and air quality of your business. When you choose a manufacturer that cares, you choose a product specifically built to get the job done.

Camfil USA believes in that mission. If you’re interested in learning more about high quality, high efficiency air filters, please click here.


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Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

How Airborne Contaminants Affect Agriculture Facilities

The Value of a High Efficiency Air Filtration System in Agriculture Facilities

More agricultural producers are recognizing the value of a reliable high efficiency air filtration system as one of the best solutions to prevent contamination of crops, livestock, or food products caused by air pollution. These systems not only ensure consistent and superior product quality, but they also protect animals and agricultural workers from exposure to on-the-job respiratory hazards and prevent corrosion on process equipment.

“The most important part of indoor air quality is the cleanliness of the air,” said Kevin Wood, Vice President of Sales & Marketing at Camfil USA. “Air contamination consists of particles, gases and vapors that reduce the well-being and health of humans and decrease the output and efficiency of production processes,” he added. (1)

Once you have created a sealed environment to prevent cross-contamination, we can then proceed to the crucial step of providing a proper air filtration system to maintain the integrity of your indoor air quality (IAQ).

Why Use Commercial Air Filtration Systems in Agriculture Facilities?

At Camfil USA, we have installed a variety of commercial air filtration systems in all kinds of agriculture facilities. The air inside places like greenhouses, grow rooms, livestock farms (e.g. poultry, cows, and pigs among others), and mills tend to contain:

  • Pollen and mold spores
  • Milling dust
  • Bacteria
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) used in the processing of raw materials
  • Fumigants
  • Odor-causing compounds

And that’s just the air inside your standard agriculture facility. You also need to consider the air pollution from the outside.

“With outdoor air carrying as much as 200 to 1,500 bacteria per cubic meter, an air-conditioning system with a capacity of 10,000 m3/h may bring in as much as 2 to 15 million bacteria every hour, causing contamination issues,” said Wood. “Efficient air filtration is a must-have solution.” (2)

Issues Addressed by a High-Quality Commercial Air Filtration Solution

In agriculture facilities, a commercial air filtration system does more than just provide “good indoor air quality”—although that is its main purpose. A proper filtration and ventilation solution specifically designed for agricultural applications addresses these issues:

  • Infection Outbreak – Livestock facilities are prone to infection outbreaks caused by fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Our high efficiency air filters handle the job of constantly purifying indoor and outdoor air in ventilation shafts to prevent infection and cross-contamination.
  • Unpleasant Odors – Milling and livestock facilities tend to produce undesirable odors that disrupt the quality of life for your personnel and residents surrounding the area.
  • Government Regulations – Emissions legislation is perhaps the most important reason for agriculture facilities to address their indoor air quality problems. You need an air quality control system that ensures you will meet your state’s particulate concentration limits, which will vary depending on your industry.
  • Health and Safety – Air filtration systems are designed to control dust levels in agricultural production facilities. Dust-laden floors pose health and safety hazards to workers, making them prone to injuries as well as respiratory problems like asthma and allergic reactions. Food dusts from flour, sugar, and cornstarch are also highly combustible, increasing the risk of a combustible dust explosion.

Using High Efficiency Air Filtration and Ventilation Systems in Horticulture Facilities

Many indoor horticulturists are all too familiar with the challenge of maintaining proper indoor air quality, which often requires the installation of a reliable high efficiency air filtration and ventilation system. Still, IAQ is one of the most overlooked elements of indoor farming, usually addressed only when growers can see signs of significant damage on their crops.

Air pollution injury on agriculture crops can manifest itself in a variety of ways:

  • Markings on foliage that rapidly appear as dead tissue
  • Slow yellowing of the leaves that signify a steady decline in air quality
  • Stunted growth in multiple parts of the plant
  • Premature death of the plant, which usually happens after recurring injury or prolonged exposure to pollutants

The development and seriousness of the crop injury may be further compounded by a host of other factors, including the length of exposure to the air pollutants, the plant species in question, and the crop’s stage of development.

Bottom line? Whether you have a greenhouse or a grow room of some kind, it’s a good idea to install an air filtration system.

Benefits of High Efficiency Air Filters for Livestock Facilities

High efficiency air filters play a vital role in supporting air circulation, ventilation, and cooling of livestock.

