Friday, December 22, 2023

Commercial and Public Building Air Filters for Pharmacies: Ensuring Safe and Efficient Operations

Experts estimate that there are more than 10,000 prescription medications available in the United States alone, in addition to compound medications and biological products. Given the high number of medications handled and dispensed by pharmacies, many of which can cause health problems when inhaled, maintaining proper air quality is essential to safeguarding pharmacy professionals and equipment by reducing exposure to harmful airborne contaminants.

Of course, many people with a wide range of communicable diseases visit pharmacies throughout the day. From the common cold and influenza to COVID-19, airborne diseases caused by viruses and bacteria are common in pharmacies. Modern air filters and properly designed air filtration and ventilation systems play a vital role in preventing the spread of disease in these environments.

The Crucial Need for Air Quality in Pharmacies

Protecting the health of pharmacists, staff, and customers is clearly the top priority when developing a strategy for maintaining clean air in a pharmacy setting. Pharmacies are considered high-risk areas for exposure to airborne contaminants, including those emanating from medications, as well as allergens, particulate matter, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), viruses, and bacteria. Contamination can even trigger allergic reactions.

Air quality is also critical in ensuring the purity and efficacy of drugs that are processed in pharmacies. Medication can become unsafe or ineffective when contaminated with airborne pollutants. This is especially true of sterile medication, which must not be exposed to contaminants in order to minimize the risk of infection. High temperatures and humidity levels can cause medication to degrade over time. Poor air quality exacerbates this degradation, making medication less effective or potentially unsafe while reducing its shelf life.

Because of the role pharmacies play in healthcare, regulatory and compliance standards must be met to keep patients safe and ensure medication is effective. These include:

  • Federal standards
    • Controlled Substances Act (CSA) 
    • Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD & C Act) 
    • Prescription Drug Marketing Act (PDMA)
    • Medicare and Medicaid regulations
  • State regulations involving pharmacy licensing, prescription requirements, and reporting
  • Additional standards
    • Joint Commission (JC) for pharmacies affiliated with hospitals and healthcare facilities
    • American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) guidelines and best practices
    • National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) standards for electronic prescriptions and technology

The National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations (NASPA) and the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) offer resources to help pharmacies comply with various regulations, including those related to air quality, to ensure a safe environment.

Potential Airborne Contaminants in a Pharmacy Environment

Airborne contaminants from drugs, solvents, and chemicals can create a variety of health risks, including respiratory problems, reproductive issues, skin irritation, and even cancer. For example:

  • Prolonged exposure to antibiotics can contribute to resistance to those antibiotics in bacteria.
  • Common solvents such as benzene have been linked to cancer and can cause skin irritation, neurological issues, and other health problems.
  • Chemicals in widely used cleaning products can be harmful if inhaled and irritate the eyes, nose, and throat.

Airborne pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi are a serious threat to drug safety. Drugs can become contaminated during storage or dispensing, while cross-contamination between different medication can occur through the air. Both contribute to reduced effectiveness, degradation, infection, and adverse reactions in patients.

Chemical fumes can also contaminate medication and create health risks similar to those mentioned previously. For example:

  • Cytotoxic drugs can be toxic, damage healthy cells and tissues, and increase the risk of cancer and reproductive issues.
  • Antineoplastic drugs can be toxic, damage bone marrow, and increase the risk of anemia and neutropenia.

Air Filters:  Designed for Pharmacies

Air filters protect people, medication, and equipment by removing a wide range of airborne particles, including dust, pollen, mold spores, bacteria, and viruses, as well as chemicals, gases, and odors. Air filters trap particles to remove them from the air and prevent them from being circulated through the pharmacy space. Filters also help to maintain consistent temperatures and humidity levels.

