Friday, December 30, 2022

HEPA Filters Explained — How Do HEPA Filters Work?

HEPA air filters and devices that use them have become a hot commodity since 2020, but HEPA filters have been around since the early 1950s. 

HEPA filters are used in a variety of highly sensitive applications, such as preventing airborne contamination in hospitals and healthcare facilities and protecting equipment from particulate matter in cleanroom facilities. HEPA filters are also being used in offices, classrooms, and homes to improve air quality by removing particulate pollutants, pollen, pet dander, and other airborne contaminants, as well as to lessen  the spread of COVID-19. 

What Is a HEPA Filter? 

As explained by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 

“HEPA is a type of pleated mechanical air filter. It is an acronym for ‘high-efficiency particulate air [filter]’ (as officially defined by the U.S. Dept. of Energy). This type of air filter can theoretically remove at least 99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and any airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns (µm).”

“I would object a little bit with  this definition,” says Mark Davidson, Manager of Marketing and Technical Materials for Camfil, USA. “There’s nothing  theoretical about it. A HEPA filter is one that has been individually tested  according to one of the tmajor global test standards.Many so-called HEPA air filters on the market may not actually provide this level of protection or anything close to it because there is no evidence the filter achieves HEPA-level performance.  As a result, many air cleaners and air purifiers that advertise HEPA filters are actually not offering the protection from airborne viruses that consumers paid for when they purchased those devices.”  

A tested and certified HEPA filtershould have a label on the filter itself indicating that factory testing has taken place and the results should be provided. Be wary of manufacturers who cannot provide documentation to show that their air filters are actually HEPA filters.  

How Do HEPA Filters Work? 

 HEPA filters are among the most effective particulate matter filters available to buy. HEPA filters trap a much higher percentage of microscopic contaminants than even the highest rated MERV or even the more accurately labeled MERV-A filters. 

Related article: What Are MERV Ratings? MERV vs MERV-A Filter Efficiency Ratings Explained

HEPA filters, as noted above, are a type of mechanical air filter, which means their three-dimensional structure of ultra-fine fibers  physicallycapture  particulate matter. There are no moving parts in a HEPA filter, and they don’t use ionization or UV lights. Global standards differ slightly, but HEPA filters remove at least 99.97% of particulate matter greater than  0.3 micron size from the airstream.. Other standards refer to HEPA filters as ones that are at least 99.95% efficient on MPPS. 

What is MPPS? Most Penetrating Particle Size Explained 

For one test standard, the definition of HEPA filtration references a specific particle size — 0.3 microns — at which 99.97% of particles are captured. 

For context, 0.3 microns is approximately 0.000012 of an inch, which is about 300 times smaller than the diameter of a single strand of human hair.

“Other test standards rely on the  “most penetrating particle size,” or MPPS, to determine the performance of a filter” according to Davidson. “This test identifies the size particle which is most likely to penetrate the filter. . In many cases, this size is 0.1 – 0.2 microns which is actually less than 0.3 microns. A HEPA filter carrying the label of H14 is 99.995%  efficient on MPPS which means it actually captures particles slightly larger and smaller than MPPS at an even higher rate.” 

When purchasing either a HEPA filter for an existing system or an individual room air purifier with a HEPA filter, the most important step is to verify the HEPA filter has been tested,  certified and labeled as an actual HEPA filter.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. We firmly believe that the best solutions for our customers are the best solutions for our planet, too. That’s why every step of the way – from design to delivery and across the product life cycle – we consider the impact of what we do on people and on the world around us. Through a fresh approach to problem-solving, innovative design, precise process control, and a strong customer focus we aim to conserve more, use less and find better ways – so we can all breathe easier.

The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and has 31​ manufacturing sites, six R&D centers, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and about 5,200 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil USA can help you to protect people, processes and the environment, visit us at 


Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 


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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Friday, December 23, 2022

Is Air Pollution Worse in the Summer or Winter? Air Quality Experts from Camfil Weigh In

Across the world, more people die from air pollution-related illnesses than in car accidents. During summer and winter months, weather patterns and other factors can cause increases in air pollutant concentration and worsened air quality. In this article, air quality experts from Camfil explain the factors that can lead to poor air quality in the summer and winter seasons.