  • Animals need fresh, clean air and optimal climate control to stay healthy and achieve their maximum production potential.
  • Proper air circulation in buildings where your animals are housed prevents heat stress, a major factor in production loss. It also prevents the buildup of moisture, manure fumes, bacteria, viruses, and dust, all of which can be dangerous to the health of livestock.
  • Proper ventilation also ensures the proper performance of your process equipment as well as the comfort and safety of your agricultural workers.

High efficiency gaseous removal air filters are especially effective at capturing ammonia fumes, a natural by-product of livestock waste. Agricultural producers are under constant pressure to meet ammonia emissions standards—a feat that is easier said than done, especially when producers need to increase their livestock production. A high-quality gaseous adsorber air filter can easily put these concerns to rest.

High efficiency air filter systems also play a crucial role in combating common livestock diseases. The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus, for example, affects respiration in young pigs and reproduction in breeding livestock. The virus is spread through nasal secretion, urine, feces, and saliva, and is responsible for productivity losses in the U.S. swine industry of up to $580 million a year. (3)

What to Remember When Using Agriculture Solutions from High Efficiency Air Filter Manufacturers

Ventilation systems are designed to remove stale air from an agriculture facility and bring in fresh air from the outside. Your average ventilation system, however, may not protect an agricultural producer’s crops or animals from poor air quality. This protection is where high efficiency air filter manufacturers play a part.

High efficiency air filtration systems serve two critical functions in any agricultural production facility:

  • Protection against outdoor air pollution – Air filters prevent the accumulation of outdoor air pollutants in your agricultural production facilities and keep them from reacting with indoor air contaminants
  • Removal of indoor air contaminants – Air filters capture outdoor contaminants that enter your agricultural facility and remove chemical emissions from livestock, pesticides, herbicides, and disinfectants, as well as pollen, allergens, and equipment offgassing.

When it comes to high efficiency filters, never go cheap. Air filtration, when applied to the growing and refining of crops, or the raising of livestock, plays a fundamental role in maintaining production levels and keeping your employees safe and healthy. High efficiency air filters in these facilities must be able to handle large volumes of air that contain various sizes of particulate matter for removal. In other words, you need an air filtration system from a reliable brand.

At Camfil USA, we are committed to helping our clients, no matter what industry they are in, to improve the safety and air quality of their facilities. To learn more about the benefits of commercial air filters for the agriculture industry, click here.

Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620

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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Commercial Air Filters Are Solving the Cross-State Pollution Crisis

Cross-state air pollution is an environmental challenge that is one of the many factors driving demand for our commercial air filters.

On July 6, 2011, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) implemented the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) in an effort to address the problem of power plant emissions from upwind states that cross state lines and reduce air quality in downwind states.

The rule highlights the often-unexpected consequences of air pollution. Pollutants from major metropolitan cities, for example, can travel for hundreds of miles, carrying sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), which combine with the atmosphere to create soot, acid rain, and ground-level ozone.

“The CSAPR requires states, particularly those in the eastern half of the United States, to take action and improve air quality by cutting power plant emissions that cross state lines, increasing smog and soot levels in downwind states,” says Camfil USA’s Charlie Seyffer, Manager of Marketing & Technical Materials for commercial air filters and 37-year ASHRAE member and active committee participant. “The CSAPR forces states identified to be major sources of pollution to be held accountable for their own mess, rather than place the burden of cleaning up on downwind states.”

These protections, however, are at risk of being rolled back by no less than the EPA itself. Under a new administration, the EPA published a memo in January this year providing a new guidance that allows a “major source” of air pollution to re-designate themselves as an “area source” if they can bring down their air emissions to area source standards.¹

“This rating system creates a loophole to stop using environment-friendly equipment and continue reducing their emissions after they get to the area source level,” points out Seyffer.

But what does all this mean for us and the air quality in buildings and homes?

Air Pollution is Generating a Need for Air Purification Systems

While evidence of the problem of cross-state air pollution can be confirmed by measuring the volume of hazardous particulate matter in the air, air pollution has an even more insidious effect—one that raises the importance of using air purification systems in our homes and buildings.

