Thursday, January 31, 2019

How Home Air Filters Could Help You Live Longer

A recent study suggests that poor outdoor and indoor air quality can shave off as many as 1.8 years from the average lifespan. Learn how home air filters help.

In recent years, environmental pollution has emerged as a leading cause of premature death, responsible for nearly one in six fatalities, or an estimated 9 million cases worldwide each year. Air pollution alone accounted for 6.5 million deaths in 2015, underscoring just how important home air filters are today.

But the task of identifying air pollution as a causal factor in premature deaths may not account for the number of indirect fatalities it causes. According to one study on air pollution, the tiny toxic particles and chemical gases that make up polluted air contribute to a higher risk of lung disease, heart disease and strokes, shaving off four months from the average American’s lifespan and as many as 1.8 years from someone living in parts of Asia and Africa.

Impact of Poor Outdoor and Indoor Air Quality on Mortality

To understand the impact of poor outdoor and indoor air quality on human lifespans, the researchers obtained data from the Global Burden of Disease 2016 dataset, which contains an extensive collection of diseases, injuries, and other issues that kill people around the world each year.

The research team focused specifically on fine particulate matter, or PM2.5—pollution particles no larger than 2.5 microns in diameter, or about 30 times smaller than the width of a human hair.

“Long term exposure to ultrafine particles can induce respiratory and cardiovascular diseases,” explains Camfil USA’s Charlie Seyffer, Manager of Marketing & Technical Materials for commercial air filters and 37-year ASHRAE member and active committee participant. “Below PM2.5particles are more harmful because they penetrate deeper into the lung alveoli. They cross blood vessels walls, diffuse into the blood circulation to reach and affect organ function.”

It’s for this reason that consistent exposure to airborne pollutants is associated with an increased incidence of heart attacks, strokes and lung diseases.

Home Air Purifiers Offer Solution to Cut Down Airborne PM Levels

The study, led by Joshua Apte of the Cockrell School of Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, analyzed PM2.5 exposure levels across 185 countries, cross-referencing this with local life expectancy levels. According to Apte, while saying that 90,000 Americans die each year from air pollution is alarming, framing the numbers in terms of life expectancy may leave a more relatable impression on people. The good news is that high-quality home air purifiers are more than capable of capturing and removing particulate matter from indoor environments, provided that the air purifier is the appropriate type for the size of the room.

Why Home Air Purification Systems Are Especially Needed in Developing World

Home air purification systems are especially important in developing parts of the world as the study reveals that the impacts of air pollution vary according to how “dirty” the air is for a population. For example, in the United States, PM2.5 robs Americans of approximately four months off their average lifespan. On the other hand, in Bangladesh and Egypt, where air pollution levels are significantly higher, poor air quality is shaving off more than 1.8 years from people’s lifespans.

Overall, the study shows that 42 countries saw drops in life expectancy by at least a year due to high levels of particulate matter in the atmosphere.

Silver Lining in Study Shows Opportunity for Home Air Filtration Systems to Help

But the study also presents a positive finding. The researchers calculated how many years people could add to their lifespan if the countries they lived in succeeded in limiting their air pollution exposure to PM2.5—the standard deemed by the World Health Organization’s air quality guidelines as “acceptable.” They found that doing so would give back the average Egyptian 1.3 years of life, for example. What this also means is that technologies such as home air filtration systems can be used to ensure that air quality inside homes and buildings remains high even in areas with high air pollution levels.

Commercial High Efficiency Air Filtration Systems Also Maintain Comfort and Quality of Life

Over the last 100 years, global human lifespans have almost doubled thanks to better access to food, modern medicine, and other improvements. Today, most people can expect to live to 70 and beyond. And while much of the focus on air pollution is on the number of deaths linked to it, experts have also cautioned the public to remember that poor outdoor and indoor air quality also affects their quality of life. In other words, air quality solutions such as commercial high efficiency air filtration systems don’t just help extend lifespans, they also ensure that people are healthy and comfortable.

For instance, for air purifiers that use true HEPA filters rated to capture and remove 99.97 percent of particulate matter down to 0.3 microns in diameter, they also prevent natural airborne pollutants like dust, pollen and mold from circulating inside homes and buildings. And as anyone who routinely suffers from allergy season during the spring and summer months knows, having an air filter can make a world of difference when it comes to comfort.

