Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Virus Filtration Experts Share a Technical View of COVID-19

Please help Camfil create awareness by sharing the story with #CamfilUSACovid-19

Riverdale, NJ — In the wake of a worldwide outbreak of a novel coronavirus, filtering through the mass amounts of information being distributed can seem overwhelming. As of March 16, 2020, there are over 175,000 confirmed cases and nearly 7000 deaths worldwide, including at least 4000 cases and 70 deaths in the United States. (See live updates here.) Air filtration experts from Camfil USA have provided some scientific insight into the disease at the particle level in a recent video on coronavirus (COVID-19). 

As the Vice President of Research and Development for Camfil USA, Steve Devine has the credentials and experience to provide some useful insight. Camfil’s filtration devices are used in pharmaceutical cleanrooms, biosafety laboratories, and hospitals. Some of Devine’s notable research, conducted by Camfil alongside the University of Minnesota, looks at preventing the spread of viral swine disease.

COVID-2019 is one of many coronaviruses. The body’s attempts to fight the virus cause fever, coughing and sneezing, and in the most extreme cases, acute respiratory failure as the immune system mistakenly destroys infected lung tissue.

“The reason why this coronavirus is such a threat is due to the fact that nobody on earth has immunity to it yet, other than the 150,000 that have been infected during this outbreak.” 

Like many pathogenic diseases, COVID-19  can be spread through droplets of fluid expelled by the coughs and sneezes of infected individuals. While the actual virus is roughly 0.16 microns in diameter the respiratory droplets from infected individuals come in a wide range of sizes; from visible droplets to the ones too small for our eyes to see. These invisible droplets range in size from 0.5 to 16 microns in size. Studies of other common viruses suggest droplets of 1.0 micron in size are capable of carrying enough virus to cause infections.

Depending on their size, droplets can remain airborne from seven minutes to almost two hours, at which point they can be inhaled, or settle on the face and hands and enter the body through the eyes, nose, or mouth. Fortunately, the smallest droplet of concern can be removed from the air with a high-efficiency air filter.

“The role air filtration plays is to reduce the risk of infection when an infected person was previously in that space,” says Devine. High-efficiency filters with a rating of MERV-15A or above are best for areas of standard risk such as a commercial office building, commercial office and retail buildings, schools, airports, manufacturing facilities, and areas not occupied by individuals confirmed with COVID-19.  For higher risk areas such as those housing individuals qualifying under the CDC’s higher risk category, HEPA filtration is recommended. . Filters are only useful if infected patients remain isolated, as direct contact poses the highest risk of infection. Camfil has provided an educational resource on reducing the risk of viral infection and combating airborne pathogens to the public.

This resource covers: Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a virus?
  • How does virus spread?
  • What kind of air filtration you need?
  • How can I reduce the risk of infection?

Devine recommends three other simple protections to protect yourself and others from infection. 

Steve Devine’s Three Rules for Coronavirus can be summed up as: 

  1. Distance yourself by six feet (at the very least) from individuals with confirmed or suspected infections.
  2. Avoid touching your face. 
  3. Wash your hands with soap and water as often as possible, because the oily envelope that coats the virus is stripped by soap molecules. “You should wash your hands with a good old fashioned bar of soap.”

Please help Camfil create awareness by sharing the story with #CamfilUSACovid-19


Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 

E: Lynne.Laake@camfil.com

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Monday, March 16, 2020

How Maryland is solving its air pollution crisis

Learn why pollution is affecting outdoor & indoor air quality in Maryland to a point that the government is looking to solutions other than air filters.

Last winter, Maryland residents found themselves exposed to high levels of air pollution. Local agencies issued alerts with recommendations for residents to stay indoors under the protection of air filters. 

The polar vortex had caused temperatures in the state and the rest of the northeast to plunge to record low temperatures. For a short while, cities like Chicago were even colder than Antarctica. But with the cold also came another problem: air pollution.

A Code Orange air quality alert was issued by the National Weather Service (NWS) after air pollution in the region reached dangerous levels. On the air quality scale, Code Orange means that air quality is dangerous for children, the elderly, as well as individuals with existing health conditions—they are advised to limit the time spent outdoors.

The air quality scale is as follows:

  • Green – Good
  • Yellow – Moderate
  • Orange – Unhealthy for sensitive individuals
  • Red – Unhealthy for everyone
  • Purple – Very unhealthy
  • Dark purple – Hazardous/toxic

But why exactly did Maryland experience such a sudden decline in its air quality last winter?