In 2016, a U.S. study found that women who breathe polluted air in the weeks leading up to or after they get pregnant face a higher risk of giving birth to infants with birth defects. Researchers collected data from more than 290,000 babies with congenital issues born in Ohio between 2006 and 2010 and matched these records with the air pollution measurements in their mothers’ homes.²

The researchers focused on PM2.5, or particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns in size, which is commonly created by car exhaust and is primarily composed of smoke, dirt, dust, and soot. They found that women who were exposed to higher levels of PM2.5 in the weeks before or after their pregnancy were associated with “meaningful increased risk” of congenital defects.

How Does Cross-State Air Pollution Affect Indoor Air Quality?

While the main causes of indoor air quality issues are inefficient fuel combustion from cooking, heating, and lighting, as well as natural indoor air pollutants like fumes from building materials and cleaning products, outdoor air pollution can be just as significant a contributor to the problem.

This is especially true in highly ventilated buildings or homes in cities and neighborhoods bearing the brunt of air pollution. What usually happens is outside, contaminated air penetrates the enclosed space through open doors, windows, and even small cracks in walls, floors, and ceilings.

How Are Air Filter Manufacturers Fighting the Problem?

Because regular heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems only stir up indoor air, moving it from room to room and from the outside in, buildings have turned to air filter manufacturers to provide high efficiency filtration systems designed for schools, commercial buildings, manufacturing centers, retail establishments, and healthcare facilities among many others.

“High efficiency air filters are essentially devices that remove solid particulate matter and molecular contaminants to improve indoor air quality,” said Seyffer.

Air filtration systems typically use some kind of filter media held by a frame and sealed to prevent leaks between the frame and media so all of the air is filtered by the system. Filter systems may also feature a:

  • Faceguard – This protects the filter media during transport and handling
  • Gasket – This prevents leaks between the frame and its housing

While many air filters share similar components and characteristics, the filters and filter media themselves may be constructed in a wide variety of ways, depending on the desired effectiveness of the filtration system and its intended application. You can expect to see these systems in the form of bags, cartridges, panels and mats.

Classification of Air Filter Systems

Air filter systems usually fall into three primary categories based on their method of filtration.

  • Mechanical Filtration – Mechanical filters capture contaminants the way a sifter separates food ingredients into larger and smaller pieces. These filters, in turn, use three different methods of mechanical filtration:
    • Straining – As the name suggests, this method works by capturing contaminant particles larger than the gap between the filter media’s fibers. This action is especially effective for filtering large particles like lint, dust, and hair.
    • Interception This action uses a molecular phenomenon called Van der Waals force to attract particles following the air stream, ultimately contacting the filter media causing them to stick on the filter media.
    • Diffusion This action is most effective for particles as small as 0.3 microns in size and is commonly used by high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters and ultra-low particulate air (ULPA) filters to trap airborne contaminants in a highly porous media. These are the most efficient filters you can buy although they may tax the HVAC system with higher pressure drop or possibly reduced airflow.
  • Electrostatic Filtration – This method of filtration uses electrostatically-charged fibers to attract and trap airborne particulates. Typically using polypropylene or polyurethane filter medias, filter systems that depend on electrostatic filtration can have an efficiency rate of up to 96 percent when removing contaminants in the air. Unfortunately, due to the fibers becoming insulated with contaminants as the filter loads they can drop in efficiency over time.
  • Electronic Filtration Electronic filters use a series of electrodes placed inside a filter grid. When an electric current is passed through the electrodes, the particles that enter are positively charged and trapped within a disposable or reusable negatively-charged collector pad. Because these filters run on active systems that use electricity, they can be expensive to run and maintain.

Are Filters and Air Purification Systems the Answer to Cross-State Air Pollution?

While filters and air purification systems have been a tremendous asset to all kinds of organizations and facilities struggling with indoor air quality problems, these solutions only treat the symptoms of a larger problem—one requiring deeper intervention through effective governance, regulation, and public awareness. Air pollution can only be solved if the actual source of the pollution can be addressed. Anything else is akin to preventing a fire from spreading.