Learn more about protecting your home using home air filters by getting in touch with Camfil USA. Talk to our team to learn about our systems designed to protect your indoor air quality against air pollution or browse our product catalog to learn more about our air filters.


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Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Why Seniors Have a More Urgent Need for Home Air Filters

Learn why outdoor and indoor air quality is more urgent to the elderly and their health, and how home air filters can help address this issue.

Camfil Residential Air Filter News – The growing demand for home air filters in the United States comes alongside increased awareness about the health dangers of air pollution. This demand also comes after repeated warnings from organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) about the potential health issues caused by exposure to air pollution. These dangers are particularly pronounced among young children, expecting mothers, and the elderly, causing all kinds of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

According to a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, consistent exposure to high levels of air pollution can also have an unexpected health issue—reduced cognitive function, manifesting in lower test scores in language and math.

Also, according to the researchers, the effect is worse for the elderly, especially individuals over the age of 64, as well as men and individuals with low educational attainment. They also add that the loss in cognitive function would be equivalent to a few years of education.

“We already know that air pollution is the greatest environmental health risk, recognized as the fourth leading cause of premature death in the world,” said Camfil USA’s Charlie Seyffer, Manager of Marketing & Technical Materials for commercial air filters and 37-year ASHRAE member and active committee participant. “The problem is that 95 percent of the world breathes polluted air, which gets worse in developing countries.”

Indoor Air Quality and Link to Brain Health

Researchers Xin Zhang, Xi Chen, and Xiaobo Zhang of Beijing Normal University’s School of Statistics conducted their study in China, which has some of the worst air pollution in the world, causing serious indoor air quality issues in countless households across the nation.

They analyzed the language and math test scores of more than 20,000 Chinese people between 2010 and 2014, comparing the results with records of particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the atmosphere during the same period.

What they found was a possible correlation between air pollution and falling test scores, leading them to speculate that airborne pollutants may affect the brain’s white matter, which plays a critical role in a person’s language abilities. Moreover, because men tend to have less white matter in their brains than women, this may explain why the researchers found that men’s language and math abilities tend to suffer more from exposure to air pollution.

The research results, however, are far from conclusive, which is why Zhang and his colleagues emphasize the importance of further investigating how exactly air pollution affects the brain, and if other factors like sex, age, genetics, and diet also play a role.

Using High Efficiency Air Filtration Systems to Negate Health Effects of Air Pollution

High efficiency air filtration systems are important for seniors because many of them try to live healthier lifestyles by spending more time outdoors, whether it’s by walking around the neighborhood, doing tai chi, or joining yoga classes in the park.

In fact, the health benefits of light exercise outdoors for seniors are well-documented. These include improved lung function, improved cardiovascular function, reduction of heart disease and stroke, improved management of diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and joint and muscle pain.

But a study published in the Lancet suggests that outdoor air pollution can negate any benefits of light exercise outdoors, especially in urban environments. The researchers surveyed more than a hundred people over the age of 60, asking them to spend time walking outdoors.

One group of seniors was tasked to do their walking on a busy street in downtown London, while other groups walked in the park. The research participants were a mix of healthy individuals, while others had manageable symptoms of heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD).

Interestingly, the research team found that the seniors who had done their walking in the park enjoyed lower blood pressure and better flexibility in their arteries, while those who had walked in downtown London barely experienced any observable benefits, if at all.

The researchers suspect that the group of seniors that walked downtown was probably exposed to higher levels of particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide from cars and trucks, which negated the health benefits of their light exercise.

How Home Air Purifiers Prevent Other Diseases

Aside from preventing air pollution from affecting brain and lung function, home air purifiers can also help prevent and manage the symptoms of heart disease and diabetes, with recent studies linking air pollution with cardiovascular problems and heightened levels of blood glucose.

“The growing body of literature on air pollution has allowed us to shed more light on just how toxic it can be,” said Seyffer. “Now we know that polluted air also affects the heart, brain, and even the reproductive system.”

If anything, the complex impact of air pollution on our health shows just how interconnected the different organ systems of the human body are. For instance, while we know that the air pollution affects the lungs the most, they are also the entry portal for airborne pollutants to reach the other vital organs like the brain, liver and immune system.

When fine particulate matter enters the lungs, for example, the particles can penetrate its deepest recesses and cross into the bloodstream. From here, these particles can wind up virtually anywhere in the body.

