Thursday, December 10, 2020

As Global Outdoor Air Quality Improves, So Does Commercial Indoor Air Quality

In response to global shutdowns associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, worldwide levels of two major air pollutants have been drastically reduced. For industrial and commercial operators who are starting to get back to work, this means an initially reduced load on industrial HVAC and filtration systems.

Anytime a city’s outdoor air quality index is improved, it follows that there will be a similar improvement in indoor air quality. However, maintaining IAQ improvements will be a challenge as industries all over the world are getting back to work.

What COVID-19 Lockdowns Did for Outdoor Air Pollution

According to data published by the American Geophysical Union, levels of both nitrogen dioxide and general particulate matter pollution have experienced significant drops in concentration over China, where the study took place.

The results confirm what many have known for decades. Contaminants generated from economic activity play a major role in air pollution. However, stopping the economy to improve air quality is not a realistic course of action given the consequences of human suffering. However, the real-world benefits from an air quality point of view should reignite the search to produce the same results without the pain and suffering.

Understanding the Air Quality Index and Its Impact on Human Health

The Air Quality Index (AQI) is used around the world to report the daily air quality in certain locations. Depending on where someone lives in the world, the area’s AQI might be relatively stable, or it might be drastically different from day to day.

AQI is based on the average concentrations of the five major outdoor air pollutants, including ground-level ozone, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide.

How Outdoor Air Pollution Affects Commercial Air Filtration Systems

In commercial spaces that are highly ventilated (like retail, commercial offices, factories, etc.) outdoor air containing harmful contaminants can make its way in through HVAC systems with low-efficiency air filters. In some areas of the world, buildings rely on natural ventilation or an open design with fans to move outdoor air throughout a facility.

Finding Indoor Air Pollution Solutions

Even if the AQI is particularly poor in a geographic region, there are a number of indoor air pollution solutions that can address the various health threats and respiratory issues that can occur because of bad indoor air.

One of the most effective solutions begins with building design, where an HVAC system can be designed with the local environment and climate features factored into the engineered solution. For existing operations, redesigning equipment can be cost prohibitive, but simply switching to high-efficiency and high-capacity air filters is a good way to immediately improve IAQ. An HVAC professional should always be consulted before undertaking either solution.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions 

For more than half a century, Camfil worldwide has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Camfil has been applying their decades of experience in biosafety containment, healthcare, and other sectors of the air filtration industry to provide technological solutions for the public as well as in hospitals and healthcare facilities.



Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

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Thursday, December 3, 2020

Case Study: Camfil Filters Provide Significant Energy Savings for a Leading American Frozen Food Manufacturer

The combination of the Camfil 30/30 MERV 8A prefilter and Hi-Flo ES 22″ deep MERV 13A pocket final air filter saved $33,000 annually for a top American frozen food manufacturer.

After  45-days of testing air filters in two identical air handling units, an independent third-party consultant measured significant energy savings with Camfil air filtration products in one of America’s largest frozen food manufacturing facilities. The air filters used for this test pitted the Camfil 30/30 MERV 8A prefilter and the Hi-Flo ES 22″ deep MERV 13A pocket final air filter against a competitive MERV 8 pleated prefilter and  MERV 11 synthetically-charged media final air filter.

Camfil Filters Provide Significant Energy Savings for a Leading American Frozen Food Manufacturer

The case study found that “The high moisture return air contained breading residue which restricted airflow and overwhelmed the competitive MERV 8 pleated prefilter within one to two weeks.”

The inability of the competitive filters to adequately supply air to the facility’s critical processing areas resulted in the need to frequently change the air filters in their large rooftop air handling units.

What’s more, because the  MERV 11 competitive filter utilized synthetically-charged media, the final filter would lose particle capture efficiency (MERV value) the longer it remained in service. The net effect of this was the air filters that were the incorrect efficiency for the critical application, to begin with, would be even less efficient as time passed. Additionally,  the competitive final filter was only four inches in depth, which meant there was insufficient media area for the high dirt-loading application causing the filter to quickly reach its dirt holding capacity.

Along with longer service life and reduced labor and disposal fees, the Camfil air filters also provided a significant energy reduction due to their low average pressure drop. As dirt accumulates on an air filter, airflow is restricted. Air volume is crucial in a critical process such as food processing, so fans are programmed in order to increase speed to maintain the proper airflow. The design of the Camfil air filters allow far more dirt to accumulate before an adjustment to fan speed is required. The reduced fan speed translated into substantial cost savings.  The average cost of energy for the unit operating with the Camfil MERV 8A prefilter was $37.86 per day, as opposed to $42.67 per day for the unit running with the competitive pleated prefilter.

“The Camfil 30/30 MERV 8A prefilter and Hi-Flo ES 22” deep MERV 13A  pocket final filter combination was the perfect solution — and saved this particular facility over $33,000 annually,” stated Patrick Lally, Food and Beverage Segment Managers at Camfil USA.


Camfil is the world leader in air filtration and clean air solutions, which has 30 production plants and R&D centers in the Americas, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region. For more information, visit us online at or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.

Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Thursday, November 19, 2020

Camfil USA – Molecular Filtration Solutions

Camfil provides filters that can remove molecules, gases and vapors from t​he air through molecular filtration.

There are 156 million registered chemicals in the world and increasing at a rate of 15,000 new chemicals per day. Harmful gases and vapors produced by these chemicals cannot be controlled by even the most efficient particulate air filters because molecular pollutants are simply too small.

Many molecules are known to be harmful to humans, the environment, manufacturing processes (microelectronics, pulp and paper, oil refining, etc.) and more sensitive items like artifacts in museums and art galleries. These airborne molecules impact businesses in several ways ranging from nuisance odors to corrosion of electronic equipment, and can even be responsible for a wide range of health issues, including organ failure and death.

Molecular filters from Camfil can help control these problems. Ranging from very light to very heavy duty, Camfil has five molecular air filtration product families:

Camfil USA Molecular Filtration Solutions




  • City Family products are contemporary solutions that combine molecular and particulate filtration to indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools, offices, and other public buildings.
  • CamCarb products have the widest range of capabilities to address specific problems in facilities such as medical buildings, airports, museums and light process industries.
  • GigaPleat products are designed to achieve extremely high removal efficiencies where even the smallest concentrations can have a significant impact on a process; primarily microelectronic cleanrooms.
  • ProCarb products are heavy industrial solutions designed to protect people, the environment, and equipment from toxic and/or corrosive gases at the highest removal efficiencies for the petrochemical, pulp & paper, and wastewater treatment industries.
  • Containment products provide the highest level of toxic mitigation from radioactive and/or lethal gases for nuclear power or military operations.

