Thursday, October 26, 2023

Commercial and Public Building Air Filters for Food Processing: An Essential Guide

Maintaining good indoor air quality in any commercial or public building can be challenging due to the complexity of the structure and how each space within the building is used. Food processing facilities, however, present even more complex indoor air quality challenges due to increasingly stringent food hygiene and safety regulations. 

Operators need to protect the health and safety of workers, food processing equipment and technology, as well as the actual food products before being transferred from the plant to store shelves. Operators also must keep all processes running smoothly to maximize productivity and minimize product loss.

Temperature and humidity requirements make food processing facilities more susceptible to airborne microbes and viruses that can increase risk and hamper performance. Air filters play a critical role in maintaining good indoor air quality by limiting the presence of airborne microbes and viruses in food processing environments.

The Imperative of Indoor Air Quality in Food Processing

In addition to protecting the health and safety of employees, the top priority in food processing environments must be to ensure the safety and integrity of food being processed for human consumption. 

Air filters can limit microbiological cross-contamination with bioaerosols, which are solid or liquid particles that carry microbes through the area. Bioaerosols include bacteria (salmonella, E. coli, listeria etc.), viruses, pollen, mold and dust. Air filters can also be used that are specifically designed to minimize volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as benzene and formaldehyde. 

Properly installing and maintaining the right air filters will enable processing facilities to satisfy regulatory and compliance standards in food production, including:

  • Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) regulations for the prevention of foodborne illnesses. 
  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) for sanitation, personnel hygiene, facility design, equipment maintenance and other aspects of food processing.
  • Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCPs) for identifying and controlling food safety hazards and reducing risk.
  • FDA and USDA regulations that apply to facilities handling different types of food products. 
  • International regulatory standards such as ISO 22000 for food safety management systems.

Poorly maintained HVAC systems with mismatched air filters  can allow high amounts of biological air pollutants into indoor environments, increasing the risk of contamination and compromising the quality of the products. For example, a commonly used air handling unit rated at 100,000 CFM (cubic feet per minute) could flow millions of bacteria into a building every minute.  

A good phrase for production facilities to keep in mind is:  air is an ingredient in food. Whatever is in the air when the package is sealed will be there, in one format or another, when that package is opened by the consumer. Airborne microbes can not only cause health issues, but they can have an impact on a food product’s shelf life and flavor. If you’ve ever seen what happens to an apple, a piece of meat or a block of cheese left uncovered on a countertop after a period of time, you’ve witnessed what can happen.

Challenges in Air Quality Management for Food Processing Units

Various types of bioaerosols, dust particles, odors, gases and VOCs are constant hurdles to air quality management because they can be harmful to both human employees in the plant and the food being processed. 

The building structure itself can make air quality management even more difficult, given the complexity of design, different types of activities in different spaces, and varying occupant densities in each space. Creating a system that can maintain the proper filtration and ventilation performance, temperature and humidity throughout the entire food processing facility – and meet all regulatory standards – requires a significant amount of planning, testing, and expertise.

Understanding the external environment is also critical to air quality management. HVAC  systems constantly pull a certain volume of outside air, often mixing with recirculated plant air before filtering  the air and pushing it back into the indoor environment. This process can be more difficult if the food processing plant is surrounded by heavy auto traffic and emissions from other manufacturing facilities. However, even natural environments with trees, vegetation, rivers and streams can produce pollen and allergens that need to be filtered before entering a food processing space.

Air Filters:  Fundamentals Tailored for Food Processing

Various types of air filters are used in food processing facilities to trap bioaerosols and other contaminants. While regulations are strict in these environments, the government provides limited guidance about the appropriate filtration levels rather than strict requirements. Facility operators make the final decisions. 

Of course, operators must still satisfy the regulations mentioned previously. Food processing companies should partner with qualified air filtration and ventilation professionals to identify metrics for evaluating air quality outside and inside their facilities. Informed decisions about the level of filtration can then be made to ensure compliance.

There are several rating systems used to measure the efficiency of air filters in capturing particles of different sizes, including:

  • MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value):  Capable of capturing particles of certain sizes based on a rating scale of 1-16. . The higher the rating, the smaller the particle that the filter is capable of tracking.
  • HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air):  A type of filter tested and certified to a minimum efficiency level of 99.97% on 0.3-micron-sized particles. The high-pressure drop of the filter requires specialized frames and gaskets but is invaluable in certain food processes. ULPA (Ultra-Low Penetration Air):  For environments that require exceptionally clean air, ULPA filters can be 99.9995% efficient. 