Still, air filter systems are better than having nothing to keep polluted air outside our homes and buildings. Remember that when choosing a commercial filter, brand expertise and specialization matters. Not all filter systems, after all, are built the same way, so be sure to work with a manufacturer you can trust—someone who’s willing to provide custom solutions depending on your air quality needs.

At Camfil USA, we believe in making cities safe against air pollution. To learn more about our industrial air filtration systems, please click here.


Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620

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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

How Will the EPA’s Air Quality Program Affect Commercial Air Filtration Systems?

Camfil Commercial Air Filter News – Established in 2009 by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Indoor airPLUS is a voluntary partnership and labeling program designed to help home builders improve indoor air quality (IAQ) in homes and buildings through stringent construction practices and product specifications that reduce exposure to airborne contaminants and pollutants. The program also supports the installation of reliable HVAC systems with features typically found in commercial air filtration solutions.

“The most important part of indoor air quality is the cleanliness of the air,” said Camfil USA’s Charlie Seyffer, Manager of Marketing & Technical Materials for commercial air filters and 37-year ASHRAE member and active committee participant. “Air contamination consists of particles, gases, and vapors that may reduce the well-being and health of humans and decrease the output and efficiency of production processes.”

The EPA created Indoor airPLUS to meet the growing consumer demand for homes with improved indoor air quality. Building on the foundation set by the agency’s ENERGY STAR requirements for new homes, Indoor airPLUS lists down several construction specifications for home builders, which include the careful selection and installation of:

  • Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems
  • Moisture control solutions
  • Combustion-venting systems

How HVAC Air Filters Maintain Indoor Air Quality

The EPA has repeatedly warned against the dangers of poorly-designed and installed HVAC systems, which can compromise comfort and cause air quality problems. Aside from featuring carefully engineered systems and being compliant with quality installation requirements, Indoor airPLUS homes and buildings also feature:

  • Improved HVAC air filters/filtration systems
  • Dehumidification systems in warm, moist climates
  • Whole-house and isolated ventilation to dilute and completely vent indoor air pollutants
  • Regular inspection of air quality control systems and ductwork to ensure cleanliness and adequate airflow

Indoor airPLUS Requirements for HVAC Air Filter Manufacturers

Indoor airPLUS also provides a list of requirements for home builders and HVAC air filter manufacturers.

For starters, all filter access panels on any central forced-air HVAC system are equipped with a gasket material or some other kind of sealing mechanism. Access panels must also fit snugly against the filter’s exposed edge to reduce the likelihood of air bypass.

Indoor airPLUS also recommends these additional HVAC requirements:

  • Install HVAC filters that are rated at least MERV 8 (ISO ePM10) or higher according to standards by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
  • Air filters function best when the filter rack uses a flexible, air-tight gasket material, such as closed-cell foam, on the surface comes into contact with the filter’s downstream side
  • The upstream side of the filter, on the other hand, should use friction fit or spring clips to stay securely in place
  • Avoid installing any air-cleaning systems that produce ozone

Do Industrial Air Filters Meet Indoor airPLUS’s MERV Requirements?

In short, yes, they do. In fact, the minimum MERV rating for industrial air filters is MERV 8. However, what exactly do these ratings mean?

The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) provides recommendations for the appropriate filter efficiency to ensure the protection of home and building occupants, as well as products and processes, from airborne contaminants and pollutants. So, even if air filter manufacturers build air filtration systems that come with a variety of features and efficiencies, they will at least follow a type of identifiable standard.

Different Commercial Air Filtration Systems According to MERV Rating

When it comes to efficiency, commercial air filtration systems are measured according to their minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV). Each MERV rating is recommended for specific applications, which depends on the size of the space the air filter will be used and the kinds of pollutants it is expected to capture and remove.