Still, the brain represents a unique challenge, mainly because there’s much about it that we still don’t know. Moreover, a large number of factors could affect its health and function, from pollution and diet to age and genetics.

Study Shows Homes Near Major Roads Need Home Air Filtration Systems the Most

Another study suggests that individuals who live in homes and buildings near major roads, which tend to have higher concentrations of air pollution due to road congestion and the sheer volume of vehicles passing by the area, may be more prone to developing Alzheimer’s disease later in life. This study only helps highlight the importance of installing home air filtration systems in homes and buildings in air pollution hotspots.

But like the study authored by Zhang and his colleagues, scientists still have to look into whether this correlation is caused by exposure to air pollution from passing cars and trucks, vibrations and noise that can also affect brain function or other causal factors. Poor diet may also be a factor, as low-income communities tend to live near major roads.

If researchers succeed in identifying air pollution as a culprit for Alzheimer’s disease, the next and more difficult step is to pinpoint which airborne pollutants are guilty of causing neurodegenerative issues.

Why Home Air Purification Systems Are More Urgent than Ever

In any case, home air purification systems with true HEPA filters are designed to capture 99.97 percent of airborne particles down to 0.3 microns in diameter. But not all air filter systems are built the same, which is why it’s important to consult a reliable air filter manufacturer to discuss your options.

At Camfil USA, we know how important it is to keep the air inside your home clean and safe to breathe. Get in touch with our team to learn more about how you can protect your indoor spaces from air pollution. You may also explore our catalog of home air filters to learn more about our products.


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Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

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Friday, January 25, 2019

Air Filter Leader Camfil Discusses Molecular Air Filtration

Commercial Air Filtration – Starting the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) process can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience for anyone needing help in conceiving a child.

In the industrialized countries alone, an estimated 15 percent of people have problems conceiving. Scientists cite stress, environmental pollution, diet, sexually transmitted diseases and obesity as the reasons and predict that the situation will worsen in the coming years.

Creating a Safe Environment for In Vitro Fertilization

As a technique, IVF has flourished ever since the birth of the first “test tube” baby in 1978. Simply described, IVF is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish. When the IVF procedure is successful, the process is combined with a procedure known as embryo transfer, which is used to physically place the embryo in the uterus.

Providing the appropriate environment for fertilization is one of the most important steps in IVF. Airborne pollutants are critical in IVF facilities where air quality in laboratories and clinical procedure rooms can have enormous effects on embryo quality, embryo survival and the clinical outcome of IVF treatment. This is where Camfil’s Molecular Contamination Control division is bringing effective air filtration solutions to the industry.

Many IVF clinics in developed countries have grown into profitable enterprises and the “success rate” of their IVF procedure and reputation are key factors that couples take into account when selecting a clinic.

Eliminating harmful molecular pollutants

Good air quality may be directly related to the success rate of the IVF procedure. Several gases or groups of gases have been identified as problematic, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), aldehydes, formaldehydes, nitrogen oxide and styrene.

Molecules that are toxic towards human cells are referred to as cytotoxic and cytotoxins can disrupt the external cell membrane or prevent cells from growing and dividing.

After fertilization, the single-cell human egg splits from two to four to eight cells. The cell division process continues as cells become specialized in form and function. It is during this initial period outside the female body, when the cell count is lowest, that exposure to molecular pollutants (cytotoxins) represents the greatest risk. This requires incorporating precautions in the IVF procedure to limit exposure. Applying molecular filtration to the clinic air provides an essential protection for the embryo prior to implantation.

Molecular Filtration in Building Ventilation

To deal with varying sources of gases, molecular filters can be applied in different locations within the building ventilation system to filter fresh air and treat high concentrations of pollutants from external sources, and to filter recirculation or return air and treat residual trace concentrations of pollutants from internal and external sources. To realize the optimum performance from any molecular filter, it is essential to use pre-filters to provide protection from particulate matter. The recommended level is min. ePM1 50 percent (ISO 16890) or MERV 13 (ASHRAE 52.2).

Broad Spectrum and Targeted Adsorption

The composition of the chemical cocktail in the air is extremely complex and variable. Molecular filtration is therefore based on the use of a broad-spectrum adsorbent that will remove >99 percent of all the different molecules in the air.