Generally, food processors use a rooftop unit with two stages of filtration. The heating element is sometimes in front of the filtration stages and the cooling element is often between the filtration stages. Both heating and cooling elements can be a source of moisture, so  moisture separators may be required to prevent performance degradation. 

The first stage of filtration, or prefilter, has a lower MERV rating and is designed to remove larger debris and pollutants. The second stage, or final filter, must continuously capture a certain size and percentage of particles identified as harmful without compromising airflow pressure. 

Types of air filters used in food processing facilities include:

  • Mechanical Filter:  Installed in the air handling system and uses filter media to capture particles with maximum efficiency.
  • HEPA Filter:  A type of mechanical filter that can capture particles as small as 0.3 micrometers in diameter, such as mold, allergens, pollen, and dust.
  • Activated Carbon Filter:  For odors, gases, and VOCs.
  • Dust Collector:  Circumstances where exceptionally large amounts of contaminants are generated such as in a flour mill. 

Choosing the Right Air Filter for Food Processing Facilities

There could be as many as three types of air filtration systems to minimize exposure of people, food and equipment to bioaerosols:

  • The main HVAC system, typically on the roof, controls heating and cooling.
  • Process filters, such as HEPA filters, protect the air entering a specific piece of equipment.
  • Air purification systems provide additional airflow in areas known to generate contaminants.

High-efficiency air filters should be used within these systems to prevent the entry and circulation of harmful contaminants. Ventilation systems should be designed to optimize air delivery so positive pressure, especially in “clean” areas such as food packaging and storage, can be maintained.

Air filters with a MERV rating of 14or above are a good starting point   for capturing bioaerosols in a food processing facility. Ultimately, the precise filtration needs must be determined by the individual facility based on the type of food being processed and all regulations that apply. Look for a filter with a MERV-A rating, which indicates the filter has been tested in conditions that simulate real-world situations and will not drop in efficiency.

Historically, prefilters have had a limited service life, but modern filter technology makes it possible to use filters with higher MERV ratings and longer life to protect equipment, assist with moisture removal, and begin the process of cleaning the air for food contact. Air handling units with enough space in the prefilter stage to install 22-inch deep, MERV 11A pocket filters can get up to 12 months service life.

It is importantto check the lifespan of each type of filter to ensure consistent food quality. Filters with a short lifespan not only must be changed more frequently, which drives up costs, but also can affect the quality of the food being processed.

There are many moving parts involved with maintaining proper indoor air quality in a food processing facility. Budgets, however, are not infinite. It’s important to partner with an experienced clean air solution provider sostakeholders in the selectionprocess are equipped to make an informed decision for maximum ROI and optimal air filtration. .

Modern Advancements in Air Filtration for Food Processing

With government and industry regulations increasing in number and complexity, innovations in air filtration technology and capabilities have been developed to help food processors monitor air quality and prevent costly violations. Modern air filters also have innovative materials that can capture a higher percentage of ultrafine contaminants, moisture, VOCs, and more while reducing energy consumption and improving air filtration efficiency. In addition to protecting food from contamination, modern air filters can prevent disease from spreading.

Air Filter Maintenance: Ensuring Continuous Protection

Contaminants and bioaerosols are often traced back to water. HVAC, air filtration systems and ventilation systems should be designed to prevent pooling of water. Cooling coils, drip trays and evaporative condensers must be inspected and maintained often to avoid buildup of contaminated water. 

Air pressure should also be monitored and tested to maintain proper airflow. In addition to  replacing the air filter when airflow falls below rated values, all debris, dust and obstructions to airflow should be cleaned and removed. The maintenance process should be documented and scheduled, and the entire system should be tested after maintenance to ensure optimal function.

Keep in mind that regular maintenance and inspections are needed to satisfy compliance requirements. These tasks should be handled and reported by a licensed technician.

Case Studies: Triumphs in Air Filtration for Food Processing

Camfil is recognized for designing, installing, and maintaining air filtration solutions for food processing facilities around the globe to elevate air quality, optimize system performance and avoid costly compliance violations.