  • MERV 8 – Warehouses, storage areas, processing areas, mechanical equipment rooms, and electrical control rooms
  • MERV 11 – Special processing areas, automotive paint shops, electrical shops, laboratories, and general office spaces
  • MERV 13 – Electronics shops, drafting areas, analytical labs, conference rooms, and large office spaces
  • MERV 14 – Hospitals and clinics, pharmaceutical research and development and manufacturing facilities, and certain clean rooms
  • Combination of MERV 8 and MERV 14 filters – Aseptic hospital areas, clean rooms in electronics and film manufacturing, radioactive areas

Air filtration systems in these areas also use high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, which follow different standards published by the Institute of Environmental Technologies. They are the most efficient air filters available having an efficiency of at least 99.97% on particles 0.3 micron in size (1/300 of the diameter of a human hair)

A Final Note on the Need for Commercial HVAC Filters

The push for higher indoor air quality standards led by the EPA and other government agencies, and the subsequent demand for better construction standards and installation of commercial HVAC filters, comes from a growing awareness of the importance of clean air and a healthy indoor climate. Good IAQ is especially important for people who are sensitive to pollen, dust, chemical fumes, and other allergens.

Fortunately, research has proven that high-quality air filtration systems effectively capture and remove particulate matter and fumes from the air. Learn more about commercial air filters by getting in touch with one of the country’s leading industrial air filter manufacturers. To contact Camfil USA, please click here.

Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620

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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Use Commercial Air Filters To Defend Your Home Against Nitrogen Dioxide

Camfil Commercial Air Filters News – One of the most damaging and common air pollutants is nitrogen dioxide (NO2). NO2 is made out of atoms of both oxygen and nitrogen that poses a serious danger to people’s health and the environment. It contributes to a thick, noxious haze in the air that decreases visibility, causes lung damage, and damages plant life. It’s extremely important to be aware of the harmful effects NO2 can have, its potential sources, and ways to protect yourself from it.

Nitrogen Dioxide Air Pollution Makes Commercial HVAC Air Filters

NO2 is often emitted by the combustion of fossil fuels or biofuels, though it can also come from interactions in the atmosphere between nitric oxide (NO) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). NO2 emissions are highly correlated with emissions of other nitrogen oxides. For this reason, control measures that reduce emissions of other nitrogen oxides will reduce levels of NO2 as well.

“Levels of nitrogen NO2 in the air will often shift due to direct emissions and fluctuating concentrations of chemical precursors,” explained Camfil’s Charlie Seyffer, Manager of Marketing & Technical Materials for commercial air filters and 37-year ASHRAE member and active committee participant. “Despite this, NO2 has been selected as the indicator for controlling ambient levels of nitrogen oxides (NOX) in general. This is because there’s often limited information on ambient levels of NO and NOX, and the health effects of exposure to NO or NOX aren’t as well known as the health effects of NO2 exposure.”¹

While NO2 is a threat by itself, it can also lead to the formation of other air pollutants. The photochemical reactions between sunlight, VOCs, and NO2 can give rise to pollutants like ozone. NO2 is also a key ingredient in the formation of nitrite, nitric acid (HNO3), nitrosamines, and nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (nitro-PAHs).

Commercial Air Filtration Systems Shield People’s Lungs From Nitrogen Dioxide

Research indicates that exposure to NO2 can cause lung damage and respiratory diseases. Controlled human exposure studies have shown that NO2 exposure can exacerbate asthma and intensify responses to allergens. Epidemiological studies have also found strong associations between NO2 exposure and cardiopulmonary effects, such as decreased lung function and respiratory-related emergency room visits.

“Children are at greater risk for harm from NO2 because they spend more time outdoors and are therefore exposed to more NO2 than adults,” warned Seyffer. “Several studies have found that long-term NO2 exposure as a child can lead to smaller lungs as an adult, as the NO2 prevents proper lung growth. Children with asthma also have lungs that are more easily irritated by pollutants, when compared to adult asthmatics.” ²

Adults who have chronic respiratory or cardiovascular ailments like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are also at severe risk for harm when exposed to NO2.

Industrial Air Filtration Units Can’t Affect Ambient Nitrogen Dioxide Levels, So NO2 Continues to Harm The Environment

In addition to harming people’s health, NO2 can easily damage the vegetation within a region or ecosystem. NO2 wreaks havoc on the leaves of trees and crops, impacting their ability to respire achieve photosynthesis. It’s important to note, however, that this damage typically only occurs when the duration of NO2 exposure is at least 0.2 ppm for at least 100 hours.

NO2 can create a thick haze that leads to the reduction of visibility. It transforms into a reddish-brown haze by absorbing the shorter blue wavelengths of visible light, and it also contributes to the creation of nitrate aerosol haze.

