Thursday, March 28, 2024

Air Quality in Data Centers: Why It Matters and How to Improve It

Data centers play a crucial role in our daily lives, powering everything from our social media feeds to essential cloud storage services. One aspect of data center operation that is critical yet frequently overlooked is air quality management. Poor air quality can lead to hardware degradation, increased downtime, and significantly impact operational efficiency and sustainability efforts. Continue reading to learn more about data center air quality from Camfil Data Center Segment Manager Adam Wiggins.

Particulate Matter

Particulate matter (PM) in data centers can originate from various sources, including outdoor air pollution, diesel-powered backup generators, and overheated servers. PM is a concern because it can penetrate deep into the lungs and even enter the bloodstream, posing health risks to personnel and potentially causing damage to sensitive electronic equipment. The Washington State Department of Ecology issues air quality permits to data centers to limit pollution from diesel generators and tracks the combined impacts of diesel exhaust. PM composed of water-soluble ionic salts is particularly concerning in data centers due to their potential to damage electronic components.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

VOCs are another significant concern for indoor air quality in data centers. These compounds can be emitted from overheated servers and can contain chemicals that damage servers, circuit boards, and cooling systems, leading to malfunctions and downtime. Effective air filtration is necessary to remove VOCs and prevent them from settling on equipment.

Temperature and Humidity

Maintaining the correct temperature and humidity levels is crucial for the optimal performance and reliability of data centers. For IT equipment classes A1/A2 , the recommended ambient relative humidity levels are between 8% and 80%, while class A3 is 8% to 85% and A4 8% to 90%.  Temperature recommendations have evolved over time, with ASHRAE 2021 Thermal Guidelines now advising an acceptable operating temperature range of 64° to 81°F (18° to 27°C). These conditions help prevent electrostatic discharge (ESD) and condensation, which can lead to hardware corrosion and equipment failure.

Airflow and Filtration

Airflow management is essential to maintain the right balance between hot and cool air in a data center. Large data centers may replace the air in the facility 30 to 50 times per hour, significantly more often than in typical office facilities. Filtration methods include mechanical filters and activated carbon filters, each serving to remove different types of contaminants. The choice of filtration system depends on the specific contaminants present in the data center’s air.

To effectively manage and improve air quality in data centers, finding a Camfil Data Center Air Filtration Expert near you is crucial. These experts can provide tailored solutions to mitigate the risks associated with poor indoor air quality, such as particulate and gaseous contaminants, which can lead to equipment downtime, failure, or data loss. Moreover, with data centers consuming a significant amount of electricity, partly due to air-conditioning systems, Camfil’s high-efficiency air filtration solutions not only ensure a healthy and safe indoor environment but also reduce energy consumption, thereby addressing both operational efficiency and sustainability concerns.

Camfil Branch Locations for Data Center Air Filtration

For expert advice and solutions for air quality issues, Camfil has a network of exclusive independent distributors and representatives as well as company-owned branches across the United States staffed with knowledgeable carbon filter experts. Whether you’re looking for a consultation, installation, or service for your air filtration program, you can find experts specializing in data center air filtration on our Contact Locator page or at the following locations:

  • Addison, IL
  • Austin, TX
  • Birmingham, AL
  • Carolinas (SC/NC)
  • Colorado Springs, CO
  • Dallas, TX
  • Denver, CO
  • Houston, TX
  • Kalamazoo, MI
  • Livonia, IL
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Minneapolis, MN
  • Nashville, TN
  • Peoria, IL
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • Portland, OR
  • Puerto Rico
  • Sacramento, CA
  • Salt Lake City, UT
  • Santa Clara, CA
  • Syracuse, NY
  • Tulsa, OK

Finding a Camfil Data Center Air Filtration Expert

To locate a Camfil Data Center Air Filtration Expert near you, you can use the Camfil Contact Locator. This tool allows you to find the nearest expert who can assist with your data center’s air quality needs. If you do not find what you are looking for on the map, you can click “Contact Us” and complete the form, and a Camfil air filtration specialist will contact you to provide assistance.

The main purpose of finding a Camfil Data Center Air Filtration Expert near these locations is to enhance your local search presence. By connecting with a local expert, you can ensure that your data center benefits from the latest in air filtration technology and expertise, tailored to the specific environmental challenges of your location. This local approach not only facilitates prompt service and support but also contributes to a more sustainable and efficient operation of your data center by leveraging Camfil’s innovative solutions to reduce energy costs and protect sensitive equipment.

