Monday, August 24, 2020

Can Air Purifiers Help to Keep You Safe from COVID-19 Indoors? Experts Share the Facts.

Air filtration experts share how air purifiers work to keep people safe from COVID-19 inside their homes.

The threat of COVID-19 is far from over. As reopening measures continue with varying degrees of success, a greater emphasis is being placed on strategies that offer a higher level of protection.

Experts from Camfil, a leader in air filtration solutions with applications ranging from commercial buildings and industrial applications such as the food and beverage industry to highly sensitive biosafety labs, share their advice in a new video. Camfil’s Martin Gravel has worked with a wide range of air filtration applications throughout the last fourteen years, specializing in helping facilities find the right solutions for their needs and to do more with less, particularly using absolute HEPA filters some of which can t remove  99.99999% of harmful particles effectively.

“The air filtration industry is clearly a defensive one,” says Mark Davidson, Manager of Marketing and Technical Materials at Camfil USA, “Our goal is to put up a defense against the enemy, so to speak, droplets carrying the COVID-19 virus.”

There are two enemies’ to target: large respiratory droplets, and droplet nuclei. When we simply breathe regularly, we release about 50 droplets per second, and more when we talk, cough, sneeze or sing.

How Can We Defend Ourselves Against Respiratory Droplets?

Even though they’re invisible to the naked eye, respiratory droplets are large in the world of particulate matter — specifically, larger than five microns in diameter — meaning that they don’t stay airborne for very long. Respiratory droplets are primarily encountered in close contact with other people, or after they settle on surfaces. Many of the existing measures are designed to protect us from this form of transmission, including:

  • Maintaining 6-foot social distancing.
  • Limiting excessive contact with strangers, or exposure to public places.
  • Wearing masks in public places or at gatherings with people outside of our households.
  • Frequently and thoroughly sanitizing surfaces.

How Can We Defend Ourselves Against Aerosols?

Droplet nuclei — sometimes referred to as aerosols, are smaller than five microns in diameter. Because of their light weight, they can remain suspended in the air for longer periods of time. There is a growing suspicion that airborne droplet nuclei and aerosols may contribute to an increase in transmission rates far greater than originally believed. For example, researchers have shown that airflow in a restaurant in Guangzhou, China, contributed significantly to spreading the virus from one man to nine other people. (Asymptomatic cases are not included in this figure, so the actual number may have been higher.)

This is where the benefit of room air purifiers comes in. In addition to other mitigation techniques, various forms of air filtration can help minimize the risks of droplet nuclei or aerosol transmission. “We can’t afford to just put a bandaid solution on something that’s much graver than that,” says Mr. Gravel.

Although the existing HVAC systems in many commercial and public buildings do not have the capacity to handle filters rated MERV-13A or higher, as recommended and mandated by certain jurisdictions, in-room air purifying units with true-HEPA filters can provide additional protection. “Remember that a filter is only as good as the mechanism that supports it,” Mr. Gravel advises. For more information about choosing an in-room air purification unit, see Camfil’s full video, and contact a HVAC and air filtration expert to determine the best solution for your unique needs.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil worldwide has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Camfil has been applying their decades of experience in biosafety containment, healthcare, and other sectors of the air filtration industry to provide technological solutions for the public as well as in hospitals and healthcare facilities.


Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Friday, August 21, 2020

Mitigating Risk in Commercial Buildings from COVID-19

Camfil’s John Holmes, who has years of experience assisting property managers to find the right air filtration system for their needs, shares his experience.

Riverdale, NJ — Depending on where you live, your local economy may have gone through several cycles of starting and stopping due to fluctuating COVID-19 infection rates. For property managers in commercial real estate, the issue is even more complex as they need to balance the needs of various tenants. Some tenants may be required to close their doors or convert to virtual offices while others need physical locations to remain open.

“What we don’t want to happen is property managers to feel like they have to balance doing what’s right with the everyday costs of operation,” says Mark Davidson, Manager of Marketing and Technical Materials at Camfil USA. In a new video, air filtration experts from Camfil provide guidance for property managers who are looking to protect their tenants with high-efficiency air filtration. c who has years of experience assisting property managers to find the right air filtration system for their needs, shares his experience and advice to shed light on the situation.

What Are the ASHRAE Recommendations for Air Filtration in Commercial Buildings?