Several different types of air filters are used in pharmacies:

  • General ventilation air filters are commonly tested and classified according to the MERV scale as defined in ASHRAE Standard 52.2. The range of MERV-rated filters runs from 1-16 and can have an average efficiency as high as 95% on particles between 0.3 microns to 1.0 microns. The filters are used as the primary air filter for incoming air through HVAC systems and as prefilters to HEPA and ULPA filters. 
  • High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters that are tested and certified can capture a minimum of 99.97 percent of airborne particles that are 0.3 microns or larger, including bacteria and viruses. These filters are essential in pharmacies that handle sterile medications, cytotoxic drugs, and other medications that are sensitive to contamination. 
  • Ultra-low penetration air (ULPA) filters are even more efficient than HEPA filters and are designed to capture a minimum of 99.9995 percent of airborne particles that are 0.12 microns or larger. They are ideal for cleanrooms, sterile compounding labs, and other spaces that require exceptionally clean air
  •  Molecular air filters have a large surface area of activated carbon that adsorbs molecules to remove volatile organic compounds, strong odors, and hazardous gases. Activated carbon filters are often used in tandem with general ventilation filters and sometimes even HEPA filters as part of a comprehensive air filtration system.

The minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating system uses a scale of 1 to 16 to indicate a filter’s effectiveness in removing particles. The higher the rating, the higher the efficiency, and the smaller contaminant the filter is capable of capturing.  General ventilation air filters with a minimum rating of MERV 13  or higher are typically recommended for pharmacies, while HEPA or even ULPA air filters  are generally used for cleanrooms, compounding labs, and other areas that require exceptional air quality. 

Challenges in Maintaining Pristine Air Quality in Pharmacies

Any discussion about obstacles to clean air in pharmacies must begin with medications, many of which have chemicals or VOCs that can be dangerous if inhaled. Given the hundreds or even thousands of drugs handled in a pharmacy, plus compounds, simply identifying the potential risks can be challenging. 

Pharmacy design has a direct impact on air quality. Tight spaces, high foot traffic, porous materials like carpet and fabric upholstery, poorly designed airflows, and insufficient ventilation, can contribute to higher levels of pollutants in the air and on surfaces. Open storage of medication and hazardous materials can allow harmful fumes and VOCs to be released into the air.

When designing a pharmacy, separate areas for medication and hazardous materials, cleaning supplies, waste disposal, and customer interactions are recommended. Smooth surfaces, airtight storage, natural light, proper ventilation, and negative pressure isolation in compounding areas, high-tech machine zones, and other sensitive areas will help overcome these challenges, resulting in cleaner air.

Choosing the Right Air Filter for Pharmacies

There are many factors that must be taken into consideration when choosing air filters for a pharmacy.

  • Pharmacy size. High-efficiency filters with lower resistance to airflow are preferred for larger pharmacies to support a higher volume of circulating air.
  • Range of drugs processed. As discussed previously, different types of medication create a variety of risks, each of which must be addressed.
  • Types of machinery. The operation of highly sensitive equipment can be negatively affected by poor air quality.

Organizations also must strike the right balance between cost, efficiency, and maintenance needs. High-efficiency air filters  are more expensive and typically require one or more stages of prefiltration installed in front of them which must be changed out more frequently.  Proper prefiltration  will help increase the longevity and efficiency of the expensive final filters. Following good maintenance practices for both air filters and the  entire HVAC system will help you maintain clean, safe air with greater consistency. At the same time, regulations and compliance standards for safety and air quality must be met, regardless of cost and maintenance.

Implementation and Maintenance:  A Pharmacy Focus

Best practices for installing air filters in critical pharmacy areas should be followed to protect staff, customers, medication, and machinery. In addition to choosing the right filter based on the activities, materials, and occupants in each space, the filter must be compatible with the air handling unit, which should be cleaned prior to installation. Installers should follow best practices and regulations in their area such as wearing rPPE for their own safety and avoid touching the media filter to prevent contamination. 

Filter type and date of installation should be documented and referenced for scheduling maintenance and filter replacement. Generally, filters should be replaced when accumulating dirt has restricted airflow through the filter to a predetermined point which could be different based upon the specific application. 

