Thursday, September 24, 2020

COVID UPDATE: Air Filter Upgrade to Mitigate Virus Risks by Joe Randolph Camfil Expert

Upgrading your air filtration system is a crucial step in protecting facilities and commercial buildings against the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Cognizant authorities such as the  CDC and ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) recommend an air filter with a minimum rating of MERV 13. MERV 14 is preferred. . In some jurisdictions, MERV 13  is a mandatory condition that must be met.

However, many smaller rooftop HVAC systems are configured to hold only 2-inch depth air filters. Air filters with higher MERV values are generally more effective and economical to operate if they are deeper than 2 inches.  What do you do when your rooftop unit is only set up with 2-inch tracks?

In a new video, air filtration experts Mark Davidson and Joe Randolph discuss the available options for upgrading the air filtration systems in buildings with limited space for air filters.

Why Do Equipment Manufacturers Construct HVAC Equipment with 2-inch Tracks?

If 2-inch tracks don’t have the capacity to hold air filters that provide long-lasting, high-quality filtration, why aren’t they manufactured with a larger track? “Manufacturers want to maintain the integrity of the unit’s footprint,” says Camfil’s Director of National Distribution Sales for U.S. and Mexico, Joe Randolph, who has over 32 years of experience in the air filtration and HVAC industries. “In other words, 2-inch air filter tracks give OEMs the flexibility to keep many air handling units a  standard size. There are millions of these units in service right now and devoting a greater area for air filters in certain models would lessen direct replacement and cost them a competitive advantage.”

Option 1: Replace Your Rooftop HVAC Handling Unit

Ideally, according to Camfil’s air filtration experts, if your budget allows for it, you should contact an HVAC mechanical contractor who can advise you on the feasibility of extending the unit size in order to accommodate larger and deeper filters. The more space you have, the more air filter options you’ll have.  Having a wide range of air filters to choose from will allow you to install the highest quality air filtration available to ensure you’ve taken steps to mitigate your risk from  COVID-19.

Most air filters in rooftop HVAC units with 2-inch tracks are only able to protect the coils and circulation equipment from harmful debris. They are not capable of significantly improving indoor air quality. By investing in a mechanical retrofit of your existing air handling unit so it can hold larger filters, you’ll reap the benefits that come from more effective, efficient air filters.

Option 2: Opt for a MERV-A Rated Air Filters that Provide the Same Protection.

If you can’t afford to dramatically modify existing HVAC equipment,  you can still find MERV-A rated filters, but they will have a higher operational cost. Many MERV 13 rated filters (note: non-A-rated filters)  use an electrostatic charge to improve the efficiency of the air filter without having to use larger amounts of filtering material. Over time, this charge dissipates and the effectiveness often degrades to approximately the equivalent of a MERV 8 filter.

Filters with a MERV-A rating have been manufactured to a MERV value without relying on an electrostatic charge, so they maintain the indicated efficiency for their entire service life. There are MERV-A 14A rated air filters that are 2-inches deep, but they will have a higher pressure drop and shorter service life. However, they will deliver MERV-14 performance so you have to decide if the operational cost is feasible in your situation. If not, one alternative would be a MERV-A 9A air filter which spends the majority of its service life performing at a higher level than charged MERV 13.  “The reality is, you’re going to be getting longer life and closer to that MERV-13 recommendation,” says Randolph,

Option 3: Consider an In-Room Air Filtration Unit.

If you need or want extra protection, but can’t manage either of the above options, there are supplemental l air filtration systems available that you can use. In-room air purifiers equipped with HEPA air filtration don’t require any special infrastructure and provide among the highest level of protection commercially available.

“A stand-alone air cleaner is going to be plug and play. You’d put that air cleaner in a conference room or a lobby or a classroom, plug it into a standard outlet, and you’d be able to provide clean air to that room,” says Randolph,  “The great thing about these products is that it far exceeds the CDC recommendation or even the air quality that we see in some areas of a hospital.”

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil worldwide has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Camfil has been applying their decades of experience in biosafety containment, healthcare, and other sectors of the air filtration industry to provide technological solutions for the public as well as in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Thursday, September 17, 2020

How to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution – Camfil Update

Customer health is an indoor air quality priority

In recent years, the conversation about indoor air quality (IAQ) has been focused largely on the harmful health impacts of airborne pollution. But according to some air quality experts, the conversation about IAQ technology is a timelier one to have.

“Over the last quarter-century as lifestyle choices put people inside for longer portions of the day, lung and respiratory problems seem to occur more frequently,” says Mark Davidson, Marketing Manager and Technical Materials at Camfil USA.  Clearly, we need to reconsider the ways we are filtering our indoor air, and fast.” 