  • See how Tonnies Group meat processing facilities overcame a lack of industry ventilation standards and COVID risks, using CC6000 and CC2000 air cleaners with H14 HEPA filters to remove airborne microbes and particles from the indoor environment. Read the case study.
  • Learn how Camfil helped one of North America’s largest packaged food companies dramatically improve air filtration and save more than $33,000 in annual energy and filter costs. The client also won a utility rebate check for reducing overall energy use. Read the case study.

Conclusion: Prioritizing Pure Air in Food Production

More than an employee safety issue, indoor air quality in a food processing facility is a public health issue. The role of air filters in preventing health problems and protecting critical investments in technology and food processing equipment cannot be overstated.

Camfil encourages food processing companies to schedule HVAC, filtration, and ventilation system inspections and evaluations s to ensure sufficient performance and compliance with regulatory standards. Investing in modern equipment and air filters will result in not only safer conditions but increased energy efficiency and a more resilient infrastructure. Smart technology will also enable you to monitor indoor air quality more closely and address air quality issues proactively.

Just like surfaces and tools used to prepare and serve food need to be cleaned, the air to which food is exposed needs to be clean and safe.  Camfil is a global leader in providing food processing facilities premium air filters, technical know-how and industry experience to maintain clean, safe indoor air.

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Sunday, October 8, 2023

Revolutionizing Clean Air: The Absolute VG HEPA Filter for Commercial HVAC Managers

In the world of indoor air quality, HEPA filters have long been regarded as the gold standard. Developed during the secretive Manhattan Project to protect against radioactive particles, HEPA filters have come a long way since their inception. Today, they play a pivotal role in ensuring clean air in critical applications such as pharmaceutical manufacturing, medical research facilities, microelectronics, and biosafety labs.

But what if there was a solution that addressed some of the challenges associated with traditional HEPA filters? Enter the Absolute VG, a product that is turning heads in the HVAC industry, particularly among commercial HVAC managers.

The HEPA Evolution:

HEPA filters have seen significant refinements over the years, with improvements in raw materials, production processes, and overall performance. As their capabilities became widely known, their usage expanded beyond their initial secretive origins to critical commercial applications. However, several inherent characteristics have limited their widespread application.

Challenges with Traditional HEPA Filters:

  1. Bulky and Heavy: Traditional HEPA filters are often considered heavy and bulky, which can make installation a cumbersome task. 
  2. High Airflow Resistance: These filters come with a high resistance to airflow, necessitating the use of special fans and ductwork, increasing operational costs.
  3. Costly: Traditional HEPA filters can be expensive both in terms of purchase price and ongoing operational expenses.

Absolute VG: A Breath of Fresh Air:

The Absolute VG is poised to revolutionize the world of HEPA filtration for commercial HVAC systems. This product offers a unique set of advantages that cater specifically to the needs of HVAC managers in commercial settings.

Key Features of Absolute VG:

  1. Certified Efficiency: Each Absolute VG HEPA filter is certified to provide a minimum efficiency of 99.99% at 0.3 microns. This certification ensures that the filter delivers the necessary protection for critical applications.
  2. V-Bank Design: The high-strength, lightweight V-bank design sets the Absolute VG apart from traditional HEPA filters, making it easy to install and handle.
  3. High Airflow Capacities: With airflow capacities of up to 2400 cfm (4000 m³/hr), the Absolute VG offers efficient air circulation without the high pressure drop associated with traditional HEPA filters.
  4. Energy Efficiency: The Absolute VG has earned a 5-Star rating when evaluated per the Energy Cost Index (ECI), showcasing its superior performance, energy efficiency, and sustainability compared to similar industry products.
  5. Compact Construction: Its optimized, compact construction means it can easily fit into existing HVAC systems without major modifications.
  6. Environmentally Friendly: The Absolute VG is halogen-free, aligning with modern environmental standards.

Targeted Solution for Commercial HVAC Managers:

Commercial HVAC managers now have a solution that addresses the challenges posed by traditional HEPA filters. The Absolute VG offers not only superior filtration performance but also ease of installation and cost-effectiveness.