Inversion to Blame for the Decline of Indoor Air Quality 

Maryland’s sudden decline in outdoor and indoor air quality after the polar vortex had been caused by a weather condition known as an inversion. 

Normally, temperatures become colder the higher one goes in the atmosphere. During an inversion, however, the opposite happens. This means that a layer of warm air high in the atmosphere keeps cooler air close to the ground. Without the constant mixing of upper and lower layers of air, emissions from traffic, factories, and power plants get trapped near the surface. 

These emissions stagnate to a point where they snowball to create poor ambient or outdoor air quality. But the problem is that these emissions also affect indoor spaces. 

Outdoor air pollution infiltrates into buildings,” explains Camfil USA’s Mark Davidson, Manager of Marketing & Technical Materials for commercial and public building air filters.“Without appropriate ventilation, it accumulates and can even react with other indoor air pollutants.”

Inversions Show Why Air Filtration Systems Are ImportantWith climate change creating increasingly chaotic conditions every year, Maryland may have to brace for a future where extreme winters lead to worsening air quality, highlighting the importance of having air filtration systems. 

This problem is by no means isolated to Maryland, by the way. Places like Salt Lake, Denver, and even Los Angeles all experience inversions due to a combination of topographical features and climate. And while air quality sirens tend to go off every summer in Maryland, residents are calling on the government to come up with a long-term solution that actually addresses air pollution at the source.

It’s here where experts are turning to European countries like France, Germany, and in particular, the Netherlands, for inspiration. These countries share something in common: they’re investing billions of dollars to cut their carbon emissions by as much as 30 percent by 2030.

How Air Filters  Can Help

Air filters are designed to capture and remove particles and fumes from air pollution. In particular, they are designed to capture particulate matter (PM), which refers to a mix of solid particles and liquid droplets ranging from 1.0  to 10 microns in diameter. This is important because PM inhalation is a known case of respiratory issues. Worse, fine particulate matter, or PM equal to but no larger than  1 micron in diameter, can enter the deepest recesses of the lungs and cross into the bloodstream. When this happens, the particles can reach the body’s vital organs, leading to health issues such as diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, and even obesity.

Thinking Green and Going Beyond Air Filters

Other than air filters,  one of many long-term solutions that protect people from air pollution is to push for cleaner and greener transport solutions, similar to what is being done in the Netherlands. The European nation provides tax benefits to drivers of hybrids and electric vehicles, waiving registration fees and road taxes.

Likewise, Norway offers similar tax benefits, but with the bonus of free parking and access to specific bus lanes, allowing drivers to bypass traffic. Unsurprisingly, Norway currently leads the world in the number of electric vehicles in use, with close to a third of all cars sold in the country is a hybrid or electric vehicle.

Fighting Climate Change Inversions with Air Filters and Purifiers

As the threat of climate change looms over the planet’s climate patterns, it’s feared that inversions may end up becoming increasingly common, leading to more air quality alerts in the future. This underscores the importance of having high efficiency air filters s in indoor spaces, ensuring that any outdoor emissions that make their way inside are quickly captured and removed. 

To learn more about how air filters can improve indoor air quality in buildings and communities, talk to the team at Camfil USA. You can also browse through our product catalog to explore our solutions yourself or find a Camfil USA location near you.  

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 

E: Lynne.Laake@camfil.com

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Y: Watch Camfil Videos on YouTube

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  1. https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/weather/bs-md-air-quality-alert-20190203-story.html

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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Improving Office IAQ with Commercial Air Filtration Systems

People who work every day in a shared office space are all too familiar with what awaits them when they first enter the room. They are greeted by a mix of odors from furniture fabric, the carpet, office equipment, an air-freshener attached to the AC unit, and, of course, the people themselves. All of these smells can fill the air in an enclosed environment, which is why many companies have relied on filters  to keep the air as pleasant as possible.


Canada study looks at the health impact of office IAQ

But are they addressing the issue properly?

According to a study conducted by researchers at Purdue University in Indiana, certain airborne pollutants (which is where these smells come from) can build up to dangerous levels in offices, so much so that they can affect worker health and productivity. 

The research team studied an office for a month and found high levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can be generated by people simply by being in an enclosed environment.  VOC emissions associated with humans and human activity include breath and sweat, as well as clothing, cosmetics, hair products, and deodorant. 

