Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Elevating HVAC Efficiency and Knowledge with Camfil’s Expert-Led Video Series

For  HVAC engineers and facility managers trying to advance and improve their HVAC systems and air filtration, staying ahead means continually enhancing knowledge and skills. To meet this need, global air filtration company Camfil has launched an exclusive video series led by Joe Randolph, a seasoned expert in HVAC and air filtration. This series delves into HVAC equipment and air filtration knowledge, specifically designed for engineers and facility managers eager to optimize their systems for improved efficiency, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness.

The Expert Behind the Series:  Joe Randolph’s Vision

Joe Randolph brings a wealth of experience, with a career in the HVAC equipment in air filtration industries spanning over 35 years. His unique perspective merges technical expertise with practical insights, making this series a treasure trove of knowledge for HVAC professionals. Joe’s approach is straightforward but impactful:  He teaches viewers to look beyond specifications, understanding how environmental factors, weather protection, and the right selection of air filters can significantly enhance the performance of HVAC units.

Key Insights from the Series

The series covers a broad range of topics, each addressing common questions and challenges faced by HVAC professionals in 2024:

Why This Series is a Must-Watch for HVAC Professionals

This video series is crafted to not only inform but also transform how HVAC professionals approach their systems. It promotes a holistic view of HVAC management, prioritizing technical specifications as well as the broader implications of air filtration and environmental impact. By adopting the strategies and insights shared by Joe Randolph, professionals can make informed decisions about the filters they choose for their HVAC systems, leading to improved system performance, reduced operational costs, and a healthier indoor environment.

Join Camfil on This Educational Journey

Camfil invites you to explore this invaluable resource, designed with HVAC engineers and facility managers in mind. Whether you’re seeking to deepen your understanding of HVAC systems and air filtration or looking for practical solutions to common air quality challenges, Joe Randolph’s expert-led video series offers something for everyone.

Experience the difference expertise and insight can make in your professional journey. Discover new ways to optimize your HVAC systems, enhance indoor air quality, and achieve sustainability goals. This series is more than just a set of instructional videos—it’s an investment in your future and the future of the environments you manage.

Video Playlist 


About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. We firmly believe that the best solutions for our customers are the best solutions for our planet, too. That’s why every step of the way – from design to delivery and across the product life cycle – we consider the impact of what we do on people and the world around us. Through a fresh approach to problem-solving, innovative design, precise process control, and a strong customer focus we aim to conserve more, use less, and find better ways – so we can all breathe easier.

The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, with 30​ manufacturing sites, six R&D centers, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and about 5,600 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil USA can help you to protect people, processes and the environment, visit us at www.camfil.us/ 




Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 

E: Lynne.Laake@camfil.com

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from Air Filters for Clean Air

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Understanding Particulate Air Filtration: The Role of MERV Values in Ensuring Clean Air

The importance of effective air filtration cannot be overstated. Whether it’s in our homes, workplaces, or healthcare facilities, the air we breathe has a direct impact on our well-being. This is where the concept of particle capture efficiency comes into play, and understanding it is crucial for anyone concerned about indoor air quality.

What is Particle Capture Efficiency?

Particle capture efficiency is a measure of how well an air filter removes particles from the airstream. High-efficiency filters are designed to protect people, equipment, and products by filtering harmful particles from the air. In a recent video by Camfil, a leading provider of air filtration solutions, the intricacies of particulate air filtration are explored in detail. Watch the video here to gain a deeper understanding of this vital topic.

The Role of MERV Values

One of the key concepts discussed in the video is MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value). Introduced by the ASHRAE committee in 1999, the MERV rating is a standardized test that establishes a scale from 1 to 16 to rate the efficiency of air filters in removing smaller particles from the airstream. The higher the MERV, the more efficient the filter is at trapping smaller particles.

The Importance of Filter Media

The effectiveness of an air filter largely depends on its media, which is the fabric-like portion within the frame that supports it. Ideal filter media consists of a large number of fine fibers in a confined space, constructed as a non-woven fabric. This type of media captures particles through mechanical principles, ensuring efficiency for the entire service life of the filter.

Challenges with Electrostatically Charged Media

While electrostatically charged media can achieve high MERV ratings initially, they pose challenges in air filtration, especially for prolonged use. As ultrafine particles accumulate on the charged fibers, the attraction weakens, allowing smaller particles to pass through the filter. This efficiency drop-off is particularly concerning in healthcare facilities, where high-efficiency final filters target the smallest and most dangerous particles.

