Friday, February 24, 2023

Reducing the Spread of Airborne Pathogens and Winter Illnesses with Air Filtration

With COVID restrictions lifted, people are returning to work and school, and spending more time in restaurants and other venues. As people come in closer face-to-face contact in inside environments, they share the same air, increasing the risk of transmission of viruses and bacteria. 

Adults get two to four colds annually, with people in the United States suffering from 1 billion colds per year.1 In many areas of the country, more people gather indoors to escape the cold of the winter months. This further increases the rate of viruses passing between individuals.  

When someone who is sick or has a virus sneezes, coughs or just exhales, they expel mucus and saliva droplets that travel in the air and can land on or be inhaled by others standing nearby. That’s called droplet transmission. People don’t need to touch another person with a virus to catch it. They can be infected when nearby – typically less than six feet. One sneeze from an infected individual can spread about 40,000 liquid droplets that may contain pathogens.2 Those droplets can travel up to 150 feet per second, over 100 miles per hour.

When droplets travel as aerosols, they can linger in the air or travel on air currents for long periods of time before contacting a person. Airborne pathogens can also land on surfaces, spreading infection when people touch them.

Besides the common cold, aerosol transmissions can cause winter illnesses such as the flu, which can have deadly results. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the 2021-2022 season had an estimated 9 million flu illnesses, 5,000 of which resulted in death.3   

Business and commercial enterprises as well as educational institutions and hospitals have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their occupants.  Healthy and safe indoor environments with good air quality are imperative to eliminate the risk of infectious diseases.  

How Can Airborne Pathogens Be Prevented?    

As masks are no longer mandated in many buildings, droplets from sneezes and coughs are more likely to become airborne, attaching themselves to other occupants. The right mix of ventilation, filtration, and air purification in a building can reduce the concentrations of viral particles in indoor environments to improve air quality and reduce the risk of illnesses. 

While ventilation dilutes the concentration of airborne respiratory droplets, high-quality filters can remove particles, dust, allergens, and pollution. Air purifiers can supplement HVAC ventilation and filtration systems to achieve optimum air quality and create a healthier work environment.  

How Ventilation is Useful for Preventing Airborne Diseases

Ventilation is an effective engineering control that supplies, distributes, and circulates fresh air and removes stale air throughout indoor spaces. In doing so, it improves the air quality of indoor environments and helps to control temperature and humidity levels for greater comfort.

Natural ventilation using fresh air is the best way to improve air quality in indoor spaces. However, some buildings have limited direct access to fresh air. Also, cold winter months often make it infeasible to heat fresh air due to energy costs. As a result, most HVAC systems mix fresh air and recirculated air. 

Ventilation effectiveness is measured by determining how often air changes per hour (ACH) in an indoor area. Higher ACH ratings denote more frequent air replacement that reduces the presence of contaminated microorganisms. The formula for calculating the ACH rate is:

ACH = CFM (airflow cubic feet per minute) x 60 (hour)/ (area of the space x height of ceiling)4

So, a room measuring 12’ x 10’ with a ceiling height of 10’ with an HVAC system having a ventilation rate of 65 cubic feet per minute (CFM) of supply air would have an ACH rating of 4. That number is considered the minimum air exchange for any commercial or industrial building.5 The higher the ACH rating, the more times the ventilation is exchanging air in a room to make it cleaner.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that increasing air ventilation can reduce the concentration of airborne contaminants.6

Importance of an Air Filtration System

Ventilating an indoor space with recirculated air will not entirely eliminate airborne pathogens. The EPA notes that ventilation is not enough on its own to protect people from viruses such as COVID-19 transmission, especially in high-traffic areas.6 

Air filtration is needed to remove particles, including dust and aerosols, from an air stream before it is introduced or returned into a building space. Filtering air along with ventilation is the best way to improve indoor air quality to reduce the spread of infectious agents in buildings.  

Working as part of an HVAC system, commercial air filtering systems actively clean contaminants from the air before it is circulated to occupied spaces. Various air filters are available to trap different-sized particles as air flows through them. For example, High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters trap and remove the smallest particles associated with viruses. According to the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) standard IEST-RP-CC001, a HEPA filter is at least 99.97% efficient at capturing submicrometer particles.7

Air Filter Efficiency Ratings

ASHRAE Standard 52.2.2017 is the method used to test the performance of filters used in HVAC systems.  Filters receive a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) from 1 to 16, with a higher rating indicating their ability to trap smaller particles. The values help to compare and choose among different filters. Below is a chart published by the EPA.8 