ASHRAE (The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) recommends at minimum MERV-13 air filtration. “MERV-13 is a buzzword you might have heard thrown around,” says Holmes.  MERV-13 has been frequently cited by many cities and municipalities as what’s needed for reopening. MERV-13 air filtration may be a guideline for some and a mandate for others. However, there are variations in the actual real-world efficiency of MERV-13 air filters, because many use an electrostatic charge to boost effectiveness. Unfortunately, this electrostatic charge dissipates after a short period of time and in the case of a MERV-13 air filter, this can mean you’re actually getting MERV-8 air filtration in the long run. That isn’t sufficient to reduce risk and offer higher protection for tenants against the COVID-19 virus.

If you’re looking to protect your clients and tenants rather than simply check a box to fulfill an ordinance, opt for MERV-13A or higher air filtration. Instead of replacing air filters every month, which quickly adds up in time and labor costs, MERV-13A air filters maintain their efficiency for longer periods of time.

What If My HVAC System Doesn’t Have the Capacity For MERV-13A Filtration?

To achieve MERV-13A efficiency,  filters rely on a larger number of fine fibers within the matrix of their filtration media instead of depending on a temporary electrostatic charge for air filtration effectiveness. Unfortunately, many HVAC systems only have 1- or 2- inch tracks to hold air filters and air filters designed to deliver actual MERV 13A efficiency can carry a higher operational cost in 1- or 2-inch depths.

You should speak with air filtration or HVAC expert to determine what options you have for installing  MERV-13A filters. There are other alternatives available instead. For example, a HEPA-grade in-room air purifier can fit into just about any space and provide hospital-grade air quality.

What Are the Benefits of MERV 13-A or Higher Air Filtration?

Filtering out COVID-19 infected respiratory droplets isn’t the only benefit to having high-quality air filtration. Even once the threat of the virus has passed, there is much to be gained from clean air inside commercial office spaces.

Firstly, higher energy efficiency and longer product life lead to reduced overall costs and a high return on investment. “To get that high level of air quality, you don’t have to spend a ton of money upfront. The return on investment is actually quite high,” Holmes notes. “You can have hospital-grade air quality for roughly 1/10th of the cost of other preventative measures, such as UV.”

Secondly, longer performance and lifespan saves an average of three weeks of labor per million square feet of property each year. This valuable time, otherwise known as reallocated labor, can be redistributed to focus on other building needs which enhances the tenant experience.

Additionally, clean air has been shown to increase productivity and cognitive performance in students and workers.  For more information about the benefits of clean air in the workplace, see this blog post.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil worldwide has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Camfil has been applying their decades of experience in biosafety containment, healthcare, and other sectors of the air filtration industry to provide technological solutions for the public as well as in hospitals and healthcare facilities.


Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Air filtration Concerns for Food and Beverage Industry

An examination of the unique air quality issues affecting the food & beverage industry, as well as a look at how the Durafil ES2 high-efficiency air filter can provide an effective and affordable solution. 

Across the world, the daily challenges facing the food & beverage industry have been intensifying for some time. From product safety recalls to fluctuations in global food prices, food manufacturers and packaging plants seemingly have enough on their plate when it comes to product safety. 

 Like any other commercial operation, the presence of airborne pathogens, mold spores, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can threaten much more than most people think. Commercial operators like food producers, dairy processors, and beverage manufacturers must keep a close eye on how well their air filters are keeping them protected.

For most, upgrading to high-efficiency, v-bank style air filters is an effective way to reduce the threats from contaminants while improving facility airflow and lowering maintenance expenses.  

The Importance of Specially-Designed Food & Beverage Air Filters

No matter what kind of food is being produced, clean air is a vital ingredient in the final product. The presence of outdoor contaminants in a food or beverage bottling production facility can threaten the reputation of a brand name that has taken years to establish.  

“If the air filters in your food production facility aren’t working properly or installed correctly, then you might as well add ‘dirty air’ to your ingredient list because it is getting in your food,” says Patrick Lally, Food and Beverage Segment Manager at Camfil USA. “At the very least, these added ingredients could create unwanted flavors. At the worst, it could spell disaster in the form of contaminated product, poorly packaged food items, and an increased threat to employee and customer health. Product recalls have occurred because of this.”

Why Restaurants, Kitchens, and Production Areas Require Unique Air Filtration Solutions 

As Lally points out, removing the pollution and contaminants present in a given space of air is only the first part of the battle for commercial and industrial operators. In addition to food safety, maximizing the efficiency of a commercial filtration system is a reliable way to extend the life of the filter, leading to big savings on the other side. 