Addressing the Issue with MERV-A Values

To address the degradation of electrostatically charged filters, ASHRAE introduced Appendix J in 2007. This optional addition to the test introduces a conditioning step that negates any electrostatic charge present on the media, providing a more accurate reflection of how a filter will perform under real-life conditions. Filters should be selected based on their MERV-A values, particularly in healthcare applications.

Camfil’s Commitment to Quality

Camfil stands behind its published MERV-A ratings, guaranteeing that its filters will deliver the expected performance for their entire service life. This assurance is crucial for ensuring that the air we breathe is as clean and safe as possible.

In conclusion, understanding particulate air filtration and the role of MERV values is essential for maintaining indoor air quality. By choosing the right filters and being aware of the factors that affect their efficiency, we can protect our health and the environment. Be sure to watch Camfil’s informative video to learn more about this important topic.

The post Understanding Particulate Air Filtration: The Role of MERV Values in Ensuring Clean Air appeared first on Air Filters for Clean Air.

from Air Filters for Clean Air

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Crucial Role of Air Quality Control in EV Battery Production Plants

Automotive manufacturers are constantly striving to improve fuel economy by using a variety of cutting-edge technologies aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and achieving performance targets. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in model year 2023, the combined category of electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles produced for sale in the U.S. reached 12%, up from 7% in 2022. Industry experts predict that this upward growth trajectory will continue as EV production rises in the coming years. 

While EV progress is beneficial to reducing automotive emissions, the process of manufacturing EV batteries can generate harmful pollutants. Manufacturers must address air quality challenges to ensure they meet OSHA and EPA requirements and maintain proper cleanliness in manufacturing.

Air Quality Concerns in Lithium-ion Battery Cell Manufacturing 

The majority of electric vehicles are powered by lithium-ion batteries. These batteries are composed of highly hazardous substances. The cathode is usually made from a combination of lithium, nickel, manganese, and cobalt, while graphite is used for the anode. Lithium salt serves as the organic solvent. The active materials in the battery electrodes, like graphite or lithium cobalt dioxide, are processed in a powdered state, which can produce sub-micron airborne particles.

The production of lithium-ion battery cells involves several steps, including the coating of anodes and cathodes, slitting, stacking, assembling the battery cell and filling with electrolytes. These procedures must be performed in clean and humidity-regulated environments to safeguard the product and workers from airborne pollutants. Equipment and components must be in place to capture particles and smoke generated during these production phases. 

In addition, before lithium-ion battery packs can be used in vehicles or other applications, they must undergo and pass safety standard testing and approval. These processes involve electrical, mechanical, and thermal stress tests that could cause the battery to combust, emitting a significant amount of toxic smoke and particles. Again, it is necessary to have effective air filtration and dust/fume control systems in place to protect personnel and the facility. 

“Because some of the particulate and gases generated in the production process are potential health hazards, plants must meet OSHA, EPA, and NIOSH requirements for indoor air quality to protect employee health,” said Charles Barman, E-Mobility Segment Manager at Camfil. “Decision-makers in plant, operations and environmental health & safety, as well as facility design engineers, are key to specifying, acquiring, installing and maintaining the systems to ensure safe indoor air quality.”

Importance of Protecting Battery Processes and Products from Airborne Particle Contamination 

Different types of lithium-ion batteries employ different chemistries, leading to variations in performance, cost, and safety traits. Within a lithium-ion battery cell, separators are used to prevent contact between the anode and cathode, also known as the positive and negative poles. If a metallic particle breaches the separator, it could cause a short circuit.

Maintaining high air quality during manufacturing can mitigate this costly contamination, enhance production yield, and ensure the final product meets high-quality standards. In the case of lithium-ion battery cells, clean components make up 85% of the cost of materials used in the pack process. By minimizing contamination throughout the manufacturing stages, the yield can be significantly improved. Without proper control of contamination levels, the yield could potentially drop by 50%.

Particle contamination poses a significant challenge for lithium-ion battery manufacturers. Miniscule particles lodged between the interfaces of the electrode and separator have been linked to battery fires and explosions. Other consequences include poor performance, material defects, product recalls, and overheating.

The electrode-cutting stage, where the anode and cathode electrode layers are trimmed before rolling or stacking, is a major source of particle contamination. During this process, fragments of lithium, carbon and other electrode-coating materials tend to peel off from the edge.