However, air filters and the air handling unit should be inspected regularly to determine if the maintenance plan should be updated.

While the right equipment is essential, staff must be trained to recognize the importance of air quality and relevant regulations. They should learn how air filtration works, how to identify warning signs that air filters are not functioning properly, and what steps to take if problems are suspected. 

Conclusion:  Elevating Pharmacy Standards with Clean Air

Air quality is absolutely essential to creating and maintaining a safe pharmacy environment for pharmacists, staff, and customers. A high-quality air filtration system will dramatically reduce the risk of contamination of medication and equipment, prevent the spread of airborne pollutants, and ensure compliance with federal, state, and industry regulations.

With compliance requirements likely to increase in number and complexity and heightened awareness of the risks involved with airborne pollutants, the contribution of air filters to modern pharmacy operations is undeniable. Manufacturers must continue to innovate, and pharmacies must invest in modern air filters and expertly designed air filtration systems to optimize air quality and cost-efficiency.

If you would like to discuss your pharmacy’s air filtration needs and challenges and learn more about Camfil solutions, please contact us today for a consultation.

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Sunday, December 17, 2023

How Air Purifiers Can Reduce the Risk of Airborne Illnesses this Flu Season

As temperatures start to drop across the United States and people gather indoors more often, influenza and other respiratory illnesses will begin to make the rounds. Continue reading to learn more about how air purifiers can be used to prevent the spread of the flu, the common cold, COVID-19, and other airborne illnesses this winter. 

Why Do More People Get Sick in the Winter? 

Increased respiratory and other infections during the fall and winter have been attributed to various factors, as suggested by health experts. These factors include:

  • Many pathogens are more effective at multiplying in lower temperatures. 
  • During cold weather, people tend to gather indoors in both large and small groups, often for extended periods. Respiratory illnesses are less likely to spread outside due to better air circulation and less physical closeness between people compared to indoor spaces. 
  • During winter, our immune systems tend to be less effective. As our bodies prioritize vital functions like regulating internal temperature, less urgent functions such as the immune system take a backseat. This leaves us more susceptible to viruses and bacteria when exposed to them.

Read More:  Why Do We Get Sick More In Cooler Months

Common Airborne Illnesses

It is important to be aware of some of the most common airborne illnesses so that you can take the appropriate strategies to prevent specific illnesses as infection rates rise in your area. Common and highly infectious airborne illnesses include:

  • COVID-19
  • Influenza (the flu)
  • Most strains of the common cold
  • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 
  • Strep throat
  • Chickenpox 

Other serious, often deadly, illnesses, such as measles, mumps, rubella, and tuberculosis, are also transmitted primarily through airborne routes. However, it is important to note that the preventative strategies shared in this article are only effective against airborne illnesses, and other strategies must be implemented against pathogens that spread primarily through direct contact. 

How do Illnesses Spread through the Air?

When we breathe, microscopic droplets of fluid are released into the air with every exhale, which linger in the air for varying periods of time depending on the size of the particle. This also happens when we cough and sneeze, or talk and laugh. When someone is carrying a pathogen—which does not always cause them to exhibit symptoms of illness—these respiratory droplets contain virus or bacteria particles. When others inhale infected droplets and become infected themselves, this is known as airborne transmission. There are two types of airborne transmission: droplet and aerosol transmission. 

Droplet transmission occurs when an infected person is in close contact with others, who directly inhale their infected respiratory droplets.  

Aerosol transmission occurs when smaller droplets (which remain suspended in the air for longer periods of time due to their lightweight—speech aerosols can remain suspended in stagnant air for as long as nine hours) are dispersed away from the infected individual, carrying the virus to be inhaled by others for hours.  

Respiratory droplets are classified as particulate matter, which means that they can be removed from the air (thus preventing infection) using the same air filtration technology that targets dust, pollen, black carbon, and other particle pollutants.

