Monday, June 29, 2020

Camfil New Product Launch for COVID-19 – Introducing CC500 Portable Air Purifier Lowering the Risks of Harmful Viruses and Pathogens

“With newly spiking numbers of COVID-19 cases across the country, the need for negatively pressurized isolation areas is on the rise.  The value of portable air purifiers is almost impossible to overstate in the circumstances we find ourselves in today. In response to growing demand, Camfil announces the new CamCleaner CC500.” Keith Woolard, Product Manager – Containment and CamCleaners

Riverdale, NJ — The launch of a new portable air purifier by Camfil continues its promise “Clean Air A Human Right.”

Camfil delivers the products needed for critical applications, such as COVID-19 treatment. The CamCleaner CC500 functions as both a portable air purifier or ducted negative air system for creating isolation areas.  Some of the salient features include: 

CamCleaner CC500 can be used as a room air purifier or installed to create negatively pressurized isolation areas.

Features of the CamCleaner CC500:

  • 99.99% true HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter
  • Camfil 30/30® Dual 9 prefilter, to extend the life of the HEPA filter
  • Easy access filter replacement
  • 34″ tall x 12.5″ wide by 14″ deep to fit into most spaces
  • Weighs just 50 lbs, including filters, for manageable transportation
  • Silent roll caster wheels  or available with a mounting kit for wall- or ceiling-mount
  • Hospital-grade cord set plugs into any standard 120-volt three-prong electrical outlet 
  • Delivers up to 12 air changes per hour (ACH) in 2500ft3 as an in-room HEPA air purifier
  • Bottom air intake with purified air exhausted through slotted vent cap or optional duct

What can the CamCleaner CC500 be used for? 

With HEPA filters thoroughly tested to a minimum of 99.99% efficient, and a 5-star MERV 9A prefilter, the CamCleaner CC500 can be used as a portable air purifier or as a ducted negative air system to protect patients, staff and visitors from airborne viruses, pathogens, and harmful particles. It can be put to use in: 

  • Patient/resident rooms
  • Procedure rooms
  • Isolation rooms
  • Doctor and Dentist offices
  • Hospital visitation  areas
  • Retail space
  • Offices
  • Classrooms
  • Gathering areas

The CC500 Solves Problems for Healthcare Facilities

Because COVID-19 spreads primarily through respiratory droplets, hospitals face a unique issue when treating infected patients. The air in COVID treatment areas should be kept separate from the air in other hospital areas so that infected air droplets don’t escape into uninfected areas. Because air flows from higher pressure zones to lower pressure zones, negative pressurization is commonly used to control the spread of airborne diseases in hospitals. When the air pressure in an isolation area is “negative,” it’s lower than the air pressure of surrounding areas, which means that outside air can flow into the area, but not out. This helps prevent infections from spreading but introduces a need for high-efficiency filtration within the area because of the lack of airflow. 

COVID-19 Spiking Numbers 

With newly spiking numbers of COVID-19 cases across the country, the need for isolation areas is on the rise. Because it is lightweight and portable, the CamCleaner CC500 allows healthcare facilities to quickly establish new isolation rooms if needed.  When installed as a room air purifier, the  CC500  keeps the air clean because of its HEPA filter and MERV-9A prefilter. Because one unit can accomplish both functions, it significantly reduces costs for the end-user. 

About Camfil 

Camfil is driven by the mission that clean air is a human right. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Camfil has been at the forefront of air filtration research and engineering to protect uninfected individuals by keeping the air clean. To find the air filtration solution that best addresses your needs and goals, contact Camfil today



Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 


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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

How High-Efficiency Camfil Air Filters Improve Workplace Productivity

Learn how the ability of high-efficiency air filters improve indoor air quality in the office and can maximize employee productivity. 

Air pollution is often thought of only in terms of the air we breathe outdoors, but indoor air pollution is just as harmful.  The air inside the workplace may be affecting employees in more ways than one. Commercial office buildings, retail spaces and industrial facilities need to review and perhaps upgrade to high-efficiency air filters.  

Indoor air pollution in the office can be caused by spaces such as conference rooms, offices and corridors being kept shut   year-round. Some buildings were designed so windows could not be opened in order to lessen energy usage.  

But sealing a building can have unintended consequences.

For starters, it means that every breath exhaled by employees during long office hours raises carbon dioxide levels in the room which has the potential to cause headaches and drowsiness. It also means that VOCs and PM (volatile organic compounds and particulate matter)  from office equipment, industrial processes, and cleaning solvents continuously accumulate in the building. 

The Dangers of Poor Indoor Air Quality in Offices

While the health risks of poor outdoor air quality are well-known—air pollution is linked to upper respiratory tract infections, asthma, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) — the effects of poor indoor air quality are just as bad, if not worse.

“Studies show that good indoor air quality has a positive effect on people’s productivity,” explains Mark Davidson, Manager of Marketing and Technical Materials at Camfil USA. “They’re more alert. They show better cognitive performance thanks to improved oxygen flow. And they can even gain better general health. This translates into fewer sick days and improved well-being.”