MERV Rating Average Particle Size Efficiency in Microns
1 – 4 3 to 10 less than 20%
5 3 – 10 less than or equal to 20%
6 3 to 10 less than or equal to 35%
7 3 to 10 less than or equal to 50%
8 1 to 3 less than or equal to 20%

3 to 10 less than or equal to 70%

9 1 – 3 or less than or equal to 35%

3 – 10 less than or equal to 80%

10 1 to 3 less than or equal to 50%

3 to 10 less than or equal to 80%

11 0.3 – 1 less than or equal to 35%

1 to 3 less than or equal to 50%

3 to 10 less than or equal to 80%

12 0.3 – 1 less than or equal to 35%

1 to 3 less than or equal to 80%

3 to 10 less than or equal to 90%

13 0.3 – 1 less than or equal to 50%

1 to 3 less than or equal to 85%

3 to 10 less than or equal to 90%

14 0.3 – 1 less than or equal to 75%

1 to 3 less than or equal to 90%

3 to 10 less than or equal to 95%

15 0.3 – 1 less than or equal to 85%

1 to 3 less than or equal to 90%

3 to 10 less than or equal to 95%

16 0.3 – 1 less than or equal to 95%

1 to 3 less than or equal to 95%

3 to 10 less than or equal to 95%

HEPA 99.97% of particles in the 0.3-micron range

Particles that are larger or smaller than 0.3 microns are captured with a greater than 99.97% efficiency


According to this chart, a MERV 9 filter will filter out 80% of 3 – 10-micron particles, while a MERV 13 will filter out 90% of them. While MERV 7 – 11 filters generally cost less, they are less effective in decreasing the risk of infectious disease transmission.  

The World Health Organization reports that respiratory droplets are > 5 – 10 µm in diameter size while droplet nuclei are <5μm in diameter.9  To eliminate these pathogens, ASHRAE recommends using a filter with a minimum rating of MERV 13 that is 85% efficient in capturing infectious particles ranging in size from 1 µm to 3 µm.  But, a MERV 14 or better is preferred.1

Choosing the Right Air Filter

While air filters with higher MERV ratings do a better job in removing pathogen-laden airborne particles, they can reduce airflow and negatively affect HVAC system performance. That’s why it is important to consider different parameters of your HVAC system to choose the best air filter. Camfil, the leading manufacturer of commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control, provides these 5 tips:

  1. Choose an air filter appropriate for the type of HVAC unit and space to which it supplies conditioned air. Upgrading a filter may not be feasible and it will damage the HVAC system. Many standard HVAC filtration units cannot accept HEPA filters as the fan is not capable of overcoming the HEPA filter’s higher resistance to airflow.  
  2. Know that every space does not need HEPA-filtered air. Other non-HEPA, but high-efficiency air filters can remove viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms associated with airborne particle transmission. Lower-efficiency air filters are designed to remove larger particles, such as dust and pollen.  
  3. Ensure the HVAC system is properly installed and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This may include monitoring the condition of the coils, keeping the drain lines clear, and checking for leaks, or other issues.
  4. Ensure that the HVAC system’s fan is running while people are in the building and one hour after they leave, even while heating or cooling. Running the fan as much as possible allows the air filters to continuously remove airborne pathogens.
  5. Regularly communicate with employees, customers, and others about the use of high-efficiency air filters and their value in preventing the spread of airborne pathogens. Building awareness and support for air filtration systems can protect people’s health.

Will an Air-Cleaning Device Help?

When the goal is removing harmful microscopic particles, you can achieve the best results by adding an air purifier with a HEPA filter to the HVAC system. For example, the Camfil City M Air Purifier includes molecular and particulate filters to effectively lessen the spread of airborne pathogens and winter illnesses.

Camfil offers these 4 tips to choose and operate an air purifier to keep the air in a designated space clean to reduce the risk of people getting sick: 

  1. Choose the right air purifier for the size of the space you want to purify. For example, the Camfil City M Air Purifier is designed for medium-sized rooms and spaces, such as offices, classrooms, and small apartments.
  2. Install air purifiers according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Be sure to position them where they can most effectively purify the air in the entire space.
  3. Turn on the air purifier and set it to the fan speed appropriate for the space. It does not do any good to install a purifier with a loud fan that will be turned off because it is distracting. Find an air purifier like City M that is extremely quiet, even in the highest settings.
  4. Change out air filters according to manufacturer instructions. When used in typical environments, City M air filters last 18 months. 