Air Filtration Experts’ Tips for Preventing Airborne Illness Infections this Winter

Wash your hands regularly. To prevent the spread of pathogens picked up from surfaces, make sure to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, especially before eating or doing anything that requires touching your face, and after handling objects that others regularly handle. Don’t forget to post signs reminding employees, guests, and building tenants to do the same. Stay safe and keep those hands clean!

Keep surfaces clean. Keep surfaces pathogen-free by regularly disinfecting them, particularly in shared spaces, to eliminate any lingering germs and infectious droplets. For offices, gyms, and other public or shared spaces, provide tenants and guests with disinfectant wipes and sprays so that they can easily clean surfaces and equipment immediately after use. 

Cough and sneeze into your elbow. Coughing and sneezing is unavoidable, even if you aren’t sick. In contrast to coughing and sneezing into your hands—which covers less of your face, allows droplets to slip through your fingers, and increases the risk of transmitting pathogens to surfaces and objects—using the inside of your elbow reduces the amount of droplets that are released into the air (although it doesn’t entirely eliminate the risk) and is the official recommendation of the CDC to reduce pathogen spread. 

Isolate when sick. Although it may not always be possible to miss work or school or otherwise limit your exposure to other people when you are sick, the CDC recommends self-isolation when you are infected with COVID-19 to avoid exposing others to the infection. This is also an effective strategy to prevent the spread of other illnesses. 

Consider masking. Even though it’s no longer required in most places in the United States, wearing a properly fitted N95 mask is still a good option for preventing the spread of airborne illnesses. This isn’t limited to just COVID-19 — masks are an effective preventative measure against any airborne illness. While it may not be practical to wear a mask all the time, scientists recommend masking when you are experiencing minor symptoms of respiratory illness (such as coughing, increased sneezing, a runny or stuffy nose, or a sore throat), or if you know you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, the flu, or other airborne illnesses. 

Increase ventilation and air circulation. Research has demonstrated that poor ventilation is instrumental to the spread of COVID-19 and other airborne illnesses. By increasing the amount of air that is moved through an indoor space, concentrations of infected particles are reduced, which decreases the chance of infection. One simple way to increase ventilation is by opening windows, but this becomes increasingly less appealing as the weather gets colder. Using your HVAC system’s heating function, if available (as opposed to other heating methods such as baseboard heaters and radiators that just heat the air around them) helps to increase circulation because it moves warm air into the room. 

Install an air purifier. Ventilation is important, but repeatedly recirculating air without cleaning it can cause pathogens to be spread around further, entering rooms that haven’t even been occupied by infected individuals. This is a notable concern for offices and other commercial buildings, because many tenants that never make face-to-face contact with each other may share an air supply. If your HVAC system isn’t equipped to handle high-efficiency filters, which many  commercial and almost all residential systems aren’t, consider using standalone air purifiers to effectively eliminate droplets and other harmful particles from the air.

How Do Air Purifiers Help Prevent Flu?

Air purifiers can help prevent the spread of the flu in two main ways:

  1. By increasing ventilation. Poor ventilation allows infected particles and other contaminants to build up in indoor air, leading to an increased likelihood of inhabitants inhaling an infected respiratory droplet or nuclei and contracting an infection themselves. 
  2. By removing contaminants from the air. Simply recirculating indoor air through a building’s HVAC system to increase ventilation may not adequately protect its inhabitants from pathogens because the system’s air filters are not likely to have a high enough capture efficiency, ie. MERV value. The air must be filtered to remove infected respiratory droplets. An actual HEPA filter, one that has been tested and certified as such, is rated to remove 99.995% of the smallest particles in the air, including viruses. 

Premium air purifiers operate independently of a building’s HVAC system and plug into standard electrical outlets, meaning that no specialized equipment, building specifications, or installation methods are required to reap the benefits of clean air. 