Targeted Solution for Commercial HVAC Managers


Dan Meldrum Master Class on HEPA Filters:

Dan Meldrum Master Class on HEPA Filters

In a recent interview series with Dan Meldrum, a seasoned expert in air filtration technology, Camfil Expert Mark Davidson delved into the world of HEPA filters and their transformative impact on various industries. In this video master class for HVAC Managers, Camfil air quality expert Mark Davidson explored the insights gained from Dan’s responses in four informative videos, showcasing how the Camfil Absolute VG HEPA filter is changing the game in terms of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and performance.

Video 1: HEPA Filters – From the Manhattan Project to Modern Applications

HEPA Filters - From the Manhattan Project to Modern ApplicationsIn the first video, Mark poses questions to Dan about the history and current applications of HEPA filters. Dan explains that HEPA filters find their niche in clean processes, such as pharmaceutical manufacturing, medical research facilities, microelectronics, and biosafety labs. These are areas where clean air is paramount to protect both products and health.

Video 2: Discover Camfil Absolute VG – a lightweight, strong HEPA filter alternative

Discover Camfil Absolute VG - a lightweight, strong HEPA filter alternative

Camfil Absolute VG is a lightweight and strong alternative to bulky and heavy HEPA filters. It weighs 21 pounds, compared to HEPA filters that can weigh 42 to 45 pounds, making it easier to install and handle. Its strength is achieved through innovative design with v-shaped sides and single-piece front and back plates, using less material. In addition to a lower initial purchasing price, the Camfil Absolute VG’s lightweight construction providers lower operational costs. 

Video 3: HVAC Cost Efficiency: Absolute VG – 40%+ Energy Savings

HVAC Cost Efficiency - Absolute VG - 40 percent plus Energy Savings

The third video dives into the economics of air filtration. Dan Meldrum emphasizes that operational costs, mainly energy costs, account for a substantial portion of a filtration program’s expenses. The Absolute VG’s design reduces resistance to airflow, resulting in remarkable energy savings, often exceeding 40%. Additionally, the extended service life of the filter further contributes to cost reduction, as it minimizes downtime and disposal expenses.


The Absolute VG HEPA filter is more than just a filtration solution, it’s a game-changer. Its lightweight design, coupled with enhanced strength and durability, offers unparalleled advantages over traditional HEPA filters. Moreover, the substantial reduction in operational costs and extended service life make it a cost-effective choice for critical applications. With its efficiency and certification, the Absolute VG is a reliable and certified HEPA filter, ensuring pristine air quality in environments where perfection is the only option. Make the smart move and consider the Absolute VG for your clean air needs – it’s revolutionizing the way we think about air filtration.

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Saturday, October 7, 2023

Commercial and Public Building Air Filters: A Comprehensive Guide

Good indoor air quality in commercial and public buildings is essential to providing a safe, comfortable environment for employees and visitors. It can also have a direct impact on energy efficiency and the long-term structural integrity of the building while reducing the risk of legal and regulatory headaches. 

Think about how poor air quality makes you feel when you walk into an office, store, school, hotel, restaurant, museum, entertainment venue or municipal building. If you notice an odor, high humidity or even signs of moisture or mold, will you feel confident staying there? Will you be productive in such an environment? Would you feel comfortable inviting a client or visitor to that building? How would it affect your perception of the building operator or owner?

Air filters play an essential role in improving and maintaining good air quality. Air filters not only prevent the spread of harmful contaminants, but they also allow cleaner air to circulate continuously through commercial and public buildings, replacing dirty air with healthy, clean air.

Let’s discuss the importance of air quality, obstacles to good air quality, different types of air filters, and factors to consider when choosing, installing and maintaining air filters.

Why Air Quality Matters in Commercial and Public Buildings

First and foremost, poor air quality can have a direct impact on the health of occupants. The sad reality is that indoor air pollution levels are typically much higher than outdoor air pollution levels, especially in urban areas. 

Beyond physical conditions like asthma, headaches, fatigue, and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs, poor air quality can make it difficult to concentrate. It can affect a person’s mood and increase stress levels. Prolonged exposure to mold, asbestos, radon and other substances can cause cancer and other chronic, long-term health issues.

Of course, if pollutants, dust, allergens, molecular gases and even radiation and cleaning supply chemicals affect a person’s physical and mental health, their productivity is likely to be altered as well. When individual productivity suffers, organizational performance suffers. Given increasingly strict health and safety standards, organizations that fail to meet minimum standards for indoor air quality could face lawsuits and costly fines for noncompliance.