However, broad-spectrum adsorbents will not control up to 50 relatively common gases, which requires the use of a special chemically impregnated adsorbent to target individual molecules or groups of molecules. A layered configuration, subject to available space and pressure loss restrictions, will give superior performance and lower life cycle, compared to a blended media solution.

Recommended Products for IVF Facilities

Some experts in IVF clinics are understandably aware of issues related to “outgassing” of molecular contaminants from materials used to construct such facilities. Increasingly they are setting the bar for control of molecular pollutants at higher levels. In a natural progression, some customers are now seeking assurances that filters are equally as clean, in terms of molecular out-gassing, as other items in the clinic. This is a similar trend to the microelectronics industry where such demands have been routine for several years.  In such situations, Camfil can offer GigaPleat filters which are assembled using only materials which have been tested to assure low outgassing characteristics. Furthermore, if so required, each completed GigaPleat filters as an entire device can also be tested for outgassing prior to the filter leaving the factory. CamCarb, CityCarb, and CitySorb have unique attributes, from high capacity to combined removal of particles & molecules, and can meet every need for filtering fresh/make-up air and recirculation air at IVF clinics.

Support Services for IVF Clinics

As specialists, Camfil can offer a comprehensive range of support services to clinics to achieve the maximum benefit of molecular filtration. These services include passive sampling devices to determine gas concentrations in ventilation systems and enclosed spaces, Gigacheck, and Gigamonitor techniques to analyze samples of used molecular filtration media, monitor residual life and plan filter replacements.

Camfil has a unique molecular filtration test facility to test full-scale products and mimic actual application conditions. Proprietary software is also used to determine molecular filtration lifetime and assist customers in selecting the most appropriate and efficient solution for their application. We test to the standard ISO 10121-1:2014: test method for assessing the performance of gas-phase air cleaning media and devices for general ventilation.

If you’d like more information on Camfil’s high efficiency air filters, contact us today or find more clean air solutions on our Clean Air blog.


Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620

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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Why Hospitals Face an Urgent Need for Commercial Air Filtration

Learn about the critical role played by commercial air filtration systems in safeguarding indoor air quality in hospitals around the world.

Hospitals tend to be hotbeds for air pollution due to having several sources of biological contaminants. It’s why these and other healthcare facilities require commercial air filtration systems, which play a vital role in preventing patients and healthcare workers from being exposed to contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, house dust, pollen, mites, cockroach droppings, and pest urine among many others according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

But it’s not just indoor air contaminants that hospitals have to worry about; according to a 2017 report using data from the previous year, more than half of all medical facilities in London are exposed to air pollution levels that exceed the legal limit. The study, published jointly this month by Kings College London and the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change, notes that the dirty air poses a serious health problem to both patients and healthcare staff throughout the city.

“Outdoor air pollution has long been linked to a host of serious illnesses, including cancer, stroke, asthma, heart disease, diabetes, and even obesity,” points out Camfil USA’s Charlie Seyffer, Manager of Marketing & Technical Materials for commercial air filters and 37-year ASHRAE member and active committee participant. “This means that hospital workers and patients are exposed to air pollutants on two fronts—indoors and outdoors.”

Findings Highlight Importance of Commercial HEPA Filters

In their analysis, Kings College London looked at the ambient air quality of 2,200 National Health Service (NHS) facilities, including hospitals, clinics, GP centers, and general healthcare facilities in London using data obtained from both the Greater London Authority (GLA) and Transport for London (TfL). Each medical facility’s location was cross-referenced with the air quality concentration points from Kings College London’s “KCL urban model,” allowing the researchers to determine which facility was located in a part of the city with particularly dirty air. In effect, this allowed the researchers to identify which hospitals or clinics had an urgent need for commercial high efficiency air filters.

The researchers found that at least 74 percent of medical facilities in inner London were situated in areas where concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NOx) were far beyond the legal limit. On the other hand, 41 percent of the medical facilities they surveyed were blanketed by heavily polluted air. More disturbing, however, is the finding that high outdoor air pollution levels surrounded many of England’s largest acute care facilities and teaching hospitals.

What the Report Says about Indoor Air Quality in Hospitals

With more than half of NHS facilities covered in air pollution above legal limits, the joint report shows that health professionals are caring for patients in environments where the indoor air quality could very well aggravate their existing conditions, not to mention put healthcare workers at risk of becoming sick, which, in turn, places a financial strain on the hospital’s resources. The study, however, notes that children are the most susceptible to poor ambient air quality.