The City M Air Purifier by Camfil is a medical-grade air purifier that effectively removes pathogens, dust, contaminants, and allergens from the air using factory-tested and certified HEPA filters. In addition to a HEPA filter, which addresses airborne respiratory droplets responsible for spreading winter illnesses, the City M uses an activated carbon filter to target gaseous pollutants such as irritating odors and volatile organic chemicals. The City M is able to deliver over 250 cubic feet of clean air per minute while producing minimal noise and consuming 50% less energy than comparable purifiers of a similar size, making it ideal for bedrooms, homes, offices, schools, public meeting spaces, and more. 

Find out more about the City M here. 

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. We firmly believe that the best solutions for our customers are the best solutions for our planet, too. That’s why every step of the way – from design to delivery and across the product life cycle – we consider the impact of what we do on people and on the world around us. Through a fresh approach to problem-solving, innovative design, precise process control, and a strong customer focus we aim to conserve more, use less and find better ways – so we can all breathe easier.

The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and has 31​ manufacturing sites, six R&D centers, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and about 5,200 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil USA can help you to protect people, processes and the environment, visit us at 



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Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 


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Friday, December 8, 2023

Commercial and Public Building Air Filters for Laboratories: A Rigorous Examination of Containment and Protection

Laboratories in pharmaceutical and biopharma facilities are highly sensitive environments that must meet rigid air quality standards. Sophisticated air filtration is an absolute necessity in laboratories where researchers, products, instrumentation, and equipment within the facility, as well as people and environments outside the facility, must be protected. 

Dangerous materials that are handled and manipulated in laboratories within the life sciences, healthcare and nuclear medicine R&D facilities, for example,  must be properly contained to maintain appropriate biosafety levels and mitigate risk. Air filtration solutions that account for both incoming and outgoing air will prevent exposure to harmful contaminants and ensure regulatory compliance while keeping maintenance and energy costs low.

Let’s take a closer look at the critical role air filters play in containment and protection in laboratory environments.

The Imperative of Optimal Air Quality in Laboratories

Optimal air quality is vital to both a safe laboratory environment and overall public health. At the same time, research integrity is the foundation of reliable, efficient scientific progress. The nexus between proper air quality and research integrity is highly complex. Proven processes and accurate, reliable data are needed to understand and mitigate risks involving airborne pollutants.

Consider the potential health implications of suboptimal air quality for scientists and laboratory personnel. In addition to studying infectious agents, bacteria, viruses, parasites, and toxic substances, lab personnel could be exposed to biological, chemical, and radioactive materials. These substances could contribute to a wide range of health problems, including respiratory conditions, skin conditions, and reproductive and neurological problems.

As a result, there are stringent regulatory and compliance standards that govern laboratory environments. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established such standards, including:

  • The Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories Standard 
  • The Laboratory Ventilation Standard
  • The Respiratory Protection Standard

In addition to OSHA, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Transportation (DOT), and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have regulations that apply to the handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of hazardous materials. There are also voluntary compliance standards and guidelines developed by professional laboratory organizations such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), and the College of American Pathologists (CAP).

Cataloging Potential Airborne Contaminants in Laboratories

Numerous biological agents found in laboratory environments can affect not only humans but also animals and plants. Found in air, water, soil, and food, many biological agents are highly contagious, easily spread, and capable of causing serious illness, infections, and allergic reactions. The most common biological agents include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.

Volatile chemicals and solvents represent another potentially hazardous category of airborne contaminants. These substances are commonly used in laboratories for chemical synthesis, extraction, cleaning, and other applications. Volatile chemicals and solvents are often toxic and can irritate the skin, eyes, and respiratory system and cause organ damage or even death. Many are also highly flammable. 

Particulate matter comprised of solid and liquid particles varies in size and comes from both natural sources and human activities. Contamination involving particulate matter can have a significant impact on research fidelity by affecting equipment operations, causing errors in measurement and analysis, and skewing air quality measurement. Particulate matter can also affect research fidelity by impairing researchers’ cognitive and respiratory function.