Air Quality in the Summer

There are a variety of factors that can worsen summer air quality in certain regions, such as:

  • Dry summer weather conditions. Extended periods of time with no rain allow dirt, soil, and sand to loosen, making it easier to be picked up and spread into the air by the wind. This leads to an increase in particulate matter levels in the summer in dry areas.
  • Wildfires. The damage from wildfires varies year to year, but when high, smoke can travel thousands of miles.  Wildfire smoke contains both particulate and gaseous pollutants that affect air quality thousands of miles away from the site of the fire.
  • Summertime activities. Popular summer activities such as lighting bonfires, setting of fireworks, and traveling distances by plane and car release pollutants into the air.
  • Summer thunderstorms. There is evidence suggesting that summer thunderstorms cause a unique distribution of plant spores and pollen that is known to cause asthma attacks and increased emergency department admissions.

Read more about air pollution levels in the summer. 

Air Quality in the Winter

The winter season can bring about its own set of air quality issues. Contributing factors include: 

  • Inversions. Inversion layers create a near-surface temperature layer that doesn’t mix with the lower atmosphere, trapping pollutants in place and causing them to increase over time. This is especially true in areas with less wind, such as valleys and other low-lying areas. 
  • Indoor heating. The increased use of heating sources during the winter months also leads to higher concentrations of air pollutants. Home and commercial heaters can release particulate matter into the air which can cause asthma attacks and respiratory irritation. The burning of wood for heating can also release gaseous pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide into the air. 
  • Denser air. Cold air is denser than warm air, which means that it is moved less by wind. As a result, it is more difficult for the wind to disperse pollutants in the winter, leading to build-up and higher concentrations of pollutants in specific areas. 
  • Less precipitation. While some regions have dry summers, others have dry winters. Rain removes pollutants from the air as it falls, so when there is no rain for weeks or months at a time, concentrations of pollution continue to increase. 

Summer Air Quality vs. Winter Air Quality

Ultimately, the severity of ambient air pollution levels in different seasons depends on an area’s climate and other regional factors. For example, the dry summer conditions of Nevada and Colorado are more prone to increased ambient pollution levels than the humidity and frequent rain storms in states like Virginia during the summer. 

Use tools such as the World Air Quality Index to keep track of air quality in your area, or contact an air quality expert to learn more about ambient pollution patterns in your area. 

Protecting Your Lungs with Premium Air Filtration

Reducing ambient air pollution levels is a long-term effort, but given that the average American spends more than 90% of their time indoors, and that indoor air can be as much as fifty times more polluted than outdoor air, combating poor indoor air quality with premium air filtration can help reduce health risks associated with air pollution. Room air purifiers and air filters for existing HVAC systems  from Camfil use advanced technologies to capture both airborne particulate matter and gaseous contaminants to  help provide relief from polluted outdoor air.

With offices and manufacturing facilities in 30 countries worldwide, six R&D labs and experience that spans more than 50 years, Camfil has the knowledge and expertise needed to develop custom solutions for any air quality challenge. Contact us today to learn more about how Camfil can help your family breathe cleaner air.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. We firmly believe that the best solutions for our customers are the best solutions for our planet, too. That’s why every step of the way – from design to delivery and across the product life cycle – we consider the impact of what we do on people and on the world around us. Through a fresh approach to problem-solving, innovative design, precise process control, and a strong customer focus we aim to conserve more, use less and find better ways – so we can all breathe easier.

The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and has 31​ manufacturing sites, six R&D centers, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and about 5,200 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil USA can help you to protect people, processes and the environment, visit us at 


Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 


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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Monday, December 19, 2022

Top 3 Factors to Consider When Upgrading Your HVAC Equipment and Air Filters

Upgrading or changing your HVAC equipment can be a challenging process to navigate. In this article, air filtration experts from Camfil explain the most important factors to consider when changing your building’s HVAC air filters and other HVAC equipment. 

Lifetime Cost

It’s one of the most obvious factors to consider when upgrading  your HVAC system or air filters. It is common to make the mistake of basing the decision primarily on the initial purchase price.There are  other factors to consider when determining the overall lifetime cost of an upgrade. These factors include:

  •  Energy costs (the energy consumed by the piece of equipment or air filter)
  • Possible issues created from the added footprint and weight if equipment upgrades are considered.
  • Labor and maintenance costs associated with new equipment or air filters
  • Replacement and disposal costs of new air filters
  • Initial purchase point
  • Shipping and storage costs

When evaluating equipment upgrades, the time or ROI is important. For air filters,  the filter with the lowest initial price point may be far more expensive than other filters, because inexpensive filters are often poorly constructed with cheaper material. 

Operating Conditions

Another important factor to consider when upgrading equipment in your HVAC system is the building’s operating conditions. One of the conditions is the required pressure within the building. If imperfections in the building envelope cause significant air leakage, then airflow or filtration adjustments may be needed to account for  air entering the building through uncontrolled openings. . In some buildings, such as food and beverage processing or healthcare facilities, the pressure within the building may need to be closely monitored and adjustments made as needed. Systems can be designed for air to flow through buildings in a cascading effect; flowing from the highest positive pressure zones towards more negative zones with lower pressure. 