To mitigate these risks, it’s imperative to implement effective measures such as air filtration or dust extraction to remove contaminants. Dust collectors play a crucial role in maintaining an ultra-clean environment that is essential for preventing defects and ensuring high-quality products. Operating continuously, dust collection systems use sophisticated filtration techniques to securely capture and contain airborne pollutants. They significantly reduce airborne particles and prevent dust from accumulating on surfaces, thereby minimizing the risk of contamination.

Dust Collection and Air Filtration Solutions for EV Battery Manufacturing

Lithium-ion battery cell manufacturing involves multiple stages conducted within clean and dry rooms, based on the airborne contaminants produced. It’s vital to capture, contain and capture these contaminants before they enter the ambient air. As manufacturers of EV batteries scale up production at existing facilities or establish new ones, they must plan for air filtration and dust collection. With its practical experience, comprehensive solutions, and wide range of products, Camfil is equipped to assist EV battery manufacturers with air filtration needs in all stages:

Dust collection 

Manufacturers of EV batteries use dust collection systems to safeguard workers from hazardous dust, prevent product contamination, keep harmful particles and fumes from settling on surfaces, and adhere to safety regulations and standards. Cartridge-style dust collectors operate by continuously pulling in large amounts of air to remove impurities produced during manufacturing processes. The polluted air enters the collector via a baffled inlet, passes through filters, and is captured in the filter media.

The filtered air is either redirected back into the facility or vented outside. Over time, the dust build-up on the filter media creates resistance and obstructs airflow. To resolve this problem, the system uses a pulse-cleaning technique that directs a surge of compressed air through the filter’s core to dislodge the dust and eject it into a hopper.

Dust collection systems need to be appropriately designed and tailored for each unique process and type of dust. Proper maintenance is crucial to prevent system failure and the release of trapped pollutants into the environment. Regular and correct filter replacement is essential. In some cases, a bag-in/bag-out (BIBO) system might be necessary for safe filter changes. This system not only safeguards maintenance staff from exposure but also prevents dust from re-entering the processing area. 

Camfil’s high-performance Gold Series dust collection system with high-efficiency filter cartridges is ideal for EV battery manufacturing facilities. High-efficiency filter cartridges are generally required in battery manufacturing applications that use specific filter media. For example, HemiPleat eXtreme filter cartridges, which use blended cellulose and polyester fiber media that is coated with nanofibers for superior dust release, are well-suited to capture dusts from all stages of the battery chemistry mixing and production process. 

Molecular air filtration 

Molecular filtration plays a significant role in maintaining ultra-clean indoor air quality in EV battery manufacturing facilities. Even the most advanced particle air filters can’t eliminate gases and vapors, as these are extremely small molecular pollutants. 

If not captured from the air, airborne molecules can cause a variety of issues, from unpleasant odors to decreased production yields, and damaged products and process equipment. Moreover, they can pose significant health effects.

Molecular filtration is an effective method of controlling harmful gas and vapor pollutants. Molecular filters are used in indoor recirculation systems to mitigate internally generated pollutants. They are also used in outdoor air systems (also known as make-up air systems) to prevent pollutants from entering the facility. 

Camfil molecular filters are designed to remove molecules, gases and vapors. These molecules are typically 1,000 to 10,000 times smaller than the particles that can pass through HEPA and ULPA filters. All Camfil molecular filters employ a process called adsorption, which essentially traps molecules onto a large surface area of filter media material, such as activated carbon or alumina. Molecular filters are often used in tandem with HEPA filters as part of a comprehensive air filtration system.

In addition, Camfil’s molecular air filtration products are tested according to ISO 10121, which provides test methods for determining the filtration efficiencies of molecular filter media and molecular air filters against different gases. Alternatively, they may be tested using ASHRAE 145.2, a laboratory test method for assessing the performance of gas-phase air cleaners and air cleaning devices. 

Air handling in EV facilities 

EV battery production facility operators must uphold stringent standards, including maintaining ultra-low humidity and clean room environments. If plant operators do not properly control humidity, it can cause defects, which as previously mentioned, can decrease product lifespan and performance, cause overheating, and even ignite in extreme cases. 

Manufacturers operating under strict quality requirements including clean rooms use HEPA and ULPA particle air filters in HVAC and air handling systems. HEPA, or high-efficiency particulate air filters, can capture a minimum of 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns. ULPA, or ultra-low penetration air filters, are even more efficient than HEPA filters and can capture a minimum of 99.9995 percent of airborne particles that are 0.12 microns or larger. 