Customer support and laboratory services are also essential to ensure that the best product is selected for your application. Camfil molecular services include:

  • Air sampling by taking outdoor and indoor air quality measurements to define a customer’s molecular contaminants
  • Lifetime and efficiency simulations of molecular filters generated from an industry leading, proprietary software developed from over 50 years of real-world data and 20 years of in-house performance testing results based on actual operating conditions in accordance with ISO 10121
  • ASHRAE 145 and ISO 10121 performance of gas phase air cleaning media and devices to measure real-world performance
  • Media analysis to determine the remaining life of installed molecular filters

About Camfil

At Camfil, we work by the belief that breathing clean air should be a human right. Since 1963, our commitment, investment, and our people have allowed us to stand fully behind our molecular filtration solutions and instill customer confidence.

If you’d like to know how molecular filtration can benefit your unique situation, contact a Camfil representative today.


Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Thursday, November 12, 2020

3 Ways Real-Time Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Makes for a Better HVAC System

Even the most advanced and carefully maintained HVAC systems are underutilized in their efforts to bring meaningful improvement to a building’s indoor air quality (IAQ) without careful, regular monitoring.

With the installation of real-time IAQ monitoring technology, building management systems can gain access to a wealth of actionable data that can be used to both record and respond to sudden changes in IAQ.

What Is IAQ Monitoring?

What Is IAQ Monitoring?

IAQ monitoring can come in many forms, but at its core, it is the ability to track both the efficiency of the HVAC system and the quality of the air that is moving through it. This means keeping track of conditions such as humidity, pressure drop, airflow rates, and composition.

Testing for both the presence and concentration of airborne contaminants is another essential role of IAQ monitoring, as it can have a direct and dramatic effect on human health.

The Importance of Indoor Air Quality Testing on the Commercial and Industrial Level 

As companies across the globe are re-opening after months of inactivity due to various quarantine and stay-at-home orders, many operators are starting to consider more advanced air filtration systems with high-efficiency air filters as a way to combat the potential spread of COVID-19.

In addition to airborne pathogens, commercial and industrial IAQ is constantly threatened by other forms of air pollution, including carbon monoxide, lead dust, radon gas, and asbestos dust. Many of these pollutants come from inside the building, which is why it becomes the company’s responsibility to put adequate protection systems in place.

Three Ways Real-Time Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Can Improve a Commercial HVAC System

Three Ways Real-Time Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Can Improve a Commercial HVAC System

1. Better HVAC Sensors & Actuators – When facilities install real-time IAQ technology, one of the necessary upgrades to the system is the HVAC sensors and actuators, two components that work together to make operational adjustments based on received input.

2. Real-Time Reporting – The ability to trace temperature, humidity, pressure, and even airborne contaminants in real-time settings, allows building management systems (BMS) to be more agile, allowing for better forecasting and a more thorough integration.

3. More Effective, Efficient Maintenance – A BMS equipped with real-time IAQ monitoring is capable of predicting which components need maintenance prior to scheduled PM service or in need of early replacement. This reduces overall cost due to emergency situations that may arise.

Industrial Air Filter Specialist

While the importance of IAQ monitoring is becoming clearer to commercial and industrial operators around the world, the integration of real-time IAQ monitoring technology has only begun. However, like all new technology, there is a learning curve required to maximize its effectiveness. That’s why it’s important to work with an experienced HVAC professional, educated and trained in both equipment and filters,  in order to get the correct products for your system.


Camfil is the world leader in air filtration and clean air solutions, with 23 production plants and R&D centers in the Americas, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region. For more information, visit us online at or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.

Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Friday, November 6, 2020

How New Healthcare Ventilation Strategies Might Become the Norm After COVID-19

The lessons that commercial and industrial businesses can learn from the healthcare sector in terms of air purification, air filtration, and indoor air quality in the wake of COVID-19.

Any commercial or industrial HVAC system is designed to perform a multitude of tasks, including heating, cooling, filtration, pressurization, and dehumidifying. Each of these direct influences on the indoor air quality within those buildings. One industry that takes those performance qualities very seriously is the: hospitals and healthcare facility management industry.

In the wake of COVID-19, commercial and industrial companies are taking a closer look at the way that these healthcare facilities approach IAQ in hopes of finding advanced air pollution solutions, systems, or products that can be applied to their own industries. 

In some cases, these solutions are specialized filters or technological elements. In others, it is methods, procedures, or policies. Regardless of how it’s achieved, the goal is to find new ways to remove airborne contaminants and pathogens (like those that cause COVID-19) from commercial spaces. 

Biological Air Pollution: Can Commercial Air Filters Fight What Causes COVID-19?

Even though the world has been experiencing the effects of this global pandemic for months, there are gaps in our collective understanding of how the COVID-19 virus is transmitted and how hospital-grade filtration systems can affect indoor transmission rates. 

“While it’s true that HEPA filters can capture over 99% of particulate matter, which includes some viruses and bacteria, the threat from the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be entirely eliminated by simply upgrading your filters” explains Mark Davidson, Manager of Technical Materials for Camfil USA. Over the last few months, Camfil and other major air filter manufacturers have found themselves inundated by questions about the virus and what role HVAC systems and filters play in mitigating risk. 

“The reality is hospitals aren’t only using top-of-the-line HVAC air filters to address biological threats. 

They are using clean air to create areas of positive pressure that acts as a barrier and prevents airborne contamination from flowing into high-risk areas. While this air is being filtered, it’s also being conditioned and not just for temperature, but for humidity. Controlling humidity is a proven strategy to controlling the growth of microorganisms. All these techniques. They’re effective anti-viral concepts that can be applied to the commercial sector.”

Improving Post-Pandemic Indoor Air Quality Management Standards 

According to air quality experts like Davidson, one of the first steps in implementing a post-COVID air filtration plan is having another look at your commercial HVAC filters. The filter should be sized correctly to match airflow and properly installed to prevent the bypass of contaminants.

For standard-risk areas like commercial offices and retail buildings, filters with a minimum  MERV 15/15A value such as the Durafil ES2 or the  Hi-Flo ES are adequate solutions for indoor air quality management. However, areas occupied by individuals who are known to be diagnosed with COVID should switch to a HEPA air filter with a minimum rating of at least 99.7% such as the Absolute VG.