The study adds that common components found in air pollution include:

  • Fine particulate matter (PM) – PM2.5, or particles smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter, are particularly dangerous because they are small enough to be carried through the air and inhaled. When this happens, the particles can penetrate the deepest parts of the lungs and cross into the bloodstream, making their way to the body’s vital organs. This absorption can cause health complications like diabetes, heart disease and neurological disorders among others.
  • Nitrogen oxides (NOx) – Nitrogen oxide emissions can react with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sunlight to produce ozone—a primary component of smog and acid rain.

“Study after study tells us that PM and NOx emissions are linked to an increased risk of heart disease and respiratory diseases like COPD, asthma, and lung cancer,” said Seyffer. “For hospital patients, you can imagine that clean air is a matter of life and death.

Why Industrial Air Filtration Systems Offer the Solution to the Problem

As with other studies on air pollution, the joint paper identified the energy sector as the primary source of key airborne pollutants in London. The International Energy Agency (IEA) notes that energy generation accounts for 85 percent of particulate matter emissions and almost all emissions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides released into the air every year. The good news is that industrial air filtration systems are capable of capturing and removing these pollutants in indoor and even outdoor environments.

The problem, however, is that not everyone enjoys the protection of air filter systems. In fact, an estimated 40,000 people prematurely die each year due to the exposure of dirty air in the United Kingdom alone. Furthermore, close to one in four people live in parts of London where air pollution levels exceed the legal limits set by the European Union.

This is precisely why research by institutions like Kings College London and the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change is so important, as they reveal the current state of the problem of air pollution. Previous work by Kings College played a vital role in identifying road vehicles as a primary cause of London’s air pollution woes, helping pave the way for initiatives such as the Low Emission Zone—a rule that penalizes pollution-spewing vehicles every time they enter the city’s center.

How Industrial Filter Air Purifiers Work

Industrial high efficiency air filters and air purifiers are designed to capture and remove airborne contaminants found in most hospitals and medical facilities. When attached to the facility’s central HVAC system, a proper high efficiency air filter can capture particulate matter, and allergens like dust and pollen as they pass through the duct system.

In fact, a true commercial high efficiency filter or purifier is capable of capturing up to 99 percent of dust, mold and pollen from the air. Not surprisingly, this has made air filtration systems an indispensable asset in many hospitals around the world.

And when paired with a molecular air filtration system that uses activated carbon, these air purifiers can also capture:

  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are off-gassed by paint, solvents, construction materials, and fabrics
  • Smoke from cooking, heating, lighting, and tobacco
  • Exhaust fumes from vehicles
  • Radon from building materials and soil

Unfortunately, high efficiency air filters are not designed to kill biological contaminants like bacteria and viruses. Although air filter technology has a long history in the biomedical industry, filters can only capture viruses and bacteria that cling to airborne particles. Once they are captured, the movement of air through the system, removes two things that all biologicals need to live, water and nutrients. Because of the captured contaminants and their possible viability, air filters should always be serviced by qualified personnel who take precautions to prevent cross-contamination.

Parting Thoughts on Industrial Air Purification Systems

When it comes to human health, nowhere are industrial air purification systems more important than in healthcare facilities like hospitals, urgent care centers, clinics, and even dental care facilities. In many of these settings, patients are already immune-compromised and much more susceptible to the health risks posed by airborne contaminants that would otherwise be handled by the body’s immune system. Likewise, doctors, nurses, medical staff, and visitors need air filters to reduce their exposure to biological contaminants, making it less likely for them to become sick.

For nearly 50 years, Camfil USA has designed and built air filtration systems for hospitals and healthcare facilities around the world. An air filter from Camfil USA is guaranteed to provide excellent protection from airborne contaminants found in medical facilities, particularly when used as part of an overall air quality control program. Talk to the Camfil USA team today to learn more about our line of air filters for hospitals and healthcare facilities.


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Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Air Quality Found Inside Schools Is Making Children Sick

Learn why schools face an urgent need to protect and improve indoor air quality, and how commercial air filtration systems just may be the solution.