Air Filtration Systems:  A Scholarly Review Tailored for Laboratories

There are several types of air filtration mechanisms that are essential to the removal of contaminants and maintaining research integrity in laboratory environments. These mechanisms include:

  • Straining. Much like a strainer used in food preparation, large particles are captured when they can’t pass through pores that are smaller in size.
  • Inertial Separation. Particles small enough to pass through most pores, but with enough mass to resist directional changes due to airflow,are captured when striking a fiber directly.
  • Interception. Slightly smaller particles with less mass that  are intercepted when their path of travel through the air changes, and they get caught on  filter fiber.
  • Diffusion. When kinetic energy causes the smallest  particles to move randomly through the air (aka Brownian Motion),  and are captured when striking very fine fibers. 
  • Electrostatic   This mechanism relies on an electrostatic charge on the fiber which attracts small particles that would otherwise slip past. Very effective filtration mechanisms for N-95 masks for example, but the gradual loss of the attractive properties is problematic for air filters.Now that the most common air filtration mechanisms are understood, let’s dissect the various types of air filters and the appropriateness of each in a laboratory environment. 
  • General Ventilation Air Filters. Filters for general ventilation are commonly tested and classified according to the MERV scale as defined in ASHRAE Standard 52.2. The range of MERV rated filters runs from 1-16 and can have an efficiency as high as 95% on particles between 0.3 micron to 1.0 micron. The filters are used as the primary air filter for incoming air through HVAC systems, and as prefilters to HEPA and ULPA filters. 
  • HEPA. Tested and certified high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters are capable of capturing a minimum of 99.97 percent of airborne particles that are 0.3 microns or larger, including bacteria and viruses. HEPA filters are widely used to maintain research integrity and the health of personnel. For example, cleanrooms and laboratories that handle hazardous materials typically use HEPA filters.
  • ULPA. Even more efficient than HEPA filters,ultra-low penetration air (ULPA) filters, which are designed to capture a minimum of  99.9995 percent of airborne particles that are 0.12 microns or larger. ULPA filters are often found in laboratories where microchips, pharmaceuticals, and aerospace products are manufactured, as well as biomedical research laboratories that handle highly infectious agents.
  • Activated Carbon. With a large  surface area of activated carbon, these filters adsorb  molecules to remove volatile organic compounds, strong odors, and hazardous gases. In a laboratory environment, activated carbon filters are used with HEPA or ULPA filters to maximize air purification. 

In addition to filtration mechanisms and air filter types, air filter ratings or certifications must be considered when designing a comprehensive filtration solution for a laboratory environment. The ratings provide helpful benchmarks when evaluating air filters based on the type of pollutants and the desired air quality.

The minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating system uses a scale of 1 to 16 to indicate a filter’s effectiveness in removing particles. The higher the rating, the higher the efficiency, and the smaller contaminant the filter is capable of capturing.  MERV filters (8-16) are typically sufficient for general laboratory use and as prefilters for HEPA filters. 

When purchasing HEPA and ULPA air filters, verify they have been tested, certified and labeled at the factory to ensure the filters meet efficiency, airflow, and resistance requirements defined by the Institutes of Science and Technology (IEST), ISO Standard 29463 or EN Standard 1822. Because HEPA and ULPA air filters are used in the most critical of applications, such as laboratories, users should always demand a Certificate of Compliance for each filter to ensure that the filters meet the published standards of verified authorities. Camfil air filters are tested and certified in accordance with the IEST Recommended Practice for Testing HEPA Filters (RP-CC034), to ISO Standard 29463 and EN Standard 1822.

Navigating the Complex Terrain of Air Quality Maintenance in Laboratories

Meeting air quality standards in a laboratory environment is inherently complicated due to the diversity of pollutants that must be removed or stopped from entering the space, the research personnel, materials, and equipment that must be protected, and the variety of risks involved. 

