Thursday, November 19, 2020

Camfil USA – Molecular Filtration Solutions

Camfil provides filters that can remove molecules, gases and vapors from t​he air through molecular filtration.

There are 156 million registered chemicals in the world and increasing at a rate of 15,000 new chemicals per day. Harmful gases and vapors produced by these chemicals cannot be controlled by even the most efficient particulate air filters because molecular pollutants are simply too small.

Many molecules are known to be harmful to humans, the environment, manufacturing processes (microelectronics, pulp and paper, oil refining, etc.) and more sensitive items like artifacts in museums and art galleries. These airborne molecules impact businesses in several ways ranging from nuisance odors to corrosion of electronic equipment, and can even be responsible for a wide range of health issues, including organ failure and death.

Molecular filters from Camfil can help control these problems. Ranging from very light to very heavy duty, Camfil has five molecular air filtration product families:

Camfil USA Molecular Filtration Solutions




  • City Family products are contemporary solutions that combine molecular and particulate filtration to indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools, offices, and other public buildings.
  • CamCarb products have the widest range of capabilities to address specific problems in facilities such as medical buildings, airports, museums and light process industries.
  • GigaPleat products are designed to achieve extremely high removal efficiencies where even the smallest concentrations can have a significant impact on a process; primarily microelectronic cleanrooms.
  • ProCarb products are heavy industrial solutions designed to protect people, the environment, and equipment from toxic and/or corrosive gases at the highest removal efficiencies for the petrochemical, pulp & paper, and wastewater treatment industries.
  • Containment products provide the highest level of toxic mitigation from radioactive and/or lethal gases for nuclear power or military operations.

Customer support and laboratory services are also essential to ensure that the best product is selected for your application. Camfil molecular services include:

  • Air sampling by taking outdoor and indoor air quality measurements to define a customer’s molecular contaminants
  • Lifetime and efficiency simulations of molecular filters generated from an industry leading, proprietary software developed from over 50 years of real-world data and 20 years of in-house performance testing results based on actual operating conditions in accordance with ISO 10121
  • ASHRAE 145 and ISO 10121 performance of gas phase air cleaning media and devices to measure real-world performance
  • Media analysis to determine the remaining life of installed molecular filters

About Camfil

At Camfil, we work by the belief that breathing clean air should be a human right. Since 1963, our commitment, investment, and our people have allowed us to stand fully behind our molecular filtration solutions and instill customer confidence.

If you’d like to know how molecular filtration can benefit your unique situation, contact a Camfil representative today.


Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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Thursday, November 12, 2020

3 Ways Real-Time Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Makes for a Better HVAC System

Even the most advanced and carefully maintained HVAC systems are underutilized in their efforts to bring meaningful improvement to a building’s indoor air quality (IAQ) without careful, regular monitoring.

With the installation of real-time IAQ monitoring technology, building management systems can gain access to a wealth of actionable data that can be used to both record and respond to sudden changes in IAQ.

What Is IAQ Monitoring?

What Is IAQ Monitoring?

IAQ monitoring can come in many forms, but at its core, it is the ability to track both the efficiency of the HVAC system and the quality of the air that is moving through it. This means keeping track of conditions such as humidity, pressure drop, airflow rates, and composition.

Testing for both the presence and concentration of airborne contaminants is another essential role of IAQ monitoring, as it can have a direct and dramatic effect on human health.

The Importance of Indoor Air Quality Testing on the Commercial and Industrial Level 

As companies across the globe are re-opening after months of inactivity due to various quarantine and stay-at-home orders, many operators are starting to consider more advanced air filtration systems with high-efficiency air filters as a way to combat the potential spread of COVID-19.

In addition to airborne pathogens, commercial and industrial IAQ is constantly threatened by other forms of air pollution, including carbon monoxide, lead dust, radon gas, and asbestos dust. Many of these pollutants come from inside the building, which is why it becomes the company’s responsibility to put adequate protection systems in place.

Three Ways Real-Time Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Can Improve a Commercial HVAC System

Three Ways Real-Time Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Can Improve a Commercial HVAC System

1. Better HVAC Sensors & Actuators – When facilities install real-time IAQ technology, one of the necessary upgrades to the system is the HVAC sensors and actuators, two components that work together to make operational adjustments based on received input.

2. Real-Time Reporting – The ability to trace temperature, humidity, pressure, and even airborne contaminants in real-time settings, allows building management systems (BMS) to be more agile, allowing for better forecasting and a more thorough integration.

3. More Effective, Efficient Maintenance – A BMS equipped with real-time IAQ monitoring is capable of predicting which components need maintenance prior to scheduled PM service or in need of early replacement. This reduces overall cost due to emergency situations that may arise.