Scientists and educators have long raised concerns over the number of school children across the United States that are currently exposed to air pollution in schools. The risk is exceptionally high for schools in low-income neighborhoods, which tend to have higher concentrations of airborne pollutants and thus face a greater need for commercial air filtration systems.

Why Schools Need Commercial Air Filtration Systems

And it’s not just the outdoor environments that pose a health risk caused by pollution exposure. In 2014, the National Center for Education Statistics surveyed a number of school districts in the country and estimated that the average age of school buildings in the country was over 55 years old—in other words, the average school building in the U.S. was built in the late 50s to early 60s.

Furthermore, close to a quarter of the country’s schools have at least one building requiring extensive repairs, with nearly half of these buildings having problems related to poor indoor air quality.

“During the 70s and 80s, many buildings were built and retrofitted with thicker insulation, tighter windows and doors, and vapor barriers, all in an effort to reduce heat transfer and prevent cold air from entering buildings,” notes Camfil USA’s Charlie Seyffer, Manager of Marketing & Technical Materials for commercial air filters and 37-year ASHRAE member and active committee participant. “But this has had the inadvertent effect of encouraging the buildup of moisture and pollutants from contaminant sources inside of the buildings.”

In addition, old buildings may release radon, a colorless gas naturally released by the rock and soil the building is built upon, as well as asbestos particles that are related to a common construction component used during that period. Both are toxic and associated with serious health problems.

Why Indoor Air Quality is Important in Schools

Most people are already aware of the negative health effects of exposure to outdoor air pollution. However, what they don’t realize is that poor indoor air quality can be just as bad, if not worse. In fact, studies by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on human exposure to air pollution have found that indoor levels of airborne pollutants can be two to five times—sometimes over 100 times—higher than outdoor levels of air pollution. Particularly concerning are the levels of indoor air pollutants in school environments, where children can spend eight hours a day, five days a week inside classrooms, hallways and cafeterias.

Schools also have a higher density of people than other buildings, which makes it more likely for people to inhale bacteria and viruses, transferring colds, the flu, and other airborne microorganisms. Students also spend a lot of time inside gymnasiums, locker rooms and recess areas where high levels of biological contaminants and dead skin cells are present.

Another consideration is that many public schools are in cities and tend to be located in densely populated areas, making students more susceptible to outdoor air pollution from cars, industrial facilities and construction activities.

What Studies Have to Say About the Need for High Efficiency Air Filtration Systems in Schools

A recent study published in the journal Environmental Research sought to understand what kind of air quality public schools throughout  the country were facing. Using census data and earlier findings by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the researchers mapped out the air pollution exposure of approximately 90,000 public schools across the United States to assess which schools needed solutions such as high efficiency air filtration systems the most.

The researchers found some concerning results:

  • Of the roughly 90,000 schools surveyed, only 728, or less than one percent, managed to obtain the best possible score for indoor air quality
  • Of the 10 worst-polluted schools, more than half were located in low-income neighborhoods
  • Schools in New York, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and New Jersey —specifically Jersey City and Camden— had the worst indoor air quality

In the case of Camden, a city that got an “F” in a recent air quality study, heavy industry was cited as the biggest risk to the health of school children when it came to air quality. In fact, schools in Camden’s industrial Waterfront South have suffered for years from exposure to severe air pollution. On many days, the air in this area contains so much dust and smoke pollution from trucks and smokestacks that children have had to resort to using inhalers during lunch breaks.

Benefits of Commercial High Efficiency Air Filters/Air Purifiers

Perhaps the most significant benefit of using commercial high efficiency air filters and air purifiers lies in their ability to effectively capture particulate matter (PM2.5) less than 2.5 microns in diameter.  PM primarily refers to solid particles and liquid droplets small and light enough to be carried by the airstream and inhaled. Commercial level high efficiency filters that have an efficiency of MERV 13 or ePM2.5 should be considered whenever possible. This level is consistent with the protection level provided for common office environments, a level that should also be consistent with the protection of our most valuable resource, our children.  

“Prolonged exposure to fine PM can cause respiratory and cardiovascular diseases,” says Seyffer. “For young children, the sick, and the elderly, high levels of PM can cause or aggravate existing illnesses, or worse, death.”

PM2.5, or particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter, is especially dangerous because it is small enough to enter the small alveoli in the lungs and cross into the bloodstream. When this happens, these foreign contaminants can then make their way to the body’s vital organs.