 Airleaks in the HVAC system’s ducts or filter bypass (which is when air passes around the edges of a filter instead of through the filter media) will create conditions that need to be corrected. As such, it is essential to make sure  a building’s HVAC system undergoes regular inspection and maintenance. It is also important  all filters are installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure that the filters are properly fitted. One of the most common errors is installing pleated filters incorrectly. Pleats should be installed running vertically when possible as this orientation maximizes performance criteria such as strength, low resistance, and moisture resistance.  

Filtration Requirements

Different industries have different air filtration requirements or recommendations from professional organizations that should guide air filter choices. An office building will have vastly different requirements than a hospital or industrial facility. Consulting with an air filtration professional will help determine what requirements and recommendations may apply to a building.

Many air quality professionalshave recommended a minimum filtration efficiency of MERV-13 (MERV 14 or higher is better) to protect against COVID-19 because they are capable of capturing a higher percentage of infected particles. 

Read more about MERV-13 filters. 

Upgrading equipment and finding the right air filter can be a difficult balance to strike as there are many factors to consider.  Consult an air filtration professional to ensure that you make the right choice to meet your building’s needs. 

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. We firmly believe that the best solutions for our customers are the best solutions for our planet, too. That’s why every step of the way – from design to delivery and across the product life cycle – we consider the impact of what we do on people and on the world around us. Through a fresh approach to problem-solving, innovative design, precise process control, and a strong customer focus we aim to conserve more, use less and find better ways – so we can all breathe easier.

The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and has 31​ manufacturing sites, six R&D centers, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and about 5,200 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil USA can help you to protect people, processes and the environment, visit us at 



Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 


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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Air Pollution & Elevated Risk of Stroke: Size of Ambient Particulate Matter Tied to Stroke Deaths in 2022 Study

Exposure to particulate matter in the air has long been connected to a wide range of poor health outcomes. A new study published in Neurology has revealed a link between short-term and long-term exposure to particulate matter and stroke mortality. Furthermore, the study has demonstrated the increased dangers associated with smaller-sized particles. 

Particulate Matter Size Classifications Explained 

There are three classifications of particulate matter based on the diameter of particles. Particulate matter is measured in microns (micrometers); one micron is a millionth of a meter or a thousandth of a millimeter. To put the scale of particulate matter into perspective, human skin cells range from 20 to 40 microns in diameter on average, while a large grain of pollen is approximately 70 microns across. 

The size classifications of particulate matter are as follows: 

  • PM10 is the largest classification of particulate matter and is sometimes referred to as “coarse particulate matter,” with a diameter under 10 microns. While PM10 is small enough to be inhaled, our respiratory systems are able to filter out particles of this size before they enter the lungs. 
  • PM2.5 refers to particles that have a diameter of 2.5 microns or less and is also referred to as “fine particulate matter.” Much of the research examining the effects of particle pollution on human health focuses on the effects of PM2.5. The infected respiratory aerosols that are responsible for spreading the SARS-CoV-2 virus are typically classified as PM2.5.
  • PM1 is the smallest classification of particulate matter with a diameter less than a single micron. These particles are usually considered the most damaging to human health because they are able to enter the bloodstream through the respiratory system and damage other organs. 

New Study Links Particulate Matter Size to Stroke Mortality in 2022

A study published in the peer-review journal Neurology (“the most widely read and highly cited peer-reviewed neurology journalism,” according to the American Academy of Neurology) found a link between the size of particulate matter patients were exposed to and the risk of death from ischemic stroke. 

Researchers examined stroke hospitalization data from four provinces in China between 2013 and 2019. Of the 3.1 million hospitalizations examined, 32,140 were fatal, indicating a fatality rate of 1.03%. Patients’ residential addresses were used to calculate seven-day and annual averages of PM exposure prior to hospitalization. 

The study had four main conclusions: 

  1. Stroke deaths were most strongly correlated to long-term exposure to PM1.
  2. Regardless of particulate matter size, short-term increases in the seven-day average of ambient particulate matter concentration preceding hospitalization for stroke were linked to a higher risk of death. 
  3. Although the rate of death was higher for exposure to smaller particulate matter, the raw number of deaths was higher for exposure to PM10 because of more widespread concentrations of widespread PM10. 
  4. The link was stronger for ischemic strokes (strokes caused by a blood clot that cuts off blood supply to a part of the brain) than hemorrhagic strokes (strokes caused by burst blood vessels that flood a part of the brain). 