Camfil’s Megalam high-efficiency, energy-saving HEPA and ULPA filter panels are specially made for turbulent and laminar airflow applications in high-tech cleanrooms, clean benches and clean air devices. Megalam air filters can capture 99.5% to 99.999995% of the most penetrating particle size (MPPS) of .1 to .3 microns. Particles of this size particle can penetrate further into filter media more than any other particulates. 

Economic and Environmental Impact: Cost Benefits of High-Quality Clean Air Systems

The energy cost necessary to maintain the clean and dry environment required for EV battery manufacturing significantly influences the overall manufacturing expenses. EV battery factories are typically expansive, ranging from 500,000 to 2 million square feet, and they recirculate 90-95% of the air. These factors contribute to substantial energy usage. Moreover, this high energy consumption adds to the facility’s total carbon footprint. Therefore, it’s essential to integrate systems and equipment that can help decrease energy consumption.

HVAC systems can constitute over half of a manufacturing facility’s total energy use, with air filters accounting for 30% of this consumption. By employing efficient dust collection and air filtration systems that use less energy and allow for cost-effective air recirculation, operators can reduce these expenses.

Selecting the optimum dust collection and air filtration systems requires a thorough evaluation by experienced air quality professionals. When it comes to buying dust collector filters and air filters, it’s important not to base the decision solely on the initial purchase prices, as these unique products have distinct lifetime operational costs. 

Instead, prioritize the total cost of ownership, which includes factors such as energy consumption, lifespan, maintenance requirements, disposal costs, and the overall impact on the dust collection or HVAC system. Understanding these aspects can result in significant long-term savings and more informed decision-making.

Prioritizing Indoor Air Quality in EV Battery Manufacturing

It’s vital to grasp the operational mechanics and the emissions produced by EV battery production machinery, which is often custom-built for this emerging industry. By comparing this information with the performance attributes of Camfil’s clean air solutions for EV battery plants, we can assess whether the entire process meets or surpasses local health, safety, and environmental regulations and standards. Just as crucial as this initial validation is the ongoing monitoring of the production process. The only way to guarantee that workplace exposure limits are not breached is to ensure that the machinery on the production lines and the extraction and ventilation systems are functioning correctly.

Camfil experts are on hand to assist EV battery plant operators, EHS personnel, design engineers, and other decision-makers protect their people, products, and equipment from harmful dust, fumes, vapors, and gases. 


¹ https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-report-us-fuel-economy-marks-new-record-high-co2-emissions-reach-record-lows-and

² https://www.camfil.com/en/insights/dust-fume-and-mist-extraction/emobility

³ https://www.camfil.com/en-us/industries/transportation/e-mobility-battery-cell-plants







The post The Crucial Role of Air Quality Control in EV Battery Production Plants appeared first on Air Filters for Clean Air.

from Air Filters for Clean Air

Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Importance of Molecular Air Filtration Using Carbon Filters in the U.S.: A Comprehensive Guide

How Camfil Carbon Filters Solve Air Quality Issues – Discover Camfil Carbon Filter Experts Near You

In the United States, air quality has become a significant concern, not only due to the increasing pollution levels but also because of the rising awareness about its impact on health, environment, and overall well-being. Molecular air filtration emerges as a critical solution in this scenario, offering a way to combat indoor air pollution effectively. This article delves into the various aspects of molecular air filtration, emphasizing its benefits, environmental impact, cost considerations, and the regulatory landscape in the U.S.

Molecular Filters Defined

Molecular air filtration uses specialized media like activated carbon to remove gaseous pollutants from the airstream. This is a process sometimes referred to as gas-phase filtration. Activated carbon is extremely adsorbent, causing gaseous particles to bond to the media’s surface as air flows through.

Harmful pollutants are adsorbed into the filter media, effectively removing them from the environment. Molecular filters capture pollutants that exist in a gaseous state at room temperature and are far too small to be captured by even the most efficient  HEPA and ULPA filters. The gaseous pollutants include:  

  • Nitrogen oxides
  • Ozone
  • Sulfur oxides
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Health Benefits

Molecular air filtration systems are designed to remove a wide range of airborne contaminants, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), toxic gasses, and odors. These systems work by adsorbing pollutants onto a filter medium, typically activated carbon. Still, there are other specialized materials capable of doing this as well such as alumina impregnated with potassium permanganate, thus preventing them from circulating in the indoor environment. The removal of these harmful substances can significantly improve indoor air quality, leading to numerous health benefits. Individuals may experience fewer respiratory issues, reduced allergy symptoms, and a lower risk of long-term health problems associated with exposure to indoor air pollutants.

