Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How Air Filters Protect the Brain from Air Pollution

Learn how air filters and their ability to preserve indoor quality may hold the key to protecting the brain from the detrimental effects of air pollution.

Air pollution isn’t just “dirty” air. It’s a complex mix of gases, particles, and liquid droplets in the atmosphere generated by natural causes like wildfires and human activity such as vehicle traffic, power generation and manufacturing processes. What’s certain, however, is that prolonged exposure to air pollution is dangerous to human health, which is what makes air filters in homes and other places we spend inside such as commercial office buildings, industrial and retail facilities so important. 

In the United States, airborne pollutants are categorized as either criteria or hazardous air pollutants. 

  • Criteria air pollutants generally come from combustion process in cars, power generation, and industrial processes. These pollutants include carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter.
  • Hazardous air pollutants, on the other hand, include toxic chemicals like benzene, mercury and arsenic.

“Long-term exposure to ultrafine particles can induce respiratory and cardiovascular diseases,” explains Joe Randolph Director of Distribution Sales at Camfil USA. “Below PM2.5, particles are more harmful because they penetrate deeper into the lung alveoli. The ultrafine particles can cross blood vessels walls and diffuse into the blood circulation to reach and affect organ function.”

But a recent report suggests that the effects of air pollution aren’t just limited to respiratory and cardiovascular health.

Poor Outdoor and Indoor Air Quality Main Cause of Pollution-associated Deaths

In 2017, The Lancet published a comprehensive review of diseases associated with pollution and found that air pollution was by far the biggest culprit of deaths and health complications caused by pollution. The report also referenced data from other studies, which raised concerns about the impact of air pollution on brain function, particularly among children and the elderly, who have developing and aging brains, respectively.


Air pollution, particularly pollution related to vehicle traffic, has been associated with an increased risk of neurodegenerative disease, particularly Alzheimer’s disease, and even neurodevelopmental disorders such as:

  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Learning and intellectual disabilities
  • Schizophrenia

More research, however, has to be done to determine whether these connections are causal and, if so, figure out which components in polluted air are responsible for these complications, and if individual factors such as age, genetics, and gender are critical.

High Efficiency Air Filters Particularly Important Near Roadways

Living near major roadways, which are heavily congested with vehicular traffic, has also been associated with a higher incidence of autism and Alzheimer’s disease, which only adds to the urgency of installing air filters with higher capture efficiency in homes and buildings near roads with heavy traffic congestion.

But again, scientists aren’t sure yet if this is due to higher levels of airborne pollutants from cars and trucks on the road, or because of noise and vibration. It may even be due to how individuals with lower incomes, who may have a poor diet, tend to live near heavily congested roads.

And even if air pollution is actually the cause of these neurological disorders, which pollutants are the culprit?

Importance of High Efficiency Air Filters or Stand-Alone Air Purifiers in Buildings Near Major Roads 

The focus on major roadways is important because while efforts to reduce air pollution have succeeded in significantly improving air quality in major cities across the United States, air quality in pockets close to sources of air pollution, such as roads, industrial facilities and power plants among others have lagged behind. It’s these areas where higher quality air filters or stand-alone  air purifiers are absolutely necessary. And because people living in these locations tend to have lower incomes, the risk of developing diseases, including neurological diseases, from exposure to air pollution is both a public health issue and an environmental justice issue. 

In fact, in 2017, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti ordered building inspectors to make sure homes and buildings near freeways were equipped with the proper-strength air filters to protect residents from exposure to pollution emissions.

How Air Filtration Systems May Help

As research continues on the link between neurological disease and air pollution, home and business air filtration systems still play a critical role in preventing diseases with a proven link to air pollution. 


  • High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters are designed to remove particulate matter (PM) down to a size of 0.3 microns in diameter, at an efficiency rate of 99.97 percent.
  • Microfiltration systems, which typically use a superabsorbent fiber material like activated carbon, remove gaseous pollutants like volatile organic compounds, cigarette smoke and ozone among others.

Before Buying Air Purification Systems

Before upgrading to more efficient air filters to capture the smaller particles, it’s important to talk to a trusted air filter manufacturer to determine which solution is most appropriate for the air quality problems at hand. Air filter companies, reliable ones anyway, will always take the time to understand the containment needs of a home or building before recommending a proper-strength system.