Air Filtration Solutions Limit Particulate Matter Exposure 

Though the study was conducted in China, where ambient levels of particulate matter pollution are higher on average than in the United States, short-term spikes in particulate matter exposure are common across the United States. The risk of death from stroke is just one of many health complications linked to air pollution exposure

To reduce indoor exposure to particulate matter where according to the EPA, concentrations can be two to five times higher than outdoors, commercial and residential buildings can employ MERV-A-rated and Absolute® HEPA filtration. 

Camfil’s City M air purifier is an in-room air purification unit that operates independently of the building’s HVAC system to deliver purified air regardless of HVAC system filter capacity. The City M uses Absolute HEPA filtration to remove 99.995% of particles at the most penetrating particle size from the air. 

Find out more about the air filtration solutions that will best fit your home, school, or office building by contacting a Camfil representative

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. We firmly believe that the best solutions for our customers are the best solutions for our planet, too. That’s why every step of the way – from design to delivery and across the product life cycle – we consider the impact of what we do on people and on the world around us. Through a fresh approach to problem-solving, innovative design, precise process control, and a strong customer focus we aim to conserve more, use less and find better ways – so we can all breathe easier.


The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and has 31​ manufacturing sites, six R&D centers, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and about 5,200 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil USA can help you to protect people, processes and the environment, visit us at 



Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 


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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Research Finds Increased Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease Linked to Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

It is widely known that exposure to air pollution is linked to a wide array of health issues, and is most frequently associated with lung and heart issues. However, the damage that air pollution may  cause extends far beyond the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. 

A longitudinal study published in 2022 has found a link between exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and the risk of chronic kidney disease.

What is PM2.5? Fine Particulate Matter Definition

Fine particulate matter, or PM2.5, is a common pollutant in both indoor and outdoor air and is one of three classifications of particulate matter.

Particulate matter is a broad class of pollutants defined as any solid or liquid particles small and light enough to remain suspended in the air. PM2.5 particles have a diameter of 2.5 microns (micrometers, or one-millionth of a meter) or less and cannot be seen by the naked eye. 

While larger particulate matter, such as PM10 (which has a diameter of 10 microns), can usually be filtered out by the respiratory system before entering the lungs and the bloodstream, PM2.5 is too small for these mechanisms to protect against it effectively. As a result, PM2.5 and its smaller counterpart, PM1 (with a diameter of less than one micron), can enter the body and cause damage to organs through the bloodstream. 

The Link Between Air Pollution and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) 

The study was published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases, the official peer-reviewed journal of the National Kidney Foundation. Researchers used medical record data from 7.3 million patients at the Health Management Center in the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, which is Central China’s largest medical institution. 

Of the entire medical record database, 99,960 patients had at least two estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) assessments between 2005 and 2018. eFGR tests measure blood levels of certain chemicals produced by the body to determine how well the kidneys are functioning (filtering out toxins). Higher scores on an eFGR test indicate better kidney function, with a score of 90 or higher representing normal kidney function and a score of less than 15 representing kidney failure.

27,535 of the patients were excluded from the sample because they had already been diagnosed with CKD at the time of the baseline examination, or  pollution data was not available for their residence area, or  they had a comorbid condition that could affect the function of their kidneys. The median age of the remaining 72,425 patients was 38 with  58%  male. 

Data from participants’ medical records was analyzed alongside PM2.5 individual exposure estimates based on the residential address provided in each patient’s medical records. Pollution data was extrapolated from the China High Air Pollutants (CHAP) dataset, which uses a combination of ground-based measurements, satellite remote sensing products, atmospheric reanalysis, and model simulations to calculate ambient pollution levels. 

Analysis of the data found an association between ambient levels of PM2.5 and poor kidney function. Long-term (ten-year) exposure to particulate matter was shown to have the strongest correlation with kidney disease, while one-year average exposure had a medium correlation.

“In this large cohort study of participants in 121 counties of Hunan, China, we confirmed that higher ambient PM2.5 exposure was associated with an increased risk of developing CKD,” the researchers wrote, “This effect was robust after adjustment for major covariates, and there was a strong positive association between cumulative average PM2.5 and CKD risk, especially when adjusted for other air pollutants such as BC, O3, and NO2. Furthermore, our study found that there is a potential synergistic effect of humidity and PM2.5 on the risk for incident CKD. These findings suggest that reducing the PM2.5 air pollution may yield benefits related to kidney health.”

Air Filtration Combats Pollution-Related Health Risks

As the researchers noted, their methods were unable to account for indoor air pollution exposure. In China, outdoor particulate matter concentrations are approximately six times higher than outdoor particulate matter concentrations in the United States. In the United States, particulate matter concentration is usually two to five times higher than outdoor particulate matter exposure, according to the EPA. Consequently, indoor particulate matter exposure in some areas of the U.S. may be comparable to the exposure levels examined in the study.