Commercial HEPA Air Filters Combined with Source Control Can Protect You from Nitrogen Dioxide

Indoor levels of NO2 threaten people’s health, much as outdoor nitrogen dioxide does. It’s important to limit levels of indoor nitrogen dioxide, whether through source control or the use of commercial molecular high efficiency air filters (carbon).

Source control means finding potential sources of NO2 and controlling their emissions. Space heaters and gas stoves are common sources of indoor of NO2. NO2 levels are affected by the number of NO2-emitting appliances in a home, the air exchange rate of the building, and the season of the year.

“Improperly vented furnaces, clothes dryers, and water heaters are also sources of indoor NO2, though emissions from them aren’t quite as common,” described Seyffer. “Levels of NO2 are often higher in the winter than in the summer, likely because gas appliances are used more often in winter while windows remain closed more frequently.”³

Molecular high efficiency air filters can help protect people’s lungs from nitrogen dioxide particles. They are also capable of absorbing up to 99.97% of all particles of pollutants, making them excellent protective tools for those who have sensitivities to NO2 and other forms of air pollution.

If you live in an area that has high levels of NO2 pollution, you may also want to purchase a portable air purifier that uses molecular high efficiency air filters. This will provide you with extra protection from NO2, beyond what a regular HVAC system by itself can provide you with.

Industrial Air Filtration and Ventilation Must Be Employed Alongside Strict Air Quality Standards

Because of the damage that nitrogen oxide can cause, air quality standards set by regulatory agencies like the EPA are of extreme importance. Ambient air quality standards reflect the maximum amount of a pollutant that may be in the ambient air without damaging people’s health.

The national limit for 1-hour nitrogen dioxide levels at is 0.100 parts per billion (ppb). The current standard was set in 2010 following an extensive literature review, which implied that previous standards for NO2 were too high to prevent negative health effects. While this is the EPA’s national limit, individual states can – and often do – create their own limits. For example, the state of California set the limit for one-hour NO2 at 0.18 ppm, a slightly larger margin than the national standard. A state may choose to set their own limit for NO2 because their own researchers may advise that a different level of NO2 is safe.

For information on how severe the levels of nitrogen dioxide and other air pollutants are in your area, check your local air quality forecast at This will help you make an educated decision about the type of commercial air filter you need for your home HVAC system.

Camfil USA is the leading provider of commercial filtration, which is guaranteed to absorb particles of nitrogen dioxide and other harmful air pollutants. Contact us today to have your questions about filters or nitrogen dioxide answered by knowledgeable professionals.

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620

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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

High Efficiency Air Filter Manufacturer Offers Tips on Driving Smarter

Of all the different forms of pollution attacking our planet today, traffic emissions are responsible for over half of the nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide, and almost one-quarter of the hydrocarbons being released into the air.

These continuing high levels of air pollution pose a number of health risks to humans, along with virtually every other plant and animal.

When looking at current emission figures, it’s easy to see how much damage transportation does to the environment. In fact, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the use of gasoline and diesel engines for transportation in 2016 resulted in the emission of:

  • 1,102 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) – gasoline vehicles
  • 437 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) – diesel vehicles

These numbers are only a small segment of a much larger problem, however. Each type of fossil fuel produces CO2 at different rates along with other gases and particulates, including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and many other toxic chemicals, all of which have been linked to cancer, birth defects, heart disease, and many other illnesses.

With billions of cars, trucks, buses, trains, motorcycles, lawn mowers and other fossil fuel powered machines in operation around the world, outdoor air quality is considered poor, depending on where you live. The use of both industrial and commercial HEPA filter air purifiers can – and does – help significantly indoors, but the rest of the planet still suffers.

So, how can you impact change, as only one driver amongst the billions on the planet?

According to National Geographic Magazine, if all fossil fuel burning vehicles on the road today were replaced with electric powered vehicles (EV’s), oil consumption would be reduced by up to 21 million barrels a day. This would result in a reduction of CO2 emissions by 3.2 billion metric tons annually, which is currently equivalent to 60 percent of all U.S. emissions today.