Aside from particulate matter, schools can also have other airborne pollutants such as:

  • Mold or other organics
  • Radon
  • Ozone
  • Bioeffluents
  • Viruses or other communicable matter
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

The risks posed by these pollutants are even more dangerous to children as they have a more rapid breathing rate, eat more food, and drink more liquids relative to their body weight compared to adults. So, it’s imperative that air in schools be as clean as possible.  

Benefits of Commercial High Efficiency Air Filters in School Settings

In the context of schools, however, commercial high efficiency air filters offer these real-life benefits:

  • Lower student absenteeism – Clean air inside schools means that students are less likely to become sick from asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses. From the school’s perspective, high absenteeism rates can affect its ability to receive government subsidies—this is particularly true if aid is contingent on a per-pupil-present-daily basis.
  • Lower teacher and staff absenteeism – Similarly, ensuring that air inside school buildings is clean and safe means that teachers and other staff have a lower likelihood of being sick from exposure to polluted air. Fewer absent teachers also translates to fewer instances of having to bring in substitute teachers, which can place an additional financial burden on the school and disrupt the flow of student’s learning.

Work with Reputable Air Filter Manufacturers for the Best Results

Installing the appropriate air purification systems from leading commercial air filter manufacturers in a school’s central system HVAC units, or even in wall ventilation systems goes a long way toward eliminating these problems. Although it will require a substantial investment on the part of the school, the financial reward in lower absenteeism, healthier students and faculty, and cleaner air inside school buildings, is more than worth it.

For more than 50 years, Camfil USA has offered air filtration solutions specifically designed to address the indoor air quality issues found inside school buildings. We recommend using MERV 13 (ePM2.5) particulate matter filters for common student areas and HEPA filters with carbon absorbers for school laboratories or other odor pollutant generating areas. If you would like more information about our commercial air filtration systems for schools, get in touch with Camfil USA today.


Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

What Recess Guidelines Mean for Commercial Air Filtration Systems

How Utah’s Recess Guidelines Are Tied to Air Quality

Learn why Utah schools follow recess guidelines during inversions, and how commercial air filtration systems protect indoor air quality during this time.

With winter here, residents in Utah are once again advised to brace themselves for higher air pollution levels brought about by temperature inversions. For parents, it’s time to once again pay attention to Utah’s Recess Guidance for Schools, which is “A set of recommendations for when elementary school students should stay indoors for recess based on current air quality.” Basically, it helps parents know when it’s safe for their children to go outside during recess and breaks, or stay indoors under the protection of commercial air filtration systems.

Created by the Utah Departments of Health (UDOH) and Environmental Quality (DEQ), the Utah Recess Guidance for Schools is designed to help school administrators, principals and parents know when to move recess indoors through alerts warning against poor air quality.

The Guidance is aligned with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Air Quality Index (AQI) Recommendations, and links recommended outdoor activities with concentrations of PM2.5, or particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter, which is the primary air pollutant of concern during inversion season in the winter. These particles are less than one-quarter the diameter of a human hair, not visible to the naked eye, and during high-pollution events, there may be tens of thousands of these particles in a cubic foot of air.

In addition, the Guidance takes into considerations students who may have respiratory symptoms or pre-existing respiratory conditions, thus making them more susceptible to the health effects of poor air quality.

“Breathing air pollution affects everyone and their health,” explains Camfil USA’s Charlie Seyffer, Manager of Marketing & Technical Materials for commercial air filters and 37-year ASHRAE member and active committee participant. “But different individuals can have different reactions to dirty air. At-risk segments of the population are particularly vulnerable, including children, the elderly, expecting mothers, and individuals with existing lung and heart conditions.”

Poor Indoor Air Quality: A Chronic Problem in U.S. Schools

Utah is by no means the only state whose ambient outdoor and indoor air quality presents problems for school children. For years, scientists and education officials have raised concerns over the number of school children in the United States who are exposed to high levels of air pollutants in schools. The risk of exposure to polluted air is particularly pronounced in low-income neighborhoods, where schools tend to be built on the cheapest land available—often in industrial zones and near major roads.

And it’s not just outdoor sources of air pollution that are of concern to schools.