Addressing One Potential Variable that Could Increase the Risk of Infections Spreading

When it comes to biological contaminants like viruses and pathogens, controlling humidity may be one of the most important functions of a commercial HVAC system. According to research by the National Institutes of Health, the absolute humidity of indoor space can affect the way viruses like the ones causing the flu and COVID-19 proliferate. 

The study suggests that low absolute humidity can cause increased infection rates. Critical information such as this is what drives healthcare facilities to pay close attention to the way their systems are handling humidity. 

Can Hospital-Grade HVAC Systems Make Safer Workplaces after COVID-19?

The question of whether commercial entities and industrial manufacturers will upgrade their facilities with more complex HVAC systems often comes down to the significant investment of capital that may be required. Fortunately, installing high-capacity filters in existing HVAC systems is a relatively inexpensive way that employers can improve indoor air quality, a step that would certainly decrease the overall health risk of their employees. 

Q: Can Portable Air Purifiers Equipped with HEPA Air Filters Reduce the Risk of Getting Sick? 

Air filtration companies like Camfil USA continue to equip American businesses with filtration tools needed to address airborne threats. Portable air purifiers with HEPA air filters like those found in the popular CamCleaner can help hospitals, data centers, and food production facilities remove airborne contaminants, particulates, and pathogens without the need to replace the entire system. 

For anyone who is looking to learn more about how the experts are approaching indoor air quality, the Camfil USA Clean Air Blog is packed with valuable information and actionable advice for commercial, industrial, and retail businesses alike. 




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Friday, October 30, 2020

How Industrial Air Filter Manufacturers are Re-Thinking the Post-COVID-19 Workplace

While it might be a long time before we have a full understanding of how exactly the virus  SARS-CoV-2 spread COVID-19  through cities and communities, what we do know is sufficient for commercial, industrial, and retail operators to begin work on their post-COVID playbooks. In order to defend against both current and future viral outbreaks, companies need to adopt strategies that emphasize indoor air quality and new ventilation solutions.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the virus that causes COVID-19  spreads primarily through small respiratory droplet nuclei and aerosols produced from infected humans when they cough, sneeze, talk or even just breathe. With this basic information in mind, it comes as no surprise that many transmissions take place at the office or place of business when people are in close quarters for extended periods of time.

How Hospitals Do it: Ventilation and Industrial Air Filters 

Businesses looking for a way to protect their workers from the ongoing threat of infection should look no further than our healthcare system, which has been addressing airborne pathogens for decades.

One of the difficult things about COVID-19, as well as other dangerous pathogens, is the nuclei and aerosols can remain suspended in the air for as many as three to four hours inside a room. This is why hospitals and health centers have invested heavily in research to identify filtration solutions. Appropriate ventilation is capable of replacing, filtering, or re-circulating indoor air at a rate that can significantly reduce the spread of airborne pathogens.

As states, cities, and countries begin to test the waters of re-opening, many businesses are still scrambling to come up with a plan that satisfies their clients, employees, and shareholders all at once.

The next question that arises is whether commercial and industrial segments duplicate the healthcare community’s dedicated commitment in providing cleaner air inside their facilities.

Increased Air Filtration Can Slow COVID-19

Understanding the infection mechanism most likely to increase risks in different facilities requires a dedication to research. If acted on, data is able to drive innovation. While the solution to preventing infections from a particular virus may take longer than we want, the benefits from these attempts provide a higher level of indoor air quality in the interim.

Indoor air quality is directly linked to lung health and healthy lungs are in turn linked to a lower likelihood of serious COVID-19 symptoms. Add this to the growing pile of evidence that IAQ, pandemic or no, is a valuable investment for companies of any size.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions 

For more than half a century, Camfil worldwide has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Camfil has been applying their decades of experience in biosafety containment, healthcare, and other sectors of the air filtration industry to provide technological solutions for the public as well as in hospitals and healthcare facilities.






Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Fragile HEPA Air Filters Increase Costs — Camfil US HEPA Experts Explain What You Can Do About It

Riverdale, NJ, Oct. 22, 2020 (KISS PR Story) — In order to maintain the integrity of a cleanroom environment, air filters have to be replaced when the end of their service life has been reached. While this cuts into production time, the shutdown is planned for ahead of time and the disruption is minimal.  Once the installation is complete, it’s common to find several of the expensive, delicate new HEPA air filters were damaged in the process. Production can’t be started up again until the damaged filters are replaced. This creates expensive unplanned production delays, not to mention the large upfront cost of replacing filters twice unnecessarily.

In a Video: Camfil USA Matt Crouch – How to avoid increased costs caused by fragile HEPA air filtersMatt Crouch, Camfil’s Director of Clean Processes for the Americas, explains a straightforward solution to this problem. “When a factory’s not running, that’s money being burned away,” says Crouch, whose experience lies with biochemistry and microbiology, particularly as applied to pharmaceuticals, biotech, and medical diagnostics prior to his work  with Camfil,  “New technology is available to offer a solution, which allows us to avoid unplanned  downtime.”

What’s Wrong with Traditional HEPA Air Filters?  

When installed correctly, traditional  HEPA air filters of high quality are effective for cleanroom purposes. The problem lies with their fragility. After a typical installation, a number of HEPA air filters can be damaged,  threatening the production process as well as the end product itself.

As many as 20% of glass fiber media air filters need to be replaced after installation due to inappropriate handling. While careless or haphazard actions increase this risk, it’s partially due to the nature of the filters themselves: traditional glass media HEPA air filters are extraordinarily delicate. “A thumb in the wrong place will actually damage the media to the point where you can’t use it,” Crouch notes.

Megalam EnerGuard air filters provide the robustness that’s missing without sacrificing air filtration efficiency.  

Additional Benefits of the Megalam EnerGuard Air Filter

There’s more to the Megalam EnerGuard than just its robustness.