Maintaining proper air quality is also essential in environments such as scientific labs and manufacturing plants to maintain the integrity and performance of technology, equipment and sensitive materials. Major investments in these facilities could be compromised due to poor air quality.

Understanding Air Filters: Basics and Beyond

An air filter is a device used in HVAC and air purification systems to provide people with clean, safe air to breathe. Air filters can take many shapes. They could be as small as a matchbox and as large as a shipping container, depending on the application. 

The air filter is placed in the HVAC or air purification system to create a barrier, which can be made of various types of filter media constructed from fibers produced from synthetic materials or micro-glass fibers. Air filters can also be produced with activated carbon on the fibers or modules or cylinders of bulk activated carbon media. Air filters trap pollutants while allowing clean air to flow through the filter to the indoor environment.

Types of air filters include but are not limited to:

  • Bag Filter and Compact Filter (V-Bank and Box):  Used as high-efficiency final filters or as prefilters for HEPA installations.
  • Panel Filter:  Used as the main filter or as prefilters to extend the life of final filters.
  • HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) Filter:  For very small particles, such as allergens and pathogens.
  • Activated Carbon Filter:  For odors, gases, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

There are several rating systems used to measure the efficiency of air filters in capturing particles of different sizes, including:

  • ASHRAE Standard 52.2 MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value):  capable of capturing particles of certain sizes based on a rating scale of 1-16.
  • ISO16890:  Similar to MERV, but with a focus on PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 sized particles.
  • HEPA:  Air filters tested to a minimum efficiency of 99.97% on 0.3-micron particles. 
  • ULPA (Ultra-Low Penetration Air):  Beginning at 99.9995% efficient and higher for environments that require exceptionally clean air, such as research labs.

Challenges in Maintaining Air Quality in Large Spaces

Many commercial and public buildings are complex structures. They have intricate designs with different spaces serving different purposes. The number and density of occupants will often vary from room to room and change over the course of a day.

This can make it difficult to provide proper air circulation and ventilation, which can then create inconsistencies in air quality, humidity and temperature. Inadequate ventilation can cause pollutants to accumulate, while excess ventilation can drive up energy costs and shorten the life of HVAC and air purification equipment.

The complexity of these buildings and spaces typically contributes to the presence of indoor pollutants of various sizes and types from different sources, which can make air filtration and pollutant control more challenging.

There are also external factors to consider. Remember, the job of an air ventilation system is to remove polluted indoor air and replace or recirculate it with clean, conditioned air, some of which is fresh, outdoor air. Unfortunately, outdoor air isn’t always fresh. Areas with high auto traffic and industrial manufacturing facilities can be surrounded with pollutants. Even areas surrounded by nature could deal with environmental allergens and particles that affect indoor air quality.

To overcome these challenges, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has created an indoor air quality design guide with best practices for design, construction and commissioning. The guide was created for architects, design engineers, contractors, commissioning agents and any professional who is concerned about indoor air quality. ASHRAE Standard 62.1 – Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality is also a document commonly referenced.

Selecting the Right Air Filter for Commercial and Public Buildings

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing air filters for commercial and public buildings. For example:

  • What is the size of the structure?
  • What is the purpose of the structure? What is the purpose of each space within the structure?
  • What are the air quality requirements, and airflow requirements, for the people, technology, equipment, and activity within each space? What regulatory standards are you required to meet in your location and industry?
  • What types of pollutants and particles are likely to be found in each space?
  • If you have an existing HVAC and/or air purification system, what types of air filters are compatible?
  • What is the lifespan of each air filter you are considering? What are the maintenance requirements?

Air filter decisions should also be based on an understanding of MERV ratings and the types of filters that fall into the various MERV ranges, from spun fiberglass filters (MERV 1-4) to the highest-rated filters used in sensitive manufacturing and pharmaceutical environments (up to MERV 16 and beyond to HEPA and ULPA filters).

Ultimately, selecting the right air filter for commercial and public buildings comes down to balance. You need to weigh the effectiveness, efficiency, and cost of the air filter, the air quality goals and requirements of your organization, and the health and comfort of the occupants. Regardless of the product you choose, the end result should be clean, safe air.

Innovations and Trends in Air Filtration

The emergence of smart home technology has led to the development of smart air filters. These internet-connected filters are integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) to provide real-time air quality monitoring data. 