For example, laboratories that handle the most dangerous pathogens often require the highest HEPA filtration protection. The labs typically require a combination of directed airflow and specialized exhaust systems, gas-phase filtration with activated carbon filters, and ultraviolet germicidal irradiation systems for disinfection. Cleanrooms may require  ULPA filtration, along with multiple pre-filtration stages, ultraclean air showers, and positive pressure to prevent unfiltered air from entering the room.

Designing and implementing an effective air filtration system begins with identifying and evaluating the roadblocks to optimal air quality. Start by asking the following questions:

  • What types of research activities are being conducted?
  • What contaminants are present inside the laboratory or could be produced through research activities, human activity, cleaning, etc.?
  • What are the concentration levels for the contaminants?
  • What are the potential health risks?
  • What is the potential impact on research?
  • What safety and air quality regulations must be satisfied?

Collaboration between commercial air quality experts and laboratory designers and personnel is ideal when developing an optimal solution that includes the appropriate equipment, configuration, and ongoing monitoring and maintenance plans. Beyond standard ventilation and exhaust, key components of laboratory air filtration design include:

  • Dedicated air handling systems that are separate from the rest of the facility.
  • Directed airflow patterns that move air towards exhaust systems, not people.
  • Fume hoods and ventilated workstations that capture hazardous contaminants created during experiments.
  • Smooth, nonporous surfaces that minimize the accumulation of dust particles and other pollutants.

Criteria for Optimal Air Filter Selection in Laboratories

In addition to answering the questions from the previous section, there are a number of factors that influence the choice of air filters in a laboratory environment. Obviously, a larger laboratory will require an appropriately sized filtration system with sufficient air filters  to account for the volume of airborne pollutants in a larger space. However, more specific information related to the type of research activities must also be taken into account. 

For example, the presence of hazardous materials and biological agents will require higher-efficiency air filters. Small particles can affect highly sensitive equipment, such as microscopes and delicate electronic components, resulting in unreliable data and research findings. Organizations will also need to balance both upfront costs and ongoing maintenance costs with operational efficiency when choosing an air filter, although air quality should never be compromised to save money. High-quality air filters and regular maintenance are essential to filter longevity, providing the efficiency and consistency necessary to safeguard research integrity and data accuracy while satisfying compliance requirements.

Frontiers in Laboratory Air Filtration:  An Examination of Innovations

Innovations in BMS (building management systems) have made it possible to monitor filter performance to keep up with ever-increasing challenges and regulatory requirements in laboratories. Today’s BMS systems allow remote, real-time monitoring of air quality and automatically send alerts when levels approach specific thresholds. This allows operators to maximize cost-efficiency and system performance. Predictive analytics and real-time data collection enable proactive maintenance, optimal scheduling, and trendspotting to minimize downtime and extend the life of the system. 

In addition to smarter systems, advancements in air filter material have increased containment capabilities. New manufacturing techniques allow for greater filter media surface area and lower pressure drop which reduces operational cost. Product coding with serial numbers during manufacturing allows for complete traceability of a HEPA filter and its testing history. Multi-layer filtration systems use multiple filter stages t to maximize particle control and efficiency, while the integration of  activated carbon enhances the  facility’s ability to eliminate volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other gaseous pollutants from research areas

Innovations in laboratory air filtration have also resulted in sustainability gains. Energy-efficient air filters, recyclable air filter material, and precise controls enable organizations to reduce energy consumption, while new capabilities such as demand-controlled ventilation automatically adjust system usage based on occupancy and current air quality data.

Operational Protocols:  Filter Implementation and Maintenance in Laboratories

Air filter installation in a laboratory environment should be handled by trained professionals after comprehensive planning and evaluation. A risk assessment should identify contaminants and possible hazards as discussed previously. The assessment will inform the selection of air filters. 

All surfaces where the air filter will be installed should be cleaned, disinfected, and sanitized to prevent contamination. Special care must be taken to avoid touching air filter media and prevent damage that could compromise containment capabilities and create compliance risk.