“This is why the Durafil ES2 is so highly recommended for food production environments,” he continues. “They’re capable of not only capturing the airborne threats but also for maintaining the same level of performance over a long period of time.  It’s really the perfect one-two punch for any facility.”

Using the Durafil ES As a Rooftop HVAC Filter

According to air filtration experts, one of the biggest problems of “budget-level” air filters is they rely on an initial electrostatic charge that temporarily enhances particle capture efficiency. Once this charge begins to dissipate, the efficiency drops rapidly. The result is dirt that should be captured by the filter and removed from the airstream,  passes through the filter, and into the production areas of the plant. 

Improving Commercial HVAC Filter Bank Arrangements for Air Flow

Aside from the removal of potentially harmful airborne contaminants, a commercial air filter’s ‘second’ task is to maintain a  consistent airflow throughout the facility. Filters like the ES2 are specifically designed to perform with a high capture efficiency while maintaining the proper airflow due to the filter’s low resistance.  

The third and final task an air filter must do is to have the capacity to hold large volumes of dirt within the body of the filter while maintaining a low resistance. This is known as a filter’s dirt holding capacity.   In fact, it is estimated that the high-capacity  Durafil ES2 is capable of remaining in service for 2-3 times longer than competing budget-level filters and all the while maintaining optimal airflow. When combined with the increased dust and particulate capacity, the result is a filter that simply doesn’t need to be changed out as often. When high efficiency is maintained without sacrificing airflow and dirt holding capacity is high enough that such a filter can remain in service 2 – 3 times longer than other filters, you’ve found a great air filter. 

Industrial Air Filter Manufacturers for Food & Beverage Operations 

Whether the goal is to reduce annual filtration costs or increase food and process safety, making the switch to advanced, high-efficiency air filters is a clear answer for owners and facility managers. The increased capacity and long-lasting efficiency of the Durafil ES2 make it the ideal choice for everyone from packaging plants to bottling lines. 

Not all industrial air filter manufacturers have the food and beverage industry in mind. The filtration experts at Camfil USA have made it their mission to not only provide access to superior air filters and filtration solutions, but also to educate their customers, clients, and partners as to the importance of air pollution control on all levels. You can check out Camfil’s Insights page for information on how they’re addressing IAQ in other industries like electronics, life sciences, and more. 

Ac Filters

Food & Beverage Air Filters

Air filtration Solutions

Rooftop HVAC filters

HVAC filter bank

Industrial air filter manufacturers 


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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Air Filtration Expert Weighs In on – Can We Safely Reopen Schools and Public Buildings This Fall

Although it would usually be the beginnings of the back-to-school season, parents and children across the country are left with uncertainty as to whether or not schools will be opening their doors. The Trump administration is making a push to reopen schools to full capacity in the fall. Some health experts agree as many schools overseas have opened, but others in the health industry do not agree with the reopening.  The concern is while children have a lower risk of contracting COVID-19,  masks and social distancing measures may not be enough to control the spread of the disease should asymptomatic students encounter adults once they are away from school.

If masks and social distancing aren’t enough to prevent the spread of COVID-19, what measures can we take instead?

Making Schools, Office Buildings, and Malls Safer with Air Filtration

According to a report by the Inside Edition, one way to make schools safer is to install high- efficiency air filters in the air handling units and by using stand-alone room air purifiers with HEPA filters as a supplement. The COVID-19 virus primarily spreads through infected respiratory droplets and possibly through droplet nuclei and aerosols, which are much smaller and lighter and can therefore, remain airborne for longer periods of time. Without proper air filtration, it’s possible these aerosols can get caught in the return of an HVAC system and recirculate into other parts of the building, thus spreading the infection further.

“If a building’s ventilation system has the capacity, Camfil air filtration experts recommend an air filter labeled as a MERV-15A or MERV-16A. Unfortunately, some equipment is unable to accommodate the larger size of those filters. In those cases, a  basic guideline would be to install the highest MERV-A that infrastructure can handle,” says Greg Herman, Camfil’s National Accounts Segment Manager.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions 

For more than half a century, Camfil worldwide has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Camfil has been applying their decades of experience in biosafety containment, healthcare, and other sectors of the air filtration industry to provide technological solutions for the public as well as in hospitals and healthcare facilities.


Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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