Clean Air Strategy 

It takes a multilayered strategy to create a healthy indoor environment void of airborne pathogens, allergens, and other pollutants. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has cited a “Clean Air to Buildings Challenge” that outlines best practices to improve ventilation and indoor air quality to reduce risks associated with airborne viruses. 11  Action items include:

  • Create a clean indoor action plan.
    • Determine how clean outdoor air is supplied and circulation in the building.
    • Understand how the HVAC system works. Assess and inspect systems for ventilation, filtration, and air cleaning.
    • Determine how much clean air is needed and supplied.
    • Assess the direction of air flows.
    • Schedule regular inspections and maintenance.
  • Optimize fresh air ventilation.  
    • Verify if outdoor air is clean enough for use in the ventilation system. 
    • Identify what devices can efficiently and cost-effectively increase fresh air ventilation.
    • Operate HVAC systems during occupied hours.
    • Verify the functionality of exhaust fans in bathrooms.
    • Increase the volume of clean, outdoor air during high-risk times.
  • Enhance air filtration and cleaning.
    • Install MERV-14 or better air filters.
    • Enclose gaps around air filters.
    • Use air cleaners to increase cleaning rates.
    • Increase filtration/ventilation in highly populated or high-risk areas with greater emissions of airborne particles and aerosols
  • Conduct community engagement, communication, and education
    • Communicate your action plan to improve indoor air quality and reduce disease transmission.
    • Provide feedback mechanisms such as maintenance requests.
    • Host building walkthroughs, hang signage, or communicate through other means of building work and how individuals can help to keep buildings operating optimally. 

While these initiatives do not completely eliminate the risk of exposure to particles and aerosols, they dramatically reduce it. Other protocols such as hand and surface cleaning can help reduce their presence and enhance environmental safety conditions. 

1Common Cold, WebMD, February 5, 2022,

2Passing Pathogens, Arizona State University,  

3Preliminary Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, October 4, 2022,

4Ventilation in Buildings, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 2, 2021,  Ventilation in Buildings | CDC 

5Building Ventilation – the Proper Air Changes Per Hour, Atlantic Environmental Corporation,

6Ventilation and Coronavirus, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Ventilation and Coronavirus (COVID-19) | US EPA

7IEST-RP-CC001: HEPA and ULPA Filters, IEST, IEST-RP-CC001: HEPA and ULPA Filters

8What is a MERV rating? United States Environmental Protection Agency, What is a MERV rating? | US EPA

9Modes of Transmission Virus Causing COVID-19, World Health Organization, March 29, 2020, Modes of transmission of virus causing COVID-19: implications for IPC precaution recommendations (

10Filtration and Disinfection, ASHRAE, Filtration and Disinfection FAQ (

11Clean Air in Buildings Challenge United States Environmental Protection Agency, March 2022, Clean Air in Buildings Challenge | US EPA

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Friday, February 17, 2023

​​Interview with Glen Moore, Nuclear Containment Manager at Camfil USA. 

Camfil’s Nuclear Containment Segment Manager, to discuss the company’s cutting-edge solutions for high-risk nuclear facilities

Camfil’s Nuclear Containment Segment Manager, Glen Moore, discusses the company’s specialized HEPA filters, containment housings and HEGA carbon adsorbers for use in high-risk nuclear facilities. Camfil’s products meet stringent quality standards and are currently in place at many high-profile facilities worldwide. 

In the world of air filtration, Camfil is a leading company that has been providing technologically advanced solutions since the early 1960s. With a focus on excellence and a commitment to meeting the demanding needs of high-tech industries, it is no surprise that Camfil has continued to thrive and innovate over the years.

Camfil’s Nuclear Containment Segment Manager, Glenn Moore, recently sat down with Mark Davidson to discuss the company’s offerings for nuclear facilities. As Moore explains in YouTube video, Camfil provides HEPA filters that are qualified and meet ASME AG-1 Section FC. These specialized filters are designed, engineered, and manufactured to be suitable for use in high-risk nuclear facilities and are tested at 100% and 120% of their rated airflow. In addition, the HEPA filters meet the UL-586 standard, which ensures that they will not support a flame.

Moore also discusses Camfil’s CamContain series containment filter housings, which comply with AG-1, Section HA. These housings can be customized to meet specific seismic requirements and leak rate specifications for each customer. Camfil also offers pre-filters that are compliant with AG-1, including MERV 8 (Section FJ) and MERV 11, 13, and 15 (Section FB).

Another key product offered by Camfil for nuclear facilities is the high-efficiency gas adsorber (HEGA) filter, also known as a carbon adsorber. These filters are designed to adsorb potentially life-threatening contaminants in the air stream and are used in containment filtration systems.

Overall, Camfil’s expertise in air filtration and its commitment to meeting the demanding requirements of high-tech industries make it a leading choice for nuclear facilities and other critical applications. With two factories that meet ASME NQA-1, the quality assurance requirements for nuclear facility applications, Camfil is well-positioned to continue providing cutting-edge solutions to customers around the world.