Ventilation with High-Efficiency Air Filters Needed

Natural ventilation with fresh outside air would certainly help to alleviate the problem, but as mentioned, many buildings are not designed with windows that open. Also, many retail or industrial facilities have safety and comfort issues that limit the use of outdoor air. Opening a window would have little impact on air quality in the middle of a large industrial facility or for an interior store in a retail mall.  

The role of an HVAC system is to circulate air which has been conditioned (heated or cooled) and filtered in order to provide a comfortable and safe indoor environment. When an HVAC system is outfitted with high-efficiency air filters, the quality of the indoor air can make a noticeable difference to the building’s occupants. 

 The Cost of Ignoring Indoor Air Quality is Not Just Financial

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air pollution tends to be two to five times worse than outdoor air pollution—at its most extreme, air quality can be up to 100 times worse than open-air environments. This is precisely what makes high-efficiency air filters so important in commercial office buildings, retail spaces and industrial facilities.

The problem of indoor air pollution has become so bad that, according to The Lancet, hundreds of thousands die each year due to poor air quality in workplaces. People can also develop symptoms of “sick building syndrome,” a condition characterized by migraines, breathing problems, and loss of productivity, caused by indoor air pollution exposure.

Choosing  Air Filters for Office Spaces

For offices struggling with poor indoor air quality, high-efficiency air filters offer a solution allowing you to maintain the safety and cleanliness of your air, ensuring that workers stay healthy and productive. These filters offer an efficient way to protect employees from breathing in airborne pollutants from indoor sources, such as:

  •       Raw materials
  •       Chemicals
  •       Activities such as cooking, heating, and lighting

Work with Trusted Commercial Air Filter Manufacturers

Because no two workplaces are the same, it’s important to procure the appropriate air filter system for your company’s needs. This is where reliable air filter manufacturers come in as they can recommend air filter solutions based on:


  •       The size of your offices
  •       The number of employees in these offices
  •       The type of processes occurring in indoor spaces

Camfil USA has more than 50 years of experience designing and building commercial air filtration systems for a wide range of industries. Talk to our air filtration team to learn more about our office air filter systems, or browse our product line on our website. 




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Thursday, June 11, 2020

How Food and Beverage Industry Keep Safe During Covid-19 – Camfil US Air Filter Expert Video Explains

Learn how air filtration can keep the food and beverage industry safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Camfil Durafil_ES_2-High Capacity-Efficency-air filter
High Efficiency, High Capacity, Energy Saving, Mini-Pleated V-Bank Air Filter

Dallas, TX , June 11, 2020 (KISS PR Story Newswire) — You may have heard in the news about a number of food plants shutting down operations due to fears of spreading the COVID-19 virus between employees in close quarters. In the U.S. today, there are approximately  32,000 food processing facilities employing  1.6 million workers.  As well as leaving many people without jobs, shutting down large food production facilities has far-reaching implications because it interrupts the food supply chain. What can food manufacturers do to keep their plants running?

How Does Air Filtration Help? 

Because COVID-19 is a communicable disease spread primarily through infected respiratory droplets, filtering these droplets out of the air has the potential to curb infection rates where social distancing measures are not always possible.

In a recent video interview, Patrick Lally,  Food and Beverage Segment Manager for Camfil USA, explains a few steps food manufacturers can take to protect their employees.

What Should Food and Beverage Manufacturers be Considering When Selecting an Air Filter?

“It’s not like healthcare, for example, where you have nationally recognized recommendations and guidelines,” says Lally. “Because of the diverse array of processes, products, and facility layouts in food plants, air filtration needs generally depend on the specifics of the plant.”

With the spread of COVID-19 as an added factor in air filtration needs, Lally recommends air filters with a rating of at least MERV-15A,  MERV-16A or a HEPA filter where appropriate, if possible. The smaller respiratory droplets that could potentially spread COVID-19 range in size from 0.5 microns up to 15 microns with the peak distribution size around 2.5 micron.   An air filter rated MERV-15A or higher “will help you capture roughly 95% to 100% of the particles in that size range.”

What is a MERV-A Rating? 

Filter manufacturers who wish to publicize the effectiveness of their filters by referring to the MERV value are required to test their filters according to the full test standard known as ASHRAE 52.2.  MERV, or minimum efficiency reporting value, is a scale to select filters based on their ability to capture particles. This is referred to in the filtration industry as efficiency.

Some manufacturers rely on an electrostatic charge to increase the efficiency of filters. As this charge dissipates over time, so does the filter’s efficiency. The ASHRAE 52.2 test standard includes an Appendix J to the standard which details a procedure to test the filters without the benefit of an electrostatic charge. The efficiency without this charge is referred to as a filter’s MERV-A value.

“A good way to select the proper filter is to remember that ‘A’ stands for ‘actual’ and a food plant should always select filters based on their MERV-A value, not simply their MERV. It may seem like a small difference, but it’s not,’” says Mr. Lally.

Three Expert Tips for Improving Your Air Filtration Measures 

  1. Make sure your current and future filters have a MERV-A rating on their labels.
  2. Remember that portable air filtration units are a good option for areas where people congregate, such as locker rooms and cafeterias.
  3. As recommended by the CDC, consult an HVAC or filtration expert with food plant experience when making any airflow changes.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions 

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment.

Media Contact for Food and Beverage Air Filter Solutions

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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