  • The Megalam EnerGuard air filter is designed for process safety, so each filter features individual factory performance test results with full traceability.
  • The Megalam EnerGuard has a filter failure rate of close to 0% and can save facilities 30-50% in energy costs.
  • You don’t have to change your testing equipment or methodologies, unlike alternative HEPA technologies such as ePTFE (Teflon), which carries high cost and high safety risks.
  • The Megalam EnerGuard is the first HEPA air filter that will come with an accurately predicted service life based on input variables. . The testing to complete the calculations needed for this prediction are currently underway, so connect with Camfil on Facebook or Twitter to stay tuned.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions 

For more than half a century, Camfil worldwide has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Camfil has been applying their decades of experience in biosafety containment, healthcare, and other sectors of the air filtration industry to provide technological solutions for the public as well as in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Camfil Celebrates the 75th Annual World Food Day

Riverdale, NJ, USA, 10/15/2020 / /

Leading air filtration industry manufacturer Camfil joins organizations globally in celebrating World Food Day this year. With over fifty years of experience in the industry, including focused expertise in the food and beverage segment, Camfil will be sharing their insights into food quality via Camfil clean air blog and social media channels.

Camfil Clean Air for F&B Industry

What is World Food Day?

As one of the most celebrated days on the UN calendar, World Food Day commemorates the 1945 founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Action and initiatives  from governments, businesses, media outlets, non-profit organizations and the general public “promotes worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure healthy diets for all,” according to the FAO.

October 16th marks the 75th World Food Day, and presents an exceptional set of challenges because of virus concerns and lockdown restrictions.

Air Filtration is Essential for Safe Food Production

The importance of air filtration in the food and beverage production cannot be underestimated. The air quality in a production plant can vastly improve or diminish the quality of the end product, so it’s important to maximize air quality in the fight to solve hunger around the world.

“Across the world, the daily challenges facing the food & beverage industry have been intensifying for some time,” says expert Patrick Lally, Food & Beverage Segment Manager at Camfil USA, “This World Food Day, let’s talk about the importance of food safety and how the right high-efficiency air filters can provide an effective and affordable solution.”

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

Camfil’s core belief is that clean air should be a human right. For more than half a century, Camfil worldwide has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, Camfil provides commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Camfil has been applying their decades of experience in biosafety containment, healthcare, and other sectors of the air filtration industry to provide technological solutions for the public as well as in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Media Contact:

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


F: Friend  Camfil USA on Facebook

T: Follow Camfil USA on Twitter 

Y: Watch Camfil Videos on YouTube

L: Follow our LinkedIn Page

Social Media Tags:75th Annual World Food Day, World Food Day, Food Safety, Zero Hunger, Foodand Beverage, Food and Beverage Air Filters, Camfil Air Filters

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Thursday, October 8, 2020

What N95 Respiratory Masks Can Teach Us About Air Filters

[Educational] – ]If you were not familiar with the N95 respiratory mask before the COVID-19 pandemic, you almost certainly are now. The fabrics that make up the N95 mask are easy to breathe through and able to filter out dangerous airborne pathogens too small for our eyes to see. In times like these, N95 masks can be the difference between life and death. While the N95 is widely known, the meaning behind the letter N and the significance of the number 95 may be a mystery.

What Does N95 Stand For?

N95 masks are highly regulated by NIOSH (The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) and should not be confused with FFP masks which are regulated by CEN (European Committee for Standardization). NIOSH classifies the respiratory masks they regulate into one of three categories based upon the intended use. One of the categories is the “N” class which stands for Not-for-Oil. This mask is designed for use in applications where the particles encountered consists of dry, ultra-fine non-oil aerosols such as those generated from grinding, sawing, and thankfully in today’s world, biological particles. The number “95” stands for 95% particle capture efficiency. Higher efficiencies are available, but the N95 mask is the one most commonly used by medical personnel.

Once these masks have been worn, they are not laundered with other hospital fabrics. Despite the high demand for these masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, manufacturers continue to recommend disposing after a single use and not worn day after day. The CDC has issued guidelines when masks may be reused, but the guidelines are limited and recommended to be overseen by professionals. The demand  has driven companies to urgently research effective methods to sanitize and recycle masks. If masks could be easily cleaned and safely reused, demand could be met; however, it’s not a simple task to remove the dirt particles and maintain the 95% particle capture efficiency.

How the N95 Masks Capture Small Particles

The fabrics (known as media) used to construct many of these masks are nonwoven, which is to say the fibers are randomly arranged, not woven from yarn in a repeating pattern like the fabric commonly used in clothing. Nonwoven fabrics are not unique; they are used in countless applications we encounter every day. However, the next step in the process is unique and the secret to the mask’s performance. The nonwoven media used in many of these masks is infused with an electrostatic charge creating an effect, analogous to a magnet, known as an electret. The electrostatic charge greatly enhances the media’s filtration efficiency because the charge attracts  small diameter particles to the relatively large diameter fibers in the media. Without that charge, many of these particles would otherwise easily pass straight through the media.

This media is typically sandwiched between two outer layers of fabric which acts as a prefilter to capture  large particles and to protect the media from being damaged. Safely protected within the mask, the charged fabric makes an ideal filter for a respiratory mask. Unfortunately, an electrostatically charged media may turn out to be a very poor choice for a common HVAC system intake air filter.

“The most critical performance characteristic of an air filter is particle removal efficiency. The  efficiency of an air filter is based on a test standard known as the MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) scale developed by the ASHRAE 52.2 committee. Air filters are tested in a laboratory setting. Basically, an amount of test dirt with known particle sizes is introduced upstream and particles that pass through are counted downstream. The percentage of particles the filter captured is used to compute a MERV value. The MERV value is critical because the individuals responsible for the air quality inside a commercial office building, retail space, manufacturing facility or hospital for example, use the scale to select the MERV value that delivers the air quality needed for the safety of the people, products or equipment within their unique facility” according to Dave Blackwell, Director of Healthcare for Camfil, USA. “An air filter made from a nonwoven media containing a strong electrostatic charge, would seem to be an ideal fabric to use for many products, including air filters” says Blackwell. “However, one of the reasons you can’t  use the same N95 mask day after day is why an everyday intake air filter, made with an electrostatic media, is not a good long-term decision.”

The Effect Accumulating Ultra-fine Dirt Particles Has on Charged Media

It was stated earlier that the “N” in N95 means the mask is intended for non-oil aerosols and the “95” indicates the percentage of ultra-fine particles the mask will capture. The outer layers of the mask act as a prefilter to capture large particles and heavy moisture when the user inhales or exhales. The prefilter ensures the highly-charged media in the center generally only encounters the dry, ultra-fine particles that escape capture in the outer layers. The magnetic-like effect of the charged media attracts these small particles out of the airstream and onto the fibers.