Commercial and Industrial Air Filters Are Only Part of the Solution  

“We have found that by installing the appropriate commercial and high efficiency air filter, we can significantly improve indoor air quality by removing up to 99 percent of the contaminants in the air,” says  Charlie Seyffer, Manager of Marketing & Technical Materials at Camfil US, a leading commercial and industrial air filter manufacturer.

To help improve outdoor air quality and reduce world air pollution, learning to drive smarter is one huge step in the right direction.

  • Carpool –Carpooling might take some time to adjust to, but the more you can carpool the fewer greenhouse gases and toxins will be released into the air.
  • Plan Better– Instead of making several trips to run your weekly errands, plan ahead and combine as many of your errands into a single trip as possible.
  • Use Your GPS– Use your GPS system or phone to map out accidents, traffic backups, and construction that could potentially leave you sitting in a dense cloud of exhaust fumes that even the toughest commercial HVAC replacement air filters might struggle with, let alone the cabin air filter in your car.

HVAC Air Filter Manufacturers Suggest Considering a New Car  

It might seem a bit forward for any industry to suggest people should buy newer cars that produce fewer greenhouse gases. Historically, both the industrial manufacturing and energy industries have been blamed for a much larger percentage of air pollution than is warranted.  As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established far more rigid emission requirements for those industries compared to the automotive industry. Yet change is coming, as HVAC air filter manufacturers and consumers are pushing for smarter cars and trucks that are kinder to the environment.

“One of the most important steps we can take towards reducing the amount of CO2 in the air is to take a very close look at the transportation industry,” adds Seyffer. “When it comes to fuel sources, very little has changed since the removal of lead additives. Perhaps, it is time to take a far more serious look at alternatives such as hybrids and electric vehicles.”

Three popular options include:

  • The Hybrid – These vehicles use a combination of a smaller gas engine and an electric motor to boost power to the wheels. The batteries are recharged each time you apply the brakes. While this type of hybrid still burns gas, it’s much better for the environment than traditional vehicles.
  • The Plug-in Hybrid – Powered first by batteries and then by a gas engine, these vehicles can travel from 25 to 80 miles on a full charge. After that, the car then continues to run on its gasoline engine. Commuters, on average, drive approximately 40 miles per day, so with the right vehicle it is possible to not rely on a gas engine.
  • The All-Electric Vehicle – These vehicles are powered by a battery pack and an electric motor. With this being their only form of power, these vehicles do not require any fossil fuels and produce no emissions. While charging stations in certain areas are challenging to find, the rising popularity of all-electric vehicles is leading to the rapid expansion of charging stations around the country.  

Industrial Air Filter Manufacturers Say Taking Care of Your Car Can Help

Can you remember the last time your vehicle had a tune-up, a new air filter, or an oil change? When was the last time you checked the air pressure of your tires? All play a large role in how efficiently your car runs.

Poor air quality is at an all-time high, and in some major cities, it is so bad that it seeps into retail stores, office buildings, factories, and even homes, where the indoor air quality is even worse.  Change is needed, and minor routine maintenance helps both the environment and the air.

Here are three simple things you can do to help keep your car in tip-top shape:

  • Get Tune-Ups Regularly –Most cars on the roadways require less maintenance than those from decades ago. But that’s not to say you should neglect regular maintenance. Every time you get a tune-up, you should also make sure to have the oxygen sensor and air filter inspected. If they are damaged or clogged, replacing them may increase fuel efficiency by up to 40%.
  • Make Sure Your Tires Are Properly Inflated – Running your car on under-inflated tires can have a significant impact on overall fuel economy. Plus, underinflated tires wear out more quickly, which will leave you with old tires that must be discarded. Check your tires once a month and keep them properly inflated.
  • Stay On Top Of Oil Changes –Be sure to have the oil changed in your car in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended service intervals. This will help keep your engine in peak running condition.

Do Your Part to Protect Our Air and Lighten the Load on Air Filter Systems

You might not stop to think about how much pollution your car and millions of others produce every day of the year. By simply learning to drive smarter and take better care of your car, you will impact change. If everyone would follow your lead, we could improve indoor and outdoor air quality, while simultaneously reducing the load on the world’s commercial and industrial air filter systems.

For more information on both commercial and industrial air filter systems by Camfil USA, please click here.

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620

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