Environmental Impact

Implementing molecular air filtration systems can also have a positive impact on the environment. Specialized molecular air filters are used to remove harmful f gaseous exhaust pollutants  generated by industrial processes.  

Additionally,  premium molecular air filters in 2024 are designed with the explicit goal of reducing environmental impact in three main ways: 

  • using materials that have a minimal environmental footprint
  • optimizing efficiency for decreased energy usage over the filter’s lifetime
  • being built to last so that replacement and disposal are less frequent

This approach not only helps in improving air quality but also supports broader environmental conservation efforts.

Cost Considerations

While the initial investment in a high-quality molecular air filtration system may seem substantial, it is essential to consider the long-term savings and health benefits. High-quality air filters can lead to reduced healthcare costs by preventing diseases related to poor air quality. Additionally,  selecting filters that offer the best combination of efficiency, capacity and pressure drop will provide the best overall lifetime costs of clean air solutions, including energy consumption, maintenance, and replacement costs. Regulations and Standards

In the U.S., air quality standards and regulations play a crucial role in guiding the implementation and maintenance of air filtration systems. Organizations such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) have established guidelines and standards to ensure that air filtration systems meet specific performance criteria. Compliance with these regulations not only ensures the effectiveness of air filtration systems but also protects public health and safety.

Molecular air filtration represents a vital tool in the quest for cleaner, healthier indoor environments. By understanding the health benefits, environmental impact, cost considerations, and regulatory requirements, individuals and organizations in the U.S. can make informed decisions about implementing these systems. As awareness of air quality issues continues to grow, molecular air filtration will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in safeguarding health and promoting sustainability.

How Camfil’s Molecular Carbon Filters Solve Air Quality Issues

Camfil, a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, has developed a comprehensive range of molecular air filtration systems designed to address various air quality challenges. These systems are particularly effective in removing harmful contaminants from the air, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), toxic gasses, and odors. Here’s how Camfil carbon filters tackle air quality issues across different applications:

1. Diverse Product Families for Varied Needs

Camfil’s molecular air filtration solutions are categorized into three major product families, each tailored to specific requirements:

  • Light-Duty Comfort Air Applications (e.g., City Family): Ideal for improving indoor air quality in residential and commercial settings by removing common pollutants and odors, enhancing comfort and health.
  • Medium to Heavy Duty Applications (e.g., CamCarb): These filters are designed for more demanding environments where higher concentrations of gasses and odors are present. They are suitable for airports, helipads and areas with significant outdoor pollution.

 Heavy-Duty Applications (e.g., ProCarb): Also known as deep bed scrubbers, these are used in scenarios where airflow and or gas concentrations are very high, gasses are highly toxic or corrosive and/or high removal efficiency is required. They are suitable for industrial applications involving toxic gases like toluene diisocyanate (TDI) or for protecting electronic equipment from corrosive gases such as hydrogen sulfide.

2. Combination Air Filters for Dual Filtration Some of Camfil’s air filters, including V-bank rigid style filters, bag filters,and pleated filters, perform both particulate air filtration and molecular air filtration. This dual functionality ensures that both particulate matter and gases are effectively removed from the air, providing comprehensive air quality improvement in a single stage of filtration.

3. High Removal Efficiency for Industrial Applications

For industrial applications where gas concentrations are extremely high, Camfil’s deep bed air filters provide high removal efficiency. This is crucial in applications like hydrogen sulfide odor at wastewater treatment plants or process gas exhaust from memory foam mattress manufacturing, where achieving near-zero concentration at the outlet is essential for safety and compliance.

4. Asset Protection from Corrosive Gases

Control and electric rooms of wastewater treatment plants, pulp mills and oil and gas refineries as well as data centers and museum and archive artifacts are susceptible to corrosion due to process and traffic gases being drawn into the space. Molecular filters effectively remove these gases to meet equipment warranty guidelines and cultural heritage asset protection standards. 

5. Customizable Solutions for Specific Needs

Using data from its unique ISO10121 test rigs and proprietary simulation software, Camfil offers customizable solutions, such as the CamCarb and ProCarb lines, where the media can be filled in various filter shapes like cylinders, cassettes, trays or beds. This flexibility allows for tailored air filtration solutions to meet efficiency, capacity, energy consumption and lifetime requirements.