As ultra-fine particles accumulate on the charged media, an interesting phenomenon occurs that many may recall from a grammar school science class. A magnet will attract a steel coin and if the coin is put on a piece of paper, it can be moved across the paper with a magnet held underneath. Turn the paper sideways and the coin will not fall; appearing to defy gravity. However, add more sheets of paper, repeat the experiment and eventually a point will be reached where the magnet’s influence is unable  to penetrate the paper and the coin falls to the floor.

An air filter made with highly-charged media will do the same. Much like the magnet and a single piece of paper, the filter may achieve a very high initial particle removal efficiency (MERV) when brand new. When the electret is performing at peak capacity, dirty particles passing by in the airstream are powerfully attracted to the fibers.  However, as particles accumulate on the fibers, they begin to act as an insulator much in the same way adding paper reduced the magnets ability to hold the coin in place.

As the insulation effect continues, dirty particles begin slipping past in greater numbers. There is an inverse relationship between increasing  insulation and particle capture efficiency.  If it were possible to visibly display the MERV value of an installed filter undergoing this process, the numbers would continuously drop as time passed; 15 to 14 to 13 to 12 for example. Eventually the filter may bottom out three or four levels lower than what its value was when brand new. If a facility manager installed a filter with a high MERV value (i.e. MERV 15) only to discover later it was actually performing at a much lower level (i.e. MERV 12), the consequences could be severe, particularly in these days where there’s a high awareness of airborne viruses.

An Addition Added to the MERV 52.2 Test Standard to Account for the Phenomenon

Members of ASHRAE’s 52.2 committee were aware of this phenomenon. Appendix J was added to the Standard so consumers would know the actual MERV value of a filter as it is in use, not just when brand new.  The Appendix J conditioning step addresses the electrostatic charge from the media. The result of the second test is listed as a filter’s MERV-A value which is the particle capture efficiency without the benefit of an electret.

For example, an initial MERV test conducted on a filter  with an electret may result in a published value of MERV 15. However, the same filter tested under the Appendix J procedures may perform as a MERV 12. Putting the two test results together would result in the filter being labeled as a MERV 15 / MERV-A-12A.  This indicates once the electret is no longer effective, the filter performs as if it is a MERV 12. A filter constructed without the value of an electret, could perform as a MERV 15 under the 52.2 standard. The Appendix J procedures are conducted, but since there is no electret to begin with, that filter still performs as a MERV 15. The labeling therefore would show the filter as a MERV 15/ MERV-A-15A indicating the filter performs as a MERV 15 before and after the influence of any electret present has dissipated. A consumer who determined a MERV 15 is required for a particular application would know which filter to select.


Camfil’s Dave Blackwell makes the point. “Charged media is one solution for N95 masks because it delivers a high capture efficiency. The downside is a short service life. Air filters can’t be replaced every day like masks can. What would medical personnel do if they wore the same N95 mask for weeks at a time and somehow the rating on their mask changed as the electrostatic charge became less effective?” questioned Blackwell. “Would medical professionals wear a mask that changed from N95 to N85? N80? N65? I don’t think so. Unfortunately, labels don’t magically change on masks anymore than they do on air filters, but if the labels could change , would a facility manager install a filter with a MERV that changed from MERV 15 to 14 to 13 and then 12? Of course not. That’s why a anyone responsible for the safety of others should select a filter based on its MERV-A value. That number doesn’t change.” 

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions 

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment.


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Thursday, September 24, 2020

COVID UPDATE: Air Filter Upgrade to Mitigate Virus Risks by Joe Randolph Camfil Expert

Upgrading your air filtration system is a crucial step in protecting facilities and commercial buildings against the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Cognizant authorities such as the  CDC and ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) recommend an air filter with a minimum rating of MERV 13. MERV 14 is preferred. . In some jurisdictions, MERV 13  is a mandatory condition that must be met.

However, many smaller rooftop HVAC systems are configured to hold only 2-inch depth air filters. Air filters with higher MERV values are generally more effective and economical to operate if they are deeper than 2 inches.  What do you do when your rooftop unit is only set up with 2-inch tracks?

In a new video, air filtration experts Mark Davidson and Joe Randolph discuss the available options for upgrading the air filtration systems in buildings with limited space for air filters.

Why Do Equipment Manufacturers Construct HVAC Equipment with 2-inch Tracks?

If 2-inch tracks don’t have the capacity to hold air filters that provide long-lasting, high-quality filtration, why aren’t they manufactured with a larger track? “Manufacturers want to maintain the integrity of the unit’s footprint,” says Camfil’s Director of National Distribution Sales for U.S. and Mexico, Joe Randolph, who has over 32 years of experience in the air filtration and HVAC industries. “In other words, 2-inch air filter tracks give OEMs the flexibility to keep many air handling units a  standard size. There are millions of these units in service right now and devoting a greater area for air filters in certain models would lessen direct replacement and cost them a competitive advantage.”

Option 1: Replace Your Rooftop HVAC Handling Unit

Ideally, according to Camfil’s air filtration experts, if your budget allows for it, you should contact an HVAC mechanical contractor who can advise you on the feasibility of extending the unit size in order to accommodate larger and deeper filters. The more space you have, the more air filter options you’ll have.  Having a wide range of air filters to choose from will allow you to install the highest quality air filtration available to ensure you’ve taken steps to mitigate your risk from  COVID-19.

Most air filters in rooftop HVAC units with 2-inch tracks are only able to protect the coils and circulation equipment from harmful debris. They are not capable of significantly improving indoor air quality. By investing in a mechanical retrofit of your existing air handling unit so it can hold larger filters, you’ll reap the benefits that come from more effective, efficient air filters.

Option 2: Opt for a MERV-A Rated Air Filters that Provide the Same Protection.

If you can’t afford to dramatically modify existing HVAC equipment,  you can still find MERV-A rated filters, but they will have a higher operational cost. Many MERV 13 rated filters (note: non-A-rated filters)  use an electrostatic charge to improve the efficiency of the air filter without having to use larger amounts of filtering material. Over time, this charge dissipates and the effectiveness often degrades to approximately the equivalent of a MERV 8 filter.

Filters with a MERV-A rating have been manufactured to a MERV value without relying on an electrostatic charge, so they maintain the indicated efficiency for their entire service life. There are MERV-A 14A rated air filters that are 2-inches deep, but they will have a higher pressure drop and shorter service life. However, they will deliver MERV-14 performance so you have to decide if the operational cost is feasible in your situation. If not, one alternative would be a MERV-A 9A air filter which spends the majority of its service life performing at a higher level than charged MERV 13.  “The reality is, you’re going to be getting longer life and closer to that MERV-13 recommendation,” says Randolph,

Option 3: Consider an In-Room Air Filtration Unit.