Learn more on Camfil Newsroom – Leading the Way in Nuclear Containment Technology: Camfil Offers Qualified and Specialized HEPA Filters

Media Contact 

Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 


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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Utah’s Recent Air Quality Deemed Among Worst in the Nation Due to Recent Inversions and Weather Patterns

Residents of the Salt Lake Valley in Utah have recently experienced an inversion, which is a meteorological condition where a cap of warm air keeps cold air trapped close to the ground.

This is fairly common during Utah winters, but this year, Utah’s air quality during the inversion has been ranked among the worst in the nation. Additionally, inversions and similar weather conditions are fairly likely to happen in any major valley, particularly those that experience snowstorms. 

In this article, Camfil air filtration experts explain what causes an inversion and how to protect yourself against the accompanying poor air quality should you ever experience one. 

What is an inversion? 

An inversion is a meteorological phenomenon that involves the inversion of typical air patterns. Generally, it’s warmer near the ground and colder at higher altitudes. During an inversion, the opposite is true: warm air rises up into the atmosphere while cold air is trapped closer to the ground.

“A temperature inversion is a layer in the atmosphere in which air temperature increases with height. An inversion is present in the lower part of a cap. The cap is a layer of relatively warm air aloft (above the inversion). Air parcels rising into this layer become cooler than the surrounding environment, which inhibits their ability to ascend.”

— National Weather Service Glossary’s definition of inversion

Why do inversions happen? 

Utah’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) names several key reasons why inversions occur: 

  • Reduced mixing of cold and warm air due to calmer winds.
  • Air close to the ground cools quicker due to clear winter skies. 
  • Longer nights mean that the ground has longer to cool, leading to a greater decrease in temperature in air near the surface. 
  • When the sun is lower on the horizon during the winter, it supplies less warmth to the earth’s surface, and more to the atmosphere.

The DEQ of Utah also notes that mountains can increase the intensity of inversions in valleys like the Salt Lake Valley. Furthermore, the aftermath of snowstorms can worsen inversions, because the presence of snow on the ground keeps it cold, while clear skies warm the upper atmosphere. As such, inversions tend to be self-perpetuating once formed, with warm air essentially creating a cap over cold air within the valley, causing the adverse weather and air quality conditions to last longer.

How do inversions affect air quality?

Because inversions interrupt natural air circulation patterns and keep air trapped close to the ground, pollutants are not able to disperse as readily. This lack of air circulation increases levels of smog, ozone, and other pollutants, making the air more difficult to breathe and leading to Utah’s recent air quality being deemed among the worst in the nation.

All kinds of pollutants, including particulate matter and harmful gaseous pollutants, are trapped close to the ground by inversions, leading to hazardous air quality conditions for residents in affected areas.

What can I do about it? 

Although Utah’s DEQ recommends avoiding activities that add to air pollution, such as driving and burning wood, what can we do on a personal level to protect ourselves during inversions?

The most important thing one can do is stay informed. The DEQ issues hourly updates on local air quality conditions and alert levels. Air quality forecasts are also issued for the following day.

What are you supposed to do during an inversion? Experts provide tips for staying safe

  • Stay informed. Make sure to keep up with the DEQ’s hourly updates on local air quality conditions and alert levels in affected areas of Utah. Air quality forecasts are also issued for the following day.
  • Stay indoors as much as possible, and be sure to keep windows closed (which shouldn’t be difficult in the current weather conditions). Exercise caution when using your central HVAC system; the filters that come with it are designed to protect the equipment and are not sufficient to protect you from outdoor pollutants coming in through the air circulation system.
  • Avoid activities that release pollutants into the air such as driving and burning wood. Remember, during the conditions created by an inversion, pollution will stay trapped close to ground-level, making it all the more important to avoid high-pollution activities.
  • Use a premium air purifier with both HEPA and molecular filtration capabilities. Watch out for the numerous products on the market that claim to use HEPA filtration without the factory testing paperwork to back it up. Additionally, even the highest quality HEPA filters are only able to remove particulate pollution from the air. To target hazardous gaseous pollutants -such as ozone; nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon oxides; and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) – choose a unit that also uses molecular filtration, such as an activated carbon filter.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. We firmly believe that the best solutions for our customers are the best solutions for our planet, too. That’s why every step of the way – from design to delivery and across the product life cycle – we consider the impact of what we do on people and on the world around us. Through a fresh approach to problem-solving, innovative design, precise process control, and a strong customer focus we aim to conserve more, use less and find better ways – so we can all breathe easier.