At Camfil USA, we take pride in protecting people from the health problems posed by exposure to air pollution. Get in touch with our team to learn more about the different ways to protect your indoor air quality against air pollution. You may also explore our catalog of home air filters to learn more about our product line.


Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 


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The post How Air Filters Protect the Brain from Air Pollution appeared first on Air Filters for Clean Air.

from Air Filters for Clean Air

Monday, December 9, 2019

How Commercial Air Filtration Systems Help with Office Productivity

While most people are generally aware of the negative health outcomes of air pollution, what most people don’t know is how air quality also has an effect on the productivity of workers. A study by Alberto Salvo, an associate professor in the economics department at the National University of Singapore, sought to understand the broader impact of air pollution by looking at its economic impact, specifically, how it affects the productivity of an organization’s workforce. The findings suggest that businesses may want to look at emissions control equipment and commercial air filtration solutions as a necessary investment that leads to operational efficiency, rather than a cost to comply with government regulations.


The study, published in the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, saw researchers monitoring factories in China for more than a year. They also interviewed managers at 12 companies spread across four Chinese provinces and gathered data from two factories in Jiangsu and Henan.


How Impact of Indoor Air Quality on Productivity Was Measured


To measure and evaluate how indoor air quality affected the productivity records of employees during specific shifts, the researchers monitored how many pieces of fabric each worker made (they were paid for every finished piece). The researcher then compared the number of fabric pieces each worker produced per day to their exposure to particulate matter over time. 


It’s also worth noting that measuring PM2.5 or fine particulate matter, which refers to particles equal to or less than 2.5 microns, is the standard method of determining air pollution levels. 


Why the Study’s Factories Clearly Needed High Efficiency Air Filtration Systems 


Coincidentally, pollution levels in the two factories in the study, while varying from day to day, were consistently high throughout the duration of the research period. In fact, PM2.5 levels at one location were seven times over the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPAs) safe limit and registered at 85 µg/m3. It was not mentioned if both factories had commercial high efficiency filter air purifiers installed, but given these PM levels, it’s safe to say they did not have any emissions control equipment. 


Long-term exposure to ultrafine particles can induce respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. It increases the mortality rates for people living in highly polluted urban areas,” points out Camfil USA’s Charlie Seyffer, Manager of Marketing & Technical Materials for commercial air filters and 37-year ASHRAE member and active committee participant. “Below PM2.5, particles are more harmful because they penetrate deeper into the lung alveoli. They cross blood vessels walls, diffuse into the blood circulation to reach and affect organs function.”


How Higher Efficiency Air Filtration Systems Are Key to Improved Productivity


The researchers also found that while daily particulate matter fluctuations were not enough to affect the productivity of the factory workers, they did find a noticeable drop in output when tracking exposure levels versus productivity over a 30-day period. This observation would suggest that HEPA filtration systems and other emissions control equipment show their value over the long term.


The researchers were able to determine that an increase in PM2.5 levels by 10µg/m3 sustained over a 25-day period reduced workplace productivity by one percent. The air pollution was equally harmful to the overall health of workers.


Aside from entering the lungs and crossing into the bloodstream, PM2.5 at high levels may also have a psychological impact on employees, the researchers note. 


Why the Connection to Improving Indoor Air Quality through Better Filtration  is Unique


This study is unique because it’s among the first to look at how air pollution affects workers in an indoor setting, highlighting the importance of air quality control equipment like industrial HEPA air filters. But it complements an earlier study, this time conducted in a California farm, which found that workers picking fruit were six percent less productive when PM2.5 levels increased by 10µg/m3.


Look for Air Filter Manufacturers Who Publish Capture Efficiency Ratings For Each Filter

When searching for air filtration solutions designed for workspaces, offices and factories, be sure to look only at air filter manufacturers who can provide test reports indicating the filter’s performance on capturing PM2.5 particulate matter.


Although the major concern in these indoor environments is airborne particles, odors and gases can also make workers uncomfortable and affect their short-term or long-term health. Another class of air filters, known as molecular filters,  can also control gases known as bio effluents (i.e. gases produced by human smells) as well as restroom exhaust and gases from attached commercial establishments which are common in large buildings with multiple commercial tenants.


Talk to Camfil USA to learn more about these commercial air filtration systems and how to control your workplace’s indoor air quality. 




The post How Commercial Air Filtration Systems Help with Office Productivity appeared first on Air Filters for Clean Air.

from Air Filters for Clean Air