Industrial Air Filter Specialist

While the importance of IAQ monitoring is becoming clearer to commercial and industrial operators around the world, the integration of real-time IAQ monitoring technology has only begun. However, like all new technology, there is a learning curve required to maximize its effectiveness. That’s why it’s important to work with an experienced HVAC professional, educated and trained in both equipment and filters,  in order to get the correct products for your system.


Camfil is the world leader in air filtration and clean air solutions, with 23 production plants and R&D centers in the Americas, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region. For more information, visit us online at or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.

Media Contact:

Lynne Laake

Camfil USA Air Filters

T: 888.599.6620


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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Friday, November 6, 2020

How New Healthcare Ventilation Strategies Might Become the Norm After COVID-19

The lessons that commercial and industrial businesses can learn from the healthcare sector in terms of air purification, air filtration, and indoor air quality in the wake of COVID-19.

Any commercial or industrial HVAC system is designed to perform a multitude of tasks, including heating, cooling, filtration, pressurization, and dehumidifying. Each of these direct influences on the indoor air quality within those buildings. One industry that takes those performance qualities very seriously is the: hospitals and healthcare facility management industry.

In the wake of COVID-19, commercial and industrial companies are taking a closer look at the way that these healthcare facilities approach IAQ in hopes of finding advanced air pollution solutions, systems, or products that can be applied to their own industries. 

In some cases, these solutions are specialized filters or technological elements. In others, it is methods, procedures, or policies. Regardless of how it’s achieved, the goal is to find new ways to remove airborne contaminants and pathogens (like those that cause COVID-19) from commercial spaces. 

Biological Air Pollution: Can Commercial Air Filters Fight What Causes COVID-19?

Even though the world has been experiencing the effects of this global pandemic for months, there are gaps in our collective understanding of how the COVID-19 virus is transmitted and how hospital-grade filtration systems can affect indoor transmission rates. 

“While it’s true that HEPA filters can capture over 99% of particulate matter, which includes some viruses and bacteria, the threat from the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be entirely eliminated by simply upgrading your filters” explains Mark Davidson, Manager of Technical Materials for Camfil USA. Over the last few months, Camfil and other major air filter manufacturers have found themselves inundated by questions about the virus and what role HVAC systems and filters play in mitigating risk. 

“The reality is hospitals aren’t only using top-of-the-line HVAC air filters to address biological threats. 

They are using clean air to create areas of positive pressure that acts as a barrier and prevents airborne contamination from flowing into high-risk areas. While this air is being filtered, it’s also being conditioned and not just for temperature, but for humidity. Controlling humidity is a proven strategy to controlling the growth of microorganisms. All these techniques. They’re effective anti-viral concepts that can be applied to the commercial sector.”

Improving Post-Pandemic Indoor Air Quality Management Standards 

According to air quality experts like Davidson, one of the first steps in implementing a post-COVID air filtration plan is having another look at your commercial HVAC filters. The filter should be sized correctly to match airflow and properly installed to prevent the bypass of contaminants.

For standard-risk areas like commercial offices and retail buildings, filters with a minimum  MERV 15/15A value such as the Durafil ES2 or the  Hi-Flo ES are adequate solutions for indoor air quality management. However, areas occupied by individuals who are known to be diagnosed with COVID should switch to a HEPA air filter with a minimum rating of at least 99.7% such as the Absolute VG.

Addressing One Potential Variable that Could Increase the Risk of Infections Spreading

When it comes to biological contaminants like viruses and pathogens, controlling humidity may be one of the most important functions of a commercial HVAC system. According to research by the National Institutes of Health, the absolute humidity of indoor space can affect the way viruses like the ones causing the flu and COVID-19 proliferate. 

The study suggests that low absolute humidity can cause increased infection rates. Critical information such as this is what drives healthcare facilities to pay close attention to the way their systems are handling humidity. 

Can Hospital-Grade HVAC Systems Make Safer Workplaces after COVID-19?

The question of whether commercial entities and industrial manufacturers will upgrade their facilities with more complex HVAC systems often comes down to the significant investment of capital that may be required. Fortunately, installing high-capacity filters in existing HVAC systems is a relatively inexpensive way that employers can improve indoor air quality, a step that would certainly decrease the overall health risk of their employees. 

Q: Can Portable Air Purifiers Equipped with HEPA Air Filters Reduce the Risk of Getting Sick? 

Air filtration companies like Camfil USA continue to equip American businesses with filtration tools needed to address airborne threats. Portable air purifiers with HEPA air filters like those found in the popular CamCleaner can help hospitals, data centers, and food production facilities remove airborne contaminants, particulates, and pathogens without the need to replace the entire system. 

For anyone who is looking to learn more about how the experts are approaching indoor air quality, the Camfil USA Clean Air Blog is packed with valuable information and actionable advice for commercial, industrial, and retail businesses alike. 




The post How New Healthcare Ventilation Strategies Might Become the Norm After COVID-19 appeared first on Air Filters for Clean Air.

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