Challenges of Indoor Air Quality in Offices

According to researcher Brandon Boor, one issue creating poor office indoor air quality comes from inadequate ventilation. If an office space isn’t well ventilated, VOCs are unable to escape outside and accumulate indoors, affecting the health and productivity of employees as a result. The study found that people and their activities inside an enclosed space had a significant impact on air quality, even if the room was ventilated. More specifically, the researchers found that compounds carried by human breath lingered in the air long after people left the room.

To monitor air quality, the team installed thousands of sensors in an office inside Purdue University’s Living Labs, along with an instrument called The Nose, which was designed to track levels of ozone (O3), carbon dioxide (CO2), aerosols, and VOCs. 

The study found that levels of compounds off-gassed by personal care products were highest in the morning, presumably when employees arrive at the office having just applied products like hairspray and deodorant. They also found that the more people there were in a room, the higher the concentration of VOCs in the air. 

The study also found that levels of VOCs were up to 20 times higher indoors than outdoors and that proper ventilation was instrumental in exhausting these pollutants outside. 

Why Addressing VOCs is Important for Office Building Occupants 

Studies have associated VOCs with health issues ranging from minor conditions like eye strain, throat irritation, and colds, to something more serious, like cancer. For offices, the most common manifestations of prolonged VOC exposure include problems with concentrating and productivity loss. Whatever the case, offices can benefit from commercial air filters that remove VOCs and other airborne pollutants from enclosed environments. 

According to Miriam Diamond, a professor in the earth sciences department at the University of Toronto, the lack of ventilation increases the risk of indoor air pollution. 

Unfortunately, poor ventilation is a common problem in many offices. 

Many offices have poor air circulation these days, with windows that can’t even be opened in an attempt to be more energy-efficient,” explains Kevin Wood, Vice President of Sales and Marketing  at Camfil USA. “Some offices and commercial premises have outdated ventilation systems that simply move unclean air from one part of the office to another. When outdoor air does enter the ventilation system, pollution from smoke, dust, and pollen will deposit on fans, coils, and ducts.”

Controlling ‘Sick Building Syndrome’ with Both High Efficiency Commercial Industrial Air Filters and Molecular Filters

“Sick building syndrome,” a condition caused by poor ventilation, is characterized by symptoms ranging from headache and stuffy nose to general discomfort. However, opening the windows to let stale indoor air out and fresh outdoor air inside can be impractical if the building is in an area with high levels of outdoor air pollution such as buildings near freeways, construction sites, or industrial zones. 

“High efficiency air filters (MERV 13/13A or higher) are designed to capture and remove a higher ratio of particles from the airstream that are harmful to human health.” says Camfil’s Kevin Wood.  “This is particularly important if higher ventilation rates are used to replace room air more frequently. VOCs are molecular in nature and are up to 10,000 times smaller than particles in the air. For that, you need to consider adding molecular filters, sometimes referred to as carbon filters, to the ventilation system. It may require retrofitting the system to install molecular filters as an integral part of the HVAC system. If that is not feasible, stand-alone air purification systems with molecular filters is a very cost effective solution.”

As today’s employees spend more time indoors than ever, it has never been more important to ensure that they’re breathing clean and safe air.

Things to Consider When Upgrading HVAC Filters or Adding Stand-Alone Air Purification Systems 

When choosing to upgrade to high efficiency air filters or add air purifiers with molecular filters,  it’s best to consult a qualified air filtration professional. High efficiency commercial air and molecular filters have operational requirements that may necessitate adjustments to your system. Avoid the temptation of installing cheap bargain filters in attempt to address the issue. . High quality filters are your solution to assist with providing cleaner indoor air and a wiser investment of your dollars.  If a product is too good to be true, it most likely is. 

For 50 years, Camfil USA has built commercial air filtration systems for commercial buildings and offices. Talk to our air filtration expert near your location today to learn more about our line of air filter solutions. 

Canada study looks at the health impact of office IAQ

Related Video Are you Safe?

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Monday, March 2, 2020

Camfil USA Update – Reduce Risk of Infectious Virus

Is the Coronavirus (COVID-19) threat to human health. Camfil a Global Leader in Indoor Air Quality Educates Using Comprehensive Resource

New Jersey, NJ, March 02, 2020- How Camfil can help in reducing the risk of infectious virus in the indoor air using high efficiency air filtration 

A research team comprising scientists from the United States, Canada and Spain reveals that more than 800 million viruses fall on every square meter of the planetary boundary layer (the lowest part of the atmosphere) every day – the equivalent of 12 viruses for every person in the UK, 25 viruses per person in Canada.