If you need or want extra protection, but can’t manage either of the above options, there are supplemental l air filtration systems available that you can use. In-room air purifiers equipped with HEPA air filtration don’t require any special infrastructure and provide among the highest level of protection commercially available.

“A stand-alone air cleaner is going to be plug and play. You’d put that air cleaner in a conference room or a lobby or a classroom, plug it into a standard outlet, and you’d be able to provide clean air to that room,” says Randolph,  “The great thing about these products is that it far exceeds the CDC recommendation or even the air quality that we see in some areas of a hospital.”

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil worldwide has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Camfil has been applying their decades of experience in biosafety containment, healthcare, and other sectors of the air filtration industry to provide technological solutions for the public as well as in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Thursday, September 17, 2020

How to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution – Camfil Update

Customer health is an indoor air quality priority

In recent years, the conversation about indoor air quality (IAQ) has been focused largely on the harmful health impacts of airborne pollution. But according to some air quality experts, the conversation about IAQ technology is a timelier one to have.

“Over the last quarter-century as lifestyle choices put people inside for longer portions of the day, lung and respiratory problems seem to occur more frequently,” says Mark Davidson, Marketing Manager and Technical Materials at Camfil USA.  Clearly, we need to reconsider the ways we are filtering our indoor air, and fast.” 

Setting aside the immediate challenges the COVID-19 pandemic brings, designers and contractors have begun to embrace the proliferation of IAQ technology., Industrial, commercial, and residential customers the world over have begun to see significant improvements in air quality that, if maintained, could represent promising changes for our environments, both inside and out. 

The Role of IAQ Technology in Improving Human Health

From free-standing air cleaners to high-efficiency filters, there are numerous ways to tackle air filtration in commercial and retail settings. Some solutions might require investment, as is the case with new buildings, renovations, and other major changes to a facility’s infrastructure. 

On the other hand, IAQ technology like portable air filters and free-standing molecular air cleaners can be installed for a small fraction of the price of a new system and can have a significant effect on odors, VOCs , particulates, and anything else floating in the air that might threaten human health.  

The Common Sources of Indoor Air Pollutants

One of the reasons that many commercial, industrial, and retail companies have been slow on the uptake when it comes to IAQ is because the idea of indoor-sourced pollutants is relatively new in the grand scheme of things. While ‘classic’ pollutants like wood smoke, smog, factory byproduct, and construction particulate are obvious threats to anyone walking around in the city, the comfort of a home or office building was once thought to be safer. 

The unfortunate truth is that some of the most harmful indoor air pollutants come from objects, and devices that exist exclusively inside the home, posing a significant threat to our collective health.

Some of the most common sources of indoor pollution come from things like:

  • Deodorants 
  • Smoke
  • Fuel-burning combustion appliances
  • Off-gassing from upholstery, carpet, or furniture
  • Cleaning products
  • Excess moisture levels
  • Central heating, cooling, and humidification devices 

Why High-Efficiency Air Filters Are Canceled Out by Poorly-Designed Homes & Buildings 

Historically, air filtration systems were originally designed to protect the equipment itself from pollutants in the air.  As such, the design of the HVAC system and the building itself sometimes work against the goal of providing cleaner air. There are many factors that go into providing adequate air filtration and ventilation that the overall performance of the systems can become impossible for some companies to determine.  

Switching from pleated roll filters to high-efficiency air filters like the Camfil 30/30 Dual 9 can be a good place to start, but without a condition check on the system and building itself, the new filters might not be as effective as they were designed to be. 

Improving Indoor Air Quality Standards with Facility Maintenance 

 Open windows, drafty crawl spaces,  attics, and poorly-installed ducting can all lead to noticeable drops in air filtration performance. In addition, excess levels of moisture that are not dealt with can damage many economy-grade panel air filters, leading to frame degradation and eventual dirty air bypass. 

The solution to drafty systems is a professional inspection and pressure test. Bad air filter frames can be prevented by moisture mitigation, or additionally, upgrading to air filters with moisture-resistant frames that can handle more pressure and moisture. 

Learning How to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution

“There are many different IAQ products that can be installed in the business or home within hours. Some of them you just have to plug in,” Davidson continues. “But the real trick to learning how to reduce indoor air pollution is by taking a whole-facility approach. Leaky ductwork or even gaps in electrical boxes, lights, and plumbing can all have an effect on how the system is functioning, on top of the more obvious details.”

On the commercial and industrial scale, Camfil USA is a respected source of the designs, materials, and education needed to bring your IAQ standards up to par.  Their website is also the home of a collection of design & selection tools that can be used to economically configure the right air filters in your commercial HVAC system to protect the health of your employees, guests, and customers.  

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Sunday, September 6, 2020

Camfil US Supports Clean Air Vision – Joins The Very First International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

Riverdale, NJ – The very first International Day of Clean Air for blue skies will be held on September 7th, 2020. The Day aims to: Raise public awareness at all levels—individual, community, corporate and government—that clean air is important for health, productivity, the economy and the environment.
The United Nations has recognized the 7th of September as the ‘International Day of Clean Air for blue skies’ to emphasize the importance of clean air for the health and day-to-day lives of people, as air pollution is the single greatest environmental risk to human health. Air pollution remains one of the main avoidable causes of death and disease globally. The 2030 Agenda for UN Sustainable Development outlines a roadmap to achieve “the future we want” to build.

CAMFIL USA Clean Air Vision 2020 INITIATIVE 
Camfil supports the vision and believes that clean air should be a human right. We have marked this week as ‘Camfil Clean Air Awareness Week‘ to share, spread, and discuss the effects of air pollution.

Learn more about Camfil at Follow our blog, press coverage, social media daily and help us create awareness.


Camfil US Clean Air Initiative in the Press

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Video resources on clean air initiatives by Camfil USA

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Camfil USA Air Filters
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Monday, August 24, 2020

Can Air Purifiers Help to Keep You Safe from COVID-19 Indoors? Experts Share the Facts.

Air filtration experts share how air purifiers work to keep people safe from COVID-19 inside their homes.