Setting aside the immediate challenges the COVID-19 pandemic brings, designers and contractors have begun to embrace the proliferation of IAQ technology., Industrial, commercial, and residential customers the world over have begun to see significant improvements in air quality that, if maintained, could represent promising changes for our environments, both inside and out. 

The Role of IAQ Technology in Improving Human Health

From free-standing air cleaners to high-efficiency filters, there are numerous ways to tackle air filtration in commercial and retail settings. Some solutions might require investment, as is the case with new buildings, renovations, and other major changes to a facility’s infrastructure. 

On the other hand, IAQ technology like portable air filters and free-standing molecular air cleaners can be installed for a small fraction of the price of a new system and can have a significant effect on odors, VOCs , particulates, and anything else floating in the air that might threaten human health.  

The Common Sources of Indoor Air Pollutants

One of the reasons that many commercial, industrial, and retail companies have been slow on the uptake when it comes to IAQ is because the idea of indoor-sourced pollutants is relatively new in the grand scheme of things. While ‘classic’ pollutants like wood smoke, smog, factory byproduct, and construction particulate are obvious threats to anyone walking around in the city, the comfort of a home or office building was once thought to be safer. 

The unfortunate truth is that some of the most harmful indoor air pollutants come from objects, and devices that exist exclusively inside the home, posing a significant threat to our collective health.

Some of the most common sources of indoor pollution come from things like:

  • Deodorants 
  • Smoke
  • Fuel-burning combustion appliances
  • Off-gassing from upholstery, carpet, or furniture
  • Cleaning products
  • Excess moisture levels
  • Central heating, cooling, and humidification devices 

Why High-Efficiency Air Filters Are Canceled Out by Poorly-Designed Homes & Buildings 

Historically, air filtration systems were originally designed to protect the equipment itself from pollutants in the air.  As such, the design of the HVAC system and the building itself sometimes work against the goal of providing cleaner air. There are many factors that go into providing adequate air filtration and ventilation that the overall performance of the systems can become impossible for some companies to determine.  

Switching from pleated roll filters to high-efficiency air filters like the Camfil 30/30 Dual 9 can be a good place to start, but without a condition check on the system and building itself, the new filters might not be as effective as they were designed to be. 

Improving Indoor Air Quality Standards with Facility Maintenance 

 Open windows, drafty crawl spaces,  attics, and poorly-installed ducting can all lead to noticeable drops in air filtration performance. In addition, excess levels of moisture that are not dealt with can damage many economy-grade panel air filters, leading to frame degradation and eventual dirty air bypass. 

The solution to drafty systems is a professional inspection and pressure test. Bad air filter frames can be prevented by moisture mitigation, or additionally, upgrading to air filters with moisture-resistant frames that can handle more pressure and moisture. 

Learning How to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution

“There are many different IAQ products that can be installed in the business or home within hours. Some of them you just have to plug in,” Davidson continues. “But the real trick to learning how to reduce indoor air pollution is by taking a whole-facility approach. Leaky ductwork or even gaps in electrical boxes, lights, and plumbing can all have an effect on how the system is functioning, on top of the more obvious details.”

On the commercial and industrial scale, Camfil USA is a respected source of the designs, materials, and education needed to bring your IAQ standards up to par.  Their website is also the home of a collection of design & selection tools that can be used to economically configure the right air filters in your commercial HVAC system to protect the health of your employees, guests, and customers.  

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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Camfil US Supports Clean Air Vision – Joins The Very First International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

Riverdale, NJ – The very first International Day of Clean Air for blue skies will be held on September 7th, 2020. The Day aims to: Raise public awareness at all levels—individual, community, corporate and government—that clean air is important for health, productivity, the economy and the environment.
The United Nations has recognized the 7th of September as the ‘International Day of Clean Air for blue skies’ to emphasize the importance of clean air for the health and day-to-day lives of people, as air pollution is the single greatest environmental risk to human health. Air pollution remains one of the main avoidable causes of death and disease globally. The 2030 Agenda for UN Sustainable Development outlines a roadmap to achieve “the future we want” to build.

CAMFIL USA Clean Air Vision 2020 INITIATIVE 
Camfil supports the vision and believes that clean air should be a human right. We have marked this week as ‘Camfil Clean Air Awareness Week‘ to share, spread, and discuss the effects of air pollution.

Learn more about Camfil at Follow our blog, press coverage, social media daily and help us create awareness.


Camfil US Clean Air Initiative in the Press

Camfil US Video Resources 

Video resources on clean air initiatives by Camfil USA

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Media Contact:
Lynne Laake
Camfil USA Air Filters
T: 888.599.6620
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News Via: KISS PR Story News Distribution

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