Considering most Americans spend 90% or more of their time indoors, indoor particulate matter exposure is a significant health concern. 

Camfil’s City M air purifier is an in-room air purification unit that operates independently of the building’s HVAC system to deliver purified air regardless of HVAC system filter capacity. The City M uses Absolute® HEPA filtration to remove 99.995% of particles at the most penetrating particle size from the air. 

Find out more about the air filtration solutions that will best fit your home, school, or office building by contacting a Camfil representative

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. We firmly believe that the best solutions for our customers are the best solutions for our planet, too. That’s why every step of the way – from design to delivery and across the product life cycle – we consider the impact of what we do on people and on the world around us. Through a fresh approach to problem-solving, innovative design, precise process control, and a strong customer focus we aim to conserve more, use less and find better ways – so we can all breathe easier.

The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and has 31​ manufacturing sites, six R&D centers, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and about 5,200 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil USA can help you to protect people, processes and the environment, visit us at 



Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 


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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Air Quality Life Index Finds That Air Pollution Cuts Global Lifespan By 2 Years in 2022

Air pollution is scientifically correlated to a range of health conditions, and causal links between air pollution exposure and deadly diseases including stroke, chronic kidney disease, heart disease, lung diseases, and other conditions. Overall, the impact of air pollution on our health results in reduced life expectancy. 

In this article, air quality experts from global air filtration leader Camfil discuss the 2022 AQLI report findings. 

What Is the Air Quality Life Index?

The Air Quality Life Index, or AQLI, is a metric produced by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC) that expresses air pollution concentration in terms of its impact on human life expectancy. In addition to showing the impacts of current pollution levels, the AQLI makes policy suggestions to reduce air pollution exposure and increase our life expectancy.

While many efforts to reduce air pollution focus on CO2 and other greenhouse gases, particulate matter is considered by the EPA to be the greatest environmental threat, as well as the deadliest to the human body. 

Particulate matter pollution has declined by 64.2% in the United States since the introduction of the Clean Air Act in 1970, leading to an increased life expectancy of 1.3 years. Despite this success, recent scientific evidence has shown that 92.8% of the U.S. population are living in areas with unsafe levels of pollution according to guidelines by the World Health Organization.

AQLI Findings in the United States

Despite overall reductions in pollution levels since 1998, there is still room for improvement: 

  • The average level of particle pollution in the United States was 7.1 μg/m3 as of 2020. This is  above the World Health Organization’s guideline of 5 μg/m3
  • If pollution levels were to be reduced to the WHO guideline, the average American could expect to gain 2.5 months of life expectancy, which totals 68 million life years for the whole population. 
  • The West Coast, particularly California’s Central Valley, would see the greatest benefit from reductions in pollution, where increasingly severe wildfires in recent years have led to rising pollution levels. 
  • In 2020, 19 of the 20 most polluted counties in the United States were in California. 
  • In the nation’s most polluted county, Mariposa County’s pollution levels stand  at 22.6 μg/m3. Residents stand to gain 1.7 years of life expectancy if air pollution isreduced to the WHO guideline. 

AQLI Findings Across the World — Air Pollution Impact on Global Life Expectancy 

In other countries around the world, air pollution has a much greater impact on average life expectancy. Here are some of the most severely impacted countries: 

  • Bangladesh — 6.9 years
  • China — 2.6 years
  • India — 5.0 years
  • Indonesia — 5.0 years
  • Pakistan — 3.8 years

Air Filtration Technology Reduces Air Pollution Exposure

Policy changes are a slow process, and the practical effects of those changes can be even slower. What can we do to protect our bodies from the effects of particle air pollution in the meantime? 

Given that Americans spend an average of 90% of their time indoors, where particulate matter concentration is often two to five times higher than outside, ensuring that indoor air stays clean is essential for keeping Americans safe. Fortunately, a range of science-backed air filtration solutions are available to meet the varying needs of different applications. 

Contact a Camfil representative to determine the best air filtration system to protect your people and processes. 

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. We firmly believe that the best solutions for our customers are the best solutions for our planet, too. That’s why every step of the way – from design to delivery and across the product life cycle – we consider the impact of what we do on people and on the world around us. Through a fresh approach to problem-solving, innovative design, precise process control, and a strong customer focus we aim to conserve more, use less and find better ways – so we can all breathe easier.

The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and has 31​ manufacturing sites, six R&D centers, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and about 5,200 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil USA can help you to protect people, processes and the environment, visit us at 


Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 


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