In summary, leveraging Camfil’s network of branch locations or exclusive distributors/representativesis a strategic move for any data center looking to improve air quality, operational reliability, and energy efficiency.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. We firmly believe that the best solutions for our customers are the best solutions for our planet, too. That’s why every step of the way – from design to delivery and across the product life cycle – we consider the impact of what we do on people and the world around us. Through a fresh approach to problem-solving, innovative design, precise process control, and a strong customer focus we aim to conserve more, use less and find better ways – so we can all breathe easier.

The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and has 30​ manufacturing sites, six R&D centers, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and about 5,600 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil USA can help you to protect people, processes and the environment, visit us at 




Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 


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The post Air Quality in Data Centers: Why It Matters and How to Improve It appeared first on Air Filters for Clean Air.

from Air Filters for Clean Air

Friday, March 22, 2024

VLOG 7: Uncovering the True Cost of Air Filters – A Discussion with Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell

Analyzing Data for Optimized Air Filtration Solutions

In the seventh and final edition of this vlog series, we continue our insightful conversation with Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell from Camfil, focusing on how collected data is utilized to uncover the hidden costs of air filters.

Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell in the YouTube Short Video: Are There Hidden Costs to Air Filters?.

Mark’s Inquiry:  The Application of Collected Data

Mark Davidson is curious about the practical use of the extensive data collected during facility surveys, including information about filters, equipment, application, and environmental factors.

Dave’s Explanation:  Camfil’s Advanced Analysis Tools

Dave Blackwell delves into how Camfil employs its proprietary software, known as Life Cycle Costing software (LCC), which has been developed over decades. This advanced tool, along with numerous test ducts, mobile test labs in operation around the country, and specialized on-site testing equipment, enables Camfil to run continuous tests and gather data. The software isn’t limited to just Camfil filters. It includes competitive filters as well.

The Role of LCC in Filter Performance Analysis

With the LCC, Dave explains that the tool models the performance curves of different air filters. This capability allows the comparison of two or three different filter solutions side by side, showcasing the performance of each. This comparative analysis is crucial in recommending an optimized filter solution tailored to the specific needs of a facility.

The Importance of Comprehensive Data in Air Filtration

This vlog emphasizes the significance of using comprehensive data and advanced modeling to understand the true performance and cost implications of air filters over their lifespan.

Watch the Full Conversation

For an in-depth understanding of how Camfil uses data to determine the best air filtration solutions, watch the full discussion with Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell in the YouTube Short Video: 7. Are There Hidden Costs to Air Filters?.

Catch Up on Our Previous VLOGs

Explore more about air filtration through our series:

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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Friday, March 15, 2024

VLOG 6 — How Long Does An Air Filter Last? Maximizing Air Filter Efficiency: Insights on Filter Lifespan with Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell

The Crucial Role of Air Filter Depth in Facility Management

In our sixth vlog, Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell from Camfil delve into the significance of an air filter’s depth and its impact on the filter’s lifespan and efficiency.

Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell in the YouTube Shorts Video:  How Long Does An Air Filter Last?

Mark’s Question:  The Importance of Filter Depth

Mark Davidson raises an important question about the depth of air filters. He wonders why depth is crucial and whether this information is typically included in RFQs, bids, or spreadsheets.

Dave’s Expert Perspective:  Seeing Beyond the Spreadsheet

Dave Blackwell acknowledges that while the depth of an air filter might be listed on a spreadsheet, the real value comes from assessing the air handling unit in person. By being on-site, Dave explains, they can determine if a deeper filter could be utilized. He highlights a significant point: a 12-inch deep filter can provide over 10 times the surface media area compared to a 2-inch filter. This increase in surface area can lead to immense savings in labor and energy expenses in addition to providing a higher efficiency rating and delivering superior air quality.

The Need for Hands-On Evaluation

Dave emphasizes that sometimes, to select an optimized filter solution, you need to see the application in person and apply your filter knowledge. This hands-on approach allows for a more accurate assessment and selection of air filters that can enhance the efficiency and lifespan of the air handling unit.

The Impact of Filter Depth on Longevity and Efficiency

This vlog sheds light on how the depth of an air filter plays a critical role in its overall performance, impacting factors like energy efficiency, maintenance frequency, and operational costs.