The threat of COVID-19 is far from over. As reopening measures continue with varying degrees of success, a greater emphasis is being placed on strategies that offer a higher level of protection.

Experts from Camfil, a leader in air filtration solutions with applications ranging from commercial buildings and industrial applications such as the food and beverage industry to highly sensitive biosafety labs, share their advice in a new video. Camfil’s Martin Gravel has worked with a wide range of air filtration applications throughout the last fourteen years, specializing in helping facilities find the right solutions for their needs and to do more with less, particularly using absolute HEPA filters some of which can t remove  99.99999% of harmful particles effectively.

“The air filtration industry is clearly a defensive one,” says Mark Davidson, Manager of Marketing and Technical Materials at Camfil USA, “Our goal is to put up a defense against the enemy, so to speak, droplets carrying the COVID-19 virus.”

There are two enemies’ to target: large respiratory droplets, and droplet nuclei. When we simply breathe regularly, we release about 50 droplets per second, and more when we talk, cough, sneeze or sing.

How Can We Defend Ourselves Against Respiratory Droplets?

Even though they’re invisible to the naked eye, respiratory droplets are large in the world of particulate matter — specifically, larger than five microns in diameter — meaning that they don’t stay airborne for very long. Respiratory droplets are primarily encountered in close contact with other people, or after they settle on surfaces. Many of the existing measures are designed to protect us from this form of transmission, including:

  • Maintaining 6-foot social distancing.
  • Limiting excessive contact with strangers, or exposure to public places.
  • Wearing masks in public places or at gatherings with people outside of our households.
  • Frequently and thoroughly sanitizing surfaces.

How Can We Defend Ourselves Against Aerosols?

Droplet nuclei — sometimes referred to as aerosols, are smaller than five microns in diameter. Because of their light weight, they can remain suspended in the air for longer periods of time. There is a growing suspicion that airborne droplet nuclei and aerosols may contribute to an increase in transmission rates far greater than originally believed. For example, researchers have shown that airflow in a restaurant in Guangzhou, China, contributed significantly to spreading the virus from one man to nine other people. (Asymptomatic cases are not included in this figure, so the actual number may have been higher.)

This is where the benefit of room air purifiers comes in. In addition to other mitigation techniques, various forms of air filtration can help minimize the risks of droplet nuclei or aerosol transmission. “We can’t afford to just put a bandaid solution on something that’s much graver than that,” says Mr. Gravel.

Although the existing HVAC systems in many commercial and public buildings do not have the capacity to handle filters rated MERV-13A or higher, as recommended and mandated by certain jurisdictions, in-room air purifying units with true-HEPA filters can provide additional protection. “Remember that a filter is only as good as the mechanism that supports it,” Mr. Gravel advises. For more information about choosing an in-room air purification unit, see Camfil’s full video, and contact a HVAC and air filtration expert to determine the best solution for your unique needs.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil worldwide has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Camfil has been applying their decades of experience in biosafety containment, healthcare, and other sectors of the air filtration industry to provide technological solutions for the public as well as in hospitals and healthcare facilities.


Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Friday, August 21, 2020

Mitigating Risk in Commercial Buildings from COVID-19

Camfil’s John Holmes, who has years of experience assisting property managers to find the right air filtration system for their needs, shares his experience.

Riverdale, NJ — Depending on where you live, your local economy may have gone through several cycles of starting and stopping due to fluctuating COVID-19 infection rates. For property managers in commercial real estate, the issue is even more complex as they need to balance the needs of various tenants. Some tenants may be required to close their doors or convert to virtual offices while others need physical locations to remain open.

“What we don’t want to happen is property managers to feel like they have to balance doing what’s right with the everyday costs of operation,” says Mark Davidson, Manager of Marketing and Technical Materials at Camfil USA. In a new video, air filtration experts from Camfil provide guidance for property managers who are looking to protect their tenants with high-efficiency air filtration. c who has years of experience assisting property managers to find the right air filtration system for their needs, shares his experience and advice to shed light on the situation.

What Are the ASHRAE Recommendations for Air Filtration in Commercial Buildings?

ASHRAE (The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) recommends at minimum MERV-13 air filtration. “MERV-13 is a buzzword you might have heard thrown around,” says Holmes.  MERV-13 has been frequently cited by many cities and municipalities as what’s needed for reopening. MERV-13 air filtration may be a guideline for some and a mandate for others. However, there are variations in the actual real-world efficiency of MERV-13 air filters, because many use an electrostatic charge to boost effectiveness. Unfortunately, this electrostatic charge dissipates after a short period of time and in the case of a MERV-13 air filter, this can mean you’re actually getting MERV-8 air filtration in the long run. That isn’t sufficient to reduce risk and offer higher protection for tenants against the COVID-19 virus.

If you’re looking to protect your clients and tenants rather than simply check a box to fulfill an ordinance, opt for MERV-13A or higher air filtration. Instead of replacing air filters every month, which quickly adds up in time and labor costs, MERV-13A air filters maintain their efficiency for longer periods of time.

What If My HVAC System Doesn’t Have the Capacity For MERV-13A Filtration?

To achieve MERV-13A efficiency,  filters rely on a larger number of fine fibers within the matrix of their filtration media instead of depending on a temporary electrostatic charge for air filtration effectiveness. Unfortunately, many HVAC systems only have 1- or 2- inch tracks to hold air filters and air filters designed to deliver actual MERV 13A efficiency can carry a higher operational cost in 1- or 2-inch depths.

You should speak with air filtration or HVAC expert to determine what options you have for installing  MERV-13A filters. There are other alternatives available instead. For example, a HEPA-grade in-room air purifier can fit into just about any space and provide hospital-grade air quality.

What Are the Benefits of MERV 13-A or Higher Air Filtration?

Filtering out COVID-19 infected respiratory droplets isn’t the only benefit to having high-quality air filtration. Even once the threat of the virus has passed, there is much to be gained from clean air inside commercial office spaces.

Firstly, higher energy efficiency and longer product life lead to reduced overall costs and a high return on investment. “To get that high level of air quality, you don’t have to spend a ton of money upfront. The return on investment is actually quite high,” Holmes notes. “You can have hospital-grade air quality for roughly 1/10th of the cost of other preventative measures, such as UV.”

Secondly, longer performance and lifespan saves an average of three weeks of labor per million square feet of property each year. This valuable time, otherwise known as reallocated labor, can be redistributed to focus on other building needs which enhances the tenant experience.