6. Expert Consultation for Optimal Performance

Camfil emphasizes the importance of consulting with air filtration experts to determine the best solution for each specific application. Their experts can advise on the most suitable filter type, media volume, and structure to ensure efficient air filtration, energy savings, and cost reduction.

Camfil Carbon Filter Experts Near You

For those seeking expert advice and solutions for air quality issues, Camfil has a network of exclusive independent distributors and representatives as well as company-owned branches across the United States staffed with knowledgeable carbon filter experts. Whether you’re looking for a consultation, installation, or service for your air filtration system, you can find a Camfil expert on our Contact Locator page or at the following locations:

  • Camfil Air Filters Addison, IL
  • Camfil Air Filters Austin, TX
  • Camfil Air Filters Birmingham, AL
  • Camfil Air Filters Carolinas, (SC/NC)
  • Camfil Air Filters Colorado Springs, CO
  • Camfil Air Filters Dallas, TX
  • Camfil Air Filters Denver, CO
  • Camfil Air Filters Houston, TX
  • Camfil Air Filters Kalamazoo, MI
  • Camfil Air Filters Livonia, IL
  • Camfil Air Filters Los Angeles, CA
  • Camfil Air Filters Minneapolis, MN
  • Camfil Air Filters Nashville, TN
  • Camfil Air Filters Peoria, IL
  • Camfil Air Filters Phoenix, AZ
  • Camfil Air Filters Portland, OR
  • Camfil Air Filters Puerto Rico
  • Camfil Air Filters Sacramento, CA
  • Camfil Air Filters Salt Lake City, UT
  • Camfil Air Filters Santa Clara, CA
  • Camfil Air Filters Syracuse, NY
  • Camfil Air Filters Tulsa, OK

Each of these locations is equipped to provide the high-quality service and expertise for which Camfil is known. 

To learn more from a Camfil molecular expert near you, simply reach out to the branch location in your area or submit a request via our Contact Us page. With Camfil’s extensive network and expertise, you can ensure that your air filtration needs are met with the highest standards of quality and efficiency.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. We firmly believe that the best solutions for our customers are the best solutions for our planet, too. That’s why every step of the way – from design to delivery and across the product life cycle – we consider the impact of what we do on people and on the world around us. Through a fresh approach to problem-solving, innovative design, precise process control, and a strong customer focus we aim to conserve more, use less and find better ways – so we can all breathe easier.

The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and has 30​ manufacturing sites, six R&D centers, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and about 5,600 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil USA can help you to protect people, processes and the environment, visit us at www.camfil.us/ 




Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 

E: Lynne.Laake@camfil.com

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T: Follow Camfil USA on Twitter 

Y: Watch Camfil Videos on YouTube

L: Follow our LinkedIn Page

The post The Importance of Molecular Air Filtration Using Carbon Filters in the U.S.: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Air Filters for Clean Air.

from Air Filters for Clean Air

Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Importance of Timely Air Filter Changes in Commercial Office Buildings: How to Select the Ideal Changeout Schedule

Maintaining optimal indoor air quality is essential for the health and well-being of occupants in commercial office buildings. Air filters play a critical role in this process by trapping dust, pollen, and other airborne particles. The importance of changing these air filters at the right time cannot be overstated, as it affects not only the air quality but also the efficiency and longevity of the HVAC system.

Why Change Filters on Time?

Changing air filters on time is pivotal for several compelling reasons related to filter efficiency and operational costs:

  • Maintaining Good Air Quality. Air filters cannot perform effectively if they are already full of dust and debris. Unfiltered air will bypass around the filter and leave the building’s occupants unprotected.  
  • Energy Efficiency. A clogged or dirty air filter increases the resistance to airflow (pressure drop) and causes the fan to speed up in order to maintain airflow. This leads to higher energy usage. Timely filter changes ensure that the system operates at peak efficiency, keeping energy costs low.
  • Return on Investment. Maximizing the use of a filter for the price paid is important. Filters should remain in the system as long as they are removing particles from the air while flowing the proper amount of clean air into the space. This ensures a good return on investment.
  • System Protection. Overused filters can create bypass situations where unfiltered air finds its way around the filter and into the space. Worse, the filter can completely collapse under the strain and be sucked into the coils or fan, potentially causing expensive damage to the HVAC system. When serious damage to the HVAC system occurs, building shutdowns are sometimes warranted during repairs, further raising the overall cost of such damage. Determining the optimum changeout time prevents such issues.
  • Labor Reallocation. Optimizing the filter change schedule allows for flexibility to schedule changes during milder temperatures and weather conditions. Quarterly changes, when done for no valid reason, force work to be done in the coldest months with dangerous snow and ice present or during the challenges from the high temperatures of summer.  Optimizing changeout schedules also allows the facility to reallocate these unnecessary labor hours to other far more valuable tasks.  