The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and has 31​ manufacturing sites, six R&D centers, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and about 5,200 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil USA can help you to protect people, processes and the environment, visit us at 


Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 


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T: Follow Camfil USA on Twitter 

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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Camfil Air Quality Experts Call for Urgent Action on Inadequate Ventilation and Air Filtration in Schools Following Environmental Law Institute Report

​​As air filtration experts at Camfil, we have long recognized the importance of proper ventilation and filtration in improving indoor air quality. This is especially crucial in schools, where millions of students spend a significant amount of their day. Unfortunately, a recent report by the Environmental Law Institute has shed light on the inadequate ventilation and filtration in many of these schools, and the unequal distribution of this burden, particularly in communities with low wealth, rural locations, and students of color.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the need for proper ventilation and air filtration in schools to the forefront, and the report presents states with a unique opportunity to address this issue. The report highlights key policy strategies that states should consider, such as clear ventilation and filtration requirements, oversight mechanisms for compliance, and equitable financial and technical assistance programs. These comprehensive approaches will help ensure that all existing school facilities are healthier now and better equipped to handle future emergencies.

We believe that the findings of this report serve as a wake-up call for states to prioritize the health and safety of students and take action to address inadequate ventilation and filtration in schools. With heightened public awareness, there is now an opportunity for states to advance policies that will improve indoor air quality in schools and ensure that all students have access to a healthy learning environment.

At Camfil, we are dedicated to providing solutions to improve indoor air quality and hope that this report will serve as a catalyst for action by states to prioritize the importance of proper ventilation and filtration in schools. The full report, “Ventilation in Schools: A Review of State Policy Strategies,” can be found on the Environmental Law Institute’s website for those who want to learn more about the issue and potential solutions.


Resource Ventilation in Schools: A Review of State Policy Strategies

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Thursday, February 2, 2023

Camfil Molecular Filtration Professional Explain Air and Water Filtration with CamPure 8 U.S. Launch

Riverdale, NJ — Molecular, or gaseous, filtration of both air and water is essential for odor and corrosion control across many industries. Following the recent launch of their CamPure 8 media in the United States, Camfil’s molecular filtration team explains how this activated alumina-based media is applied to a variety of contexts.  

What is CamPure 8 used for? 

CamPure 8 is a high-quality chemical adsorbent based on activated alumina co-formed with a proprietary impregnation system to target oxidizable acidic gasses. With the ability to be installed in any manufacturer’s loose-fill filters, Campure 8 is highly versatile. Because it oxidizes gasses that are responsible for the corrosion of electronic control equipment, the CamPure 8 can be applied to a variety of crucial industries, such as:

  • oil and gas 
  • pulp and paper
  • mining and metal refining 
  • wastewater treatment

Gasses targeted by the CamPure 8 media include:

  • hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide
  • formaldehyde, a hazardous volatile organic chemical (VOC)  in many indoor air applications 
  • ethylene, the gaseous agent responsible for promoting the ripening process in fruit, vegetables, and flowers.

How does CamPure 8 work?

Potassium permanganate is an oxidizing agent that can remove odors and gasses from the air and is the primary chemical used in the production of Camfil’s CamPure 8 molecular filtration media.

The spherical shape of each CamPure 8 bead is created by co-forming the potassium permanganate and other chemical binders with an activated alumina powder which ensures uniform distribution of the chemical during production. This complete chemical impregnation enables CamPure 8 to achieve high removal efficiency and long life against oxidizable gaseous contaminants.

CamPure 8 media is tested in accordance with ISO 10121-1 to closely reflect the operating conditions where the media would be deployed to provide accurate performance expectations against hydrogen sulfide (H2S), sulfur dioxide (SO2 ), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ), formaldehyde (CH2O) and ethylene (C2H4). The UL certification on CamPure 8 provides a safe filtration option for refineries, pulp and paper mills, wastewater treatment plants, and other facilities that are sensitive to combustion materials. 

Camfil’s global production of CamPure 8 molecular filtration media ensures the ability to continue supplying a premium option for the removal of corrosive gasses and odors as well as the preservation of flowers, fruits, and vegetables regardless of supply chain issues faced in any local markets.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. We firmly believe that the best solutions for our customers are the best solutions for our planet, too. That’s why every step of the way – from design to delivery and across the product life cycle – we consider the impact of what we do on people and on the world around us. Through a fresh approach to problem-solving, innovative design, precise process control, and a strong customer focus we aim to conserve more, use less and find better ways – so we can all breathe easier.

The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and has 31​ manufacturing sites, six R&D centers, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and about 5,200 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil USA can help you to protect people, processes and the environment, visit us at 



Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 


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