Download resource on reducing the risk of infection through virus by combating the air pathogens by Camfil 

The risk of getting an infection through virus is high as, unlike bacteria, rain cannot wash them away.

A potentially devastating new disease has infected thousands of people since it was discovered in Wuhan, China in December last year. Chinese cities have been placed in lockdown in a bid to control the spread of the virus.

This latest strain of the disease is particularly threatening because it causes pneumonia but will not respond to antibiotics. However, coronavirus (COVID-19) is by no means the only threat to human health.

This, of course, begs an important question –  Camfil content team published an in-depth piece on air quality in China https://cleanair.camfil.us/2017/10/05/fight-air-pollution-china/

What can you do to protect yourself 

From these infections (not to mention other biological contaminants that pose health risks for building occupants such as smoke, mite, bacteria, house dust and pollen)?

Unlike with many other risks, we have no choice about breathing. But while most of us don’t have the power to make the air cleaner, there are some things individuals can do to reduce the effect of these infectious particulates in the air.

HEPA filters can reduce the impact of the virus from the air 

HEPA filters have been proven over decades across a wide range of healthcare facilities and life sciences applications, controlling the spread of airborne particles and organisms such as viruses and bacteria.

Indeed, many professional engineering organizations recommend HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters in hospitals, infection control clinics and other healthcare facilities to eliminate microbes and other dangerous particles.

True high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters most commonly are rated by test methods that begin with a minimum capture efficiency. The efficiency of HEPA filters is measured at MPPS (most penetrating particle size) that means this is the lowest efficiency of the filter.

For smaller or larger particles that filter will perform even better. MPPS is typically between 0,1-0,25 micrometer in size. Bacteria and viruses are often smaller than that but typically attach themselves to larger particles. It’s also important to understand HEPA filters do not actively kill living organisms. They capture and hold them within the matrix of the filter.

High efficiency air filters can be installed in HVAC systems, filtering out biological pollutants and particulate matter carried by the airstream, preventing them from entering or recirculating back into the room.

As unfiltered air flows through the HVAC unit’s ductwork, the air filter captures and holds the airborne pollutants.
For further risk mitigation of airborne pathogens, it is recommended to upgrade or install the highest possible efficiency HEPA filtration (H13 or higher) in the existing ventilation system. This will improve your chances to avail an extra layer of protection against airborne pathogens.

What kind of solutions you need to reduce the risk of virus in the air? 

Visit this visual resource on Camfil here.

Virus containment at health care facilities and biosafety labs is very much about control measures and precautions for airborne exposure. Measures include ventilation, pressure differentials, exhaust ventilation, air filtration and cleaning, ultraviolet and germicidal irradiation (UVGI) and even temperature and humidity control.

Air filtration solutions depend on the category of the risk when in application. High-density areas with most affected surroundings such as laboratories, containment units, quarantined zones need much higher level of protection compare to low risk exposure surroundings or controlled areas like homes or small business space. High risk application needs air containment and filtration equipment of HEPA Class H13 or higher along with use of special personnel equipment and clothing, as well as a segregated air supply, among other precautions.

Consider using air cleaners for fast and easy retrofit in case of a sub-standard ventilation system for improvement in air filtration. It is also a way to rapidly boost the air quality of an already good functioning system when there is an increased risk that demands even better protection.

For crucial high-risk applications such as quarantined zones and laboratories, Camfil, a global leader in air filtration, provides compelling containment equipment.
However, an air cleaner is recommended for use where the risk of airborne contamination is elevated.

Both containment units and air cleaners cannot be installed anywhere as they are specific to the risk and nature of the surroundings, but an air cleaner can never replace a full containment set where there is a need.

On the other hand, low risk applications can consider using EPA filters or ePM1 80% or higher category of air filtration.

“There are more than 60 biosafety laboratories classified as Level 4 (highest risk) by an international commission in the world.

Camfil has already delivered containment solutions for many of them in China, France, Switzerland, Germany and the U.S.A” – Anders Sundvik, Vice President Research & Development, Camfil
See the graphic created by Camfil experts to understand air filtration and containment requirements on the basis of its application.

In order to educate and create awareness about role of air filtration and containment of airborne infections in order to reduce the risk indoors, Camfil has created a series of education based infographics that provides value-based insights in order to combat the virus in the air. Please find them here.

Camfil’s clean air solutions help to reduce the potential spread of diseases through the air handling systems of biosafety labs and hospitals.