WATCH: How To Properly Procure Air Filters | Camfil USA 

Common Contaminants in Office Environments

Office environments are susceptible to various unexpected air pollutants, such as: 

  • Chemical residue from cleaning. Cleaning chemicals, such as bleach, can significantly contribute to indoor air pollution in indoor spaces. Air fresheners also worsen air quality in confined areas with poor ventilation.
  • Outdoor sources. Outdoor pollution can seep into buildings and get trapped due to inadequate ventilation. This is common in areas with high pollution levels, like near busy roads or in polluted cities. Pollutants enter indoors through doors, windows, and even on people’s clothes.
  • Printers, copier machines, and other office equipment. Large ink-consuming machines or equipment can emit significant volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Additionally, shredder machines and other office equipment are significant sources of paper dust. 
  • Shared occupancy spaces. Office buildings often lease space to reduce costs. Some tenants handle chemicals like paint, polluting the air and affecting occupants’ health. Insufficient air filtration and ventilation can pose a significant health risk to everyone in the building.
  • Furniture and furnishings. New furniture often releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like formaldehyde into indoor spaces, a common occurrence. This is particularly prevalent with inexpensive or mass-produced furniture.
  • Building inhabitants. Office workers can introduce indoor pollutants such as pollen, dust, pet dander, and other particles on their clothing. Additionally, humans shed about 40,000 skin cells per minute, leading to dust buildup throughout the day. Breathing adds moisture to the air, which if not controlled, can create discomfort and promote mold and mildew growth.

Determining the Optimal Changing Point

One method to determine the optimal time to change a filter is to use a differential pressure gauge to measure the pressure drop — the difference in airflow pressure on either side of the filter. Generally, when the initial pressure drop has doubled, this is a reliable indication that it’s time for a filter changeout in a commercial HVAC system. Once this point has been reached, the high energy usage caused by airflow resistance will cost significantly more than labor and purchasing costs for changing the air filter. 

Cheap panel filters with high initial pressure drops often become ineffective and need to be replaced more frequently than the standard three-month change schedule, while high-quality panel filters can maintain rated efficiency while maintaining a low-pressure drop, therefore protecting the health of building occupants and the integrity of HVAC and other sensitive equipment for up to a year. 

Ultimately, the appropriate air filter changeout schedule for a commercial building will vary widely depending on specifics such as air pollution concentrations and filter quality. Consult an HVAC specialist for assistance in determining an optimal filter changeout schedule.

Camfil’s Resources and Expert Advice

Camfil provides a wealth of resources on filtration principles, industry-specific solutions, and practical tips for filter maintenance. Their expertise can guide building managers in maintaining healthy indoor air quality and efficient HVAC system operation. 

Find case studies, tips from industry experts, and more at:  www.camfil.us 

Final Takeaway 

Selecting the optimal time for air filter changes is crucial for maintaining healthy indoor air quality and cost-efficient HVAC system operation in commercial office buildings. By adhering to expert advice and best practices, such as those provided by Camfil, building managers can create a safer and more comfortable environment for occupants while saving on energy costs. Regular maintenance, understanding the types of contaminants, and using the right tools to determine when to change filters are all part of a comprehensive approach to indoor air quality management.

About Camfil Clean Air Solutions

For more than half a century, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. We firmly believe that the best solutions for our customers are the best solutions for our planet, too. That’s why every step of the way – from design to delivery and across the product life cycle – we consider the impact of what we do on people and on the world around us. Through a fresh approach to problem-solving, innovative design, precise process control, and a strong customer focus we aim to conserve more, use less, and find better ways – so we can all breathe easier.


The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and has 30​ manufacturing sites, six R&D centers, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and about 5,600 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil USA can help you to protect people, processes and the environment, visit us at www.camfil.us/ 




Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 

E: Lynne.Laake@camfil.com

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from Air Filters for Clean Air