Watch the Full Discussion

For a deeper understanding of the impact of air filter depth on filter lifespan and efficiency, watch the full conversation with Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell in the YouTube Shorts Video: 6. How Long Does An Air Filter Last

Revisit Our Previous VLOGs for More Insights

Be sure to catch up on our previous discussions for comprehensive knowledge of air filtration:

  Explore more about air filtration through our series: Preview:  Introduction to Commercial Air Filter Procurement 

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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Friday, March 8, 2024

VLOG 5 — Can All Air Handling Units Use The Same Air Filter? Customizing Air Filtration for Every Facility – Insights from Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell

Delving into the Diversity of Air Handling Units

In the fifth entry of our informative vlog series, we join Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell from Camfil to address a crucial question:  Can all air handling units use the same air filter?

Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell in the YouTube Shorts Video: Do All Air Handling Units Use The Same Air Filter?

Mark’s Curiosity:  The Process of a Facility Survey

Mark Davidson is curious about what happens during Camfil’s facility surveys. With Camfil’s commitment to visiting various facilities across North America, understanding the process is essential for facility managers.

Dave’s Approach:  A Tailored Data-Gathering Process

Dave Blackwell explains the initial steps of a survey. It begins with understanding the facility’s size, its specific application, and the environment, whether it’s a heavy industrial area or a rural setting. These factors significantly influence the type of air filtration solution needed.

Assessing Air Handling Units:  A Detailed Examination

The survey then delves into the specifics of the air handling units. Dave and his team examine the rated versus actual airflow, the internal conditions of the units, the state of the frames, and what size filter the unit can accept. This information is crucial for selecting an air filter that not only fits but also optimizes the performance of the air handling unit.

The Importance of Individualized Solutions

This vlog highlights that no two air handling units are the same, and neither are their filtration needs. A customized approach ensures each facility gets the most effective and efficient air filtration solution.

Watch the Full Discussion

For a more comprehensive understanding of how Camfil tailors its air filtration solutions to each facility, watch the entire conversation with Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell in the YouTube Shorts Video :5. Do All Air Handling Units Use the Same Air Filter?.

Revisit Previous Insights

Catch up on our previous vlogs for more expert knowledge on air filtration:

Explore more about air filtration through our series:

The post VLOG 5 — Can All Air Handling Units Use The Same Air Filter? Customizing Air Filtration for Every Facility – Insights from Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell appeared first on Air Filters for Clean Air.

from Air Filters for Clean Air

Friday, March 1, 2024

VLOG4 — Can One Company Handle It All? Camfil’s Reach and Expertise in Air Filtration

Exploring the Scope of Air Filter Provision Across North America

In this fourth installment of our vlog series, we sit down with Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell from Camfil to discuss the logistics of providing air filters for multiple facilities spread across North America.

Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell in the YouTube Shorts Video:  Can One Company Handle It All? 

Mark’s Query:  Handling RFQs for Multiple Facilities

Mark Davidson raises an interesting scenario:  receiving an RFQ for air filters for 10 different facilities scattered across the U.S. and Canada. He questions whether Camfil’s policy of not cross-referencing filters means that a visit is needed to each facility for a survey.

Dave Blackwell’s Insight:  Camfil’s Strategic Network

Dave Blackwell explains the logistical prowess of Camfil. With six manufacturing facilities strategically located across North America, Camfil is well-equipped to handle such demands. But the true strength lies in Camfil’s commitment to local presence. Dave highlights Camfil’s network of more than 75 stocking locations throughout the U.S. and Canada. Each location is not only stocked with air filters but also supported by multiple account managers who cater to the surrounding areas.

Camfil’s Approach:  Localized Expertise for Comprehensive Coverage

Dave assures that, if necessary, Camfil can deploy experienced personnel to survey all the facilities mentioned in an RFQ. This localized approach ensures that each facility receives personalized attention and expertise, regardless of its location.

The Value of a Local Presence in Air Filter Provision

This vlog emphasizes the importance of having a local presence and a robust network to effectively manage and supply air filters across a wide geographical area. Camfil’s strategy of combining strategic manufacturing locations with a strong network of stocking locations and expert account managers enables Camfil to efficiently handle large-scale, multi-location RFQs.

Watch the Full Conversation

Dive deeper into Camfil’s capabilities and strategies in air filter provision by watching the full conversation with Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell in the YouTube Shorts Video:  4. Can One Company Provide Every Air Filter?

Key Takeaways for Facility Managers Camfil’s Nationwide Air Filter Provision

  • Camfil’s strategic placement of manufacturing and stocking locations ensures efficient service across North America.
  • The value of local presence and expertise in handling diverse air filtration needs.
  • Camfil’s ability to provide personalized services, even for large-scale, multi-location projects.

Catch Up on Previous VLOGs

For more insights and discussions on air filtration, don’t miss out on our previous vlogs:

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