For more information about our range of HEPA, EPA and ULPA filters, visit http://bit.ly/1N6NJTA and reach the experts.

Contact Camfil Air Filteration expert near you. 

The post Camfil USA Update – Reduce Risk of Infectious Virus appeared first on Air Filters for Clean Air.

from Air Filters for Clean Air

Sunday, March 1, 2020

What will the ultra-low emissions zone mean for London and the cities of the future?

Learn what London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone means for the future of outdoor/indoor air quality in cities around the world and commercial air filtration systems.

Beginning April 8, London’s new Ultra Low Emission Zone came into full effect, part of a greater effort to improve the city’s air quality and ease the burden on commercial air filtration systems. Vehicles will have to comply with strict exhaust emissions standards or pay a daily levy to drive into central London. Under the ULEZ, the cars emitting the most pollution will have to pay £12.50, while trucks and buses have to pay £100. 

That’s on top of the daily £11.50 congestion charge, a major contributor to air pollution in the city. According to data from INRIX, a traffic analytics firm, London’s car traffic may be in decline, but congestion is still high. In fact, London is the most congested city after Moscow, with drivers spending an average of 74 hours each year being stuck in traffic. 

With so many cars stuck on the road, it’s not surprising that air pollution from car exhaust continues to be a problem. 

Combustion generates H2O, NO, NO2, CO, CO2 and particulate (matter). Combustion can also emit hydrocarbon gases, vapors, and organic particles,” explained Mark Davidson, Manager of Marketing & Technical Materials for commercial air filters at Camfil USA and active committee member for ASHRAE. “Some of the particles are large and settle out of the air stream, but the majority of the particles are submicron and remain suspended in the air for long periods of time.”

How Does The ULEZ Affect Outdoor Indoor Air Quality?

The goal of the ULEZ is to encourage Londoners to move to cleaner, more efficient vehicles. Gasoline-powered cars, vans, and coaches that meet the Euro 4 emissions standard, and diesel trucks that meet Euro 6 standards, are exempt from paying the levy. By moving to cleaner vehicles and discouraging cars from entering Central London, mayor Sadiq Khan expects that the capital’s outdoor and indoor air quality, which he says is responsible for thousands of premature deaths, will improve over time.

What Does This Mean in American Cities?

Unsurprisingly, applying these kinds of levies in America, with its love of automobiles, may be easier said than done. However, change is happening in some American cities. For example, New York City recently completed a four-year renovation of Times Square, which has now been revamped into an 85,000-square-foot pedestrian plaza. New York has also proposed transforming the congested Grand Street and Bedford Avenue into car-free zones. If successful, both projects would go a long way towards improving air quality in these areas. 

Los Angeles is one of the country’s cities with the highest air pollution. Homes and buildings near major roads often need to be equipped with high efficiency air filters. LA has plans in the works to re-imagine their future of transportation. City officials are setting their sights on how both shared and self-driving vehicles can be integrated onto the roadways.

LA is also using its Great Streets Program to encourage walking in the city by reinvigorating thoroughfares with pedestrian paths, plazas, and art. On the other hand, San Francisco is working on plans to ban cars and add bike lanes on Market Street, one of SF’s busiest streets. 

Other fast-growing cities like Denver and Charlotte, both of which suffer from serious air pollution and particularly ozone pollution, are considering long-term initiatives that would focus on pedestrian-friendly infrastructure and multi-modal transportation over private cars.

High-Efficiency Air Filters Provide Protection 

Given how much Americans love their cars, it’s not surprising that U.S. cities have been slow  to take a tough stance against automotive pollution like London. The concept of banning certain diesel-powered trucks or applying levies and restrictions when entering certain parts of cities by car may simply be too unpopular with some people. Unfortunately, transportation is the fastest-growing contributor to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Unless something changes, many homes, retail stores and commercial office buildings in high traffic areas may need to install high efficiency air filters to protect those inside from breathing air polluted with the emissions from too many vehicles.   

Choose Air Filters from Trusted Air Filter Manufacturers

When choosing air filters for industrial or commercial use, it’s important to work with experienced air filter manufacturers who consider all the variables when determining the proper air filtration solution for the facility or individual room.  To learn more about the importance of commercial air filtration systems and the role they play in maintaining clean indoor air quality, get in touch with Camfil USA. 

Your local Camfil location will have filtration experts to help you decide which industrial air filter is best for your contaminant needs.


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