Additionally, clean air has been shown to increase productivity and cognitive performance in students and workers.  For more information about the benefits of clean air in the workplace, see this blog post.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil worldwide has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Camfil has been applying their decades of experience in biosafety containment, healthcare, and other sectors of the air filtration industry to provide technological solutions for the public as well as in hospitals and healthcare facilities.


Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Air filtration Concerns for Food and Beverage Industry

An examination of the unique air quality issues affecting the food & beverage industry, as well as a look at how the Durafil ES2 high-efficiency air filter can provide an effective and affordable solution. 

Across the world, the daily challenges facing the food & beverage industry have been intensifying for some time. From product safety recalls to fluctuations in global food prices, food manufacturers and packaging plants seemingly have enough on their plate when it comes to product safety. 

 Like any other commercial operation, the presence of airborne pathogens, mold spores, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can threaten much more than most people think. Commercial operators like food producers, dairy processors, and beverage manufacturers must keep a close eye on how well their air filters are keeping them protected.

For most, upgrading to high-efficiency, v-bank style air filters is an effective way to reduce the threats from contaminants while improving facility airflow and lowering maintenance expenses.  

The Importance of Specially-Designed Food & Beverage Air Filters

No matter what kind of food is being produced, clean air is a vital ingredient in the final product. The presence of outdoor contaminants in a food or beverage bottling production facility can threaten the reputation of a brand name that has taken years to establish.  

“If the air filters in your food production facility aren’t working properly or installed correctly, then you might as well add ‘dirty air’ to your ingredient list because it is getting in your food,” says Patrick Lally, Food and Beverage Segment Manager at Camfil USA. “At the very least, these added ingredients could create unwanted flavors. At the worst, it could spell disaster in the form of contaminated product, poorly packaged food items, and an increased threat to employee and customer health. Product recalls have occurred because of this.”

Why Restaurants, Kitchens, and Production Areas Require Unique Air Filtration Solutions 

As Lally points out, removing the pollution and contaminants present in a given space of air is only the first part of the battle for commercial and industrial operators. In addition to food safety, maximizing the efficiency of a commercial filtration system is a reliable way to extend the life of the filter, leading to big savings on the other side. 

“This is why the Durafil ES2 is so highly recommended for food production environments,” he continues. “They’re capable of not only capturing the airborne threats but also for maintaining the same level of performance over a long period of time.  It’s really the perfect one-two punch for any facility.”

Using the Durafil ES As a Rooftop HVAC Filter

According to air filtration experts, one of the biggest problems of “budget-level” air filters is they rely on an initial electrostatic charge that temporarily enhances particle capture efficiency. Once this charge begins to dissipate, the efficiency drops rapidly. The result is dirt that should be captured by the filter and removed from the airstream,  passes through the filter, and into the production areas of the plant. 

Improving Commercial HVAC Filter Bank Arrangements for Air Flow

Aside from the removal of potentially harmful airborne contaminants, a commercial air filter’s ‘second’ task is to maintain a  consistent airflow throughout the facility. Filters like the ES2 are specifically designed to perform with a high capture efficiency while maintaining the proper airflow due to the filter’s low resistance.  

The third and final task an air filter must do is to have the capacity to hold large volumes of dirt within the body of the filter while maintaining a low resistance. This is known as a filter’s dirt holding capacity.   In fact, it is estimated that the high-capacity  Durafil ES2 is capable of remaining in service for 2-3 times longer than competing budget-level filters and all the while maintaining optimal airflow. When combined with the increased dust and particulate capacity, the result is a filter that simply doesn’t need to be changed out as often. When high efficiency is maintained without sacrificing airflow and dirt holding capacity is high enough that such a filter can remain in service 2 – 3 times longer than other filters, you’ve found a great air filter. 

Industrial Air Filter Manufacturers for Food & Beverage Operations 

Whether the goal is to reduce annual filtration costs or increase food and process safety, making the switch to advanced, high-efficiency air filters is a clear answer for owners and facility managers. The increased capacity and long-lasting efficiency of the Durafil ES2 make it the ideal choice for everyone from packaging plants to bottling lines. 

Not all industrial air filter manufacturers have the food and beverage industry in mind. The filtration experts at Camfil USA have made it their mission to not only provide access to superior air filters and filtration solutions, but also to educate their customers, clients, and partners as to the importance of air pollution control on all levels. You can check out Camfil’s Insights page for information on how they’re addressing IAQ in other industries like electronics, life sciences, and more. 

Ac Filters

Food & Beverage Air Filters

Air filtration Solutions

Rooftop HVAC filters

HVAC filter bank

Industrial air filter manufacturers 


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Sunday, August 9, 2020

Air Filtration Expert Weighs In on – Can We Safely Reopen Schools and Public Buildings This Fall

Although it would usually be the beginnings of the back-to-school season, parents and children across the country are left with uncertainty as to whether or not schools will be opening their doors. The Trump administration is making a push to reopen schools to full capacity in the fall. Some health experts agree as many schools overseas have opened, but others in the health industry do not agree with the reopening.  The concern is while children have a lower risk of contracting COVID-19,  masks and social distancing measures may not be enough to control the spread of the disease should asymptomatic students encounter adults once they are away from school.

If masks and social distancing aren’t enough to prevent the spread of COVID-19, what measures can we take instead?

Making Schools, Office Buildings, and Malls Safer with Air Filtration

According to a report by the Inside Edition, one way to make schools safer is to install high- efficiency air filters in the air handling units and by using stand-alone room air purifiers with HEPA filters as a supplement. The COVID-19 virus primarily spreads through infected respiratory droplets and possibly through droplet nuclei and aerosols, which are much smaller and lighter and can therefore, remain airborne for longer periods of time. Without proper air filtration, it’s possible these aerosols can get caught in the return of an HVAC system and recirculate into other parts of the building, thus spreading the infection further.

“If a building’s ventilation system has the capacity, Camfil air filtration experts recommend an air filter labeled as a MERV-15A or MERV-16A. Unfortunately, some equipment is unable to accommodate the larger size of those filters. In those cases, a  basic guideline would be to install the highest MERV-A that infrastructure can handle,” says Greg Herman, Camfil’s National Accounts Segment Manager.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions 

For more than half a century, Camfil worldwide has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Camfil has been applying their decades of experience in biosafety containment, healthcare, and other sectors of the air filtration industry to provide technological solutions for the public as well as in hospitals and healthcare facilities.


Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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