Based on manufacturer instructions, a regular maintenance schedule, including inspection, cleaning, replacement, and other tasks, should be documented. This schedule should be reviewed and updated as needed based on real-time filtration data and laboratory conditions.

While air filtration installation and maintenance are the domain of expert technicians, laboratory personnel should be educated in air filtration dynamics. From the fundamentals of air filtration to the interpretation of air quality data, understanding how an air filtration system works and what the data means will enable faster troubleshooting and reduce the risk of downtime.

Case Studies:  Laboratories Exemplifying Air Filtration Excellence

Laboratories around the world have demonstrated the tangible benefits of prioritizing air quality, both in research outcomes and the safety and well-being of personnel. For example:

  • A multinational pharmaceutical company in Spain partnered with Camfil to install a dust extraction system for containing explosive dust and toxic substances. Read the full case study to see how the company increased safety and reduced the risk of contamination. 
  • A large medical marijuana producer in Ontario, Canada, partnered with Camfil to install particle and molecular filtration tools to control strong odors and comply with Health Canada regulations. Read the full case study to see how the company achieved its goals.

Conclusion:  The Incontrovertible Mandate for Superior Air Quality in Laboratories

Optimal air quality in laboratory environments is a business imperative. Without exceptional air filtration, the health and safety of personnel, the integrity and progress of scientific research, and investments in technology and instrumentation are at risk. 

Organizations that are committed to making a difference in research laboratories must be equally committed to maintaining the highest possible air quality in these environments. Achieving the gold standard in air filtration requires investments in equipment, technology, and training.

Camfil encourages laboratories around the world to have their air filtration systems evaluated and analyzed. Camfil also encourages the industry to commit to innovation and constant improvement to ensure research laboratories are capable of achieving the cleanest air possible. To learn more about air filtration solutions for laboratories or discuss specificair filtration needs and challenges, please contact Camfil today for a consultation. 



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Saturday, December 2, 2023

Filtration Guidelines for Aseptic Processing and Packaging Released

Evidence of the high standards followed by manufacturers of the food we eat is on display by how often we prepare and eat meals with little thought to food safety.  This is more a testament to the hard work of the men and women in this industry than it is to a careless attitude. The reality is we demand a high level of safety in the food products we purchase, but it’s worth a few moments to highlight organizations that make this possible. 

IFTPS (Institute for Thermal Processing Specialist) is one of those organizations that allows us to enjoy some of our favorite foods and beverages safely. Broadly speaking, thermal processing is a technique that uses heat to sterilize food, but that is far too simple of an explanation. (That’s like saying surgery is just something done with a scalpel). Thermally processing food requires a similar knowledge base and commitment to excellence as the consequences of failure for either are potentially catastrophic. 

“IFTPS is an international organization whose mission is to provide leadership and education for thermal processing specialists to enhance awareness and ensure public health safety by using the knowledge of a diverse membership through communication, networking, research, and establishing best practices.”

Recently, IFTPS published the document; Guideline for Sterilizing Filtration of Air and Other Gases in Aseptic Processing and Packaging of Food and Beverages. As evidence of just how technical this field can be, this single guideline focused only on the very narrow topic of filtering the air and other gases used in selected processing techniques, yet the guideline is over 100 pages long. 

Input from dozens of subject matter experts from a wide variety of industries was required to put together such a document.  Certain techniques in thermal processing require high-quality HEPA and ULPA filters. Camfil’s Benjamin Rühl and Mark Davidson were able to add valuable information to the document by drawing on the experience learned in Camfil’s 60 years of research and development on these most critical air filters. 

Camfil recommends any professional involved in the thermal processing of food to strongly consider IFTPS as an invaluable resource to improve their knowledge base. Camfil is leader in the air filtration industry for sourcing air filters that aid in maintaining the level of food safety we’ve all come to expect.

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