According to a 2014 report by the National Center for Education Statistics, the average main school building in the United States was over 55-years old, with roughly half of these building reporting problems caused by poor indoor air quality. This meant that students in these buildings were at greater risk of being exposed to indoor sources of airborne pollutants, including biological contaminants like viruses and bacteria, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and particulate matter generated from normal building activity.

Older school buildings may also have a higher chance of releasing radon, a toxic gas naturally released by soil linked to lung cancer. Older school buildings may also have asbestos—a popular construction material in the 50s and 60s with fire-resistant properties that has since been banned due to being a known carcinogen.

Inversions Highlight the Importance of High Efficiency Air Filtration Systems

During the winter, concentrations of PM2.5—the primary pollutant of concern during this time of year in states like Utah, California, and Colorado—rise because of temperature inversions. These happen when a layer of warm air traps cool air near the ground and prevents it from rising into the upper atmosphere. This, however, also has the effect of trapping most of the airborne pollutants in that cool air, which is why high efficiency air filtration systems are so important in homes and buildings during the winter months.

In Utah, the majority of the state’s population is packed in a relatively small area along the Wasatch Front. Making the air pollution from human activity, whether it’s power generation, traffic, and industrial processes, concentrated in a local area.

When an inversion happens in this valley region, the pollutants end up being trapped, causing Utah’s chronic air quality issues. This pollution continues to build until a storm passes through the area and clears the air. Until then, however, Utahns are exposed to high levels of PM2.5, which is made up of dust, soot and vehicle emissions.

“The danger of PM2.5 comes from the fact that these pollutants are small and light enough to be easily carried by the air and inhaled,” notes Seyffer. “Imagine dust particles ending up deep in the lungs, causing asthma or aggravating existing respiratory or heart conditions.”

Why Children Have a Greater Need for Commercial High Efficiency Filters and Air Purifiers

For children, who show a higher sensitivity to air pollution, PM2.5 can be especially dangerous. Naturally, the likelihood of suffering from the health effects of PM2.5 increases as more time is spent outdoors when levels of PM2.5 pollution are high. For children, the best course of action is to spend as much time as possible inside school buildings equipped with commercial high efficiency filters and air purifiers.

The health dangers posed by particulate matter are also higher for children as they have a more rapid breathing rate, which increases even further with physical activity—think of children running around outdoors during recess. Children also eat more food and drink more liquid relative to their body weight compared to adults, making them more likely to inhale airborne pollutants.

It’s no surprise then asthma rates among children in Utah have been increasing; every classroom in the state has at least two children with asthma, while one in every 11 adults in the country suffer from it. Utah also has one of higher rates of asthma compared to most of the country.

When to Stay Indoors Under the Protection of Industrial High Efficiency Air Filters

As per the Utah Recess Guidance, teachers, principals, and school administrators are advised to keep students indoors under the protection of industrial high efficiency air filters on days when levels of particulate matter are:

  • Below 35.4 μg/m3 (Green and Yellow levels) – All students may spend their recess outdoors.
  • Between 35.5 μg/m3 and 55.4 μg/m3 (Orange level) – Students showing respiratory symptoms or have a history of respiratory problems are advised to stay indoors for recess. This includes children with asthma, chronic lung disease, congenital heart disease, and issues with their immune system.
  • Beyond 55.5 (red or purple levels) – All students are advised to stay indoors for recess.

Real School-Related Benefits from Industrial High Efficiency Air Filters

From a real-world perspective, industrial high efficiency air filters offer these school-related benefits:

  • Low student absenteeism – Protection from dirty air means that children are less likely to get sick from asthma, chronic lung problems, and heart ailments. By being present in school, students are not pressured to make up for lost school days.
  • Low teacher and support staff absenteeism – Likewise, keeping air inside school buildings safe and clean to breathe means that children are less likely to get sick and miss teaching days. In turn, this ensures the school does not have to turn to substitute teachers for emergencies, which can strain their resources.

Choosing Commercial High Efficiency Filters for Schools

For more than 50 years, Camfil USA has manufactured commercial high efficiency filters designed specifically for the air quality needs of schools. We recommend MERV 13 (ISO eMP2.5) particulate matter filters for common student areas, special HEPA filters and microfiltration systems for school labs, and high efficiency filters with activated carbon filters for areas that may have high odor or elevated levels of gaseous contaminants. If you would like to learn more about our commercial air filtration systems for schools, get in touch with Camfil USA today.


Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620

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