Smart air filters use this data to automatically respond when pollutants reach a certain threshold. For example, a fan or air purification system could be activated, and an alert could be triggered so an operator knows to change a filter. Users can remotely monitor and control smart air filter settings through a mobile app or voice assistant (Alexa, Siri, etc.). Rather than running at the same speed, a smart filter can automatically adjust output based on current air quality data.

Smart filter data can then be used to generate reports and analyze trends for indoor air quality and energy consumption, enabling facility managers to make informed decisions for continuous improvement.

Energy efficiency, sustainability and environmental responsibility have become organizational priorities for most companies. In addition to smart filters, recent innovations in air filtration reflect these initiatives as manufacturers seek to reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint.

For example, innovative filter media is being made from recycled materials using eco-friendly manufacturing processes. Solutions capable of circulating air with lower pressure and, therefore, less energy are becoming more common. Filtration technologies like activated carbon filters can reduce emissions, which improves indoor air quality and reduces environmental impact.

Implementation and Maintenance Best Practices

Installation and maintenance of air filters in commercial and public buildings are far more complicated than swapping out an air filter at home. These tasks should be handled by highly trained, licensed professionals. A qualified installer will understand how to:

  • Choose the right filter
  • Take all necessary safety precautions
  • Locate and inspect the filter housing, frames and gaskets
  • Repair any damage 
  • Remove any debris or obstruction to airflow
  • Install and secure the air filter
  • Document the entire process
  • Test the system to ensure optimal function

Once new air filters are installed, a comprehensive maintenance plan and schedule should be established. This will enable you to maintain optimal indoor air quality, provide occupants of your building with clean air and protect your investment.

Air filters in commercial and public buildings should be inspected regularly for signs of damage, debris and tight seals. The area around the HVAC  equipment should be cleaned to prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt. Scheduled replacement of your air filters will prevent unplanned expenses and keep your system performing as it should. 

Depending on the equipment in your facility,  air filter professionals will be able to measure the pressure and performance of your system to ensure proper airflow and air quality. They can also alert you to potential violations of health and safety regulations and provide training that makes employees aware of potential problems so they can be reported.

All maintenance work and reporting should be documented to analyze trends and update the maintenance plan if necessary.

Case Studies:  Success Stories in Air Filtration

Perhaps the best way to truly understand the role of air filters and the impact of a carefully planned air filtration system is to see real-world examples of what organizations have been able to accomplish.

    • See how the famous Music City Center in Nashville improved indoor air quality, reduced filter-related costs by 34 percent, and reduced labor hours by 80 percent by converting to a single-stage, MERV-A solution. Read the case study.
    • See how a secondary school in Valencia, Spain protected students and teachers against biological agents by installing Camfil City M air purifiers with Camfil HEPA H14 filters, which are certified according to the EN1822 standard. Read the case study.
  • See how a wastewater treatment plant in Denmark reduced odors and created a more comfortable work environment, installing a stainless steel HDC filter housing unit with cells that are filled with ISO 10121 activated carbon and Camfil CamPure media. Read the case study.
  • See how container manufacturer AMG upgraded the indoor air quality at a new facility to meet compliance requirements by implementing a Gold Series X-Flo dust collection system, which was installed outside to simplify service and maintenance. Read the case study.

Conclusion: Breathing Easy in the Modern World

Maintaining optimal indoor air quality in commercial and public buildings is aligned with public demand for healthy, safe environments and a more sustainable culture. It enables the owners and operators of these structures to reduce energy consumption and save money. It also happens to be a legal and regulatory requirement. 

Modern, high-quality air filters are vital to successful indoor air quality initiatives. Understanding air filter capabilities and options, and choosing the right filters based on the indoor environment, will help all stakeholders breathe easy – occupants, owners and operators, maintenance teams, and compliance teams – and reduce risk for your organization.

We encourage you to explore innovations in air filter technology and consider evaluating your existing system. Instead of reacting to unpleasant odors or visible dust, you can proactively maintain high levels of indoor air quality and performance while extending the life of your system.

If you’d like to discuss the state of your current air filtration infrastructure and opportunities for improvement, please contact Camfil today to schedule a consultation.

The post Commercial and Public Building Air Filters: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Air Filters for Clean Air.

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